예제 #1
        public override void InitData(SimulatorData data)

            // Create ODE world.
            //world = new World();
            world = Tao.Ode.Ode.dWorldCreate();

            // Set default gravity.
            Gravity = Defaults.Gravity;

            // Create the root ODE space.
            if (data.UseOctreeInsteadHash)
                //space = new QuadTreeSpace(data.worldCenter, data.worldSize, data.octreeDepth);
                space = Tao.Ode.Ode.dQuadTreeSpaceCreate(IntPtr.Zero, OdeHelper.ToOdeVector3(data.WorldCenter), OdeHelper.ToOdeVector3(data.WorldSize), data.OctreeDepth);
                space = Tao.Ode.Ode.dHashSpaceCreate(IntPtr.Zero);
                Tao.Ode.Ode.dHashSpaceSetLevels(space, data.HashMinLevel, data.HashMaxLevel);                 // (KleMiX) ...

            //space.Collider = OdeHelper.CollisionCallback;

            rootSpace = new OdeSpace(space);

            // Create the ODE contact joint group.
            //contactJointGroup = new ODE.Joints.JointGroup();
            contactJointGroup = Tao.Ode.Ode.dJointGroupCreate(0);

            // Set the ODE global CFM value that will be used by all Joints
            // (including contacts).  This affects normal Joint constraint
            // operation and Joint limits.  The user cannot adjust CFM, but
            // they can adjust ERP (a.k.a. bounciness/restitution) for materials
            // (i.e. contact settings) and Joint limits.
            //dWorldSetCFM( mWorldID, Defaults.Ode.globalCFM );
            //world.CFM = Defaults.Ode.globalCFM;
            Tao.Ode.Ode.dWorldSetCFM(world, Defaults.Ode.GlobalCFM);

            // Set the ODE global ERP value.  This will only be used for Joints
            // under normal conditions, not at their limits.  Also, it will not
            // affect contacts at all since they use material properties to
            // calculate ERP.
            //dWorldSetERP( mWorldID, ( real ) 0.5 * ( defaults::ode::maxERP +defaults::ode::minERP ) );
            //world.ERP = 0.5f * (Defaults.Ode.maxERP + Defaults.Ode.minERP);
            Tao.Ode.Ode.dWorldSetERP(world, 0.5f * (Defaults.Ode.MaxERP + Defaults.Ode.MinERP));
            Tao.Ode.Ode.dWorldSetContactSurfaceLayer(world, Defaults.Ode.SurfaceLayer);

            SolverAccuracy = Defaults.SolverAccuracy;
            collisionCount = 0;
            // "mRaycastResult" is initialized in its own constructor.
            sensorSolid     = null;
            rayContactGroup = Defaults.Shape.ContactGroup;
예제 #2
        public async Task Run()
            // runs loop to send telemetry

            // set up a callback for connection status change

            // set up callback for Desired Property update (Settings/Properties in IoT Central)
            await _client.SetDesiredPropertyUpdateCallbackAsync(OnDesiredPropertyChangedAsync, null).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // set up callback for Methond (Command in IoT Central)
            await _client.SetMethodHandlerAsync("displayMessage", DisplayMessage, null).ConfigureAwait(false);

            Twin twin = await _client.GetTwinAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            Console.WriteLine("\r\nDevice Twin received:");

            // Properties in IoT Central looks like this
            //   "properties": {
            //    "desired": {
            //      "isCelsius": {
            //        "value": true
            //      },
            //      "$version": 2
            //    },

            if (twin.Properties.Desired.Contains("isCelsius") && twin.Properties.Desired["isCelsius"]["value"] != null)
                _bCelsius = twin.Properties.Desired["isCelsius"]["value"];

                // update reported properties to keep UI and device state in synch
                TwinCollection twinValue = new TwinCollection();
                twinValue["desiredVersion"] = twin.Properties.Desired["$version"];
                twinValue["statusCode"]     = 200;
                twinValue["value"]          = _bCelsius;

                TwinCollection reportedProperties = new TwinCollection();
                reportedProperties["isCelsius"] = twinValue;

                await _client.UpdateReportedPropertiesAsync(reportedProperties).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (_hasSenseHat)
                // read sensor data from SenseHat
                using (var settings = RTIMUSettings.CreateDefault())
                    using (var imu = settings.CreateIMU())
                        using (var humidity = settings.CreateHumidity())
                            using (var pressure = settings.CreatePressure())
                                while (true)
                                    var imuData            = imu.GetData();
                                    var humidityReadResult = humidity.Read();

                                    if (humidityReadResult.HumidityValid && humidityReadResult.TemperatureValid)
                                        string buffer;
                                        // format telemetry based on settings from Cloud
                                        if (_bCelsius)
                                            buffer = $"{{\"humidity\":{humidityReadResult.Humidity:F2},\"tempC\":{humidityReadResult.Temperatur:F2}}}";
                                            double fahrenheit = (humidityReadResult.Temperatur * 9 / 5) + 32;
                                            buffer = $"{{\"humidity\":{humidityReadResult.Humidity:F2},\"tempF\":{fahrenheit:F2}}}";

                                        using (var telemetryMessage = new Message(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(buffer)))
                                            Console.WriteLine($"Message Out : {buffer}");
                                            await _client.SendEventAsync(telemetryMessage).ConfigureAwait(false);
                                        Console.WriteLine("Err : Sensor data not valid");

