예제 #1
        public override void Update(bool eu)

            Player ply = Ply;

            _lastAlpha = _alpha;

            // Find the player's shortcut vessel
            ShortcutHandler.ShortCutVessel plyVessel = null;
            foreach (ShortcutHandler.ShortCutVessel vessel in room.game.shortcuts.transportVessels)
                if (vessel.creature == ply && vessel.room == room.abstractRoom)
                    plyVessel = vessel;

            if (plyVessel != null)
                // Find the player's position in a shortcut
                Vector2 scPos     = room.MiddleOfTile(plyVessel.pos);
                Vector2 lastScPos = room.MiddleOfTile(plyVessel.lastPos);
                //int update = (int)_RainWorldGame_updateShortCut.GetValue(room.game);
                //pos = Vector2.Lerp(lastScPos, scPos, (update + 1f) / 3f);
                lastPos = scPos;
                pos     = scPos;
                _alpha  = Mathf.Min(_alpha + 0.2f, 1f);
                // Fade out when not in use
                _alpha = Mathf.Max(_alpha - 0.2f, 0f);
예제 #2
        public override void Update(bool eu)

            lastScreenblockAlpha = screenblockAlpha;

            hideAllSprites = false;
            if (room.game.IsArenaSession)
                if (!room.game.GetArenaGameSession.playersSpawned)
                    hideAllSprites = true;

            Player ply = null;

            if (room.game.Players.Count > 0)
                ply = room.game.Players[0].realizedCreature as Player;

            // Map edges to display quads
            if (state != MappingState.Done)

            // Do not try to access shortcuts when the room is not ready for AI
            if (!room.readyForAI)
                screenblockAlpha = 1f;

            // Find the player's shortcut vessel
            ShortcutHandler.ShortCutVessel plyVessel = null;
            foreach (ShortcutHandler.ShortCutVessel vessel in room.game.shortcuts.transportVessels)
                if (vessel.creature == ply)
                    plyVessel = vessel;

            if (ply == null || ply.room != room || (plyVessel != null && plyVessel.entranceNode != -1))
                screenblockAlpha = Mathf.Clamp01(screenblockAlpha + 0.1f);
                screenblockAlpha = Mathf.Clamp01(screenblockAlpha - 0.1f);

            if (ply != null)
                // Search for the closest shortcut entrance and display a sprite at the end location
                // Disabled in classic mode
                if (!LineOfSightMod.classic)
                    IntVector2 scPos = new IntVector2();
                    bool       found = false;
                    if (ply.room != null && !ply.inShortcut)
                        for (int chunk = 0; chunk < ply.bodyChunks.Length; chunk++)
                            IntVector2 chunkPos = room.GetTilePosition(ply.bodyChunks[chunk].pos);
                            for (int i = 0; i < _peekSearchOffsets.Length; i++)
                                IntVector2 testPos = chunkPos + _peekSearchOffsets[i];
                                if (testPos.x < 0 || testPos.y < 0 || testPos.x >= room.TileWidth || testPos.y >= room.TileHeight)
                                if (room.GetTile(testPos).Terrain == Room.Tile.TerrainType.ShortcutEntrance)
                                    int ind = Array.IndexOf(room.shortcutsIndex, testPos);
                                    if (ind > -1 && ind < (room.shortcuts?.Length ?? 0))
                                        if (room.shortcuts[ind].shortCutType == ShortcutData.Type.Normal)
                                            found = true;
                                            scPos = testPos;

                    ShortcutData sc    = default(ShortcutData);
                    int          scInd = Array.IndexOf(room.shortcutsIndex, scPos);
                    if (scInd > -1 && scInd < (room.shortcuts?.Length ?? 0))
                        sc = room.shortcuts[scInd];
                        found = false;
                    if (found)
                        IntVector2 dest       = sc.DestTile;
                        Vector2    newPeekPos = ply.room.MiddleOfTile(dest);
                        if (_peekPos != newPeekPos)
                            _peekAlpha = 0f;
                            _peekPos   = newPeekPos;
                            _peekAngle = 0f;
                            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                                if (!ply.room.GetTile(dest + Custom.fourDirections[i]).Solid)
                                    _peekAngle = 180f - 90f * i;

                    _lastPeekAlpha = _peekAlpha;
                    _peekAlpha     = Custom.LerpAndTick(_peekAlpha, found ? Mathf.Sin(room.game.clock / 40f * Mathf.PI * 4f) * 0.25f + 0.75f : 0f, 0.1f, 0.075f);

                // Allow vision when going through shortcuts
                if (plyVessel != null)
                    int  updateShortCut = (int)_RainWorldGame_updateShortCut.GetValue(room.game);
                    bool first          = !_overrideEyePos.HasValue;
                    if (!first)
                        _lastOverrideEyePos = _overrideEyePos.Value;
                    _overrideEyePos = Vector2.Lerp(plyVessel.lastPos.ToVector2(), plyVessel.pos.ToVector2(), (updateShortCut + 1) / 3f) * 20f + new Vector2(10f, 10f);
                    if (first)
                        _lastOverrideEyePos = _overrideEyePos.Value;
                    if (plyVessel.room.realizedRoom != null)
                        screenblockAlpha = plyVessel.room.realizedRoom.GetTile(_overrideEyePos.Value).Solid ? 1f : 0f;
                    _overrideEyePos = null;
                _peekAlpha = 0f;

            // Don't display in arena while multiple players are present
            // This doesn't happen in story so that Monkland still works
            if (room.game.IsArenaSession && room.game.Players.Count > 1)
                hideAllSprites = true;