public override void OnInspectorGUI()
            // Draw the default

            // Place the button at the bottom
            SimpleInteractableMenuCollection myScript = (SimpleInteractableMenuCollection)target;

            if (GUILayout.Button("Update SimpleInteractableMenuCollection"))
        protected IEnumerator ShowGameplayFeedback()
            string userName = "******";
            string result   = string.Empty;

            if (!LanderGameplay.Instance.HasCrashed)
                // Landed successfully
                result = string.Format(SuccessPhrases[Random.Range(0, SuccessPhrases.Length)], userName);
                // Failed
                result = string.Format(FailurePhrases[Random.Range(0, FailurePhrases.Length)], userName);
            SimpleInteractableMenuCollection menu = this.gameplayFinishedMenu.GetComponent <SimpleInteractableMenuCollection>();

            menu.TitleText    = SimpleDialogShell.WordWrap(result, MaxCharsPerLine);
            menu.SubtitleText = "Your score: " + LanderGameplay.Instance.Score.ToString();

            // Set this true regardless
            // TEMP disable high score

            // If we got a high score, show the leaderboard and wait for input
            // TEMP disable high score

            /*if (HighScoreManager.Instance.IsHighScore (LanderGameplay.Instance.Score)) {
             *  highScoreInputField.gameObject.SetActive(true);
             *  directionIndicator.TargetObject = highScoreInputField.gameObject;
             *  // Set the text to the last high score input
             *  Keyboard.Instance.m_InputField.text = highScoreText;
             *  Keyboard.Instance.onTextUpdated += OnTextUpdated;
             *  // TODO set focuser based on control scheme
             *  Keyboard.Instance.PresentKeyboard(HUX.Focus.FocusManager.Instance.GazeFocuser);
             * }*/

            // Show the try again menu
            directionIndicator.TargetObject = gameplayFinishedMenu.gameObject;

            yield break;