protected void Log_In(object sender, EventArgs e) { SignUp_In c = new SignUp_In(); User u = new User(); try { u = c.SignIN(new User(unameId.Value, passwordId.Value)); } catch (Exception ex) { error1.Text = ex.Message; } if (u.Status == "Unknown") { unknownstatus.Visible = true; updateStatus.Text = "<br /> Hello " + unameId.Value + " " + "Your account is currently not active." + " <br /><br />" + "An administrator needs to activate your account before you can login.<br />"; } if (u.Status == "Client") { if (c.FirstTime(u.Id)) { Session["Value"] = u.Id; Response.Redirect("~/ClientFolder/ClientFirstTime.aspx"); } else { Session["Value"] = u.Id; Response.Redirect("~/ClientFolder/ClientP.aspx"); } } if (u.Status == "Manager") { Session["Value"] = u.Id; Response.Redirect("~/ManagerFolder/AccountManager.aspx"); } if (u.Status == "Secretary") { Session["Value"] = u.Id + "@secretary"; Response.Redirect("~/SecretaryFolder/AccInformation.aspx"); } }
protected void Log_In(object sender, EventArgs e) { SignUp_In c = new SignUp_In(); User u = new User(); try { u = c.SignIN(new User(unameId.Value, passwordId.Value)); } catch (Exception ex) { error1.Text = ex.Message; } if (u.Status == "Unknown") { unknownstatus.Text = "< h1 > Thank you for signing up to < em > Cavalry Associates </ em ></ h1 > " + "We will do our best to respond to your inquiry as soon as possible"; } if (u.Status == "Client") { if (c.FirstTime(u.Id)) { Session["Value"] = u.Id; Response.Redirect("~/ClientFolder/ClientFirstTime.aspx"); } else { Session["Value"] = u.Id; Response.Redirect("~/ClientP.aspx"); } } if (u.Status == "Manager") { Session["Value"] = u.Id; Response.Redirect("~/ManagerFolder/AccountManager.aspx"); } if (u.Status == "Secretary") { Session["Value"] = u.Id + "@secretary"; Response.Redirect("~/SecretaryFolder/AccInformation.aspx"); } }