protected override bool OnWorkTick(Worker worker, float dt) { base.OnWorkTick(worker, dt); HandSanitizer component = GetComponent <HandSanitizer>(); Storage component2 = GetComponent <Storage>(); float massAvailable = component2.GetMassAvailable(component.consumedElement); if (massAvailable == 0f) { return(true); } PrimaryElement component3 = worker.GetComponent <PrimaryElement>(); float a = component.massConsumedPerUse * dt / workTime; float num = Mathf.Min(a, massAvailable); int num2 = Math.Min((int)(dt / workTime * (float)component.diseaseRemovalCount), component3.DiseaseCount); diseaseRemoved += num2; SimUtil.DiseaseInfo invalid = SimUtil.DiseaseInfo.Invalid; invalid.idx = component3.DiseaseIdx; invalid.count = num2; component3.ModifyDiseaseCount(-num2, "HandSanitizer.OnWorkTick"); component.maxPossiblyRemoved += num2; SimUtil.DiseaseInfo disease_info = SimUtil.DiseaseInfo.Invalid; component2.ConsumeAndGetDisease(ElementLoader.FindElementByHash(component.consumedElement).tag, num, out disease_info, out float aggregate_temperature); if (component.outputElement != SimHashes.Vacuum) { disease_info = SimUtil.CalculateFinalDiseaseInfo(invalid, disease_info); component2.AddLiquid(component.outputElement, num, aggregate_temperature, disease_info.idx, disease_info.count, false, true); } return(diseaseRemoved > component.diseaseRemovalCount); }
protected override bool OnWorkTick(Worker worker, float dt) { base.OnWorkTick(worker, dt); OreScrubber component = GetComponent <OreScrubber>(); Storage component2 = GetComponent <Storage>(); PrimaryElement firstInfected = GetFirstInfected(worker.GetComponent <Storage>()); int num = 0; SimUtil.DiseaseInfo invalid = SimUtil.DiseaseInfo.Invalid; if ((UnityEngine.Object)firstInfected != (UnityEngine.Object)null) { num = Math.Min((int)(dt / workTime * (float)component.diseaseRemovalCount), firstInfected.DiseaseCount); diseaseRemoved += num; invalid.idx = firstInfected.DiseaseIdx; invalid.count = num; firstInfected.ModifyDiseaseCount(-num, "OreScrubber.OnWorkTick"); } component.maxPossiblyRemoved += num; float num2 = component.massConsumedPerUse * dt / workTime; SimUtil.DiseaseInfo disease_info = SimUtil.DiseaseInfo.Invalid; component2.ConsumeAndGetDisease(ElementLoader.FindElementByHash(component.consumedElement).tag, num2, out disease_info, out float aggregate_temperature); if (component.outputElement != SimHashes.Vacuum) { disease_info = SimUtil.CalculateFinalDiseaseInfo(invalid, disease_info); component2.AddLiquid(component.outputElement, num2, aggregate_temperature, disease_info.idx, disease_info.count, false, true); } return(diseaseRemoved > component.diseaseRemovalCount); }
private void OnAbsorb(object data) { Pickupable pickupable = (Pickupable)data; if ((UnityEngine.Object)pickupable != (UnityEngine.Object)null) { PrimaryElement component = GetComponent <PrimaryElement>(); PrimaryElement primaryElement = pickupable.PrimaryElement; if ((UnityEngine.Object)primaryElement != (UnityEngine.Object)null) { float temperature = 0f; float mass = component.Mass; float mass2 = primaryElement.Mass; if (mass > 0f && mass2 > 0f) { temperature = SimUtil.CalculateFinalTemperature(mass, component.Temperature, mass2, primaryElement.Temperature); } else if (primaryElement.Mass > 0f) { temperature = primaryElement.Temperature; } component.SetMassTemperature(mass + mass2, temperature); if ((UnityEngine.Object)CameraController.Instance != (UnityEngine.Object)null) { string sound = GlobalAssets.GetSound("Ore_absorb", false); if (sound != null && CameraController.Instance.IsAudibleSound(pickupable.transform.GetPosition(), sound)) { PlaySound3D(sound); } } } } }
void Update() { //check for a navmesh hit foundPlacementPoint = PlacementManager.GetPlacementPoint(transform.position, Cam.transform.forward, Cam, ReachDistance, MaxPlaceDistance, ref placementPoint); if (inventoryObject != null && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.P)) { if (inventoryObject.gameObject.activeSelf) { SimUtil.TakeItem(inventoryObject); } else if (foundPlacementPoint) { PlacementManager.PlaceObjectAtPoint(inventoryObject, placementPoint); } } switch (Method) { case TestMethod.CheckVisibility: default: SimObjsInView = SimUtil.GetAllVisibleSimObjs(Cam, MaxDistance); FoundSimObjs = SimObjsInView.Length > 0; NumItems = SimObjsInView.Length; break; } //resize the array to avoid confusion in the test if (SimObjsInView.Length != NumItems) { Array.Resize <SimObj> (ref SimObjsInView, NumItems); } }
