internal VirtualBucketsRingProvider(SiloAddress siloAddr, int nBucketsPerSilo)
            if (nBucketsPerSilo <= 0 )
                throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("numBucketsPerSilo is out of the range. numBucketsPerSilo = " + nBucketsPerSilo);

            logger = TraceLogger.GetLogger(typeof(VirtualBucketsRingProvider).Name);
            statusListeners = new List<IRingRangeListener>();
            bucketsMap = new SortedDictionary<uint, SiloAddress>();
            sortedBucketsList = new List<Tuple<uint, SiloAddress>>();
            myAddress = siloAddr;
            numBucketsPerSilo = nBucketsPerSilo;
            lockable = new object();
            running = true;
            myRange = RangeFactory.CreateFullRange();

            logger.Info("Starting {0} on silo {1}.", typeof(VirtualBucketsRingProvider).Name, siloAddr.ToStringWithHashCode());

            StringValueStatistic.FindOrCreate(StatisticNames.CONSISTENTRING_RING, ToString);
            IntValueStatistic.FindOrCreate(StatisticNames.CONSISTENTRING_RINGSIZE, () => GetRingSize());
            StringValueStatistic.FindOrCreate(StatisticNames.CONSISTENTRING_MYRANGE_RINGDISTANCE, () => String.Format("x{0,8:X8}", ((IRingRangeInternal)myRange).RangeSize()));
            FloatValueStatistic.FindOrCreate(StatisticNames.CONSISTENTRING_MYRANGE_RINGPERCENTAGE, () => (float)((IRingRangeInternal)myRange).RangePercentage());
            FloatValueStatistic.FindOrCreate(StatisticNames.CONSISTENTRING_AVERAGERINGPERCENTAGE, () =>
                int size = GetRingSize();
                return size == 0 ? 0 : ((float)100.0/(float) size);

            // add myself to the list of members
예제 #2
        internal void AddServer(SiloAddress silo)
            lock (membershipRingList)
                if (membershipRingList.Contains(silo))
                    return;                                    // we already have this silo
                int myOldIndex = membershipRingList.FindIndex(elem => elem.Equals(MyAddress));

                if (!(membershipRingList.Count == 0 || myOldIndex != -1))
                    throw new OrleansException(string.Format("{0}: Couldn't find my position in the ring {1}.", MyAddress, Utils.EnumerableToString(membershipRingList)));

                // insert new silo in the sorted order
                int hash = silo.GetConsistentHashCode();

                // Find the last silo with hash smaller than the new silo, and insert the latter after (this is why we have +1 here) the former.
                // Notice that FindLastIndex might return -1 if this should be the first silo in the list, but then
                // 'index' will get 0, as needed.
                int index = membershipRingList.FindLastIndex(siloAddr => siloAddr.GetConsistentHashCode() < hash) + 1;
                membershipRingList.Insert(index, silo);

                // relating to triggering handler ... new node took over some of my responsibility
                if (index == myOldIndex ||                                      // new node was inserted in my place
                    (myOldIndex == 0 && index == membershipRingList.Count - 1)) // I am the first node, and the new server is the last node
                    IRingRange oldRange = MyRange;
                        MyRange = RangeFactory.CreateRange(unchecked ((uint)hash), unchecked ((uint)myKey));
                    catch (OverflowException exc)
                        log.Error(ErrorCode.ConsistentRingProviderBase + 5,
                                  String.Format("OverflowException: hash as int= x{0, 8:X8}, hash as uint= x{1, 8:X8}, myKey as int x{2, 8:X8}, myKey as uint x{3, 8:X8}.",
                                                hash, (uint)hash, myKey, (uint)myKey), exc);
                    NotifyLocalRangeSubscribers(oldRange, MyRange, false);

                log.Info("Added Server {0}. Current view: {1}", silo.ToStringWithHashCode(), this.ToString());
예제 #3
        public override string ToString()
            lock (membershipRingList)
                if (membershipRingList.Count == 1)
                    return(Utils.EnumerableToString(membershipRingList, silo => String.Format("{0} -> {1}", silo.ToStringWithHashCode(), RangeFactory.CreateFullRange())));

