public Field ApplyStep(string[] stepParams, Field field) { Tuple <int, int, ShootDirection> parsedParams = parseAndVerifyParameters(stepParams, field); int botX = parsedParams.Item1; int botY = parsedParams.Item2; ShootDirection direction = parsedParams.Item3; Tuple <int, int> step = movePointByDirection(botX, botY, direction); int shootX = step.Item1, shootY = step.Item2; while (shootX >= 0 && shootX < field.Width && shootY >= 0 && shootY < field.Height) { if (field.Points[shootY][shootX] == Point.BlueBot || field.Points[shootY][shootX] == Point.RedBot) { field.Points[shootY][shootX] = Point.Empty; break; } if (field.Points[shootY][shootX] == Point.Obstacle) { break; } step = movePointByDirection(shootX, shootY, direction); shootX = step.Item1; shootY = step.Item2; } return(field); }
public Bullet(MinerGame game, Vector2 position, ShootDirection dir) : base(game, position) { this.Width = width; this.Height = height; this.sprite = game.Content.Load<Texture2D>(ASSET_NAME); int one = (dir == ShootDirection.right) ? 1 : -1; velocity.X = one * 250.0f; }
public void changeWeapon(Weapons _newWeapon) { if (currentWeapon == _newWeapon) { if (lvlWeapon < lvlWeaponMax) { lvlWeapon++; } lvlUpWeapon(); } else { currentWeapon = _newWeapon; nbProjectile = 0; switch (currentWeapon) { case Weapons.LAZER: lvlWeapon = 1; startCDWeapon = -1; cooldownWeapon = 1; nbProjectileMax = 1; sizeModificator = 1; styleShoot = ShootDirection.MONO; break; case Weapons.BULLET: lvlWeapon = 1; startCDWeapon = -1; cooldownWeapon = 0.2f; nbProjectileMax = -1; sizeModificator = 1; styleShoot = ShootDirection.MONO; break; case Weapons.MISSILE: lvlWeapon = 1; startCDWeapon = 2; cooldownWeapon = -1; nbProjectileMax = 1; sizeModificator = 1; styleShoot = ShootDirection.MONO; break; default: currentWeapon = Weapons.NONE; lvlWeapon = 0; startCDWeapon = -1; cooldownWeapon = -1; nbProjectileMax = -1; sizeModificator = 0; styleShoot = ShootDirection.MONO; break; } } }
public void Respawn(Transform respawnPos, ShootDirection direction) { dead = false; characterAnimator.SetBool("IsDead", dead); transform.position = new Vector3(respawnPos.position.x, respawnPos.position.y, transform.position.z); currentShootDirection = direction; charaFlower.SetCurrentGlobalTarget(currentShootDirection == ShootDirection.Left ? leftShootPosition : rightShootPosition, currentShootDirection); lifeSystem.ResetLife(); }
public void HandleInputs() { if (dead || won) { return; } if ((Input.GetKeyDown(shootingGamepadInput) || Input.GetKeyDown(shootingKeyboardInput))) { isShootingInputDown = true; if (!IsStunned) { StartShooting(); } } else if ((Input.GetKeyUp(shootingGamepadInput) || Input.GetKeyUp(shootingKeyboardInput))) { isShootingInputDown = false; } if (IsStunned) { currentHorizontalInput = 0; return; } currentHorizontalInput = Input.GetAxis(horizontalAxis); currentHorizontalInput = (Mathf.Abs(currentHorizontalInput) > minimumAxisValueToConsiderHorizontalMovement) ? Mathf.Sign(currentHorizontalInput) : 0; if (currentHorizontalInput != 0) { ShootDirection previous = currentShootDirection; currentShootDirection = currentHorizontalInput > 0 ? ShootDirection.Right : ShootDirection.Left; if (previous != currentShootDirection) { charaFlower.SetCurrentGlobalTarget(currentShootDirection == ShootDirection.Left ? leftShootPosition : rightShootPosition, currentShootDirection); } } if (GetJumpKeyDown) { if (IsOnGround || CanLateJump) { StartJumping(); } else { StartExtentJumpDelay(); } } else if (GetJumpKeyUp && isJumping) { EndJumping(); } }
private void Update() { ShootDirection previous = currentShootDirection; currentShootDirection = GetShootDirection; if (currentShootDirection != previous) { rendererParent.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, currentShootDirection == ShootDirection.Right ? rightRotation : leftRotation, 0); } UpdateBehavior(); }
public void lvlUpBullet() { switch (lvlWeapon) { case 2: styleShoot = ShootDirection.TRIPLE; break; case 3: styleShoot = ShootDirection.OMNI; break; } }
public void ShootProjectile() { ShootDirection shootDirectionEnum = currentShootDirection; Vector3 shootPosition = shootDirectionEnum == ShootDirection.Right ? rightShootPosition.position : leftShootPosition.position; Vector3 shootDirection = shootDirectionEnum == ShootDirection.Right ? Vector3.right : Vector3.left; shootDirection = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, shootAngle * (shootDirectionEnum == ShootDirection.Right ? 1 : -1)) * shootDirection; /*print("SHOOT"); * Debug.DrawRay(shootPosition, shootDirection * 5.0f, Color.magenta, 0.25f);*/// ProjectileBase newProj = Instantiate(enemyProjectilePrefab, shootPosition, Quaternion.identity); newProj.ShootProjectile(shootDirection, gameObject); PlayShootFeedback(); }
// Use this for initialization void Awake() { lvlWeaponMax = 3; lvlWeapon = 0; startCDWeapon = -1; cooldownWeapon = -1; nbProjectile = 0; nbProjectileMax = -1; sizeModificator = 0; styleShoot = ShootDirection.MONO; currentWeapon = Weapons.NONE; changeWeapon(Weapons.BULLET); player = transform; }
