예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the signature subpacket given as byte array into 
        /// the current class and returns this with the populated 
        /// parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bData">A byte array containing an OpenPGP
        /// representation of the signature subpacket.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns an SignatureSubPacket that containes
        /// the parsed properties.</returns>
        /// <remarks>No remarks</remarks>
        public SignatureSubPacket ParsePacket(byte[] bData)
            lLength = bData[0];
            if (lLength < 192) {
                bHeader = new byte[2];
                bBody = new byte[lLength-1];
                Array.Copy(bData, 0, bHeader, 0, 2);
                Array.Copy(bData, 2, bBody, 0, (int)lLength-1);
                sptType = (SignatureSubPacketTypes)bData[1];
            } else if ((lLength > 191) && (lLength < 255)) {
                lLength = ((bData[0] - 192) << 8) + bData[1] + 192;
                bHeader = new byte[3];
                bBody = new byte[lLength-1];
                Array.Copy(bData, 0, bHeader, 0, 3);
                Array.Copy(bData, 3, bBody, 0, (int)lLength-1);
                sptType = (SignatureSubPacketTypes)bData[2];
            } else { //lLength == 255
                lLength = (bData[1] << 24) ^ (bData[2] << 16) ^
                          (bData[3] << 8) ^ bData[4];
                bHeader = new byte[6];
                bBody = new byte[lLength-1];
                Array.Copy(bData, 0, bHeader, 0, 6);
                Array.Copy(bData, 6, bBody, 0, (int)lLength-1);
                sptType = (SignatureSubPacketTypes)bData[5];

            // TODO: Add Error Handling!!!
            long iTime = 0;
            switch (sptType) {
                case SignatureSubPacketTypes.SignatureCreationTime:
                    iTime = bBody[0] << 24;
                    iTime ^= bBody[1] << 16;
                    iTime ^= bBody[2] << 8;
                    iTime ^= bBody[3];
                    dtTimeCreated = new DateTime(iTime*10000000 + new DateTime(1970, 1, 1).Ticks);
                case SignatureSubPacketTypes.IssuerKeyID:
                    lKeyID = (ulong)bBody[0] << 56;
                    lKeyID ^= (ulong)bBody[1] << 48;
                    lKeyID ^= (ulong)bBody[2] << 40;
                    lKeyID ^= (ulong)bBody[3] << 32;
                    lKeyID ^= (ulong)bBody[4] << 24;
                    lKeyID ^= (ulong)bBody[5] << 16;
                    lKeyID ^= (ulong)bBody[6] << 8;
                    lKeyID ^= (ulong)bBody[7];
                case SignatureSubPacketTypes.KeyServerPreferences:
                    kptKeyserverPreferences = new KeyserverPreferencesTypes[bBody.Length];
                    for (int i=0; i<bBody.Length; i++)
                        this.kptKeyserverPreferences[i] = (KeyserverPreferencesTypes)bBody[i];
