public bool SaveString(string value, string resourceid, string containerName, string directoryPath) { // Retrieve a reference to a container CloudBlobContainer container = blobClient.GetContainerReference(containerName); CloudBlobDirectory dir = container.GetDirectoryReference(directoryPath); // Create the container if it doesn't already exist container.CreateIfNotExist(); container.SetPermissions(new BlobContainerPermissions { PublicAccess = BlobContainerPublicAccessType.Blob }); try { CloudBlob stringblob = dir.GetBlobReference(resourceid); string guid = ShortGuidGenerator.NewGuid(); stringblob.UploadText(value); return(true); } catch { return(false); } }
public ActionResult Index(IEnumerable <string> firstname, IEnumerable <string> lastname, IEnumerable <string> email) { if (AuthTokens[0] == "demo") { ViewBag.DemoNextStep = NextStep("!"); return(View()); } if (firstname != null && lastname != null && email != null) { if (firstname.Count() == lastname.Count() && firstname.Count() == email.Count()) { CounselorInviteClient cic = new CounselorInviteClient(); AdminAccountClient aac = new AdminAccountClient(); UserAccountClient uac = new UserAccountClient(); AdminAccount admin = aac.GetByPartitionAndRowKey("admin", AuthTokens[1].ToLower()); UserAccount user = uac.GetByPartitionAndRowKey(UserAccountClient.GetPartitionKeyForEmail(AuthTokens[1].ToLower()), AuthTokens[1].ToLower()); string school = admin.School; for (var i = 0; i < firstname.Count(); i++) { string emailLower = email.ElementAt(i).ToLower(); string guid = ShortGuidGenerator.NewGuid(); cic.AddNewItem(new CounselorInvite { FirstName = firstname.ElementAt(i), LastName = lastname.ElementAt(i), Email = emailLower, School = school, RowKey = guid }); SendInviteEmail(email.ElementAt(i).ToLower(), firstname.ElementAt(i) + " " + lastname.ElementAt(i), user.FirstName + " " + user.LastName, guid); } return(View()); } } ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "error"; return(View()); }
public HttpResponse CreateGroup(string school, string counselor, string groupname, string year, string grade) { if (AuthTokens[0] == "demo") { Response.ContentType = "application/json"; Response.Write("{\"result\": \"ok\", \"pincode\": \"demo1\", \"url\": \"demo\"}"); Response.End(); return(null); } string response; string pincode = getUniquePinCode(school); string guid = ShortGuidGenerator.NewGuid(); AccessCodeClient acc = new AccessCodeClient(); acc.AddNewItem(new AccessCode { RowKey = guid, Code = pincode, Counselor = counselor, Grade = grade, School = school, Year = year, GroupName = groupname }); //AssessmentGroupClient agc = new AssessmentGroupClient(); //AssessmentGroupPinCodeClient agpcc = new AssessmentGroupPinCodeClient(); //agc.AddNewItem(new AssessmentGroup { PartitionKey = school, RowKey = pincode, Teacher = teacher, Group = group }); //agpcc.AddNewItem(new AssessmentGroupPinCode { RowKey = guid, PinCode = pincode, School = school, Teacher = teacher, Group = group }); response = "{\"result\": \"ok\", \"pincode\": \"" + pincode + "\", \"url\": \"" + guid + "\"}"; Response.ContentType = "application/json"; Response.Write(response); Response.End(); return(null); }
public ActionResult Groups(IEnumerable <string> year, IEnumerable <string> grade, IEnumerable <string> counselor, IEnumerable <string> groupname) { if (AuthTokens[0] == "demo") { ViewBag.DemoNextStep = NextStep("!"); return(View()); } if (year != null && grade != null && counselor != null && groupname != null) { if (year.Count() == grade.Count() && year.Count() == counselor.Count() && year.Count() == groupname.Count()) { AdminAccountClient aac = new AdminAccountClient(); AccessCodeClient acc = new AccessCodeClient(); AdminAccount admin = aac.GetByPartitionAndRowKey("admin", AuthTokens[1].ToLower()); string school = admin.School; for (var i = 0; i < year.Count(); i++) { acc.AddNewItem(new AccessCode { RowKey = ShortGuidGenerator.NewGuid(), Code = PinCodeGenerator.NewPin(), Year = year.ElementAt(i), Grade = grade.ElementAt(i), Counselor = counselor.ElementAt(i), GroupName = groupname.ElementAt(i), School = school }); } ViewBag.CurrentYear = AccessCodeClient.CurrentGradYear(); return(View()); } } ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "error"; ViewBag.CurrentYear = AccessCodeClient.CurrentGradYear(); return(View()); }
