public async Task <(bool, string)> SendResetPasswordEmail(ApplicationUser currentUser, string url) { try { string subject = "Reset Password"; SingleEmailDto emailDto = new SingleEmailDto() { ReceiverEmailAddress = currentUser.Email, ReceiverFullName = currentUser.FullName, HtmlContent = await sender.FormatEmail(currentUser.FirstName, url) }; if (emailDto.HtmlContent == null) { emailDto.HtmlContent = url; } var res = await sender.SendToSingleEmployee(subject, emailDto); if (res == HttpStatusCode.Accepted) { return(true, res.ToString()); } else { return(false, res.ToString()); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public async Task <HttpStatusCode> SendMultipleEmail(string subject, string employeeName, EmailDtoForMultiple emailDtos, string message, string title) { try { var emails = emailDtos.EmailObjects.Select(x => new EmailAddress(x.ReceiverEmailAddress, x.ReceiverFullName)).ToList(); string url = ""; emails.Add(new EmailAddress("[email protected] ", "Nwabugwu Akomas")); foreach (var item in emails) { SingleEmailDto singleEmail = new SingleEmailDto() { PlainTextContent = emailDtos.PlainTextContent, HtmlContent = await FormatEmail(employeeName, item.Name, message, title, url), ReceiverEmailAddress = item.Email, ReceiverFullName = item.Name }; if (singleEmail.HtmlContent == null) { singleEmail.HtmlContent = @$ "<p>{employeeName} has added you as a supervisor, kindly login to resourceedge and approve his EPA.</p>"; } await dispatcher.SendSingleEmail(subject, singleEmail); } return(HttpStatusCode.OK); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public async Task <HttpStatusCode> SendSingleEmail(string subject, SingleEmailDto emailDto) { EmailAddress email = new EmailAddress(emailDto.ReceiverEmailAddress, emailDto.ReceiverFullName); var msg = MailHelper.CreateSingleEmail(client.From, email, subject, emailDto.PlainTextContent, emailDto.HtmlContent); var ser = msg.Serialize(); var res = await client.GridClient.SendEmailAsync(msg); return(res.StatusCode); }
public async Task <UpdateResult> HodApprovalOrReject(ObjectId appraisalResultId, AcceptanceStatus status) { var filter = Builders <AppraisalResult> .Filter.Eq("Id", appraisalResultId); var appraisalResult = Collection.Find(filter).FirstOrDefault(); var employee = await resultAreaRepo.GetEmployee(appraisalResult.KeyResultArea.EmployeeId); string subject = $"Pending Approval"; string msg = $"who is your HOD has completed your appraisal for the key result area {appraisalResult.KeyResultArea.Name}, You are to accept or reject it"; string title = "Approval For Approval"; string url = ""; if (appraisalResult != null) { appraisalResult.HodAccept = new AcceptanceStatus() { IsAccepted = status.IsAccepted.Value }; var newAppraisalResult = appraisalResult.HodApproval(status.Reason); var entityToUpdate = newAppraisalResult.ToBsonDocument(); var update = new BsonDocument("$set", entityToUpdate); SingleEmailDto emailDto = new SingleEmailDto() { ReceiverFullName = employee.FullName, ReceiverEmailAddress = employee.Email, HtmlContent = await sender.FormatEmail(appraisalResult.KeyResultArea.HodDetails.Name, employee.FullName, msg, title, url), }; var res = await Collection.UpdateOneAsync(filter, update); if (res.MatchedCount > 0) { await sender.SendToSingleEmployee(subject, emailDto); } return(res); } return(null); }
public async Task <HttpStatusCode> SendToSingleEmployee(string Subject, SingleEmailDto singleEmail) { return(await dispatcher.SendSingleEmail(Subject, singleEmail)); }