public void PutObject(ServerAction response) { bool success = false; if (inventory.ContainsKey(response.objectId)) { foreach (SimObj rso in VisibleSimObjs(response.forceVisible)) { if (rso.IsReceptacle && (rso.UniqueID == response.receptacleObjectId || rso.Type == response.ReceptableSimObjType())) { SimObj so = removeObjectInventory(response.objectId); if ((!IsOpenable(rso) || IsOpen(rso)) && ((response.forceVisible && SimUtil.AddItemToReceptacle(so, rso.Receptacle)) || SimUtil.AddItemToVisibleReceptacle(so, rso.Receptacle, m_Camera))) { success = true; } else { addObjectInventory(so); } break; } } } actionFinished(success); }
void CheckForClearAndDelete(Receptacle r, int index, ref int deletedPivotIndex) { EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); Rect deleteArea = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect( 100.0f, 25.0f); GUI.color = Color.Lerp(Color.grey, Color.yellow, 0.5f); if (GUI.Button(deleteArea, "Delete pivot")) { if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Delete pivot", "Are you sure you want to delete pivot?", "Yes", "Cancel")) { deletedPivotIndex = index; } } Rect removeArea = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect( 100.0f, 25.0f); if (r.Pivots[index].childCount > 0) { GUI.color = Color.white; } else { GUI.color = Color.grey; } if (GUI.Button(removeArea, "Clear pivot") && r.Pivots[index].transform.childCount > 0) { Transform item = r.Pivots[index].GetChild(0); SimUtil.TakeItem(item.GetComponent <SimObj>()); } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); }
public void AddDisease(HandleVector <int> .Handle h, byte disease_idx, int disease_count) { Data data = GetData(h); SimUtil.DiseaseInfo diseaseInfo = SimUtil.CalculateFinalDiseaseInfo(disease_idx, disease_count, data.diseaseIdx, data.diseaseCount); data.diseaseIdx = diseaseInfo.idx; data.diseaseCount = diseaseInfo.count; SetData(h, data); }
private void SpawnGeneShuffler() { // sacrifice morb var morb = smi.GetMorb(); if (morb != null) { storage.Drop(morb); morb.DeleteObject(); } // спавним новый калибратор но без заряда и без лора var geneShuffler = GameUtil.KInstantiate(Assets.GetPrefab("GeneShuffler"), gameObject.transform.GetPosition(), Grid.SceneLayer.Building); geneShuffler.GetComponent <GeneShuffler>().IsConsumed = true; var loreBearer = geneShuffler.GetComponent <LoreBearer>(); if (loreBearer != null) { BeenClicked.Set(loreBearer, true); } var builded = geneShuffler.GetComponent <BuildedGeneShuffler>(); builded.isBuilded = true; // список конструкционных материалов var tag_list = new List <Tag>(); var mass_list = new List <float>(); for (int i = 0; i < deconstructable.constructionElements.Length; i++) { tag_list.Add(deconstructable.constructionElements[i]); mass_list.Add(building.Def.Mass[i]); } // вычисляем конечную температуру и микробов, с учетом самой постройки и хранилищща var geneShufflerPE = geneShuffler.GetComponent <PrimaryElement>(); var MyPE = GetComponent <PrimaryElement>(); geneShufflerPE.SetElement(MyPE.ElementID); geneShufflerPE.AddDisease(MyPE.DiseaseIdx, MyPE.DiseaseCount, ""); float mass = MyPE.Mass; float temp = MyPE.Temperature; for (int i = 0; i < storage.Count; i++) { var itemPE = storage.items[i].GetComponent <PrimaryElement>(); tag_list.Add(itemPE.Element.tag); mass_list.Add(itemPE.Mass); temp = SimUtil.CalculateFinalTemperature(mass * MyPE.Element.specificHeatCapacity, temp, itemPE.Mass * itemPE.Element.specificHeatCapacity, itemPE.Temperature); mass += itemPE.Mass; geneShufflerPE.AddDisease(itemPE.DiseaseIdx, itemPE.DiseaseCount, ""); } geneShufflerPE.Temperature = temp; geneShuffler.GetComponent <Deconstructable>().constructionElements = tag_list.ToArray(); builded.constructionMass = mass_list.ToArray(); storage.ConsumeAllIgnoringDisease(); geneShuffler.SetActive(true); gameObject.DeleteObject(); }
private void OnSplitFromChunk(object data) { Pickupable pickupable = (Pickupable)data; if (!((UnityEngine.Object)pickupable == (UnityEngine.Object)null)) { float percent = Units / (Units + pickupable.PrimaryElement.Units); SimUtil.DiseaseInfo percentOfDisease = SimUtil.GetPercentOfDisease(pickupable.PrimaryElement, percent); AddDisease(percentOfDisease.idx, percentOfDisease.count, "PrimaryElement.SplitFromChunk"); pickupable.PrimaryElement.ModifyDiseaseCount(-percentOfDisease.count, "PrimaryElement.SplitFromChunk"); } }
public void Sim200ms(float dt) { average_kilowatts_exchanged.AddSample(currentExchangeWattage * 0.001f); averageTemperatureTransferPerSecond.SetValue(SimUtil.EnergyFlowToTemperatureDelta(average_kilowatts_exchanged.GetWeightedAverage, primaryElement.Element.specificHeatCapacity, primaryElement.Mass)); float num = 0f; foreach (AttributeModifier nonSimTemperatureModifier in NonSimTemperatureModifiers) { num += nonSimTemperatureModifier.Value; } if (Sim.IsValidHandle(simHandle)) { SimMessages.ModifyElementChunkEnergy(simHandle, num * dt * (primaryElement.Mass * 1000f) * primaryElement.Element.specificHeatCapacity * 0.001f); } }