                var sb = new StringBuilder("[");
                for (int i = 0; i < membershipRingList.Count; i++)
                    SiloAddress curr  = membershipRingList[i];
                    SiloAddress next  = membershipRingList[(i + 1) % membershipRingList.Count];
                    IRingRange  range = RangeFactory.CreateRange(unchecked ((uint)curr.GetConsistentHashCode()), unchecked ((uint)next.GetConsistentHashCode()));
                    sb.Append(String.Format("{0} -> {1},  ", curr.ToStringWithHashCode(), range));
예제 #4
        protected void RemoveServer(SiloAddress silo, SiloStatus status)
            lock (membershipCache)
                if (!membershipCache.Contains(silo))
                    // we have already removed this silo

                if (CatalogSiloStatusListener != null)
                        // only call SiloStatusChangeNotification once on the catalog and the order is important: call BEFORE updating membershipRingList.
                        CatalogSiloStatusListener.SiloStatusChangeNotification(silo, status);
                    catch (Exception exc)
                                  String.Format("CatalogSiloStatusListener.SiloStatusChangeNotification has thrown an exception when notified about removed silo {0}.", silo.ToStringWithHashCode()), exc);

                // the call order is important


                if (log.IsVerbose)
                    log.Verbose("Silo {0} removed silo {1}", MyAddress, silo);
예제 #5
파일: Catalog.cs 프로젝트: kucheruk/orleans
        public void SiloStatusChangeNotification(SiloAddress updatedSilo, SiloStatus status)
            // ignore joining events and also events on myself.
            if (updatedSilo.Equals(LocalSilo)) return;

            // We deactivate those activations when silo goes either of ShuttingDown/Stopping/Dead states,
            // since this is what Directory is doing as well. Directory removes a silo based on all those 3 statuses,
            // thus it will only deliver a "remove" notification for a given silo once to us. Therefore, we need to react the fist time we are notified.
            // We may review the directory behaiviour in the future and treat ShuttingDown differently ("drain only") and then this code will have to change a well.
            if (!status.IsTerminating()) return;

            var activationsToShutdown = new List<ActivationData>();
                // scan all activations in activation directory and deactivate the ones that the removed silo is their primary partition owner.
                lock (activations)
                    foreach (var activation in activations)
                            var activationData = activation.Value;
                            if (!directory.GetPrimaryForGrain(activationData.Grain).Equals(updatedSilo)) continue;

                            lock (activationData)
                                // adapted from InsideGarinClient.DeactivateOnIdle().
                        catch (Exception exc)
                                String.Format("Catalog has thrown an exception while executing SiloStatusChangeNotification of silo {0}.", updatedSilo.ToStringWithHashCode()), exc);
                    String.Format("Catalog is deactivating {0} activations due to a failure of silo {1}, since it is a primary directory partiton to these grain ids.",
                        activationsToShutdown.Count, updatedSilo.ToStringWithHashCode()));
                // outside the lock.
                if (activationsToShutdown.Count > 0)
        internal VirtualBucketsRingProvider(SiloAddress siloAddress, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, int numVirtualBuckets)
            numBucketsPerSilo = numVirtualBuckets;

            if (numBucketsPerSilo <= 0)
                throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("numBucketsPerSilo is out of the range. numBucketsPerSilo = " + numBucketsPerSilo);

            logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger <VirtualBucketsRingProvider>();

            statusListeners   = new List <IRingRangeListener>();
            bucketsMap        = new SortedDictionary <uint, SiloAddress>();
            sortedBucketsList = new List <Tuple <uint, SiloAddress> >();
            myAddress         = siloAddress;
            lockable          = new object();
            running           = true;
            myRange           = RangeFactory.CreateFullRange();

            logger.Info("Starting {0} on silo {1}.", typeof(VirtualBucketsRingProvider).Name, siloAddress.ToStringWithHashCode());