public SiteVisit() { DateTime t = EasternTimeConverter.Convert(DateTime.UtcNow); PartitionKey = t.ToString("yyyyMMdd"); RowKey = ShortGuidGenerator.NewGuid(); }
public ActionResult Index(IEnumerable <string> year, IEnumerable <string> grade, IEnumerable <string> groupname) { if (AuthTokens[0] == "demo") { return(View()); } if (year != null && grade != null && groupname != null) { if (year.Count() == grade.Count() && year.Count() == groupname.Count()) { string counselor = AuthTokens[1].ToLower(); CounselorAccountClient cac = new CounselorAccountClient(); AccessCodeClient acc = new AccessCodeClient(); CounselorAccount account = cac.GetByPartitionAndRowKey("counselor", counselor); string school = account.School; for (var i = 0; i < year.Count(); i++) { acc.AddNewItem(new AccessCode { RowKey = ShortGuidGenerator.NewGuid(), Code = PinCodeGenerator.NewPin(), Year = year.ElementAt(i), Grade = grade.ElementAt(i), Counselor = counselor, GroupName = groupname.ElementAt(i), School = school }); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } } TempData["error"] = true; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
private object createDropdownOption(XmlNode node) { StringBuilder cssclass = new StringBuilder(); string campuskey = node.E("campus"); if (campuskey != "") { string targetCssClass = "ddo_ckeq_" + campuskey.FormatAsProgrammaticId(); cssclass.Append(" " + targetCssClass); addControlEvent("campus_key", "=", campuskey, targetCssClass, "show", "hide"); } string programkey = node.E("program"); if (programkey != "") { string targetCssClass = "ddo_pkeq_" + programkey.FormatAsProgrammaticId(); cssclass.Append(" " + targetCssClass); addControlEvent("program_key", "=", programkey, targetCssClass, "show", "hide"); } string gtvalue = node.E("geotargeting"); if (gtvalue != "") { string targetCssClass = "ddo_geo_" + ShortGuidGenerator.NewGuid(); cssclass.Append(" " + targetCssClass); addControlEvent("zip", "in", gtvalue, targetCssClass, "show", "hide"); addControlEvent("state", "in", gtvalue, targetCssClass, "show", "hide"); } return(new { label = node.E("label"), value = node.E("value"), group1 = node.E("group"), group2 = node.E("type"), cssclass = cssclass.ToString().Trim(), style = gtvalue != "" ? "display: none;" : "" }); }
public HttpResponse ManualTimeEntry(string formatteddate, string location, string agent, string eventtype, int hours, int minutes) { try { Response.ContentType = "application/json"; AgentEventClient aec = new AgentEventClient(); DateTime eventdate = DateTime.ParseExact(formatteddate, "yyyyMMdd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); DateTime eventtime = new DateTime(eventdate.Year, eventdate.Month, eventdate.Day, hours, minutes, 0); AgentEvent manualevent = new AgentEvent(); manualevent.PartitionKey = eventtime.ToString("yyyyMM"); manualevent.RowKey = ShortGuidGenerator.NewGuid(); manualevent.EventTime = eventtime; manualevent.Agent = agent; manualevent.EventType = eventtype; manualevent.Location = location; aec.AddNewItem(manualevent); Response.Write("{\"result\": \"ok\"}"); Response.End(); } catch (Exception ex) { Response.ContentType = "application/json"; Response.Write(DefaultErrorResponse(ex.Message)); Response.End(); } return(null); }
public SkillCowRequestSubmission() { DateTime t = EasternTimeConverter.Convert(DateTime.UtcNow); PartitionKey = t.ToString("yyyyMMdd"); RowKey = ShortGuidGenerator.NewGuid(); Timestamp = t; }
