public void Build( GlyphTextureBitmapGenerator glyphTextureGen, Typeface typeface, float fontSizeInPoints, TextureKind textureKind, GlyphTextureBuildDetail[] buildDetails) { #if DEBUG //overall, glyph atlas generation time System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch dbugStopWatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); dbugStopWatch.Start(); #endif var atlasBuilder = new SimpleBitmapAtlasBuilder(); glyphTextureGen.CreateTextureFontFromBuildDetail( atlasBuilder, typeface, fontSizeInPoints, textureKind, buildDetails); //3. set information before write to font-info atlasBuilder.SpaceCompactOption = SimpleBitmapAtlasBuilder.CompactOption.ArrangeByHeight; atlasBuilder.SetAtlasFontInfo(typeface.Name, fontSizeInPoints); //4. merge all glyph in the builder into a single image using (MemBitmap totalGlyphsImg = atlasBuilder.BuildSingleImage(true)) { if (TextureInfoFilename == null) { //use random suffix string random_suffix = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Substring(0, 7); string textureName = typeface.Name.ToLower() + "_" + random_suffix + ".info"; string output_imgFilename = textureName + ".png"; TextureInfoFilename = textureName; OutputImgFilename = output_imgFilename; } //5. save atlas info to disk using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(TextureInfoFilename, FileMode.Create)) { atlasBuilder.SaveAtlasInfo(fs); } //6. save total-glyph-image to disk totalGlyphsImg.SaveImage(OutputImgFilename); } #if DEBUG dbugStopWatch.Stop(); dbugBuildTimeMillisec = dbugStopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; #endif }
static void CreateSampleMsdfTextureFont(string fontfile, float sizeInPoint, ushort startGlyphIndex, ushort endGlyphIndex, string outputFile) { //sample var reader = new OpenFontReader(); Typeface typeface = null; using (var fs = new FileStream(fontfile, FileMode.Open)) { //1. read typeface from font file typeface = reader.Read(fs); } //sample: create sample msdf texture //------------------------------------------------------------- var builder = new GlyphOutlineBuilder(typeface); //builder.UseTrueTypeInterpreter = this.chkTrueTypeHint.Checked; //builder.UseVerticalHinting = this.chkVerticalHinting.Checked; //------------------------------------------------------------- RequestFont reqFont = new RequestFont(typeface.Name, sizeInPoint); var atlasBuilder = new SimpleBitmapAtlasBuilder(); atlasBuilder.FontFilename = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(fontfile); atlasBuilder.FontKey = reqFont.FontKey; //create temp folder for each glyph string tempFolderName = "tmp_msdf"; if (Directory.Exists(tempFolderName)) { //DANGER! Directory.Delete(tempFolderName, true); } Directory.CreateDirectory(tempFolderName); if (endGlyphIndex < 1) { endGlyphIndex = (ushort)(typeface.GlyphCount - 1); } for (ushort gindex = startGlyphIndex; gindex <= endGlyphIndex; ++gindex) { //build glyph builder.BuildFromGlyphIndex(gindex, sizeInPoint); var glyphContourBuilder = new ContourBuilder(); //glyphToContour.Read(builder.GetOutputPoints(), builder.GetOutputContours()); var genParams = new MsdfGenParams(); builder.ReadShapes(new GlyphContourBuilder2(glyphContourBuilder)); //genParams.shapeScale = 1f / 64; //we scale later (as original C++ code use 1/64) BitmapAtlasItemSource glyphImg = MsdfImageGen.CreateMsdfImageV1(glyphContourBuilder, genParams); glyphImg.UniqueInt16Name = gindex; atlasBuilder.AddItemSource(glyphImg); using (Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(glyphImg.Width, glyphImg.Height, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)) { int[] buffer = glyphImg.GetImageBuffer(); var bmpdata = bmp.LockBits(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, glyphImg.Width, glyphImg.Height), System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, bmp.PixelFormat); System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(buffer, 0, bmpdata.Scan0, buffer.Length); bmp.UnlockBits(bmpdata); bmp.Save(tempFolderName + "//glyph_" + gindex + ".png"); } } MemBitmap glyphImg2 = atlasBuilder.BuildSingleImage(true); glyphImg2.SaveImage(outputFile); string saveToFile = "a_info.bin"; using (System.IO.FileStream saveFs = new FileStream(saveToFile, FileMode.Create)) { atlasBuilder.SaveAtlasInfo(saveFs); saveFs.Flush(); saveFs.Close(); } // //----------- //test read texture info back var atlasBuilder2 = new SimpleBitmapAtlasBuilder(); using (System.IO.FileStream readFromFs = new FileStream(saveToFile, FileMode.Open)) { var readbackFontAtlas = atlasBuilder2.LoadAtlasInfo(readFromFs); } }
