public async Task Book_EmployeeNotOnShiftButShiftNotAvailable_ViewDataWarning()
            // Arrange
            IStringLocalizer <ShiftsController> stringLocalizer = Substitute.For <IStringLocalizer <ShiftsController> >();

            stringLocalizer.GetString("NoShiftsAvailable").Returns(new LocalizedString("NoShiftsAvailable", "There are no shifts available."));

            IRepository <Library.Models.Shift> shiftRepository = Substitute.For <IRepository <Library.Models.Shift> >();
            DateTime         now             = DateTime.Now;
            ILocationService locationService = Substitute.For <ILocationService>();

            locationService.Get().Returns(new[] { new Library.Models.Location {
                                                      id = "1", Name = "Contoso"
                                                  } });
            locationService.GetByName("Contoso").Returns(new Library.Models.Location {
                id = "1", Name = "Contoso"

            ShiftsController controller = this.GetController(shiftRepository: shiftRepository, locationService: locationService, stringLocalizer: stringLocalizer);

            controller.HttpContext.User = new ClaimsPrincipal(new ClaimsIdentity(new[] { new Claim("", "123") }));
            ShiftViewModel viewModel = new ShiftViewModel {
                LocationName = "Contoso", Start = now, End = now.AddHours(9), WorkType = "Till"

            // Act
            IActionResult result = await controller.Book(viewModel);

            // Assert
            ViewResult viewResult = Assert.IsType <ViewResult>(result);

            Assert.Equal(stringLocalizer["NoShiftsAvailable"], viewResult.ViewData["ValidationError"]);
        public async Task Delete_ShiftViewModel_QueryPassedToRepo()
            // Arrange
            IRepository <Library.Models.Shift> shiftRepository = Substitute.For <IRepository <Library.Models.Shift> >();
            ILocationService locationService = Substitute.For <ILocationService>();

            locationService.Get().Returns(new[] { new Library.Models.Location {
                                                      id = "1", Name = "Contoso"
                                                  }, new Library.Models.Location {
                                                      id = "2", Name = "Fabrikam"
                                                  } });
            ShiftsController controller = this.GetController(shiftRepository: shiftRepository, locationService: locationService);

            DateTime       now       = DateTime.Now;
            ShiftViewModel viewModel = new ShiftViewModel {
                LocationName = "Contoso", Start = now, End = now.AddHours(9), WorkType = "Till"

            // Act
            await controller.Delete(viewModel);

            // Assert
#pragma warning disable CS4014 // Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method continues before the call is completed
            shiftRepository.Received(1).Delete(Arg.Any <Expression <Func <Library.Models.Shift, bool> > >());
#pragma warning restore CS4014 // Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method continues before the call is completed
        public async Task ViewShift_NoShifts_ViewDataWarning()
            // Arrange
            DateTime         now             = DateTime.Now;
            ILocationService locationService = Substitute.For <ILocationService>();

            locationService.GetByName("Contoso").Returns(new Library.Models.Location {
                id = "1", Name = "Contoso"

            IStringLocalizer <ShiftsController> stringLocalizer = Substitute.For <IStringLocalizer <ShiftsController> >();

            stringLocalizer.GetString("NoEmployees").Returns(new LocalizedString("NoEmployees", "No employees are booked for this shift."));

            ShiftsController controller = this.GetController(locationService: locationService, stringLocalizer: stringLocalizer);
            ShiftViewModel   viewModel  = new ShiftViewModel {
                LocationName = "Contoso", Start = now, End = now.AddHours(9), WorkType = "Till"

            // Act
            IActionResult result = await controller.ViewShift(viewModel);

            // Assert
            ViewResult viewResult = Assert.IsType <ViewResult>(result);