                case SignatureSubPacketTypes.PreferedKeyServer:
                    char[] cKeyserver = new char[bBody.Length];
                    Array.Copy(bBody, cKeyserver, bBody.Length);
                    strPreferedKeyServer = cKeyserver.ToString();
                case SignatureSubPacketTypes.TrustSignature:
                    bTrustLevel = bBody[0];
                    bTrustAmount = bBody[1];
                case SignatureSubPacketTypes.KeyFlags:
                    kftKeyFlags = new KeyFlagTypes[bBody.Length];
                    for (int i=0; i<bBody.Length; i++)
                        kftKeyFlags[i] = (KeyFlagTypes)bBody[i];
                case SignatureSubPacketTypes.KeyExpirationTime:
                    iTime = bBody[0] << 24;
                    iTime ^= bBody[1] << 16;
                    iTime ^= bBody[2] << 8;
                    iTime ^= bBody[3];
                    dtKeyExpirationTime = new DateTime(iTime*10000000 + new DateTime(1970, 1, 1).Ticks);
                case SignatureSubPacketTypes.SignatureExpirationTime:
                    iTime = bBody[0] << 24;
                    iTime ^= bBody[1] << 16;
                    iTime ^= bBody[2] << 8;
                    iTime ^= bBody[3];
                    dtSignatureExpirationTime = new DateTime(iTime*10000000 + new DateTime(1970, 1, 1).Ticks);
                case SignatureSubPacketTypes.PreferedSymmetricAlgorithms:
                    saPreferedSymAlgos = new SymAlgorithms[bBody.Length];
                    for (int i=0; i<bBody.Length; i++)
                        saPreferedSymAlgos[i] = (SymAlgorithms)bBody[i];
                case SignatureSubPacketTypes.PreferedHashAlgorithms:
                    haPreferedHashAlgorithms = new HashAlgorithms[bBody.Length];
                    for (int i=0; i<bBody.Length; i++)
                        haPreferedHashAlgorithms[i] = (HashAlgorithms)bBody[i];
                case SignatureSubPacketTypes.PreferedCompressionAlgorithms:
                    caPreferedCompressionAlgorithms = new CompressionAlgorithms[bBody.Length];
                    for (int i=0; i<bBody.Length; i++)
                        caPreferedCompressionAlgorithms[i] = (CompressionAlgorithms)bBody[i];
                case SignatureSubPacketTypes.ExportableSignature:
                    bExportableSignature = (bBody[0] == 1);
                case SignatureSubPacketTypes.Revocable:
                    bRevocable = (bBody[0] == 1);
                case SignatureSubPacketTypes.PrimaryUserID:
                    bPrimaryUserID = (bBody[0] == 1);
                case SignatureSubPacketTypes.RevocationKey:
                    this.Sensible = (bBody[1] >> 3) & 0x01;
                    this.FingerprintHash = (HashAlgorithms)bBody[1];
                    byte[] fingerprint = new byte[bBody.Length-2];
                    for(int i = 2; i < bBody.Length; i++)
                        fingerprint[i-2] = bBody[i];