                                    await Task.Delay(3 * 1000);
                // simulate sensor date
                string buffer;
                var    simulatorData = new SimulatorData
                    TempCMax    = 36,
                    HumidityMax = 100,
                    TempC       = 30,
                    Humidity    = 40,

                while (true)
                    if (simulatorData.TempC > simulatorData.TempCMax)
                        simulatorData.TempC += Rnd.NextDouble() - 0.5; // add value between [-0.5..0.5]
                        simulatorData.TempC += -0.25 + (Rnd.NextDouble() * 1.5); // add value between [-0.25..1.25] - average +0.5

                    if (simulatorData.Humidity > simulatorData.HumidityMax)
                        simulatorData.Humidity += Rnd.NextDouble() - 0.5; // add value between [-0.5..0.5]
                        simulatorData.Humidity += -0.25 + (Rnd.NextDouble() * 1.5); // add value between [-0.25..1.25] - average +0.5

                    // format telemetry based on settings from Cloud
                    if (_bCelsius)
                        buffer = $"{{\"humidity\":{simulatorData.Humidity:F2},\"tempC\":{simulatorData.TempC:F2}}}";
                        double fahrenheit = (simulatorData.TempC * 9 / 5) + 32;
                        buffer = $"{{\"humidity\":{simulatorData.Humidity:F2},\"tempF\":{fahrenheit:F2}}}";

                    using (var telemetryMessage = new Message(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(buffer)))
                        Console.WriteLine($"Message Out : {buffer}");
                        await _client.SendEventAsync(telemetryMessage).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    await Task.Delay(3 * 1000);
예제 #3
        void FindSimulator()
            string simulator_devicetype;
            string simulator_runtime;

            switch (Harness.Target)
            case "ios-simulator-32":
                simulator_devicetype = "com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPhone-5";
                simulator_runtime    = "com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.iOS-" + Xamarin.SdkVersions.iOS.Replace('.', '-');

            case "ios-simulator-64":
                simulator_devicetype = "com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPhone-5s";
                simulator_runtime    = "com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.iOS-" + Xamarin.SdkVersions.iOS.Replace('.', '-');

            case "ios-simulator":
                simulator_devicetype = "com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPhone-4s";
                simulator_runtime    = "com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.iOS-" + Xamarin.SdkVersions.iOS.Replace('.', '-');

            case "tvos-simulator":
                simulator_devicetype = "com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.Apple-TV-1080p";
                simulator_runtime    = "com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.tvOS-" + Xamarin.SdkVersions.TVOS.Replace('.', '-');

            case "watchos-simulator":
                simulator_devicetype = "com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.Apple-Watch-38mm";
                simulator_runtime    = "com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.watchOS-" + Xamarin.SdkVersions.WatchOS.Replace('.', '-');

                throw new Exception(string.Format("Unknown simulator target: {0}", Harness.Target));

            var tmpfile = Path.GetTempFileName();

            try {
                ExecuteCommand(Harness.MlaunchPath, string.Format("--sdkroot {0} --listsim {1}", Harness.XcodeRoot, tmpfile), output_verbosity_level: 1);
                simulator_data = new XmlDocument();
                SimulatorData candidate = null;
                simulators = null;
                foreach (XmlNode sim in simulator_data.SelectNodes("/MTouch/Simulator/AvailableDevices/SimDevice"))
                    var data = new SimulatorData {
                        Node = sim
                    if (data.runtime == simulator_runtime && data.devicetype == simulator_devicetype)
                        var udid          = data.udid;
                        var secondaryData = (SimulatorData)null;
                        var nodeCompanion = simulator_data.SelectSingleNode("/MTouch/Simulator/AvailableDevicePairs/SimDevicePair/Companion[text() = '" + udid + "']");
                        var nodeGizmo     = simulator_data.SelectSingleNode("/MTouch/Simulator/AvailableDevicePairs/SimDevicePair/Gizmo[text() = '" + udid + "']");

                        if (nodeCompanion != null)
                            var gizmo_udid = nodeCompanion.ParentNode.SelectSingleNode("Gizmo").InnerText;
                            var node       = simulator_data.SelectSingleNode("/MTouch/Simulator/AvailableDevices/SimDevice[@UDID = '" + gizmo_udid + "']");
                            secondaryData = new SimulatorData()
                                Node = node
                        else if (nodeGizmo != null)
                            var companion_udid = nodeGizmo.ParentNode.SelectSingleNode("Companion").InnerText;
                            var node           = simulator_data.SelectSingleNode("/MTouch/Simulator/AvailableDevices/SimDevice[@UDID = '" + companion_udid + "']");
                            secondaryData = new SimulatorData()
                                Node = node
                        if (secondaryData != null)
                            simulators = new SimulatorData[] { data, secondaryData };
                            candidate = data;
                if (simulators == null)
                    simulators = new SimulatorData[] { candidate }
            } finally {

            if (simulators == null)
                throw new Exception("Could not find simulator");

            Harness.Log(1, "Found simulator: {0} {1}", simulators [0].name, simulators [0].udid);
            if (simulators.Length > 1)
                Harness.Log(1, "Found companion simulator: {0} {1}", simulators [1].name, simulators [1].udid);