public UXEvent() { DateTime t = EasternTimeConverter.Convert(DateTime.UtcNow); PartitionKey = t.ToString("yyyyMMdd"); RowKey = ShortGuidGenerator.NewGuid(); Timestamp = t; }
public PendingSchool() { PartitionKey = "pendingschool"; Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow; RowKey = ShortGuidGenerator.NewGuid(); SubmitedOn = EasternTimeConverter.Convert(DateTime.UtcNow); Pending = true; Approved = false; Duplicate = false; Incorrect = false; }
public AgentEvent(string agent, string eventtype, string location) { DateTime t = EasternTimeConverter.Convert(DateTime.UtcNow); PartitionKey = t.ToString("yyyyMM"); RowKey = ShortGuidGenerator.NewGuid(); EventTime = t; Agent = agent; EventType = eventtype; Location = location; }
public bool SendDeferredProcessAsMessage(DeferredProcess process) { BrokeredMessage message = new BrokeredMessage("deferred"); Type deferredType = process.GetType(); message.Properties["Class"] = deferredType.FullName; message.Properties["ID"] = ShortGuidGenerator.NewGuid(); foreach (PropertyInfo pi in deferredType.GetProperties()) { message.Properties[pi.Name] = pi.GetValue(process, null); } return(SendMessage(message)); }
private object processHidingGroup(XmlNode container) { XmlNode conditionsNode = container.SelectSingleNode("conditions"); string targetCssClass = "hg_" + ShortGuidGenerator.NewGuid(); List <object> rules = new List <object>(); if (conditionsNode != null) { XmlNode ruleNode = conditionsNode.SelectSingleNode("rule"); if (ruleNode != null) { string hidingrule = ruleNode.InnerText; string controlname = ""; string oper = ""; string value = ""; if (hidingrule.Contains("!=")) { oper = "!="; string[] tokens = hidingrule.Split(oper.ToCharArray()); controlname = tokens[0]; value = tokens[2]; } else { oper = "="; string[] tokens = hidingrule.Split(oper.ToCharArray()); controlname = tokens[0]; value = tokens[1]; oper = "=="; if (value.Contains("||")) { oper = "in"; } } addControlEvent(controlname, oper, value, targetCssClass, "show", "hide"); } } return(new { type = "hiding", label = container.A("label"), cssclass = targetCssClass, fields = ProcessInputsContainer(container).ToArray() }); }
public string SendDeferredProcessAsMessage(DeferredProcess process, string msgheader) { BrokeredMessage message = new BrokeredMessage(msgheader); string id = ShortGuidGenerator.NewGuid(); Type deferredType = process.GetType(); message.Properties["Class"] = deferredType.FullName; message.Properties["ID"] = id; foreach (PropertyInfo pi in deferredType.GetProperties()) { message.Properties[pi.Name] = pi.GetValue(process, null); } SendMessage(message); return(id); }
public bool SaveJsonResource(string resourcetype, string containerName, string directoryPath, string resourceid, string json) { // Retrieve a reference to a container CloudBlobContainer container = blobClient.GetContainerReference(containerName); string[] pathTokens = directoryPath.Split('/'); CloudBlobDirectory dir = container.GetDirectoryReference(pathTokens[0]); if (pathTokens.Length > 1) { for (var i = 1; i < pathTokens.Length; i++) { dir = dir.GetSubdirectory(pathTokens[i]); } } // Create the container if it doesn't already exist container.CreateIfNotExist(); container.SetPermissions(new BlobContainerPermissions { PublicAccess = BlobContainerPublicAccessType.Blob }); try { CloudBlob jsblob = dir.GetBlobReference(resourceid + ".js"); string guid = ShortGuidGenerator.NewGuid(); if (resourcetype != null) { jsblob.UploadText("var $" + guid + " = " + json + "; $" + resourcetype + "_ready($" + guid + ",'" + containerName + "', '" + resourceid + "', '" + directoryPath + "');"); } else { jsblob.UploadText("var $" + guid + " = " + json + "; $" + resourceid.Replace("-", "") + "_ready($" + guid + ",'" + containerName + "', '" + directoryPath + "');"); } return(true); } catch { return(false); } }