private static Color GetDiseaseColour(SimDebugView instance, int cell) { Color result =; if (Grid.DiseaseIdx[cell] != 255) { Disease disease = Db.Get().Diseases[Grid.DiseaseIdx[cell]]; result = disease.overlayColour; result.a = SimUtil.DiseaseCountToAlpha(Grid.DiseaseCount[cell]); } else { result.a = 0f; } return(result); }
public void PickupObject(ServerAction action) { bool success = false; bool objectVisible = false; foreach (SimObj so in VisibleSimObjs(action)) { objectVisible = true; Debug.Log(" got sim object: " + so.UniqueID); if (!so.IsReceptacle && (!IsOpenable(so) || so.Manipulation == SimObjManipType.Inventory)) { if (inventory.Count == 0) { Debug.Log("trying to take item: " + so.UniqueID); SimUtil.TakeItem(so); addObjectInventory(so); success = true; } else { errorCode = ServerActionErrorCode.InventoryFull; } break; } else { errorCode = ServerActionErrorCode.ObjectNotPickupable; } } if (success) { errorCode = ServerActionErrorCode.Undefined; } else { if (!objectVisible) { errorCode = ServerActionErrorCode.ObjectNotVisible; } } Debug.Log("error code: " + errorCode); StartCoroutine(checkWaitAction(success)); }
public void ReleaseGasPressure(float dt) { PrimaryElement primaryElement = storage.FindPrimaryElement(gasElement); if ((Object)primaryElement != (Object)null && primaryElement.Mass > 0f) { float num = releaseGasRate * dt; if ((Object)base.worker != (Object)null) { num *= GetEfficiencyMultiplier(base.worker); } num = Mathf.Min(num, primaryElement.Mass); SimUtil.DiseaseInfo percentOfDisease = SimUtil.GetPercentOfDisease(primaryElement, num / primaryElement.Mass); primaryElement.Mass -= num; Game.Instance.accumulators.Accumulate(accumulator, num); SimMessages.AddRemoveSubstance(Grid.PosToCell(this), ElementLoader.GetElementIndex(gasElement), null, num, primaryElement.Temperature, percentOfDisease.idx, percentOfDisease.count, true, -1); } UpdatePressurePercent(); }
private void PutObject_ray(string item) { int x = Screen.width / 2; int y = Screen.height / 2; Ray ray = m_Camera.GetComponent <Camera>().ScreenPointToRay(new Vector3(x, y)); RaycastHit hit = new RaycastHit(); if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit)) { //check if the receptacle is in visible range bool inrange = false; //check if the object we are trying to put something in is in visible range foreach (SimObj o in currentVisibleObjects) { //check if the ID of the object we are looking at is in array of visible objects if (hit.transform.GetComponent <SimObj>().UniqueID == o.UniqueID) { inrange = true; } } if (inrange) { //if (SimUtil.AddItemToVisibleReceptacle(inventory[current_Object_In_Inventory], hit.transform.GetComponent<Receptacle>(), gameObject.GetComponentInChildren<Camera>()) == false) if (SimUtil.AddItemToReceptacle(inventory[current_Object_In_Inventory], hit.transform.GetComponent <Receptacle>()) == false) { Debug.Log("There's no space for that!"); } else { removeObjectInventory(current_Object_In_Inventory); } } if (!inrange) { Debug.Log("It's too far away to put stuff in"); } } }
private void ConduitUpdate(float dt) { var flowManager = Conduit.GetFlowManager(Type); if (flowManager == null) { return; } var inputContents = flowManager.GetContents(inputCell); if (!TeleStorageData.Instance.storedElementsMap.ContainsKey(inputContents.element)) { TeleStorageData.Instance.storedElementsMap[inputContents.element] = new StoredItem(); } StoredItem inputStored = TeleStorageData.Instance.storedElementsMap[inputContents.element]; if (inputContents.mass > 0.0f && !float.IsNaN(inputStored.temperature) && !float.IsNaN(inputContents.temperature)) { inputStored.temperature = GameUtil.GetFinalTemperature(inputStored.temperature, inputStored.mass, inputContents.temperature, inputContents.mass); inputStored.mass += inputContents.mass; SimUtil.DiseaseInfo diseaseInfo = SimUtil.CalculateFinalDiseaseInfo(inputContents.diseaseIdx, inputContents.diseaseCount, inputStored.diseaseIdx, inputStored.diseaseCount); inputStored.diseaseIdx = diseaseInfo.idx; inputStored.diseaseCount = diseaseInfo.count; TeleStorageData.Instance.FireRefresh(); flowManager.RemoveElement(inputCell, inputContents.mass); } if (!IsOperational || !TeleStorageData.Instance.storedElementsMap.ContainsKey(FilteredElement)) { return; } StoredItem outputStored = TeleStorageData.Instance.storedElementsMap[FilteredElement]; var possibleOutput = Math.Min(outputStored.mass, Flow / TeleStorageFlowControl.GramsPerKilogram); if (possibleOutput > 0.0f) { var delta = flowManager.AddElement(outputCell, FilteredElement, possibleOutput, outputStored.temperature, 0, 0); outputStored.mass -= delta; TeleStorageData.Instance.FireRefresh(); } }