            Assert.Equal(stringLocalizer["NoEmployees"], viewResult.ViewData["NoEmployees"]);
        public async Task ViewShifts_Shifts_ViewModel()
            // Arrange
            IRepository <Library.Models.Shift> shiftRepository = Substitute.For <IRepository <Library.Models.Shift> >();

            shiftRepository.Get(Arg.Any <string>(), Arg.Any <IDictionary <string, object> >()).Returns(new[]
                new Library.Models.Shift {
                    StartDateTime = DateTime.Now, LocationId = "1", Allocated = false
                new Library.Models.Shift {
                    StartDateTime = DateTime.Now.Add(new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0)), LocationId = "1", Allocated = false
            ILocationService locationService = Substitute.For <ILocationService>();

            locationService.Get().Returns(new[] { new Library.Models.Location {
                                                      id = "1", Name = "Contoso"
                                                  }, new Library.Models.Location {
                                                      id = "2", Name = "Fabrikam"
                                                  } });
            ShiftsController controller = this.GetController(shiftRepository: shiftRepository, locationService: locationService);

            controller.HttpContext.User = new ClaimsPrincipal(new ClaimsIdentity(new[] { new Claim("", "123") }));

            // Act
            IActionResult result = await controller.ViewShifts();

            // Assert
            ViewResult viewResult = Assert.IsType <ViewResult>(result);
            IEnumerable <ShiftViewModel> viewModelResult = Assert.IsAssignableFrom <IEnumerable <ShiftViewModel> >(viewResult.ViewData.Model);

            Assert.Equal(2, viewModelResult.Count());
        public async Task AddShift_ViewModel_ShiftRepoHitForEachShift()
            // Arrange
            IRepository <Library.Models.Shift> shiftRepository = Substitute.For <IRepository <Library.Models.Shift> >();
            ILocationService locationService = Substitute.For <ILocationService>();

            locationService.GetByName("Contoso").Returns(new Library.Models.Location {
                id = "1", Name = "Contoso"

            ShiftsController  controller = this.GetController(shiftRepository: shiftRepository, locationService: locationService);
            AddShiftViewModel viewModel  = new AddShiftViewModel
                NewShift = new ShiftViewModel
                    Start        = DateTime.Now,
                    Quantity     = 2,
                    WorkType     = "Till",
                    LocationName = "Contoso",

            // Act
            await controller.AddShift(viewModel);

            // Assert
#pragma warning disable CS4014 // Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method continues before the call is completed
            shiftRepository.Received(2).Add(Arg.Any <Library.Models.Shift>());
#pragma warning restore CS4014 // Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method continues before the call is completed
        public async Task Search_SearchViewModel_ResultsFilteredByLocation()
            // Arrange
            IRepository <Library.Models.Shift> shiftRepository = Substitute.For <IRepository <Library.Models.Shift> >();

            shiftRepository.Get(Arg.Any <string>(), Arg.Any <IDictionary <string, object> >(), Arg.Any <string>()).Returns(new []
                new Library.Models.Shift {
                    StartDateTime = DateTime.Now.Add(new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0)), LocationId = "1"
            ILocationService locationService = Substitute.For <ILocationService>();

            locationService.Get().Returns(new[] { new Library.Models.Location {
                                                      id = "1", Name = "Contoso"
                                                  }, new Library.Models.Location {
                                                      id = "2", Name = "Fabrikam"
                                                  } });
            ShiftsController     controller = this.GetController(shiftRepository: shiftRepository, locationService: locationService);
            SearchShiftViewModel viewModel  = new SearchShiftViewModel {
                Locations = new List <string> {
                }, Start = DateTime.Now

            // Act
            IActionResult result = await controller.Index(viewModel);

            // Assert
            ViewResult           viewResult      = Assert.IsType <ViewResult>(result);
            SearchShiftViewModel viewModelResult = Assert.IsAssignableFrom <SearchShiftViewModel>(viewResult.ViewData.Model);

            Assert.Contains <ShiftViewModel>(viewModelResult.Result, x => x.LocationName == "Contoso");
            Assert.DoesNotContain <ShiftViewModel>(viewModelResult.Result, x => x.LocationName == "Fabrikam");
        public async Task Book_EmployeeNotOnShift_BooksOnShift()
            // Arrange
            IRepository <Library.Models.Shift> shiftRepository = Substitute.For <IRepository <Library.Models.Shift> >();
            DateTime now = DateTime.Now;

