예제 #1
    protected void SeeShoppingBag_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        User temp = (User)Session["user"];

        if (temp == null)
            Response.Write("<script>alert('על מנת לרכוש מוצרים עליך להיות לקוח רשום')</script>");
        ShoppingBag sb = (ShoppingBag)Session["myShoppingBag"];

        if (sb == null || sb.isEmpty())
            Response.Write("<script>alert('הסל ריק')</script>");
예제 #2
    protected void CheckoutButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        User temp = (User)Session["user"];

        if (temp == null)
            Response.Write("<script>alert('על מנת לרכוש מוצרים עליך להיות לקוח רשום')</script>");
        ShoppingBag sb = (ShoppingBag)Session["myShoppingBag"];

        if (sb == null || sb.isEmpty())
            Response.Write("<script>alert('הסל ריק')</script>");
        //delete all the prescription from database
        presList = (List <DataSet>)Session["presList"];
        int presId;
        PrescriptioService ps = new PrescriptioService();

        if (presList != null)
            foreach (DataSet d in presList)
                presId = Convert.ToInt32(d.Tables[0].Rows[0]["PrescriptionId"].ToString());
        //update all the medicine stock according to the current count
        Pharmcy.PharmcyWS webser = new Pharmcy.PharmcyWS();
        int totalPrice = sb.GetTotalPrice();
        List <MedicineInBag> medList = sb.GetProducts();
        int countOfMedicine = 0, size = sb.getSize(), index = 0;

        //create medicineInBag variables
        string[] id = new string[size], name = new string[size], pn = new string[size], cn = new string[size];
        int[]    price = new int[size], s = new int[size], pro = new int[size], cat = new int[size], count = new int[size];
        bool[]   p  = new bool[size];
        foreach (MedicineInBag m in medList)
            id[index]    = m.CMedicineId;
            name[index]  = m.CMedicineName;
            pn[index]    = m.CMedicineInBagProducerName;
            cn[index]    = m.CMedicineInBagCatagoryName;
            price[index] = m.CMedicinePrice;
            s[index]     = m.CMedicineStock;
            pro[index]   = m.CMedicineProducer;
            cat[index]   = m.CMedicineCatagory;
            p[index]     = m.CMedicineNeedPrescription;
            count[index] = m.CMedicineInBagMedicineCount;


             * int currentStock = webser.GetMedicineStock(Convert.ToInt32(m.CMedicineId));
             * countOfMedicine = currentStock - m.CMedicineInBagMedicineCount;
             * webser.UpdateMedCount(countOfMedicine,Convert.ToInt32(m.CMedicineId));
        //inseat to data base
        User u = (User)Session["user"];

         * ///////////
         * os.InsertOrder(o);
         * ////////////////
         * ///*/
        webser.InseartOrder(id, name, price, p, s, pro, cat, pn, cn, count, u.CUserId);

        //init the shopping bag and the prescription list
        presList            = new List <DataSet>();
        Session["presList"] = new List <DataSet>();
        sb = new ShoppingBag();
        Session["myShoppingBag"] = new ShoppingBag();
        Response.Write("<script>alert('ההזמנה בוצעה בהצלחה, עלות ההזמנה היא: " + totalPrice + " שקלים')</script>");
        SortButton_Click(sender, e);