예제 #1
        private void SetFormValues()
            txtSubTotal.Text            = Math.Round(_subTotal, 2).ToString(F2);
            txtShippingAndHandling.Text = ShippingAndHandling.ToString(F2);
            txtRetailTotal.Text         = Math.Round(_retailTotal, 2).ToString(F2);
            txtTaxAmount.Text          = Math.Round(_taxAmount, 2).ToString(F2);
            txtBackgroundCheckFee.Text = GetBackgroundCheckFee().ToString(F2);
            textBoxCouponAmt.Text      = _transactionCouponAmount.ToString(F2);
            if (LayawayPaymentCalc != null)
                var bProcedures = new BusinessRulesProcedures(CDS);
                if (bProcedures.IsServiceFeeTaxable(CDS.CurrentSiteId))
                    txtLayawayServiceFee.Text = LayawayPaymentCalc.ServiceFee.ToString(F2);
                    txtLayawayServiceFee.Text = LayawayPaymentCalc.ServiceFeeTotal.ToString(F2);

            customButtonOutTheDoor.Enabled = _subTotal > 0.0m;
            customButtonCoupon.Location    = new Point(customButtonOutTheDoor.Location.X, customButtonOutTheDoor.Location.Y - 118);
예제 #2
        public ShippingAndHandling GetShippingAndHandlingAmount()
            // Multiply album price by count of that album to get
            // the current price for each of those albums in the cart
            // sum all album price totals to get the cart total
            ShippingAndHandling ShippingAndHandlingAmount = null;

            ShippingAndHandlingAmount = (from sh in db.ShippingAndHandlings select sh).FirstOrDefault();

예제 #3
        public ActionResult ViewOrderDetailsReport(int id, string name)
            //var transID4 = Request.QueryString["id"].ToString();
            FECombineOrderDetailsViewModel model = new FECombineOrderDetailsViewModel();

            if (Session["username"] != null)
                    var orderDetails = (from o in db.Orders
                                        join od in db.OrderDetails on o.OrderID equals od.OrderID
                                        join p in db.Products on o.ProductID equals p.ProductID
                                        join u in db.Users on o.UserID equals u.UserID
                                        join c in db.Countries on u.CountryID equals c.CountryID
                                        where (o.OrderTransactionNumber == name)
                                        select new FEOrderDetailsViewModel
                        ProductID = o.ProductID,
                        OrderID = o.OrderID,
                        TransactionID = o.OrderTransactionNumber,
                        ProductName = od.ProductName,
                        ProductSku = o.ProductModelNumber,
                        ProductFrontViewThumb = p.ProductFrontViewThumbnail.Substring(1),
                        ProductQuantity = o.OrderQuantity,
                        ProductUnitPrice = o.OrderUnitPrice,
                        ProductTotalPrice = o.OrderQuantity * o.OrderUnitPrice,
                    model.List = orderDetails;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    ViewBag.DisplayMessage = "Info";
                    ModelState.AddModelError("", ex.Message);

                    var orderDetailsItems = (from o in db.Orders
                                             join od in db.OrderDetails on o.OrderID equals od.OrderID
                                             //join p in db.Products on o.ProductID equals p.ProductID
                                             join u in db.Users on o.UserID equals u.UserID
                                             join c in db.Countries on u.UserBillingCountry equals c.CountryID.ToString()
                                             join cd in db.Countries on u.CountryID equals cd.CountryID
                                             where (o.OrderTransactionNumber == name)
                                             select new FEOrderDetailsItemsViewModel
                        OrderID = o.OrderID,
                        TransIDShort = o.OrderTransactionNumber.Substring(0, 8).ToUpper(),
                        TransactionID = o.OrderTransactionNumber,
                        OrderDate = o.OrderDate,
                        OrderDeliveryStatus = o.OrderDeliveryStatus,
                        UserFirstName = u.UserFirstName,
                        UserLastName = u.UserLastName,
                        UserCountry = cd.CountryName,
                        UserState = u.UserState,
                        UserCity = u.UserCity,
                        UserPhoneNumber = u.UserPhone,
                        UserAddress1 = u.UserAddress1,
                        UserBillingAddress = u.UserBillingAddress,
                        UserBillingCity = u.UserBillingCity,
                        UserBillingCountry = c.CountryName,
                        UserBillingState = u.UserBillingState,
                        OrderDeliveryMethod = o.OrderDeliveryOption,
                        OrderPaymentMethod = o.OrderPaymentOption,
                        UserBillingFirstName = u.UserBillingFirstName,
                        UserBillingLastName = u.UserBillingLastName,
                        UserBillingPhone = u.UserBillingPhone
                    model.OrderItems = orderDetailsItems;

                    ViewBag.CartTotal = GetTotalPriceForOrderSummary(name);
                    if (ViewBag.CartTotal > 0)
                        ViewBag.CartTotals = GetTotalPriceForOrderSummary(name);
                        ShippingAndHandling sh = GetShippingAndHandlingAmount();
                        ViewBag.ShippingAndHandling = sh.ShippingAndHandlingCharges;
                        //ViewBag.ShippingAndHandling = 1000m;
                        ViewBag.Tax               = sh.Vat;
                        ViewBag.Discount          = 0.00m;
                        ViewBag.OrderSummaryTotal = ViewBag.CartTotal + ViewBag.ShippingAndHandling + ViewBag.Tax;
                        ViewBag.ShippingAndHandling = 0.00m;
                        ViewBag.Tax               = 0.00m;
                        ViewBag.Discount          = 0.00m;
                        ViewBag.OrderSummaryTotal = 0.00m;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    ViewBag.DisplayMessage = "Info";
                    ModelState.AddModelError("", ex.Message);
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));