private void OnSimConsume(Sim.MassConsumedCallback mass_cb_info) { if (consumedAmount == 0f) { temperature = mass_cb_info.temperature; } else { temperature = GameUtil.GetFinalTemperature(temperature, consumedAmount, mass_cb_info.temperature, mass_cb_info.mass); } consumedAmount += mass_cb_info.mass; lastTickAmount = mass_cb_info.mass; diseaseInfo = SimUtil.CalculateFinalDiseaseInfo(diseaseInfo.idx, diseaseInfo.count, mass_cb_info.diseaseIdx, mass_cb_info.diseaseCount); if (consumedAmount >= amountToPickup) { amountPerTick = 0f; lastTickAmount = 0f; } ConsumeMass(); }
private void OnSimConsume(Sim.MassConsumedCallback mass_cb_info) { if (mass_cb_info.mass > 0f) { this.storedTemperature = SimUtil.CalculateFinalTemperature(this.storedMass, this.storedTemperature, mass_cb_info.mass, mass_cb_info.temperature); this.storedMass += mass_cb_info.mass; SimUtil.DiseaseInfo diseaseInfo = SimUtil.CalculateFinalDiseaseInfo(this.diseaseIdx, this.diseaseCount, mass_cb_info.diseaseIdx, mass_cb_info.diseaseCount); this.diseaseIdx = diseaseInfo.idx; this.diseaseCount = diseaseInfo.count; if (this.storedMass > this.minConvertMass && this.simEmitCBHandle.IsValid()) { Game.Instance.massEmitCallbackManager.GetItem(this.simEmitCBHandle); this.gasStorage.AddGasChunk(this.srcElem, this.storedMass, this.storedTemperature, this.diseaseIdx, this.diseaseCount, true, true); this.storedMass = 0f; this.storedTemperature = 0f; this.diseaseIdx = 255; this.diseaseCount = 0; } } }
public void PickupObject(ServerAction action) { bool success = false; foreach (SimObj so in VisibleSimObjs(action)) { Debug.Log(" got sim object: " + so.UniqueID); if (!so.IsReceptacle && (!IsOpenable(so) || so.Manipulation == SimObjManipType.Inventory)) { if (inventory.Count == 0) { Debug.Log("trying to take item: " + so.UniqueID); SimUtil.TakeItem(so); addObjectInventory(so); success = true; } break; } } actionFinished(success); }
protected override bool OnWorkTick(Worker worker, float dt) { PrimaryElement component = worker.GetComponent <PrimaryElement>(); if (component.DiseaseCount > 0) { SimUtil.DiseaseInfo diseaseInfo = default(SimUtil.DiseaseInfo); diseaseInfo.idx = component.DiseaseIdx; diseaseInfo.count = Mathf.CeilToInt((float)component.DiseaseCount * (1f - Mathf.Pow(fractionalDiseaseRemoval, dt)) - (float)absoluteDiseaseRemoval); SimUtil.DiseaseInfo b = diseaseInfo; component.ModifyDiseaseCount(-b.count, "Shower.RemoveDisease"); accumulatedDisease = SimUtil.CalculateFinalDiseaseInfo(accumulatedDisease, b); Storage component2 = GetComponent <Storage>(); PrimaryElement primaryElement = component2.FindPrimaryElement(outputTargetElement); if ((Object)primaryElement != (Object)null) { PrimaryElement component3 = primaryElement.GetComponent <PrimaryElement>(); component3.AddDisease(accumulatedDisease.idx, accumulatedDisease.count, "Shower.RemoveDisease"); accumulatedDisease = SimUtil.DiseaseInfo.Invalid; } } return(false); }
public int AddDisease(HandleVector <int> .Handle h, byte disease_idx, int disease_count) { GetData(h, out DiseaseHeader header, out DiseaseContainer payload); SimUtil.DiseaseInfo diseaseInfo = SimUtil.CalculateFinalDiseaseInfo(disease_idx, disease_count, header.diseaseIdx, header.diseaseCount); bool flag = header.diseaseIdx != diseaseInfo.idx; header.diseaseIdx = diseaseInfo.idx; header.diseaseCount = diseaseInfo.count; if (flag && diseaseInfo.idx != 255) { EvaluateGrowthConstants(header, ref payload); SetData(h, header, ref payload); } else { SetHeader(h, header); } if (flag) { header.primaryElement.Trigger(-283306403, null); } return(header.diseaseCount); }
public void Initialize(ServerAction response) { sceneConfig = sceneConfigList.configs [response.sceneConfigIndex]; Dictionary <string, SimObj> simobjLookup = new Dictionary <string, SimObj> (); SimObj[] simObjects = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(SimObj)) as SimObj[]; for (int i = 0; i < simObjects.Length; i++) { SimObj so = simObjects [i]; simobjLookup [so.UniqueID] = so; // only pick everything up if we have a list of receptacle/object pairs if (IsPickupable(so) && sceneConfig.receptacleObjectPairs.Length > 0) { SimUtil.TakeItem(so); } if (IsOpenable(so)) { if (Array.IndexOf(sceneConfig.openReceptacles, so.UniqueID) >= 0) { openSimObj(so); } else { closeSimObj(so); } } } foreach (ReceptacleObjectPair rop in sceneConfig.receptacleObjectPairs) { SimObj o = simobjLookup [rop.objectId]; SimObj r = simobjLookup [rop.receptacleObjectId]; SimUtil.AddItemToReceptaclePivot(o, r.Receptacle.Pivots [rop.pivot]); } InitializePositionRotation(response); }