                    this.RevocationKeyID = new BigInteger(fingerprint);
                case SignatureSubPacketTypes.ReasonForRevocation:
                    byte[] reason = new byte[bBody.Length-1];
                    for(int i = 1; i < bBody.Length; i++)
                        reason[i-1] = bBody[i];

                    this.ReasonForRevocationCode = bBody[0];
                    char [] reasArray = new char[reason.Length];
                    this.ReasonForRevocation = new string(reasArray);
                case SignatureSubPacketTypes.NotationData:
                    int nameLength = bBody[4] << 8;
                    nameLength ^= bBody[5];
                    int valueLength = bBody[6] << 8;
                    valueLength ^= bBody[7];
                    byte[] name = new byte[nameLength];
                    byte[] val = new byte[valueLength];
                    for(int i = 8; i < nameLength + 8; i++)
                        name[i-8] = bBody[i];

                    for(int i = nameLength + 8; i < valueLength + nameLength + 8; i++)
                        val[i-nameLength-8] = bBody[i];

                    char [] notnamArray = new char[nameLength];
                    this.NotationName = new string(notnamArray);
                    char [] notvalArray = new char[valueLength];
                    this.NotationValue = new string(notvalArray);


            return this;
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the signature subpacket given as byte array into
        /// the current class and returns this with the populated
        /// parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bData">A byte array containing an OpenPGP
        /// representation of the signature subpacket.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns an SignatureSubPacket that containes
        /// the parsed properties.</returns>
        /// <remarks>No remarks</remarks>
        public SignatureSubPacket ParsePacket(byte[] bData)
            lLength = bData[0];
            if (lLength < 192)
                bHeader = new byte[2];
                bBody   = new byte[lLength - 1];
                Array.Copy(bData, 0, bHeader, 0, 2);
                Array.Copy(bData, 2, bBody, 0, (int)lLength - 1);
                sptType = (SignatureSubPacketTypes)bData[1];
            else if ((lLength > 191) && (lLength < 255))
                lLength = ((bData[0] - 192) << 8) + bData[1] + 192;
                bHeader = new byte[3];
                bBody   = new byte[lLength - 1];
                Array.Copy(bData, 0, bHeader, 0, 3);
                Array.Copy(bData, 3, bBody, 0, (int)lLength - 1);
                sptType = (SignatureSubPacketTypes)bData[2];
            else                 //lLength == 255
                lLength = (bData[1] << 24) ^ (bData[2] << 16) ^
                          (bData[3] << 8) ^ bData[4];
                bHeader = new byte[6];
                bBody   = new byte[lLength - 1];
                Array.Copy(bData, 0, bHeader, 0, 6);
                Array.Copy(bData, 6, bBody, 0, (int)lLength - 1);
                sptType = (SignatureSubPacketTypes)bData[5];

            // TODO: Add Error Handling!!!
            long iTime = 0;

            switch (sptType)
            case SignatureSubPacketTypes.SignatureCreationTime:
                iTime         = bBody[0] << 24;
                iTime        ^= bBody[1] << 16;
                iTime        ^= bBody[2] << 8;
                iTime        ^= bBody[3];
                dtTimeCreated = new DateTime(iTime * 10000000 + new DateTime(1970, 1, 1).Ticks);

            case SignatureSubPacketTypes.IssuerKeyID:
                lKeyID  = (ulong)bBody[0] << 56;
                lKeyID ^= (ulong)bBody[1] << 48;
                lKeyID ^= (ulong)bBody[2] << 40;
                lKeyID ^= (ulong)bBody[3] << 32;
                lKeyID ^= (ulong)bBody[4] << 24;
                lKeyID ^= (ulong)bBody[5] << 16;
                lKeyID ^= (ulong)bBody[6] << 8;
                lKeyID ^= (ulong)bBody[7];

            case SignatureSubPacketTypes.KeyServerPreferences:
                kptKeyserverPreferences = new KeyserverPreferencesTypes[bBody.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < bBody.Length; i++)
                    this.kptKeyserverPreferences[i] = (KeyserverPreferencesTypes)bBody[i];

            case SignatureSubPacketTypes.PreferedKeyServer:
                char[] cKeyserver = new char[bBody.Length];
                Array.Copy(bBody, cKeyserver, bBody.Length);
                strPreferedKeyServer = cKeyserver.ToString();

            case SignatureSubPacketTypes.TrustSignature:
                bTrustLevel  = bBody[0];
                bTrustAmount = bBody[1];

            case SignatureSubPacketTypes.KeyFlags:
                kftKeyFlags = new KeyFlagTypes[bBody.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < bBody.Length; i++)
                    kftKeyFlags[i] = (KeyFlagTypes)bBody[i];

            case SignatureSubPacketTypes.KeyExpirationTime:
                iTime  = bBody[0] << 24;
                iTime ^= bBody[1] << 16;
                iTime ^= bBody[2] << 8;
                iTime ^= bBody[3];
                dtKeyExpirationTime = new DateTime(iTime * 10000000 + new DateTime(1970, 1, 1).Ticks);

            case SignatureSubPacketTypes.SignatureExpirationTime:
                iTime  = bBody[0] << 24;
                iTime ^= bBody[1] << 16;
                iTime ^= bBody[2] << 8;
                iTime ^= bBody[3];
                dtSignatureExpirationTime = new DateTime(iTime * 10000000 + new DateTime(1970, 1, 1).Ticks);

            case SignatureSubPacketTypes.PreferedSymmetricAlgorithms:
                saPreferedSymAlgos = new SymAlgorithms[bBody.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < bBody.Length; i++)
                    saPreferedSymAlgos[i] = (SymAlgorithms)bBody[i];