public async Task <(bool, string)> SubmitAppraisal(int empId, IEnumerable <AppraisalResultForCreationDto> entities) { var employee = await resultAreaRepo.GetEmployee(entities.FirstOrDefault().myId); string title = "Appraise"; string msg = $"has successfully appraised self. Kindly login to the portal and appraise him/her. <br /> Thank you.</p>"; string url = ""; string subject = ""; List <SingleEmailDto> emailDto = new List <SingleEmailDto>(); SingleEmailDto email = new SingleEmailDto(); if (employee != null) { subject = $"Appraise {employee.FullName}"; try { foreach (var entity in entities) { var keyResultArea = GetOnlyApplicableKeyoutcomesForAppraisal(entity.KeyResultAreaId, empId, entity.KeyOutcomeScore.Select(x => x.KeyOutcomeId.ToString()).ToList()).FirstOrDefault(); if (keyResultArea == null) { return(false, "No Key Result Area Found, Invalid Key result area Id"); } //var keyResultArea = await resultAreaRepo.QuerySingle(entity.KeyResultAreaId); if (entity.whoami == null) { var myAppraisal = mapper.Map <AppraisalResult>(entity); myAppraisal.NextAppraisee = "Appraiser"; myAppraisal.EmployeeAccept.IsAccepted = true; myAppraisal.KeyResultArea = keyResultArea; var average = myAppraisal.KeyOutcomeScore.Average(x => x.EmployeeScore.Value); myAppraisal.EmployeeCalculation.ScoreTotal = myAppraisal.KeyOutcomeScore.Sum(x => x.EmployeeScore).Value; myAppraisal.EmployeeCalculation.Average = average; myAppraisal.EmployeeCalculation.WeightContribution = (average * (Convert.ToDouble(myAppraisal.KeyResultArea.Weight)) / 100); this.InsertResult(myAppraisal); email.ReceiverFullName = keyResultArea.AppraiserDetails.Name; email.ReceiverEmailAddress = keyResultArea.AppraiserDetails.Email; email.HtmlContent = await sender.FormatEmail(employee.FullName, keyResultArea.AppraiserDetails.Name, msg, title, url); if (email.HtmlContent == null) { email.HtmlContent = @$ "<b>Dear {myAppraisal.KeyResultArea.AppraiserDetails.Name},</b> <br /> <p>{employee.FullName} has successfully appraised self. Kindly login to the portal and appraise him/her.<br /><br /> Thank you.</p>"; } emailDto.Add(email); } } } catch (Exception ex) { return(false, "Oops something went wrong"); } finally { var emailDtos = AppraisalResultExtension.FormatEmailForAppraisal(emailDto); if (emailDtos.Any()) { emailDtos.ForEach(async e => await sender.SendToSingleEmployee(subject, e)); } } } return(true, "Appraisal Submitted Successfull"); }
public async Task <bool> AppraiseEmployee(int empId, IEnumerable <AppraisalResultForCreationDto> entities) { var employee = await resultAreaRepo.GetEmployee(empId); string title = "Appraised Done"; string subject = ""; string msg = $"has successfully appraised self. Kindly login to the portal and appraise him/her. <br /> Thank you.</p>"; string url = ""; List <SingleEmailDto> emailDto = new List <SingleEmailDto>(); SingleEmailDto email = new SingleEmailDto(); if (employee != null) { try { foreach (var entity in entities) { var filter = Builders <AppraisalResult> .Filter.Where(a => a.myId == empId && a.AppraisalConfigId == entity.AppraisalConfigId && a.AppraisalCycleId == entity.AppraisalCycleId && a.KeyResultArea.Id == entity.KeyResultAreaId); var result = Collection.Find(filter).FirstOrDefault(); if (result == null) { return(false); } if (entity.whoami == "APPRAISER") { if (result.NextAppraisee == "Hod") { continue; } result.AppraiseeFeedBack = entity.AppraiseeFeedBack; result.NextAppraisee = "Hod"; result.IsAccepted = true; foreach (var item in entity.KeyOutcomeScore) { if (result.KeyOutcomeScore.Any(a => a.KeyOutcomeId == item.KeyOutcomeId)) { foreach (var item1 in result.KeyOutcomeScore) { if (item.KeyOutcomeId == item1.KeyOutcomeId) { result.KeyOutcomeScore.FirstOrDefault(x => x.KeyOutcomeId == item1.KeyOutcomeId).AppraisalScore = item.EmployeeScore; } } } } var average = result.KeyOutcomeScore.Average(x => x.AppraisalScore.Value); result.AppraiseeCalculation.ScoreTotal = result.KeyOutcomeScore.Sum(x => x.AppraisalScore.Value); result.AppraiseeCalculation.Average = average; result.AppraiseeCalculation.WeightContribution = (average * (Convert.ToDouble(result.KeyResultArea.Weight) / 100)); if (result.KeyResultArea.HodDetails.EmployeeId == result.KeyResultArea.AppraiserDetails.EmployeeId) { result.HodAccept.IsAccepted = true; result = result.HodApproval(""); result.FinalCalculation.ScoreTotal = result.KeyOutcomeScore.Sum(x => x.AppraisalScore.Value); result.FinalCalculation.Average = average; result.FinalCalculation.WeightContribution = (average * (Convert.ToDouble(result.KeyResultArea.Weight) / 100)); } var entityToUpdate = result.ToBsonDocument(); var update = new BsonDocument("$set", entityToUpdate); Collection.FindOneAndUpdate(filter, update, options: new FindOneAndUpdateOptions <AppraisalResult> { ReturnDocument = ReturnDocument.After }); email.ReceiverFullName = result.KeyResultArea.Name; email.ReceiverEmailAddress = result.KeyResultArea.HodDetails.Email; email.HtmlContent = await sender.FormatEmail(employee.FullName, result.KeyResultArea.HodDetails.Name, msg, title, url); if (email.HtmlContent == null) { email.HtmlContent = @$ "<b>Dear {result.KeyResultArea.HodDetails.Name},</b> <br /> <br /> <p>{result.KeyResultArea.AppraiserDetails.Name} has successfully appraised {employee.FullName}. Kindly login to the portal and review. <br /><br /> Thank you.</p>"; } emailDto.Add(email); } else if (entity.whoami == "HOD") { if (result.NextAppraisee == "Done") { continue; } foreach (var item in entity.KeyOutcomeScore) { if (result.KeyOutcomeScore.Any(a => a.KeyOutcomeId == item.KeyOutcomeId)) { foreach (var item1 in result.KeyOutcomeScore) { if (item.KeyOutcomeId == item1.KeyOutcomeId) { result.KeyOutcomeScore.FirstOrDefault(x => x.KeyOutcomeId == item1.KeyOutcomeId).HodScore = item.EmployeeScore; } } } } result.AppraiseeFeedBack = entity.AppraiseeFeedBack; result.HodAccept.IsAccepted = true; var average = result.KeyOutcomeScore.Average(x => x.HodScore.Value); result.FinalCalculation.ScoreTotal = result.KeyOutcomeScore.Sum(x => x.HodScore.Value); result.FinalCalculation.Average = average; result.FinalCalculation.WeightContribution = (average * (Convert.ToDouble(result.KeyResultArea.Weight)) / 100); var newAppraisalResult = result.HodApproval(""); var entityToUpdate = newAppraisalResult.ToBsonDocument(); var update = new BsonDocument("$set", entityToUpdate); Collection.FindOneAndUpdate(filter, update, options: new FindOneAndUpdateOptions <AppraisalResult> { ReturnDocument = ReturnDocument.After }); msg = $"who is your HOD has completed your appraisal for the key result area {result.KeyResultArea.Name}, You are to accept or reject it"; email.ReceiverFullName = employee.FullName; email.ReceiverEmailAddress = employee.Email; email.HtmlContent = await sender.FormatEmail(result.KeyResultArea.HodDetails.Name, employee.FullName, msg, title, url); if (email.HtmlContent == null) { email.HtmlContent = @$ "<b>Dear {employee.FullName},</b> <br /> <br /> <p>{result.KeyResultArea.AppraiserDetails.Name} has successfully appraised you. Kindly login to the portal and View. <br /> Thank you.</p>"; } emailDto.Add(email); } } } catch (Exception) { return(false); } finally { var emailDtos = AppraisalResultExtension.FormatEmailForAppraisal(emailDto); if (emailDtos.Any()) { emailDtos.ForEach(async e => await sender.SendToSingleEmployee(subject, e)); } } } return(true); }