public IEnumerable <IResult> OpenNewMatch() { MatchManager.CreateNewMatch(); var next = ShowScreenResult.Of <NewMatchViewModel>(); yield return(next); }
public IEnumerable <IResult> NoVideo() { //Go to next Scene Without Video var nextScreen = ShowScreenResult.Of <MainViewModel>(); nextScreen.Properties.Add("SelectedTab", MainViewModel.Tabs.Live); nextScreen.Properties.Add("LiveMode", LiveViewModel.TimeMode.Timer); yield return(nextScreen); }
public IEnumerable <IResult> OpenMatchWithoutVideo() { foreach (IResult result in MatchManager.OpenLiveMatch()) { yield return(result); } var next = ShowScreenResult.Of <NewMatchViewModel>(); yield return(next); }
//Load Video File and go to next scene public IEnumerable <IResult> WithVideo() { var nextScreen = ShowScreenResult.Of <MainViewModel>(); nextScreen.Properties.Add("SelectedTab", MainViewModel.Tabs.Live); nextScreen.Properties.Add("LiveMode", LiveViewModel.TimeMode.Video); foreach (var result in MatchManager.LoadVideo()) { yield return(result); } yield return(nextScreen); }
public IEnumerable <IResult> OpenMatch() { // Load Match // Open RemoteView in Shell foreach (IResult result in MatchManager.OpenMatch()) { yield return(result); } var next = ShowScreenResult.Of <MainViewModel>(); next.Properties.Add("SelectedTab", MainViewModel.Tabs.Remote); yield return(next); }
public IEnumerable <IResult> OpenNewMatch() { MatchManager.CreateNewMatch(); this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.CanSaveMatch); this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.CanSaveMatchAs); this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.CanShowPlayer); this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.CanShowCompetition); Events.PublishOnUIThread(new HideMenuEvent()); var next = ShowScreenResult.Of <NewMatchViewModel>(); yield return(next); MatchManager.MatchSaveAs = false; }
public IEnumerable <IResult> AddNewPlayer(string s) { // Show new Player Screen int num = Convert.ToInt32(s); var nextScreen = ShowScreenResult.Of <NewPlayerViewModel>(); switch (num) { case 1: nextScreen.Properties.Add("Player", Match.FirstPlayer); break; case 2: nextScreen.Properties.Add("Player", Match.SecondPlayer); break; default: break; } yield return(nextScreen); }
public IEnumerable <IResult> SaveMatchDetails() { //Save Match Details in MatchManager and go to Video Choice bool canNext = !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Match.Tournament) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Match.FirstPlayer.Name) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Match.SecondPlayer.Name); if (!canNext) { var mySettings = new MetroDialogSettings() { AffirmativeButtonText = "OK", AnimateShow = true, AnimateHide = false }; IDialogCoordinator coordinator = IoC.Get <IDialogCoordinator>(); var context = new CoroutineExecutionContext() { Target = this, View = this.GetView() as DependencyObject, }; coordinator.ShowMessageAsync(context.Target, "Missing Information", "You have to provide at least a tournament name and names for both players to continue!", MessageDialogStyle.Affirmative, mySettings); yield return(new DoNothingResult()); } else { MatchManager.MatchModified = true; NotifyOfPropertyChange("MatchModified"); Rally first = new Rally(Match); first.Number = 1; MatchManager.Match.Rallies.Add(first); first.UpdateServerAndScore(); var nextScreen = ShowScreenResult.Of <VideoSourceViewModel>(); yield return(nextScreen); } }
public IEnumerable <IResult> SubmitPlayer() { var nextScreen = ShowScreenResult.Of <NewMatchViewModel>(); yield return(nextScreen); }