// empty target receptacle and put object into receptacle public void Replace(ServerAction response) { bool success = false; SimObj[] simObjs = SceneManager.Current.ObjectsInScene.ToArray(); foreach (SimObj rso in simObjs) { if (response.receptacleObjectId == rso.UniqueID) { foreach (SimObj so in SimUtil.GetItemsFromReceptacle(rso.Receptacle)) { SimUtil.TakeItem(so); } foreach (SimObj so in simObjs) { if (so.UniqueID == response.objectId && SimUtil.AddItemToReceptaclePivot(so, rso.Receptacle.Pivots[response.pivot])) { success = true; } } } } actionFinished(success); }
private void OnSimEmitted(Sim.MassEmittedCallback info) { if (info.suceeded != 1) { this.storedTemperature = SimUtil.CalculateFinalTemperature(this.storedMass, this.storedTemperature, info.mass, info.temperature); this.storedMass += info.mass; if (info.diseaseIdx != 255) { SimUtil.DiseaseInfo a = new SimUtil.DiseaseInfo { idx = this.diseaseIdx, count = this.diseaseCount }; SimUtil.DiseaseInfo b = new SimUtil.DiseaseInfo { idx = info.diseaseIdx, count = info.diseaseCount }; SimUtil.DiseaseInfo diseaseInfo = SimUtil.CalculateFinalDiseaseInfo(a, b); this.diseaseIdx = diseaseInfo.idx; this.diseaseCount = diseaseInfo.count; } } }
public SimObj[] VisibleSimObjs() { return(SimUtil.GetAllVisibleSimObjs(m_Camera, maxVisibleDistance)); }
private ObjectMetadata[] generateObjectMetadataForTag(string tag, bool isAnimated) { // Encode these in a json string and send it to the server SimObj[] simObjects = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(SimObj)) as SimObj[]; HashSet <SimObj> visibleObjectIds = new HashSet <SimObj> (); foreach (SimObj so in VisibleSimObjs()) { visibleObjectIds.Add(so); } int numObj = simObjects.Length; List <ObjectMetadata> metadata = new List <ObjectMetadata> (); for (int k = 0; k < numObj; k++) { ObjectMetadata meta = new ObjectMetadata(); SimObj simObj = simObjects [k]; if (this.excludeObject(simObj)) { continue; } GameObject o = simObj.gameObject; =; meta.position = o.transform.position; meta.rotation = o.transform.eulerAngles; meta.objectType = Enum.GetName(typeof(SimObjType), simObj.Type); meta.receptacle = simObj.IsReceptacle; meta.openable = IsOpenable(simObj); if (meta.openable) { meta.isopen = IsOpen(simObj); } meta.pickupable = IsPickupable(simObj); if (meta.receptacle) { List <string> receptacleObjectIds = new List <string> (); foreach (SimObj cso in SimUtil.GetItemsFromReceptacle(simObj.Receptacle)) { receptacleObjectIds.Add(cso.UniqueID); } List <PivotSimObj> pivotSimObjs = new List <PivotSimObj> (); for (int i = 0; i < simObj.Receptacle.Pivots.Length; i++) { Transform t = simObj.Receptacle.Pivots [i]; if (t.childCount > 0) { SimObj psimobj = t.GetChild(0).GetComponent <SimObj> (); PivotSimObj pso = new PivotSimObj(); pso.objectId = psimobj.UniqueID; pso.pivotId = i; pivotSimObjs.Add(pso); } } meta.pivotSimObjs = pivotSimObjs.ToArray(); meta.receptacleObjectIds = receptacleObjectIds.ToArray(); meta.receptacleCount = simObj.Receptacle.Pivots.Length; } meta.objectId = simObj.UniqueID; meta.visible = (visibleObjectIds.Contains(simObj)); meta.distance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, o.transform.position); metadata.Add(meta); } return(metadata.ToArray()); }
private void Update() { RotateView(); SimObj[] simObjects = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(SimObj)) as SimObj[]; // if (pickupObject) { // GameObject hand = GameObject.Find ("FirstPersonHand"); // // foreach (SimObj so in simObjects) { // if (so.UniqueID == "Lettuce|+01.36|+00.99|+00.79") { // Rigidbody rb = so.GetComponentInChildren (typeof(Rigidbody)) as Rigidbody; // rb.useGravity = false; // so.transform.position = hand.transform.position; // so.transform.parent = this.transform; // so.transform.parent = m_CharacterController.transform; // // } // } // Vector3 target = new Vector3 (hand.transform.position.x - 0.5f, hand.transform.position.y, hand.transform.position.z); // hand.transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards (hand.transform.position, target, 0.01f); // } else { // foreach (SimObj so in simObjects) { // if (so.UniqueID == "Lettuce|+01.36|+00.99|+00.79") { // Rigidbody rb = so.GetComponentInChildren (typeof(Rigidbody)) as Rigidbody; // rb.useGravity = true; // so.transform.parent = null; // // } // } // } // if (captureScreenshot) { screenshotCounter++; StartCoroutine(EmitFrame()); captureScreenshot = false; } // the jump state needs to read here to make sure it is not missed if (!m_Jump) { m_Jump = CrossPlatformInputManager.GetButtonDown("Jump"); } if (!m_PreviouslyGrounded && m_CharacterController.isGrounded) { StartCoroutine(m_JumpBob.DoBobCycle()); m_MoveDir.y = 0f; m_Jumping = false; } if (!m_CharacterController.isGrounded && !m_Jumping && m_PreviouslyGrounded) { m_MoveDir.y = 0f; } currentVisibleObjects = SimUtil.GetAllVisibleSimObjs(m_Camera, MaxDistance); m_PreviouslyGrounded = m_CharacterController.isGrounded; }
