private static IAsyncResult ShowSelector(PlayerIndex?player, int sizeInBytes, int directoryCount, AsyncCallback callback, object state) { try { ShowSelectorAsynchronousShow AsynchronousShow = new ShowSelectorAsynchronousShow(Show); return(AsynchronousShow.BeginInvoke(player, sizeInBytes, directoryCount, callback, state)); } finally { } }
// // Summary: // Begins the process for displaying the storage device selector user interface, // for specifying the player who requested the save operation, for setting the // size of data to be written to the storage device, and for naming the callback // implemented when the player chooses a device. Reference page contains links // to related code samples. // // Parameters: // player: // The PlayerIndex that represents the player who requested the save operation. // On Windows, the only valid option is PlayerIndex.One. // // sizeInBytes: // The size, in bytes, of the data to write to the storage device. // // directoryCount: // The number of directories to write to the storage device. // // callback: // An AsyncCallback that represents the method called when the player chooses // a device. // // state: // A user-created object used to uniquely identify the request, or null. public static IAsyncResult BeginShowSelector(PlayerIndex player, int sizeInBytes, int directoryCount, AsyncCallback callback, object state) { var del = new ShowSelectorAsynchronousShow(Show); #if WINRT showDelegate = del; #endif return(del.BeginInvoke(player, sizeInBytes, directoryCount, callback, state)); }
// // Summary: // Begins the process for displaying the storage device selector user interface, // for specifying the player who requested the save operation, for setting the // size of data to be written to the storage device, and for naming the callback // implemented when the player chooses a device. Reference page contains links // to related code samples. // // Parameters: // player: // The PlayerIndex that represents the player who requested the save operation. // On Windows, the only valid option is PlayerIndex.One. // // sizeInBytes: // The size, in bytes, of the data to write to the storage device. // // directoryCount: // The number of directories to write to the storage device. // // callback: // An AsyncCallback that represents the method called when the player chooses // a device. // // state: // A user-created object used to uniquely identify the request, or null. public static IAsyncResult BeginShowSelector(PlayerIndex player, int sizeInBytes, int directoryCount, AsyncCallback callback, object state) { #if !WINDOWS_PHONE81 && !ANDROID && !IOS && !NETFX_CORE && !WINDOWS_PHONE var del = new ShowSelectorAsynchronousShow(Show); #if WINRT showDelegate = del; #endif return(del.BeginInvoke(player, sizeInBytes, directoryCount, callback, state)); #else var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <StorageDevice>(state); var task = Task.Run <StorageDevice>(() => Show(player, sizeInBytes, directoryCount)); task.ContinueWith(t => { // Copy the task result into the returned task. if (t.IsFaulted) { tcs.TrySetException(t.Exception.InnerExceptions); } else if (t.IsCanceled) { tcs.TrySetCanceled(); } else { tcs.TrySetResult(t.Result); } // Invoke the user callback if necessary. if (callback != null) { callback(tcs.Task); } }); return(tcs.Task); #endif }
// // Summary: // Begins the process for displaying the storage device selector user interface, // for specifying the player who requested the save operation, for setting the // size of data to be written to the storage device, and for naming the callback // implemented when the player chooses a device. Reference page contains links // to related code samples. // // Parameters: // player: // The PlayerIndex that represents the player who requested the save operation. // On Windows, the only valid option is PlayerIndex.One. // // sizeInBytes: // The size, in bytes, of the data to write to the storage device. // // directoryCount: // The number of directories to write to the storage device. // // callback: // An AsyncCallback that represents the method called when the player chooses // a device. // // state: // A user-created object used to uniquely identify the request, or null. public static IAsyncResult BeginShowSelector (PlayerIndex player, int sizeInBytes, int directoryCount, AsyncCallback callback, object state) { var del = new ShowSelectorAsynchronousShow (Show); #if WINRT showDelegate = del; #endif return del.BeginInvoke(player, sizeInBytes, directoryCount, callback, state); }
private static IAsyncResult ShowSelector(PlayerIndex? player, int sizeInBytes, int directoryCount, AsyncCallback callback, object state) { try { ShowSelectorAsynchronousShow AsynchronousShow = new ShowSelectorAsynchronousShow (Show); return AsynchronousShow.BeginInvoke (player, sizeInBytes, directoryCount, callback, state); } finally { } }
// // Summary: // Begins the process for displaying the storage device selector user interface, // for specifying the player who requested the save operation, for setting the // size of data to be written to the storage device, and for naming the callback // implemented when the player chooses a device. Reference page contains links // to related code samples. // // Parameters: // player: // The PlayerIndex that represents the player who requested the save operation. // On Windows, the only valid option is PlayerIndex.One. // // sizeInBytes: // The size, in bytes, of the data to write to the storage device. // // directoryCount: // The number of directories to write to the storage device. // // callback: // An AsyncCallback that represents the method called when the player chooses // a device. // // state: // A user-created object used to uniquely identify the request, or null. public static IAsyncResult BeginShowSelector (PlayerIndex player, int sizeInBytes, int directoryCount, AsyncCallback callback, object state) { #if !WINDOWS_PHONE81 && !ANDROID && !IOS && !NETFX_CORE && !WINDOWS_PHONE var del = new ShowSelectorAsynchronousShow (Show); #if WINRT showDelegate = del; #endif return del.BeginInvoke(player, sizeInBytes, directoryCount, callback, state); #else var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<StorageDevice>(state); var task = Task.Run<StorageDevice>(() => Show(player, sizeInBytes, directoryCount)); task.ContinueWith(t => { // Copy the task result into the returned task. if (t.IsFaulted) tcs.TrySetException(t.Exception.InnerExceptions); else if (t.IsCanceled) tcs.TrySetCanceled(); else tcs.TrySetResult(t.Result); // Invoke the user callback if necessary. if (callback != null) callback(tcs.Task); }); return tcs.Task; #endif }