public CamPage2(string html, SimpleHttp.HttpProcessor p) { // Set the parameters so the eval statements later can access them. cameraId = p.GetParam("cam"); IPCameraBase cam =; if (cam == null) { Html = "The specified camera is not available."; return; } disableRefreshAfter = p.GetIntParam("override", 600000); string userAgent = p.GetHeaderValue("User-Agent", ""); bool isMobile = userAgent.Contains("iPad") || userAgent.Contains("iPhone") || userAgent.Contains("Android") || userAgent.Contains("BlackBerry"); bool isLanConnection = p == null ? false : p.IsLanConnection; int defaultRefresh = isLanConnection && !isMobile ? 0 : 250; refreshDelay = p.GetIntParam("refresh", defaultRefresh); cameraName =; if (cam.cameraSpec.type == CameraType.h264_rtsp_proxy) { bool sizeOverridden = cam.cameraSpec.h264_video_width > 0 && cam.cameraSpec.h264_video_height > 0; originWidth = sizeOverridden ? cam.cameraSpec.h264_video_width : 640; originHeight = sizeOverridden ? cam.cameraSpec.h264_video_height : 360; } else { for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { if (cam.ImageSize.Width != 0 && cam.ImageSize.Height != 0) { break; } Thread.Sleep(100); } if (cam.ImageSize.Width == 0 || cam.ImageSize.Height == 0) { Html = @"<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <title>" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode( + @"</title> </head> <body> This camera is starting up.<br/> Please <a href=""javascript:top.location.reload();"">try again in a few moments</a>. </body> </html>" ; return; } originWidth = cam.ImageSize.Width; originHeight = cam.ImageSize.Height; } webSocketUrl = "ws" + (p.secure_https ? "s" : "") + "://\" + location.hostname + \":" + (p.secure_https ? MJpegWrapper.cfg.webSocketPort_secure : MJpegWrapper.cfg.webSocketPort); thumbnailBoxPercentWidth = cam.cameraSpec.ptz_panorama_selection_rectangle_width_percent; thumbnailBoxPercentHeight = cam.cameraSpec.ptz_panorama_selection_rectangle_height_percent; zoomMagnification = cam.cameraSpec.ptz_magnification; // Evaluate the <%...%> expressions present in the html markup CSE.CsEval.EvalEnvironment = this; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int idxCopyFrom = 0; int idxStart = 0, idxEnd = 0; idxStart = html.IndexOf("<%"); while (idxStart != -1) { sb.Append(html.Substring(idxCopyFrom, idxStart - idxCopyFrom)); idxEnd = html.IndexOf("%>", idxStart + 2); if (idxEnd == -1) { idxCopyFrom = idxStart; break; } else { string expression = html.Substring(idxStart + 2, idxEnd - (idxStart + 2)).Trim(); try { sb.Append(CSE.CsEval.Eval(expression)); } catch (Exception) { Html = "<h1>Internal Server Errror</h1><p>The page you requested has errors and is unable to be produced.</p>"; return; } idxCopyFrom = idxEnd + 2; idxStart = html.IndexOf("<%", idxEnd + 2); } } if (idxCopyFrom < html.Length) { sb.Append(html.Substring(idxCopyFrom)); } this.Html = sb.ToString(); }
protected override string GetPageHtml(SimpleHttp.HttpProcessor p, Session s) { sb.Clear(); string itemtype = p.GetParam("itemtype"); string itemid = p.GetParam("itemid").ToLower(); sb.Append("<div id=\"itemtype\" itemtype=\"").Append(itemtype).Append("\" style=\"display:none;\"></div>"); sb.Append("<div id=\"itemid\" itemid=\"").Append(itemid).Append("\" style=\"display:none;\"></div>"); sb.Append("<div id=\"itemfields\">"); if (itemtype == "camera") { sb.AppendLine("<div style=\"display:none;\" id=\"pageToLoadWhenFinished\" page=\"cameras\"></div>"); bool foundCamera = false; lock (MJpegWrapper.cfg) { foreach (CameraSpec cs in MJpegWrapper.cfg.cameras) { if ( == itemid) { foundCamera = true; CreateItemEditor(cs); break; } } } if (!foundCamera) { sb.Append("Could not find camera"); } return(sb.ToString()); } else if (itemtype == "user") { sb.AppendLine("<div style=\"display:none;\" id=\"pageToLoadWhenFinished\" page=\"users\"></div>"); bool foundUser = false; lock (MJpegWrapper.cfg) { foreach (Configuration.User u in MJpegWrapper.cfg.users) { if ( == itemid) { foundUser = true; CreateItemEditor(u); break; } } } if (!foundUser) { sb.Append("Could not find user"); } return(sb.ToString()); } else if (itemtype == "ptzprofile") { sb.AppendLine("<div style=\"display:none;\" id=\"pageToLoadWhenFinished\" page=\"ptzprofiles\"></div>"); bool foundProfile = false; lock (MJpegWrapper.cfg) { foreach (Configuration.PTZProfile f in PTZProfile.GetPtzProfiles()) { if ( == itemid) { foundProfile = true; CreateItemEditor(f.spec); break; } } } if (!foundProfile) { sb.Append("Could not find PTZ Profile"); } return(sb.ToString()); } else { sb.AppendLine("<div style=\"display:none;\" id=\"pageToLoadWhenFinished\" page=\"main\"></div>"); } sb.Append("</div>"); return(sb.ToString()); }