            case SignatureSubPacketTypes.PreferedHashAlgorithms:
                haPreferedHashAlgorithms = new HashAlgorithms[bBody.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < bBody.Length; i++)
                    haPreferedHashAlgorithms[i] = (HashAlgorithms)bBody[i];

            case SignatureSubPacketTypes.PreferedCompressionAlgorithms:
                caPreferedCompressionAlgorithms = new CompressionAlgorithms[bBody.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < bBody.Length; i++)
                    caPreferedCompressionAlgorithms[i] = (CompressionAlgorithms)bBody[i];

            case SignatureSubPacketTypes.ExportableSignature:
                bExportableSignature = (bBody[0] == 1);

            case SignatureSubPacketTypes.Revocable:
                bRevocable = (bBody[0] == 1);

            case SignatureSubPacketTypes.PrimaryUserID:
                bPrimaryUserID = (bBody[0] == 1);

예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the signature subpacket given as byte array into
        /// the current class and returns this with the populated
        /// parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bData">A byte array containing an OpenPGP
        /// representation of the signature subpacket.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns an SignatureSubPacket that containes
        /// the parsed properties.</returns>
        /// <remarks>No remarks</remarks>
        public SignatureSubPacket ParsePacket(byte[] bData)
            lLength = bData[0];
            if (lLength < 192)
                bHeader = new byte[2];
                bBody   = new byte[lLength - 1];
                Array.Copy(bData, 0, bHeader, 0, 2);
                Array.Copy(bData, 2, bBody, 0, (int)lLength - 1);
                sptType = (SignatureSubPacketTypes)bData[1];
            else if ((lLength > 191) && (lLength < 255))
                lLength = ((bData[0] - 192) << 8) + bData[1] + 192;
                bHeader = new byte[3];
                bBody   = new byte[lLength - 1];
                Array.Copy(bData, 0, bHeader, 0, 3);
                Array.Copy(bData, 3, bBody, 0, (int)lLength - 1);
                sptType = (SignatureSubPacketTypes)bData[2];
            else                 //lLength == 255
                lLength = (bData[1] << 24) ^ (bData[2] << 16) ^
                          (bData[3] << 8) ^ bData[4];
                bHeader = new byte[6];
                bBody   = new byte[lLength - 1];
                Array.Copy(bData, 0, bHeader, 0, 6);
                Array.Copy(bData, 6, bBody, 0, (int)lLength - 1);
                sptType = (SignatureSubPacketTypes)bData[5];

            // TODO: Add Error Handling!!!
            long iTime = 0;

            switch (sptType)
            case SignatureSubPacketTypes.SignatureCreationTime:
                iTime         = bBody[0] << 24;
                iTime        ^= bBody[1] << 16;
                iTime        ^= bBody[2] << 8;
                iTime        ^= bBody[3];
                dtTimeCreated = new DateTime(iTime * 10000000 + new DateTime(1970, 1, 1).Ticks);

            case SignatureSubPacketTypes.IssuerKeyID:
                lKeyID  = (ulong)bBody[0] << 56;
                lKeyID ^= (ulong)bBody[1] << 48;
                lKeyID ^= (ulong)bBody[2] << 40;
                lKeyID ^= (ulong)bBody[3] << 32;
                lKeyID ^= (ulong)bBody[4] << 24;
                lKeyID ^= (ulong)bBody[5] << 16;
                lKeyID ^= (ulong)bBody[6] << 8;
                lKeyID ^= (ulong)bBody[7];

            case SignatureSubPacketTypes.KeyServerPreferences:
                kptKeyserverPreferences = new KeyserverPreferencesTypes[bBody.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < bBody.Length; i++)
                    this.kptKeyserverPreferences[i] = (KeyserverPreferencesTypes)bBody[i];

            case SignatureSubPacketTypes.PreferedKeyServer:
                char[] cKeyserver = new char[bBody.Length];
                Array.Copy(bBody, cKeyserver, bBody.Length);
                strPreferedKeyServer = cKeyserver.ToString();