public bool SaveJsonResource(string resourcetype, string containerName, string directoryPath, string resourceid, string json, bool ensurecontainerexists) { // Retrieve a reference to a container CloudBlobContainer container = blobClient.GetContainerReference(containerName); CloudBlobDirectory dir = container.GetDirectoryReference(directoryPath); if (ensurecontainerexists) { // Create the container if it doesn't already exist container.CreateIfNotExist(); container.SetPermissions(new BlobContainerPermissions { PublicAccess = BlobContainerPublicAccessType.Blob }); } try { CloudBlob jsblob = dir.GetBlobReference(resourceid + ".js"); CloudBlob jsonblob = dir.GetBlobReference(resourceid); string guid = ShortGuidGenerator.NewGuid(); if (resourcetype != null) { jsblob.UploadText("var $" + guid + " = " + json + "; $" + resourcetype + "_ready($" + guid + ",'" + containerName + "','" + resourceid + "');"); } else { jsblob.UploadText("var $" + guid + " = " + json + "; $" + resourceid.Replace("-", "") + "_ready($" + guid + ",'" + containerName + "');"); } jsonblob.UploadText(json); return(true); } catch { return(false); } }
public ActionResult AddEntry(string d, string t, string from, string to) { try { if (!IsValidUser(tokens => tokens[0] == Request["username"].ToString())) { return(null); } ThesaurusEntryClient c = new ThesaurusEntryClient(); c.AddNewItem(new ThesaurusEntry { PartitionKey = d, AddRemove = t, From = from, To = to, RowKey = ShortGuidGenerator.NewGuid() }); NotifyApprovedItem(from, AuthTokens[2] + " added \"" + t + "\" relationship in " + d + " between \"" + from + "\" and \"" + to + "\""); if (d == "similars") { var reverseitem = new ThesaurusEntry { PartitionKey = d, AddRemove = t, From = to, To = from, RowKey = ShortGuidGenerator.NewGuid() }; c.AddNewItem(reverseitem); NotifyApprovedItem(to, AuthTokens[2] + " added \"" + t + "\" relationship in " + d + " between \"" + to + "\" and \"" + from + "\""); } Response.ContentType = "application/json"; string retvalue = (new { result = "ok" }).ToJSON(); Response.Write(retvalue); Response.End(); } catch (Exception ex) { Response.ContentType = "application/json"; Response.Write("{\"result\":\"error\", \"message\":\"" + ex.Message + "\"}"); Response.End(); } return(null); }
private object createFieldGroup(string label, XmlNodeList nodes) { if (processedFieldGroups.Contains(label)) { return(null); } string targetCssClass = "c" + ShortGuidGenerator.NewGuid(); List <object> options = new List <object>(); string hidingrule = ""; bool required = false; string groupname = targetCssClass; int cnt = 0; foreach (XmlNode node in nodes) { if (node.SelectSingleNode("fieldgroup") != null && node.SelectSingleNode("fieldgroup").A("label") != null && node.SelectSingleNode("fieldgroup").A("label") == label) { if (cnt++ == 0) { XmlNode hidingNode = node.SelectSingleNode("hiding"); if (hidingNode != null) { XmlNode conditions = hidingNode.SelectSingleNode("conditions"); if (conditions != null) { XmlNode ruleNode = conditions.SelectSingleNode("rule"); if (ruleNode != null) { hidingrule = ruleNode.InnerText; string controlname = ""; string oper = ""; string value = ""; if (hidingrule.Contains("!=")) { oper = "!="; string[] tokens = hidingrule.Split(oper.ToCharArray()); controlname = tokens[0]; value = tokens[2]; } else { oper = "="; string[] tokens = hidingrule.Split(oper.ToCharArray()); controlname = tokens[0]; value = tokens[1]; oper = "=="; if (value.Contains("||")) { oper = "in"; } } addControlEvent(controlname, oper, value, targetCssClass, "show", "hide"); } } } } if (node.E("required") == "true") { required = true; } if (node.E("name") == "dobyear") { groupname = "dob"; } if (node.A("type") == "dropdown") { options.Add(createInputDropDown(node)); } else { options.Add(createInputGeneric(node)); } } } processedFieldGroups.Add(label); return(new { type = "fieldgroup", name = groupname, cssclass = targetCssClass, label = label, required = required, options = options.ToArray() }); }