void TryToAddItem(UnityEngine.Object item, Transform pivot, Receptacle r) { if (pivot.childCount > 0) { Debug.Log("Pivot is already filled, not adding item"); return; } if (EditorUtility.IsPersistent(r)) { Debug.Log("Can't add items to a recepticle when not in scene, not adding"); return; } GameObject itemGo = null; try { itemGo = (GameObject)item; } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Log(e); return; } if (item == null) { Debug.Log("Item was null, not adding"); return; } if (itemGo == r.gameObject || itemGo.transform.IsChildOf(r.transform)) { Debug.Log("Can't add item to itself, not adding"); return; } if (EditorUtility.IsPersistent(itemGo)) { // instantiate the object Debug.Log("Instantiating " + + " and placing in the scene"); itemGo = GameObject.Instantiate(itemGo) as GameObject; return; } SimObj o = itemGo.GetComponent <SimObj>(); if (o == null) { Debug.Log("Item was not a SimObj, not adding"); return; } for (int i = 0; i < r.Pivots.Length; i++) { if (r.Pivots[i].childCount > 0) { foreach (Transform c in r.Pivots[i]) { if (c == itemGo.transform) { Debug.Log("Item is already in a pivot, not adding"); return; } } } } // if we've made it this far the item is OK // parent it under the receptacle SimUtil.AddItemToReceptacle(o, r); // don't scale the item }
public static float PotentialEnergyFlowToCreature(int cell, PrimaryElement transfererPrimaryElement, SimTemperatureTransfer temperatureTransferer, float deltaTime = 1f) { return(SimUtil.CalculateEnergyFlowCreatures(cell, transfererPrimaryElement.Temperature, transfererPrimaryElement.Element.specificHeatCapacity, transfererPrimaryElement.Element.thermalConductivity, temperatureTransferer.SurfaceArea, temperatureTransferer.Thickness)); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { SceneManager sm = (SceneManager)target; GUI.color = Color.white; EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Scene Options", EditorStyles.miniLabel); GUI.color = Color.grey; EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(EditorStyles.helpBox); GUI.color = Color.white; sm.SceneNumber = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Scene Number", sm.SceneNumber); sm.LocalSceneType = (SceneType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Scene Type", sm.LocalSceneType); sm.LocalPhysicsMode = (ScenePhysicsMode)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Physics Mode", sm.LocalPhysicsMode); sm.AnimationMode = (SceneAnimationMode)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Animation Mode", sm.AnimationMode); EditorUtility.SetDirty(sm.gameObject); EditorUtility.SetDirty(sm); if (!Application.isPlaying) { UnityEditor.SceneManagement.EditorSceneManager.MarkSceneDirty(UnityEditor.SceneManagement.EditorSceneManager.GetActiveScene()); } sm.FPSControllerPrefab = (GameObject)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("FPS controller prefab:", sm.FPSControllerPrefab, typeof(GameObject), false); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Actions:", EditorStyles.miniLabel); if (GUILayout.Button("Check for required object types", GUILayout.MaxWidth(300))) { TypesNotFound = sm.CheckSceneForRequiredTypes(); ShowRequiredTypeCheckResult = true; } if (ShowRequiredTypeCheckResult) { if (TypesNotFound != null && TypesNotFound.Length > 0) { GUI.color = Color.Lerp(, Color.white, 0.5f); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("The following required types were NOT found:", EditorStyles.boldLabel); for (int i = 0; i < TypesNotFound.Length; i++) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField(" - " + TypesNotFound [i].ToString(), EditorStyles.miniLabel); } } else { GUI.color = Color.Lerp(, Color.white, 0.5f); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("All required types were found!", EditorStyles.boldLabel); } if (GUILayout.Button("OK", GUILayout.MaxWidth(125))) { ShowRequiredTypeCheckResult = false; } } GUI.color = Color.white; if (GUILayout.Button("Gather SimObjs and assign unique IDs", GUILayout.MaxWidth(300))) { sm.GatherSimObjsInScene(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Gather objects under parent folders", GUILayout.MaxWidth(300))) { sm.GatherObjectsUnderParents(); } /*if (GUILayout.Button ("Set up FPS controller", GUILayout.MaxWidth(300))) { * sm.SetUpFPSController (); * }*/ if (GUILayout.Button("Replace generics with platonic objects", GUILayout.MaxWidth(300))) { if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Confirm replace", "Are you SURE you want to do