protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { CurItemsName.Value = "CurItems"; if (Request.QueryString["Type"] != null) { CurItemsName.Value = "BuyItems"; ReportType.Value = Request.QueryString["Type"]; this.Title = "CPR Buy Front End"; lblParentMenuName.Text = "CPR Buy Report Item Selection"; } RunByLabel.Text = Session["UserName"].ToString(); dt = cpr.GetVMIDDL().Tables[0]; VMIContractDDL.DataSource = dt.DefaultView.ToTable(); VMIContractDDL.DataBind(); BindStaticLists(); StaticListsGrid.Visible = false; BindExceptionLists(); ExceptionListsGrid.Visible = false; BindListTypeDDL(); SingleItemNo.Focus(); if (Session[CurItemsName.Value] != null) { try { dt = (DataTable)Session[CurItemsName.Value]; //DataView dv = new DataView(dt); ReportItemsGrid.DataSource = dt; ReportItemsGrid.DataBind(); ItemCountLabel.Text = ReportItemsGrid.Rows.Count.ToString(); Static.Checked = true; Single.Checked = false; Excel.Checked = false; } catch { }; } } else { ScriptManager1.AsyncPostBackTimeout = 1200; } }
protected void RunReportButt_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { ClearPageMessages(); Boolean ReportOK = false; if (Single.Checked) { if (SingleItemNo.Text != "") { dt = cpr.LoadCurrentItems(CurItemKey(), SingleItemNo.Text).Tables[0]; Session[CurItemsName.Value] = null; Session[CurItemsName.Value] = dt; ReportOK = true; } else { lblErrorMessage.Text = " A Single Item number is required or there must a Items to Report"; SingleItemNo.Focus(); return; } } if (CreateStaticList.Checked) { if (NewStaticListName.Text != "") { cpr.CreateStaticList(Session["UserName"].ToString(), NewStaticListName.Text, ReportItemsGrid); BindListTypeDDL(); BindStaticLists(); } else { lblErrorMessage.Text = "Static List name is required"; NewStaticListName.Focus(); return; } } if (!Single.Checked) { if (ReportItemsGrid.Rows.Count > 0) { cpr.LoadCurrentItems(CurItemKey(), ReportItemsGrid); ReportOK = true; } else { lblErrorMessage.Text = "There are no Items to Report"; NewStaticListName.Focus(); return; } } if (ReportOK) { Session["VMIRun"] = VMI.Checked; Session["VMIContractCode"] = VMIContractDDL.SelectedValue.ToString(); string NextPage = "ReportPrompts.aspx"; if (ReportType.Value == "Buy") { NextPage = "ReportPrompts.aspx?Type=Buy"; } Server.Transfer(NextPage); } }