            StringValueStatistic.FindOrCreate(StatisticNames.CONSISTENTRING_RING, ToString);
            IntValueStatistic.FindOrCreate(StatisticNames.CONSISTENTRING_RINGSIZE, () => GetRingSize());
            StringValueStatistic.FindOrCreate(StatisticNames.CONSISTENTRING_MYRANGE_RINGDISTANCE, () => String.Format("x{0,8:X8}", ((IRingRangeInternal)myRange).RangeSize()));
            FloatValueStatistic.FindOrCreate(StatisticNames.CONSISTENTRING_MYRANGE_RINGPERCENTAGE, () => (float)((IRingRangeInternal)myRange).RangePercentage());
            FloatValueStatistic.FindOrCreate(StatisticNames.CONSISTENTRING_AVERAGERINGPERCENTAGE, () =>
                int size = GetRingSize();
                return(size == 0 ? 0 : ((float)100.0 / (float)size));

            // add myself to the list of members
        internal void RemoveServer(SiloAddress silo)
            lock (lockable)
                if (!bucketsMap.ContainsValue(silo))
                    return;                                  // we have already removed this silo
                List <uint> hashes = silo.GetUniformHashCodes(numBucketsPerSilo);
                foreach (var hash in hashes)

                var myOldRange  = this.myRange;
                var bucketsList = bucketsMap.Select(pair => new Tuple <uint, SiloAddress>(pair.Key, pair.Value)).ToList();
                var myNewRange  = CalculateRange(bucketsList, myAddress);

                // capture my range and sortedBucketsList for later lock-free access.
                myRange           = myNewRange;
                sortedBucketsList = bucketsList;
                logger.Info(ErrorCode.CRP_Removed_Silo, "Removed Server {0}. Current view: {1}", silo.ToStringWithHashCode(), this.ToString());

                NotifyLocalRangeSubscribers(myOldRange, myNewRange, true);
        private void AddServer(SiloAddress silo)
            lock (lockable)
                List <uint> hashes = silo.GetUniformHashCodes(numBucketsPerSilo);
                foreach (var hash in hashes)
                    if (bucketsMap.TryGetValue(hash, out var other))
                        // If two silos conflict, take the lesser of the two (usually the older one; that is, the lower epoch)
                        if (silo.CompareTo(other) > 0)
                    bucketsMap[hash] = silo;

                var myOldRange  = myRange;
                var bucketsList = bucketsMap.Select(pair => new Tuple <uint, SiloAddress>(pair.Key, pair.Value)).ToList();
                var myNewRange  = CalculateRange(bucketsList, myAddress);

                // capture my range and sortedBucketsList for later lock-free access.
                myRange           = myNewRange;
                sortedBucketsList = bucketsList;
                logger.Info(ErrorCode.CRP_Added_Silo, "Added Server {0}. Current view: {1}", silo.ToStringWithHashCode(), this.ToString());

                NotifyLocalRangeSubscribers(myOldRange, myNewRange, true);
예제 #9
        protected void RemoveServer(SiloAddress silo, SiloStatus status)
            lock (membershipCache)
                if (!membershipCache.Contains(silo))
                    // we have already removed this silo

                if (CatalogSiloStatusListener != null)
                        // only call SiloStatusChangeNotification once on the catalog and the order is important: call BEFORE updating membershipRingList.
                        CatalogSiloStatusListener.SiloStatusChangeNotification(silo, status);
                    catch (Exception exc)
                            String.Format("CatalogSiloStatusListener.SiloStatusChangeNotification has thrown an exception when notified about removed silo {0}.", silo.ToStringWithHashCode()), exc);

                // the call order is important


                if (log.IsVerbose) log.Verbose("Silo {0} removed silo {1}", MyAddress, silo);
예제 #10
        internal void AddServer(SiloAddress silo)
            lock (membershipRingList)
                if (membershipRingList.Contains(silo)) return; // we already have this silo

                int myOldIndex = membershipRingList.FindIndex(elem => elem.Equals(MyAddress));

                if (!(membershipRingList.Count == 0 || myOldIndex != -1))
                    throw new OrleansException(string.Format("{0}: Couldn't find my position in the ring {1}.", MyAddress, Utils.EnumerableToString(membershipRingList)));

                // insert new silo in the sorted order
                int hash = silo.GetConsistentHashCode();