// Use this for initialization void Awake() { _anime = GetComponent <Animator>(); CenterProcess = GameObject.Find("CenterProcess").GetComponent <CenterProcess>(); _gunsprite = GunShow.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); _state = this.gameObject.GetComponent <State>(); _bag = this.gameObject.GetComponent <PlayerBag>(); _shootDirection = GunShow.GetComponent <ShootDirection>(); _bag.init(); _state.Maxhealth += UpgradeTree.PlayerArchive.ExtraHpLevel * SystemOption.ExPlayerHpPerL; _state.Health += UpgradeTree.PlayerArchive.ExtraHpLevel * SystemOption.ExPlayerHpPerL; _state.Armor += UpgradeTree.PlayerArchive.ExtraArmorLevel * SystemOption.ExPlayerArmorPerL; this.gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(-_playerFlipScale, _playerFlipScale, _playerFlipScale); }
private Tuple <int, int, ShootDirection> parseAndVerifyParameters(string[] input, Field field) { if (input.Length != 3) { throw new ArgumentException($"Shoot action requires 3 parameters - bot position (x, y) and shoot direction. But got { input.ToString() }"); } int botX = int.Parse(input[0]); int botY = int.Parse(input[1]); ShootDirection direction = (ShootDirection)Enum.Parse(typeof(ShootDirection), input[2]); if (field.Points[botY][botX] != Point.BlueBot && field.Points[botY][botX] != Point.RedBot) { throw new ArgumentException("Point addresed by bot position doesn't containing any bot."); } return(new Tuple <int, int, ShootDirection>(botX, botY, direction)); }
private Tuple <int, int> movePointByDirection(int x, int y, ShootDirection direction) { switch (direction) { case ShootDirection.Top: y--; break; case ShootDirection.Bottom: y++; break; case ShootDirection.Left: x--; break; case ShootDirection.Right: x++; break; } return(new Tuple <int, int>(x, y)); }
public static System.Tuple <int, int, Vector2> SetShootValues(ShootDirection shootDirection) { int instantDestroyDistance; int fireLength; Vector2 direction =; switch (shootDirection) { case ShootDirection.Up: direction = Vector2.up; break; case ShootDirection.Right: direction = Vector2.right; break; case ShootDirection.Left: direction = Vector2.left; break; case ShootDirection.Down: direction = Vector2.down; break; } if (shootDirection == ShootDirection.Right || shootDirection == ShootDirection.Left) { instantDestroyDistance = 1; fireLength = 16; } else { instantDestroyDistance = 0; fireLength = 9; } return(System.Tuple.Create(instantDestroyDistance, fireLength, direction)); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { // objects to be placed object_lever = GameObject.Find("lever_placed"); object_ramp = GameObject.Find("ramp_placed"); object_wedge = GameObject.Find("Wedge_placed"); object_pulley = GameObject.Find("pulley_placed"); // scripts attached to inventories: lever = GameObject.Find("Lever").GetComponent <UpdateCursor_lever_button> (); ramp = GameObject.Find("Ramp").GetComponent <UpdateCursor_ramp_button> (); wedge = GameObject.Find("Wedge").GetComponent <UpdateCursor_wedge_button> (); eraser = GameObject.Find("Eraser").GetComponent <UpdateCursor_eraser_button> (); crossbow = GameObject.Find("Crossbow").GetComponent <UpdateCursor_crossbow_button> (); plank = GameObject.Find("PlankSprite").GetComponent <WedgePlank> (); pulleyplank1 = GameObject.Find("PlankRight").GetComponent <plankz1> (); pulleyplank2 = GameObject.Find("PlankLeft").GetComponent <plankz2> (); shoot = GameObject.Find("Gun Location").GetComponent <ShootDirection> (); pulley = GameObject.Find("Pulley").GetComponent <UpdateCursor_pulley_button> (); // cursor: cursor = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainCamera").GetComponent <HandleCursor> (); pprightPos = pulleyplank1.transform.position; ppleftPos = pulleyplank2.transform.position; // help box: panel_rotate = GameObject.Find("help_rotate"); panel_rotate.SetActive(false); // 1: has soft reset; 0: new game softreset = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("reset"); // animator: animator = GameObject.Find("Billie").GetComponent <Animator>(); }
/// <summary> /// Implementacja interfejsu IRangeAttacker. Metoda wywoływana przez postać atakującą na odległość. /// </summary> /// <param name="direction">Wyliczenie określające kierunek strzału</param> /// <param name="damage">Wartość zadanych obrażeń</param> /// <returns>Obiekt pocisku stworzony w wyniku strzału</returns> public Bullet RangeAttack(ShootDirection direction, int damage) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public void SetCurrentGlobalTarget(Transform target, ShootDirection direction) { currentGlobalTargetTr = target; currentAttackTr = direction == ShootDirection.Left ? leftAttackTr : rightAttackTr; }
/// <summary> /// Implementacja interfejsu IRangeAttacker. Metoda wywoływana przez postać atakującą na odległość. /// </summary> /// <param name="direction">Wyliczenie określające kierunek strzału</param> /// <param name="damage">Wartość zadanych obrażeń</param> /// <returns>Obiekt pocisku stworzony w wyniku strzału</returns> public Bullet RangeAttack(ShootDirection direction, int damage) { return new Bullet(, new Vector2(this.Position.X, this.Position.Y + 0.5f * (float)Field.FieldHeight), direction); }
void Awake() { Instance = this; }