this?", "Yes", "Cancel")) { sm.ReplaceGenerics(); sm.GatherSimObjsInScene(); } } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); GUI.color = Color.grey; EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(EditorStyles.helpBox); GUI.color = Color.white; EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Objects in scene:", EditorStyles.miniLabel); if (GUILayout.Button("Show / Hide", EditorStyles.toolbarButton, GUILayout.MaxWidth(125))) { ShowSceneObjects = !ShowSceneObjects; } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (ShowSceneObjects) { if (sm.ObjectsInScene.Count == 0) { GUI.color = Color.Lerp(Color.white,, 0.5f); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("(None found)"); } else { HashSet <string> uniqueIDsSoFar = new HashSet <string> (); for (int i = 0; i < sm.ObjectsInScene.Count; i++) { if (sm.ObjectsInScene [i] == null) { Debug.Log("Found null items in sm objects list, returning"); sm.ObjectsInScene.Clear(); break; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sm.ObjectsInScene [i].Error)) { GUI.color = Color.Lerp(, Color.white, 0.5f); } else { GUI.color = Color.white; } string buttonText = string.Empty; if (!SimUtil.IsUniqueIDValid(sm.ObjectsInScene [i].UniqueID)) { buttonText = sm.ObjectsInScene [i].Type.ToString() + ": (No ID)"; } else { if (!uniqueIDsSoFar.Add(sm.ObjectsInScene [i].UniqueID)) { GUI.color = Color.Lerp(, Color.white, 0.5f); buttonText = "ERROR: DUPLICATE ID! " + sm.ObjectsInScene [i].UniqueID; } else { buttonText = sm.ObjectsInScene [i].UniqueID; } } if (GUILayout.Button(buttonText, EditorStyles.miniButton)) { UnityEditor.Selection.activeGameObject = sm.ObjectsInScene [i].gameObject; } } } } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); GUI.color = Color.grey; EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(EditorStyles.helpBox); GUI.color = Color.white; EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Item placement:", EditorStyles.miniLabel); if (GUILayout.Button("Auto-assign navmesh layers", GUILayout.MaxWidth(300))) { sm.AutoStructureNavigation(); } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); GUI.color = Color.white; EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Build Options", EditorStyles.miniLabel); GUI.color = Color.grey; EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(EditorStyles.helpBox); GUI.color = Color.white; /*if (!showBuildOptions) { * if (GUILayout.Button ("Show", EditorStyles.miniButton)) { * showBuildOptions = true; * } * } else if (GUILayout.Button ("Hide", EditorStyles.miniButton)) { * showBuildOptions = false; * }*/ string scenePath = string.Empty; string buildName = string.Empty; BuildTarget buildTarget = BuildTarget.StandaloneOSXIntel; if (showBuildOptions) { //figure out what scene we want to build List <string> dropdownOptions = new List <string> (); foreach (UnityEngine.Object scene in sm.Scenes) { dropdownOptions.Add(; } dropdownOptions.Sort(new NaturalStringComparer()); sceneSelection = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Scene to build", sceneSelection, dropdownOptions.ToArray()); string sceneToBuild = dropdownOptions [sceneSelection]; EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(outputPath)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SimUtil.DefaultBuildDirectory)) { outputPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop); } else { outputPath = SimUtil.DefaultBuildDirectory; } } outputPath = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Output Path", outputPath); if (GUILayout.Button("Choose...")) { outputPath = EditorUtility.OpenFolderPanel("Scene output path", outputPath, string.Empty); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); launchOnBuild = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Launch on build", launchOnBuild); GUI.color = Color.yellow; foreach (BuildTarget bt in Targets) { if (GUILayout.Button("BUILD -> " + bt.ToString())) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(outputPath) || !System.IO.Directory.Exists(outputPath)) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Invalid output path!", "Select a valid scene output path", "OK"); } else { foreach (UnityEngine.Object sceneObject in sm.Scenes) { if ( == sceneToBuild) { scenePath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(sceneObject); buildName =".unity", ""); } } } } } } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(scenePath)) { SimUtil.BuildScene(scenePath, buildName, outputPath, buildTarget, launchOnBuild); return; } }
