public void TestAddSingleField_Stored() { SingleField field = null; float value = 123.456f; var stored = Field.Store.YES; AssertDocumentExtensionAddsToDocument(document => field = document.AddSingleField("theName", value, stored)); Assert.AreEqual("theName", field.Name); Assert.AreEqual(value, field.GetSingleValueOrDefault(), 0.0000001f); // We don't really care about precision, just checking to see if the value got passed through Assert.AreSame(SingleField.TYPE_STORED, field.FieldType); }
public void TestAddSingleField_FieldType() { SingleField field = null; float value = 123.456f; var fieldType = new FieldType { IsIndexed = true, IsTokenized = true, OmitNorms = false, IndexOptions = IndexOptions.DOCS_ONLY, NumericType = NumericType.SINGLE, IsStored = true }.Freeze(); AssertDocumentExtensionAddsToDocument(document => field = document.AddSingleField("theName", value, fieldType)); Assert.AreEqual("theName", field.Name); Assert.AreEqual(value, field.GetSingleValueOrDefault(), 0.0000001f); // We don't really care about precision, just checking to see if the value got passed through Assert.AreSame(fieldType, field.FieldType); }