/// <summary>
        /// Display an Error using the Error Form
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ex">Exception that occured</param>
        /// <param name="additionalInfo">Additional Information About The Error</param>
        /// <returns>True if successfully logged and displayed</returns>
        public static bool HandleException(Exception ex, string additionalInfo)
            string           message      = string.Empty;
            ErrorInformation errorInfo    = new ErrorInformation();
            string           currentError = string.Empty;
            bool             success      = true;

                //Exit when we are past the maximum number of errors
                if (ErrorCount >= MaxErrorCount)
                    message = ProgramName + " has experienced a number of errors.\nPlease restart " + ProgramName + ".";
                    GuiUtility.MessageBoxCritical(message, "Restart " + ProgramName);

                //Ignore duplicate errors
                currentError = ex.Message + ex.StackTrace;

                if (currentError == _previousError)
                    success = false;
                    return(success); //We don't care if the same error happens over and over again

                _previousError = currentError;

                CallingInfo callingInfo = ReflectionUtil.GetCallingInfo();

                //Fill the error information object
                errorInfo.ProgramName   = ProgramName;
                errorInfo.SupportEmail  = SupportEmail;
                errorInfo.SmtpServer    = SmtpServer;
                errorInfo.Login         = Login;
                errorInfo.Password      = Password;
                errorInfo.GUIException  = ex;
                errorInfo.AssemblyName  = callingInfo.AssemblyName;
                errorInfo.Version       = callingInfo.AssemblyVersion;
                errorInfo.ClassName     = callingInfo.ClassName;
                errorInfo.ProcedureName = callingInfo.MethodName;

                errorInfo.AdditionalInfo = additionalInfo;

                //Log the event log
                success &= SimpleLog.LogToEventLog(errorInfo.GetEventLogMessage(), EventLogEntryType.Error, ProgramName);

                //Get a screen shot
                errorInfo.ScreenShot = GuiUtility.ScreenShot();

                //Save the event log to a text file and return the path
                errorInfo.EventLogText = ReadFromEventLog();

                //Show the giant error handling dialog
                if (MessageBoxErrorHandler == false)
                    ErrorDialog frmErrorDialog = new ErrorDialog(errorInfo);
                else //Generic message box
                    GuiUtility.MessageBoxExclamation(errorInfo.GetMessageBoxMessage(), "Error");

            catch (Exception exHandler) //Really bad, there is an error in the error handler
                success = false;

                //Super simple error message so nothing else goes wrong
                message  = "Error in Error Handler\n";
                message += exHandler.Message + "\n";
                message += exHandler.TargetSite + "\n";
                message += exHandler.StackTrace;

                GuiUtility.MessageBoxCritical(message, "Error in Error Handler");