private void ConvertMass() { float speedMultiplier = GetSpeedMultiplier(); float num = 1f * speedMultiplier; float num2 = 1f; for (int i = 0; i < consumedElements.Length; i++) { ConsumedElement consumedElement = consumedElements[i]; float num3 = consumedElement.massConsumptionRate * num * num2; if (num3 <= 0f) { num2 = 0f; break; } float num4 = 0f; for (int j = 0; j < storage.items.Count; j++) { GameObject gameObject = storage.items[j]; if (!((UnityEngine.Object)gameObject == (UnityEngine.Object)null) && gameObject.HasTag(consumedElement.tag)) { PrimaryElement component = gameObject.GetComponent <PrimaryElement>(); float num5 = Mathf.Min(num3, component.Mass); num4 += num5 / num3; } } num2 = Mathf.Min(num2, num4); } if (!(num2 <= 0f)) { SimUtil.DiseaseInfo diseaseInfo = SimUtil.DiseaseInfo.Invalid; diseaseInfo.idx = byte.MaxValue; diseaseInfo.count = 0; float num6 = 0f; float num7 = 0f; float num8 = 0f; for (int k = 0; k < consumedElements.Length; k++) { ConsumedElement consumedElement2 = consumedElements[k]; float num9 = consumedElement2.massConsumptionRate * num * num2; Game.Instance.accumulators.Accumulate(consumedElement2.accumulator, num9); for (int l = 0; l < storage.items.Count; l++) { GameObject gameObject2 = storage.items[l]; if (!((UnityEngine.Object)gameObject2 == (UnityEngine.Object)null)) { if (gameObject2.HasTag(consumedElement2.tag)) { PrimaryElement component2 = gameObject2.GetComponent <PrimaryElement>(); component2.KeepZeroMassObject = true; float num10 = Mathf.Min(num9, component2.Mass); float num11 = num10 / component2.Mass; int num12 = (int)(num11 * (float)component2.DiseaseCount); float num13 = num10 * component2.Element.specificHeatCapacity; num8 += num13; num7 += num13 * component2.Temperature; component2.Mass -= num10; component2.ModifyDiseaseCount(-num12, "ElementConverter.ConvertMass"); num6 += num10; diseaseInfo = SimUtil.CalculateFinalDiseaseInfo(diseaseInfo.idx, diseaseInfo.count, component2.DiseaseIdx, num12); num9 -= num10; if (num9 <= 0f) { break; } } if (num9 <= 0f) { Debug.Assert(num9 <= 0f); } } } } float num14 = (!(num8 > 0f)) ? 0f : (num7 / num8); if (onConvertMass != null && num6 > 0f) { onConvertMass(num6); } if (outputElements != null && outputElements.Length > 0) { for (int m = 0; m < outputElements.Length; m++) { OutputElement outputElement = outputElements[m]; SimUtil.DiseaseInfo a = diseaseInfo; if (totalDiseaseWeight <= 0f) { a.idx = byte.MaxValue; a.count = 0; } else { float num15 = outputElement.diseaseWeight / totalDiseaseWeight; a.count = (int)((float)a.count * num15); } if (outputElement.addedDiseaseIdx != 255) { a = SimUtil.CalculateFinalDiseaseInfo(a, new SimUtil.DiseaseInfo { idx = outputElement.addedDiseaseIdx, count = outputElement.addedDiseaseCount }); } float num16 = outputElement.massGenerationRate * OutputMultiplier * num * num2; Game.Instance.accumulators.Accumulate(outputElement.accumulator, num16); float num17 = 0f; num17 = ((!outputElement.useEntityTemperature && (num14 != 0f || outputElement.minOutputTemperature != 0f)) ? Mathf.Max(outputElement.minOutputTemperature, num14) : GetComponent <PrimaryElement>().Temperature); Element element = ElementLoader.FindElementByHash(outputElement.elementHash); if (outputElement.storeOutput) { PrimaryElement primaryElement = storage.AddToPrimaryElement(outputElement.elementHash, num16, num17); if ((UnityEngine.Object)primaryElement == (UnityEngine.Object)null) { if (element.IsGas) { storage.AddGasChunk(outputElement.elementHash, num16, num17, a.idx, a.count, true, true); } else if (element.IsLiquid) { storage.AddLiquid(outputElement.elementHash, num16, num17, a.idx, a.count, true, true); } else { GameObject go = element.substance.SpawnResource(base.transform.GetPosition(), num16, num17, a.idx, a.count, true, false, false); storage.Store(go, true, false, true, false); } } else { primaryElement.AddDisease(a.idx, a.count, "ElementConverter.ConvertMass"); } } else { Vector3 position = base.transform.GetPosition(); float x = position.x + outputElement.outputElementOffset.x; Vector3 position2 = base.transform.GetPosition(); Vector3 vector = new Vector3(x, position2.y + outputElement.outputElementOffset.y, 0f); int num18 = Grid.PosToCell(vector); if (element.IsLiquid) { int idx = element.idx; FallingWater.instance.AddParticle(num18, (byte)idx, num16, num17, a.idx, a.count, true, false, false, false); } else if (element.IsSolid) { element.substance.SpawnResource(vector, num16, num17, a.idx, a.count, false, false, false); } else { SimMessages.AddRemoveSubstance(num18, outputElement.elementHash, CellEventLogger.Instance.OxygenModifierSimUpdate, num16, num17, a.idx, a.count, true, -1); } } if (outputElement.elementHash == SimHashes.Oxygen) { ReportManager.Instance.ReportValue(ReportManager.ReportType.OxygenCreated, num16, base.gameObject.GetProperName(), null); } } } storage.Trigger(-1697596308, base.gameObject); } }