            case SignatureSubPacketTypes.TrustSignature:
                bTrustLevel  = bBody[0];
                bTrustAmount = bBody[1];

            case SignatureSubPacketTypes.KeyFlags:
                kftKeyFlags = new KeyFlagTypes[bBody.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < bBody.Length; i++)
                    kftKeyFlags[i] = (KeyFlagTypes)bBody[i];

            case SignatureSubPacketTypes.KeyExpirationTime:
                iTime  = bBody[0] << 24;
                iTime ^= bBody[1] << 16;
                iTime ^= bBody[2] << 8;
                iTime ^= bBody[3];
                dtKeyExpirationTime = new DateTime(iTime * 10000000 + new DateTime(1970, 1, 1).Ticks);

            case SignatureSubPacketTypes.SignatureExpirationTime:
                iTime  = bBody[0] << 24;
                iTime ^= bBody[1] << 16;
                iTime ^= bBody[2] << 8;
                iTime ^= bBody[3];
                dtSignatureExpirationTime = new DateTime(iTime * 10000000 + new DateTime(1970, 1, 1).Ticks);

            case SignatureSubPacketTypes.PreferedSymmetricAlgorithms:
                saPreferedSymAlgos = new SymAlgorithms[bBody.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < bBody.Length; i++)
                    saPreferedSymAlgos[i] = (SymAlgorithms)bBody[i];

            case SignatureSubPacketTypes.PreferedHashAlgorithms:
                haPreferedHashAlgorithms = new HashAlgorithms[bBody.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < bBody.Length; i++)
                    haPreferedHashAlgorithms[i] = (HashAlgorithms)bBody[i];

            case SignatureSubPacketTypes.PreferedCompressionAlgorithms:
                caPreferedCompressionAlgorithms = new CompressionAlgorithms[bBody.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < bBody.Length; i++)
                    caPreferedCompressionAlgorithms[i] = (CompressionAlgorithms)bBody[i];

            case SignatureSubPacketTypes.ExportableSignature:
                bExportableSignature = (bBody[0] == 1);

            case SignatureSubPacketTypes.Revocable:
                bRevocable = (bBody[0] == 1);

            case SignatureSubPacketTypes.PrimaryUserID:
                bPrimaryUserID = (bBody[0] == 1);

            case SignatureSubPacketTypes.RevocationKey:
                this.Sensible        = (bBody[1] >> 3) & 0x01;
                this.FingerprintHash = (HashAlgorithms)bBody[1];
                byte[] fingerprint = new byte[bBody.Length - 2];
                for (int i = 2; i < bBody.Length; i++)
                    fingerprint[i - 2] = bBody[i];

                this.RevocationKeyID = new BigInteger(fingerprint);

            case SignatureSubPacketTypes.ReasonForRevocation:
                byte[] reason = new byte[bBody.Length - 1];
                for (int i = 1; i < bBody.Length; i++)
                    reason[i - 1] = bBody[i];

                this.ReasonForRevocationCode = bBody[0];
                char [] reasArray = new char[reason.Length];
                Array.Copy(reason, reasArray, reason.Length);
                this.ReasonForRevocation = new string(reasArray);

            case SignatureSubPacketTypes.NotationData:
                int nameLength = bBody[4] << 8;
                nameLength ^= bBody[5];
                int valueLength = bBody[6] << 8;
                valueLength ^= bBody[7];
                byte[] name = new byte[nameLength];
                byte[] val  = new byte[valueLength];
                for (int i = 8; i < nameLength + 8; i++)
                    name[i - 8] = bBody[i];

                for (int i = nameLength + 8; i < valueLength + nameLength + 8; i++)
                    val[i - nameLength - 8] = bBody[i];

                char [] notnamArray = new char[nameLength];
                Array.Copy(name, notnamArray, name.Length);
                this.NotationName = new string(notnamArray);
                char [] notvalArray = new char[valueLength];
                Array.Copy(val, notvalArray, val.Length);
                this.NotationValue = new string(notvalArray);