                "SELECT * FROM c WHERE c.LocationId = @locationId AND c.StartDateTime = @start AND c.EndDateTime = @end AND c.WorkType = @workType AND c.Allocated = false",
                Arg.Any <IDictionary <string, object> >(), Arg.Any <string>()).Returns(new[]
                new Library.Models.Shift {
                    StartDateTime = now.AddDays(1), LocationId = "1", Allocated = true, EmployeeId = "xyz"
            ILocationService locationService = Substitute.For <ILocationService>();

            locationService.GetByName("Contoso").Returns(new Library.Models.Location {
                id = "1", Name = "Contoso"

            ShiftsController controller = this.GetController(shiftRepository: shiftRepository, locationService: locationService);

            controller.HttpContext.User = new ClaimsPrincipal(new ClaimsIdentity(new[] { new Claim("", "123") }));
            ShiftViewModel viewModel = new ShiftViewModel {
                LocationName = "Contoso", Start = now, End = now.AddHours(9), WorkType = "Till"

            // Act
            await controller.Book(viewModel);

            // Assert
#pragma warning disable CS4014 // Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method continues before the call is completed
            shiftRepository.Received(1).Update(Arg.Is <Library.Models.Shift>(x => x.EmployeeId == "123" && x.Allocated == true));
#pragma warning restore CS4014 // Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method continues before the call is completed
        public async Task UploadShifts_ViewModel_ShiftRepoHit()
            // Arrange
            IFormFile formFile = Substitute.For <IFormFile>();

            .Returns(new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Start,End,WorkType\n2020-10-10,2020-10-10,Till\n2020-10-10,2020-10-10,Till")));

            IRepository <Library.Models.Shift> shiftRepository = Substitute.For <IRepository <Library.Models.Shift> >();
            ILocationService locationService = Substitute.For <ILocationService>();

            locationService.GetByName("Contoso").Returns(new Library.Models.Location {
                id = "1", Name = "Contoso"

            ShiftsController    controller = this.GetController(shiftRepository: shiftRepository, locationService: locationService);
            FileUploadViewModel viewModel  = new FileUploadViewModel
                LocationName = "Contoso",
                FormFile     = formFile,

            // Act
            await controller.UploadShifts(viewModel);

            // Assert
#pragma warning disable CS4014 // Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method continues before the call is completed
                Arg.Is <Library.Models.Shift>(x => x.LocationId == "1" && x.WorkType == "Till" && x.Allocated == false));
#pragma warning restore CS4014 // Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method continues before the call is completed
        public async Task ViewShifts_NoIdClaim_Exception()
            // Arrange
            ShiftsController controller = this.GetController();

            // Assert
            ArgumentException exception = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <ArgumentException>(() => controller.ViewShifts());

            Assert.Equal(" claim is required", exception.Message);
예제 #10
        public async Task Add_NoParams_SearchShiftViewModel()
            // Arrange
            ShiftsController controller = this.GetController();
            // Act
            IActionResult result = await controller.Add();

            // Assert
            ViewResult viewResult = Assert.IsType <ViewResult>(result);

            Assert.IsType <AddShiftViewModel>(viewResult.Model);
예제 #11
        public async Task Add_NoParams_LocationRepoHit()
            // Arrange
            ILocationService locationService = Substitute.For <ILocationService>();
            ShiftsController controller      = this.GetController(locationService: locationService);
            // Act
            await controller.Add();

            // Assert
#pragma warning disable CS4014 // Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method continues before the call is completed
#pragma warning restore CS4014 // Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method continues before the call is completed
예제 #12
        public async Task Index_NoParams_RedirectIfNoLocations()
            // Arrange
            ShiftsController controller = this.GetController();

            controller.HttpContext.User = new ClaimsPrincipal(new ClaimsIdentity(new[] { new Claim("extension_zaprole", "org_a_manager") }));

            // Act
            IActionResult result = await controller.Index();

            // Assert
            RedirectResult redirectResult = Assert.IsType <RedirectResult>(result);

