void GoalieTouchPuck() { if (shot == true && GameInfo.StopTime == 0) { GShot = true; } foreach (Player p in PlayerManager.Players) { if (p.Team == HQMTeam.Blue && Puck.Position.Z < 21.5) { if (shot == false && GShot == true && GameInfo.StopTime == 0) //goalie has made a save { if (PlayerTouch.Name == p.Name) //BlueGoalie check to see if he touched puck { BSave++; ShotCounterB++; BGoalieList.Add("Blue Player: " + p.Name + " / Save number: " + BSave + " / at: " + GameTime + " of period " + GameInfo.Period); GShot = false; System.IO.File.WriteAllText(@"red.txt", string.Empty); System.IO.File.WriteAllText(@"red.txt", ShotCounterB.ToString()); } } } if (p.Team == HQMTeam.Red && Puck.Position.Z > 39) { if (shot == false && GShot == true && GameInfo.StopTime == 0) //goalie has made a save { if (PlayerTouch.Name == p.Name) //RedGoalie check to see if he touched puck { RSave++; ShotCounterR++; RGoalieList.Add("Red Player: " + p.Name + " / Save number: " + RSave + " / at: " + GameTime + " of period " + GameInfo.Period); GShot = false; System.IO.File.WriteAllText(@"blue.txt", string.Empty); System.IO.File.WriteAllText(@"blue.txt", ShotCounterR.ToString()); } } } } }
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { PuckPos.Text = "PuckPos: " + (string)Puck.Position.ToString(); Slope.Text = "Shot On Net: " + Puckonnet(); Shots.Text = "Blue Shots: " + ShotCounterR; Shot2.Text = "Red Shots: " + ShotCounterB; TeamTouchedPuck(); GoalieTouchPuck(); GameTime = (GameInfo.GameTime / 6000) + ":" + ((GameInfo.GameTime / 100) % 60).ToString("00"); Time.Text = "Time: " + GameTime; RedS.Text = "Red Saves: " + RSave; BlueS.Text = "Blue Saves: " + BSave; if (GameInfo.StopTime > 0 && assist == false) { if (Puck.Position.Z < 4) //scored on blue net { SecondA.Add("Red Goal: " + RQueue.ElementAt(2) + " / Primary Assist: " + RQueue.ElementAt(1) + " / Secondary Assist: " + RQueue.ElementAt(0)); if (TeamTouch == HQMTeam.Red) { ShotCounterB++; System.IO.File.WriteAllText(@"red.txt", string.Empty); System.IO.File.WriteAllText(@"red.txt", ShotCounterB.ToString()); } } if (Puck.Position.Z > 57) //scored on red net { SecondA.Add("Blue Goal: " + BQueue.ElementAt(2) + " / Primary Assist: " + BQueue.ElementAt(1) + " / Secondary Assist: " + BQueue.ElementAt(0)); if (TeamTouch == HQMTeam.Blue) { ShotCounterR++; System.IO.File.WriteAllText(@"blue.txt", string.Empty); System.IO.File.WriteAllText(@"blue.txt", ShotCounterR.ToString()); } } GShot = false; InitializeQueue(); assist = true; } if (GameInfo.StopTime == 0) { assist = false; } if (GameInfo.Period == 0) { System.IO.File.WriteAllText(@"red.txt", "0"); System.IO.File.WriteAllText(@"blue.txt", "0"); ShotCounterB = 0; ShotCounterR = 0; Bshot.Clear(); Rshot.Clear(); InitializeQueue(); SecondA.Clear(); RGoalieList.Clear(); BGoalieList.Clear(); RSave = 0; BSave = 0; wrote = false; } TeamLT.Text = "Red Last Touch: " + RQueue.ElementAt(2) + " / " + RQueue.ElementAt(1) + " / " + RQueue.ElementAt(0); PersonLT.Text = "Blue Last Touch: " + BQueue.ElementAt(2) + " / " + BQueue.ElementAt(1) + " / " + BQueue.ElementAt(0); if (GameInfo.GameOver == 1 && wrote == false) { Writer write = new Writer(); write.WriteLine("Red Shots: " + ShotCounterB + " Blue Shots: " + ShotCounterR + Environment.NewLine, false); foreach (var item in Rshot) { write.WriteLine(item.ToString(), false); } foreach (var item2 in Bshot) { write.WriteLine(item2.ToString(), false); } write.WriteLine("", false); foreach (var item3 in SecondA) { write.WriteLine(item3.ToString(), false); } write.WriteLine("", false); foreach (var item4 in BGoalieList) { write.WriteLine(item4.ToString(), false); } foreach (var item5 in RGoalieList) { write.WriteLine(item5.ToString(), false); } write.WriteLine("Red Saves: " + RSave); write.WriteLine("Blue Saves: " + BSave); wrote = true; } }