public static void Test(string imgdir, Func <string, MemBitmap> imgLoader) { SimpleBitmapAtlasBuilder bmpAtlasBuilder = new SimpleBitmapAtlasBuilder(); //test! int imgdirNameLen = imgdir.Length; string[] filenames = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(imgdir, "*.png"); ushort index = 0; Dictionary <string, ushort> imgDic = new Dictionary <string, ushort>(); foreach (string f in filenames) { MemBitmap itemBmp = imgLoader(f); AtlasItemImage atlasItem = new AtlasItemImage(itemBmp.Width, itemBmp.Height); atlasItem.OriginalBounds = new PixelFarm.Drawing.RectangleF(0, 0, itemBmp.Width, itemBmp.Height); atlasItem.SetBitmap(itemBmp, false); // bmpAtlasBuilder.AddAtlasItemImage(index, atlasItem); string imgPath = f.Substring(imgdirNameLen); imgDic.Add(imgPath, index); index++; //------------ #if DEBUG if (index >= ushort.MaxValue) { throw new NotSupportedException(); } #endif //------------ } //string atlasInfoFile = "d:\\WImageTest\\"; //string totalImgFile = "d:\\WImageTest\\test1_atlas.png"; string atlasInfoFile = ""; string totalImgFile = "test1_atlas.png"; //test, write data to disk AtlasItemImage totalImg = bmpAtlasBuilder.BuildSingleImage(); bmpAtlasBuilder.ImgUrlDict = imgDic; bmpAtlasBuilder.SetAtlasInfo(TextureKind.Bitmap); bmpAtlasBuilder.SaveAtlasInfo(atlasInfoFile); //save to filename totalImg.Bitmap.SaveImage(totalImgFile); //----- //test, read data back bmpAtlasBuilder = new SimpleBitmapAtlasBuilder(); SimpleBitmaptAtlas bitmapAtlas = bmpAtlasBuilder.LoadAtlasInfo(atlasInfoFile); // MemBitmap totalAtlasImg = imgLoader(totalImgFile); AtlasItemImage atlasImg = new AtlasItemImage(totalAtlasImg.Width, totalAtlasImg.Height); bitmapAtlas.TotalImg = atlasImg; for (int i = 0; i < index; ++i) { if (bitmapAtlas.TryGetBitmapMapData((ushort)i, out BitmapMapData bmpMapData)) { //test copy data from bitmap MemBitmap itemImg = totalAtlasImg.CopyImgBuffer(bmpMapData.Left, bmpMapData.Top, bmpMapData.Width, bmpMapData.Height); itemImg.SaveImage("test1_atlas_item" + i + ".png"); } } //test, { if (bitmapAtlas.TryGetBitmapMapData(@"\chk_checked.png", out BitmapMapData bmpMapData)) { MemBitmap itemImg = totalAtlasImg.CopyImgBuffer(bmpMapData.Left, bmpMapData.Top, bmpMapData.Width, bmpMapData.Height); itemImg.SaveImage("test1_atlas_item_a.png"); } } }
public static void BuildBitmapAtlas(AtlasProject atlasProj, Func <string, MemBitmap> imgLoader, bool test_extract = false) { //demonstrate how to build a bitmap atlas List <AtlasItemSourceFile> fileList = atlasProj.Items; //1. create builder var bmpAtlasBuilder = new SimpleBitmapAtlasBuilder(); ushort index = 0; Dictionary <string, ushort> imgDic = new Dictionary <string, ushort>(); foreach (AtlasItemSourceFile f in fileList) { if (f.Kind != AtlasItemSourceKind.Image) { continue; } //3. load a bitmap BitmapAtlasItemSource atlasItem = null; using (MemBitmap itemBmp = imgLoader(f.AbsoluteFilename)) { //4. get information about it atlasItem = new BitmapAtlasItemSource(itemBmp.Width, itemBmp.Height); atlasItem.SetImageBuffer(MemBitmap.CopyImgBuffer(itemBmp)); } atlasItem.UniqueInt16Name = index; //5. add to builder bmpAtlasBuilder.AddItemSource(atlasItem); //get relative filename string imgPath = "//" + f.Link; imgDic.Add(imgPath, index); index++; //------------ #if DEBUG if (index >= ushort.MaxValue) { throw new NotSupportedException(); } #endif //------------ } if (imgDic.Count == 0) { //no file return; } string atlasInfoFile = atlasProj.OutputFilename + ".info"; string totalImgFile = atlasProj.OutputFilename + ".png"; //5. merge all small images into a bigone using (MemBitmap totalImg = bmpAtlasBuilder.BuildSingleImage(false)) { bmpAtlasBuilder.ImgUrlDict = imgDic; bmpAtlasBuilder.SetAtlasInfo(TextureKind.Bitmap, 0); //font size //6. save atlas info and total-img (.png file) bmpAtlasBuilder.SaveAtlasInfo(atlasInfoFile); totalImg.SaveImage(totalImgFile); } //---------------------- //7. create an atlas file in a source file version, user can embed the source to file //easy, just read .info and .png then convert to binary buffer BuildAtlasInEmbededSourceVersion(atlasProj, atlasInfoFile, totalImgFile, imgDic); //---------------------- //test, read data back //---------------------- if (test_extract) { bmpAtlasBuilder = new SimpleBitmapAtlasBuilder(); SimpleBitmapAtlas bitmapAtlas = bmpAtlasBuilder.LoadAtlasInfo(atlasInfoFile)[0]; // MemBitmap totalAtlasImg = imgLoader(totalImgFile); bitmapAtlas.SetMainBitmap(imgLoader(totalImgFile), true); //----- for (int i = 0; i < index; ++i) { if (bitmapAtlas.TryGetItem((ushort)i, out AtlasItem bmpMapData)) { //test copy data from bitmap MemBitmap itemImg = totalAtlasImg.CopyImgBuffer(bmpMapData.Left, bmpMapData.Top, bmpMapData.Width, bmpMapData.Height); itemImg.SaveImage("test1_atlas_item" + i + ".png"); } } //test, { if (bitmapAtlas.TryGetItem(@"\chk_checked.png", out AtlasItem bmpMapData)) { MemBitmap itemImg = totalAtlasImg.CopyImgBuffer(bmpMapData.Left, bmpMapData.Top, bmpMapData.Width, bmpMapData.Height); itemImg.SaveImage("test1_atlas_item_a.png"); } } } }