예제 #1
    void Update()
        float horizontalInput = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
        float verticalInput   = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");

        animator.SetFloat("Speed", verticalInput);
        animator.SetFloat("Direction", horizontalInput);
        animator.SetFloat("AngleDirection", horizontalInput * 180f * 0.7f);

        if (verticalInput > 0.01f)
            stepsSound.transform.localScale = new Vector3(stepsSound.maxScale * verticalInput, 1, 1);
            stepsSound.transform.localScale = new Vector3(stepsSound.mingScale, 1, 1);

        if (horizontalInput != 0 && verticalInput < 0.01f)
            canTurnOnSpot = true;
            canTurnOnSpot = false;

        animator.SetBool("Turn", canTurnOnSpot);

        selectSign.Rotation = transform.rotation;

        AnimatorStateInfo currentState = animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0);
        AnimatorStateInfo nextState    = animator.GetNextAnimatorStateInfo(0);

        if (currentState.IsName("Base Layer.WakeUp") && !teleported)
            transform.position = playerBase.transform.position;
            transform.rotation = playerBase.transform.rotation;
            teleported         = true;

        if (nextState.IsName("Base Layer.Die"))
            animator.SetBool("Die", false);
예제 #2
    void StatusUpdate()
        int hitsInPerson = 0;

        targetTransformInSight = null;

        foreach (RaycastHit hit in eyes.hits)
            if (hit.transform && hit.transform.tag == "Player")
                targetTransformInSight = hit.transform;
                shootTarget            = targetTransformInSight.FindChild("ShootTarget");
                if (!shootTarget)
                    shootTarget = targetTransformInSight;

        float lookWeightFinal = 0;

        // If it is idle time after shooting some intruder
        if (idleAfterShootingTimeCounter > 0)
            sawOrHeardTargetPerson = false;
            status = Status.Idle;
        // If see or hear a person
        else if (hitsInPerson > 0 || ears.hearSteps)
            if (hitsInPerson > 0)
                targetPosition  = targetTransformInSight.position;
                lookWeightFinal = 1f;
            else if (ears.hearSteps)
                targetPosition = ears.soundSourcePosition;

            sawOrHeardTargetPerson = true;
            status      = Status.Following;
            agent.speed = runSpeed;

            alertSign.AttachTo(new Vector3(targetPosition.x, 0, targetPosition.z));
            visionCone.status = FOV2DVisionCone.Status.Alert;

        lookWeight = Mathf.Lerp(lookWeight, lookWeightFinal, Time.deltaTime * 3f);
        if (shootTarget)

        // Use a state machine for a behaviour actions of our "AI".

        // Idle
        if (status == Status.Idle)
            if (waypointManager.TargetPoint)
                float distanceToTargetWaypoint = Vector3.Distance(waypointManager.TargetPoint.transform.position, transform.position);

                // Go to the base point if not yet there
                if (distanceToTargetWaypoint > 1.5f)
                    targetPosition = waypointManager.TargetPoint.transform.position;
                    status         = Status.Following;

            agent.speed = walkSpeed;
            visionCone.status = FOV2DVisionCone.Status.Idle;
        // Following the target position
        else if (status == Status.Following)
            float distanceToTarget = Vector3.Distance(targetPosition, transform.position);

            // If close enought to shoot a laser beam in the target person
            if (distanceToTarget <= shootDistance && targetTransformInSight && lookWeight >= 0.9f)
                idleAfterShootingTimeCounter = idleTimeAfterShooting;
            // If the target position has reached
            else if (distanceToTarget < 1.5f)
                // Follow the target
                agent.destination = transform.position;

                // If previously saw the target person
                if (sawOrHeardTargetPerson)
                    status = Status.Searching;

                    sawOrHeardTargetPerson = false;
                // If still searching for the target person
                else if (searchTimeCurrent > 0)
                    status = Status.Searching;
                    status = Status.Idle;
            // Go for the target position
                // If found the target or the searching time has expired
                if (sawOrHeardTargetPerson && searchTimeCurrent > 0)
                    searchTimeCurrent = 0;

                    visionCone.status = FOV2DVisionCone.Status.Idle;
                else if (searchTimeCurrent >= searchTime)
                    searchTimeCurrent = 0;
                    status            = Status.Idle;
                // If the searching timer on — add new delta-time to it
                else if (searchTimeCurrent > 0)
                    searchTimeCurrent += Time.deltaTime;

                // Follow the target position
                agent.destination = targetPosition;
        // Searching for the target person
        else if (status == Status.Searching)
            // If the searching time has expired
            if (searchTimeCurrent >= searchTime)
                status            = Status.Idle;
                searchTimeCurrent = 0;
                if (searchTimeCurrent == 0)
                    centerOfSearchArea = targetPosition + (transform.forward * searchRadius);

                searchTimeCurrent += Time.deltaTime;

                NavMeshPath newPath     = new NavMeshPath();;
                int         maxAttempts = 100;
                int         attempts    = 0;

                // Find a new random target position in the radius.
                    targetPosition = new Vector3(
                        centerOfSearchArea.x + Random.Range(-searchRadius, searchRadius),
                        centerOfSearchArea.z + Random.Range(-searchRadius, searchRadius));


                    if (attempts >= maxAttempts)
                        targetPosition = transform.position;
                // The target position should be accessible on the NavMesh
                while(agent.CalculatePath(targetPosition, newPath) == false);

                agent.destination = targetPosition;
                status            = Status.Following;

                alertSign.AttachTo(new Vector3(targetPosition.x, 0, targetPosition.z));