protected void CloseShop() { MenuHeader.OnInventoryClicked -= OpenInventory; CategorySelector.ClearCategory(); ShopGrid.ClearGrid(); StoreManager.Clear(); MessageController.Clean(); }
void GetAllShopData() { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt = db.SqlGetDataTable("SELECT * FROM Shop ,SType WHERE ShopCheck = 'False' AND ShopTypeId = STypeId ORDER BY ShopDate ASC"); ShopGrid.DataSource = dt; ShopGrid.DataBind(); //"SELECT * FROM Shop INNER JOIN SType ON Shop.ShopTypeId = SType.STypeId WHERE ShopCheck = 'False' ORDER BY ShopDate ASC" }
private void SwitchToShopPhase() { string validSceneName = "Shop Phase Scene"; while (SceneManager.GetSceneByName(validSceneName).IsValid()) { validSceneName = validSceneName + "1"; } Scene newScene = SceneManager.CreateScene(validSceneName); Scene currentScene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene(); SceneManager.UnloadScene(currentScene); SceneManager.SetActiveScene(newScene); GameObject roomObj = GameObject.Instantiate(MetaInformation.Instance().roomPrefab) as GameObject; Shop newShop = roomObj.GetComponent <Shop> (); shop = newShop; shopGrid = new ShopGrid(shopGridSizeX, shopGridSizeY, 0, 4); FurnitureInfo[] oldFurniture = new FurnitureInfo[furnitureInShop.Count]; furnitureInShop.CopyTo(oldFurniture); furnitureInShop.Clear(); foreach (FurnitureInfo f in oldFurniture) { var newFurnitureObj = Furniture.InstantiateFurnitureByID(f.furnitureID); var newFurniture = newFurnitureObj.GetComponent <Furniture> (); if (!newFurniture.PlaceAtLocation(newShop, f.position)) { Debug.Log("A furniture was in an invalid position in the savefile!"); GameObject.Destroy(newFurnitureObj); } } GameObject.Instantiate(MetaInformation.Instance().shopPhaseDayCanvasPrefab); GameObject.Instantiate(MetaInformation.Instance().playerPrefab); foreach (GameObject prefab in generalObjectPrefabs) { GameObject.Instantiate(prefab); } }
public void OnSelectCategory(string s) { ShopGrid.ClearGrid(); Item[] items = StoreManager.GetItemFromCategory(s); if (items == null) { return; } foreach (Item item in items) { ShopGrid.AddItem(item, OnSelectItem); } }
public void BuyCards(int number) { string price = string.Empty; DoubleAnimation da = new DoubleAnimation(1, 0, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(250)); da.FillBehavior = FillBehavior.Stop; da.Completed += new EventHandler(delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { ShopGrid.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; }); ShopGrid.BeginAnimation(OpacityProperty, da); if (number == 1) price = "2000"; else if (number == 2) price = "4000"; else if (number == 3) price = "8000"; DialogWin dw = new DialogWin(this, "Внимание!\nПокупка карты будет стоить " + price + " очков\nЖелаете продолжить?", MessageBoxButton.YesNo); App.WindowList.Add(dw.Name, dw); if (dw.ShowDialog() == true) { new Action(delegate { List<Card> card = null; bool isError = false; App.ProxyMutex.WaitOne(); try { card = ServiceProxy.Proxy.BuyCard(App.UserName, number); App.charInfo = ServiceProxy.Proxy.EnterWorld(App.UserName); GetAllCard(); } catch (CommunicationException exc) { App.OnException(); isError = true; } App.ProxyMutex.ReleaseMutex(); if (isError) { App.OnConnectionError(); return; } if (card.Count == 0) { this.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(delegate { DialogWin dw2 = new DialogWin(this, "Недостаточно средств.\nДля покупки необходимо не менее " + price + " очков", MessageBoxButton.OK); App.WindowList.Add(dw2.Name, dw2); dw2.ShowDialog(); })); } else { this.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(delegate { Rating.Text = "Очки: " + App.charInfo.score; CardsScore.Text = "Очки: " + App.charInfo.score; CardPackWindow cpw = new CardPackWindow(card); App.WindowList.Add(cpw.Name, cpw); ShopGrid.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; cpw.ShowDialog(); })); } }).BeginInvoke(new AsyncCallback(delegate(IAsyncResult ar) { }), null); } }
public override IEnumerator MoveToPosition(IntPair pos, SuccessCallback callback = null) { if (callback == null) { callback = (s) => {} } ; if (animator != null) { animator.SetBool(AnimationStandards.IS_MOVING, true); } IntPair endPoint = pos; Game game = Game.current; if (game != null) { ShopGrid grid = game.shopGrid; if (grid != null) { bool done = false; while (!done) { IntPath path = grid.FindPath(MyGrid, farCorner, endPoint); if (path == null) { #region callback(false) and exit loop if (animator != null) { animator.SetBool(AnimationStandards.IS_MOVING, false); } callback(false); done = true; #endregion } else { #region try to follow path; if path succeeds, callback(true) and exit bool pathSucceeded = true; for (int i = 0; i < path.Length; i++) { yield return(Glide(farCorner, path [i])); farCorner = path [i]; } if (pathSucceeded) { if (animator != null) { animator.SetBool(AnimationStandards.IS_MOVING, false); } callback(true); done = true; } #endregion } } } } else { callback(false); } }
private void Awake() { Grid = this.GetComponent <ShopGrid>(); }