                // Find the last silo with hash smaller than the new silo, and insert the latter after (this is why we have +1 here) the former.
                // Notice that FindLastIndex might return -1 if this should be the first silo in the list, but then
                // 'index' will get 0, as needed.
                int index = membershipRingList.FindLastIndex(siloAddr => siloAddr.GetConsistentHashCode() < hash) + 1;
                membershipRingList.Insert(index, silo);

                // relating to triggering handler ... new node took over some of my responsibility
                if (index == myOldIndex || // new node was inserted in my place
                    (myOldIndex == 0 && index == membershipRingList.Count - 1)) // I am the first node, and the new server is the last node
                    IRingRange oldRange = MyRange;
                        MyRange = RangeFactory.CreateRange(unchecked((uint)hash), unchecked((uint)myKey));
                    catch (OverflowException exc)
                        log.Error(ErrorCode.ConsistentRingProviderBase + 5,
                            String.Format("OverflowException: hash as int= x{0, 8:X8}, hash as uint= x{1, 8:X8}, myKey as int x{2, 8:X8}, myKey as uint x{3, 8:X8}.",
                            hash, (uint)hash, myKey, (uint)myKey), exc);
                    NotifyLocalRangeSubscribers(oldRange, MyRange, false);

                log.Info("Added Server {0}. Current view: {1}", silo.ToStringWithHashCode(), this.ToString());
예제 #11
        protected void RemoveServer(SiloAddress silo, SiloStatus status)
            lock (this.writeLock)
                    // Only notify the catalog once. Order is important: call BEFORE updating membershipRingList.
                    this.catalogOnSiloRemoved?.Invoke(silo, status);
                catch (Exception exc)
                              String.Format("CatalogSiloStatusListener.SiloStatusChangeNotification has thrown an exception when notified about removed silo {0}.", silo.ToStringWithHashCode()), exc);

                var existing = this.directoryMembership;
                if (!existing.MembershipCache.Contains(silo))
                    // we have already removed this silo

                // the call order is important

                this.directoryMembership = new DirectoryMembership(

                AdjustLocalDirectory(silo, dead: true);
                AdjustLocalCache(silo, dead: true);

                if (log.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Debug))
                    log.Debug("Silo {0} removed silo {1}", MyAddress, silo);
예제 #12
        internal void RemoveServer(SiloAddress silo)
            lock (lockable)
                if (!bucketsMap.ContainsValue(silo)) return; // we have already removed this silo

                List<uint> hashes = silo.GetUniformHashCodes(numBucketsPerSilo);
                foreach (var hash in hashes)

                var myOldRange = this.myRange;
                var bucketsList = bucketsMap.Select(pair => new Tuple<uint, SiloAddress>(pair.Key, pair.Value)).ToList();
                var myNewRange = CalculateRange(bucketsList, myAddress);

                // capture my range and sortedBucketsList for later lock-free access.
                myRange = myNewRange;
                sortedBucketsList = bucketsList;
                logger.Info(ErrorCode.CRP_Removed_Silo, "Removed Server {0}. Current view: {1}", silo.ToStringWithHashCode(), this.ToString());

                NotifyLocalRangeSubscribers(myOldRange, myNewRange, true);
예제 #13
        private void AddServer(SiloAddress silo)
            lock (lockable)
                List<uint> hashes = silo.GetUniformHashCodes(numBucketsPerSilo);
                foreach (var hash in hashes)
                    if (bucketsMap.ContainsKey(hash))
                        var other = bucketsMap[hash];
                        // If two silos conflict, take the lesser of the two (usually the older one; that is, the lower epoch)
                        if (silo.CompareTo(other) > 0) continue;
                    bucketsMap[hash] = silo;

                var myOldRange = myRange;
                var bucketsList = bucketsMap.Select(pair => new Tuple<uint, SiloAddress>(pair.Key, pair.Value)).ToList();
                var myNewRange = CalculateRange(bucketsList, myAddress);

                // capture my range and sortedBucketsList for later lock-free access.
                myRange = myNewRange;
                sortedBucketsList = bucketsList;
                logger.Info(ErrorCode.CRP_Added_Silo, "Added Server {0}. Current view: {1}", silo.ToStringWithHashCode(), this.ToString());

                NotifyLocalRangeSubscribers(myOldRange, myNewRange, true);