public DirectSchoolClient() { PartitionKey = "same"; RowKey = ShortGuidGenerator.NewGuid(); Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow; }
public DirectSchoolClientLead() { RowKey = ShortGuidGenerator.NewGuid(); Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow; }
public CBNSchoolProgram() { //PartitionKey = SchoolId; RowKey = ShortGuidGenerator.NewGuid(); }
public CBNSchoolCampus() { //PartitionKey = "same"; //Set to SchoolId RowKey = ShortGuidGenerator.NewGuid(); }
public DirectEmployerClientCampusProgram() { PartitionKey = "same"; RowKey = ShortGuidGenerator.NewGuid(); Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow; }
public CBNProfession() { PartitionKey = "same"; RowKey = ShortGuidGenerator.NewGuid(); }
public JobPosting() { PartitionKey = "same"; RowKey = ShortGuidGenerator.NewGuid(); Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow; }
public ActionResult CreateEntry(ThesaurusEntry newitem) { try { if (!IsValidUser(tokens => tokens[0] == Request["username"].ToString())) { return(RedirectToAction("Logon")); } newitem.Timestamp = DateTime.Now; if (ModelState.IsValid) { ThesaurusEntryClient c = new ThesaurusEntryClient(); c.AddNewItem(newitem); NotifyApprovedItem(newitem.From, AuthTokens[2] + " added \"" + newitem.AddRemove + "\" relationship in " + newitem.PartitionKey + " between \"" + newitem.From + "\" and \"" + newitem.To + "\""); if (newitem.PartitionKey == "similars") { var reverseitem = new ThesaurusEntry { AddedAs = "similar", PartitionKey = newitem.PartitionKey, AddRemove = newitem.AddRemove, From = newitem.To, To = newitem.From, RowKey = ShortGuidGenerator.NewGuid() }; c.AddNewItem(reverseitem); NotifyApprovedItem(newitem.To, AuthTokens[2] + " added \"" + newitem.AddRemove + "\" relationship in " + newitem.PartitionKey + " between \"" + newitem.To + "\" and \"" + newitem.From + "\""); } } if (newitem.AddedAs == "predecessor") { return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { p = newitem.To })); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { p = newitem.From })); } } catch (Exception ex) { ModelState.AddModelError("error", ex.Message); return(View(newitem)); } }
public ActionResult CreateEntry(string dictionary, string addremove, string from, string to) { if (!IsValidUser(tokens => tokens[0] == Request["username"].ToString())) { return(RedirectToAction("Logon")); } return(View(new ThesaurusEntry { PartitionKey = dictionary, AddRemove = addremove, From = from.Replace("^", "'"), To = to.Replace("^", "'"), RowKey = ShortGuidGenerator.NewGuid() })); }
private void addControlEvent(string controlName, string oper, string value, string targetCssClass, string targetActionIfTrue, string targetActionIfFalse) { if (!controlEvents.ContainsKey(controlName)) { controlEvents.Add(controlName, new List <object>()); } List <object> list = controlEvents[controlName]; if (oper == "in") { StringBuilder sbvalues = new StringBuilder(); string[] tokens = value.Split(','); int cnt = 0; foreach (string token in tokens) { if (cnt++ > 0) { sbvalues.Append(","); } sbvalues.Append("\"" + token + "\""); } list.Add(new { type = "hiding", oper = oper, value = sbvalues.ToString(), valueVariable = ShortGuidGenerator.NewGuid(), cssclass = targetCssClass, actionIfTrue = targetActionIfTrue, actionIfFalse = targetActionIfFalse }); } else { if (oper == "=") { oper = "=="; } list.Add(new { type = "hiding", oper = oper, value = value, valueVariable = ShortGuidGenerator.NewGuid(), cssclass = targetCssClass, actionIfTrue = targetActionIfTrue, actionIfFalse = targetActionIfFalse }); } }
public Agent() { PartitionKey = "same"; RowKey = ShortGuidGenerator.NewGuid(); }