            Assert.Equal("/Locations", redirectResult.Url);
예제 #13
        public async Task Index_NoParams_ReturnsShiftsForNowAndLater()
            // Arrange
            IRepository <Library.Models.Shift> shiftRepository = Substitute.For <IRepository <Library.Models.Shift> >();
            ILocationService locationService = Substitute.For <ILocationService>();

            locationService.Get().Returns(new[] { new Library.Models.Location {
                                                      id = "1", Name = "Contoso"
                                                  } });
            ShiftsController controller = this.GetController(shiftRepository: shiftRepository, locationService: locationService);
            // Act
            await controller.Index();

            // Assert
#pragma warning disable CS4014 // Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method continues before the call is completed
            shiftRepository.Received(1).Get("SELECT * FROM c WHERE c.StartDateTime >= @startDateTime", Arg.Is <Dictionary <string, object> >(x => x.ContainsKey("@startDateTime")));
#pragma warning restore CS4014 // Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method continues before the call is completed
예제 #14
        public async Task Book_NoIdClaim_Exception()
            // Arrange
            DateTime         now        = DateTime.Now;
            ShiftsController controller = this.GetController();

            controller.ControllerContext             = new ControllerContext();
            controller.ControllerContext.HttpContext = new DefaultHttpContext();
            controller.HttpContext.User = new ClaimsPrincipal(new ClaimsIdentity());
            ShiftViewModel viewModel = new ShiftViewModel {
                LocationName = "Contoso", Start = now, End = now.AddHours(9), WorkType = "Till"

            // Assert
            ArgumentException exception = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <ArgumentException>(() => controller.Book(viewModel));

            Assert.Equal(" claim is required", exception.Message);
예제 #15
        public async Task Book_EmployeeNotOnShift_ShiftRepoHitWithCorrectQuery()
            // Arrange
            IRepository <Library.Models.Shift> shiftRepository = Substitute.For <IRepository <Library.Models.Shift> >();
            DateTime now = DateTime.Now;

            shiftRepository.Get(Arg.Any <string>(), Arg.Any <IDictionary <string, object> >(), Arg.Any <string>()).Returns(new[]
                new Library.Models.Shift {
                    StartDateTime = now, LocationId = "1", Allocated = true, EmployeeId = "abc"
                new Library.Models.Shift {
                    StartDateTime = now.Add(new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0)), LocationId = "1", Allocated = true, EmployeeId = "xyz"
            ILocationService locationService = Substitute.For <ILocationService>();

            .Returns(new[] { new Library.Models.Location {
                                 id = "1", Name = "Contoso"
                             }, new Library.Models.Location {
                                 id = "2", Name = "Fabrikam"
                             } });

            ShiftsController controller = this.GetController(shiftRepository: shiftRepository, locationService: locationService);

            controller.ControllerContext             = new ControllerContext();
            controller.ControllerContext.HttpContext = new DefaultHttpContext();
            controller.HttpContext.User = new ClaimsPrincipal(new ClaimsIdentity(new[] { new Claim("", "123") }));
            ShiftViewModel viewModel = new ShiftViewModel {
                LocationName = "Contoso", Start = now, End = now.AddHours(9), WorkType = "Till"

            // Act
            await controller.Book(viewModel);

            // Assert
#pragma warning disable CS4014 // Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method continues before the call is completed
                "SELECT * FROM c WHERE c.EmployeeId = @employeeId",
                Arg.Any <Dictionary <string, object> >());
#pragma warning restore CS4014 // Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method continues before the call is completed
예제 #16
        public async Task ViewShift_EmployeesOnShift_ShiftRepoHitWithCorrectQuery()
            // Arrange
            IRepository <Library.Models.Shift> shiftRepository = Substitute.For <IRepository <Library.Models.Shift> >();
            DateTime now = DateTime.Now;

            shiftRepository.Get(Arg.Any <string>(), Arg.Any <IDictionary <string, object> >(), Arg.Any <string>()).Returns(new[]
                new Library.Models.Shift {
                    StartDateTime = now, LocationId = "1", Allocated = true, EmployeeId = "abc"
                new Library.Models.Shift {
                    StartDateTime = now.Add(new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0)), LocationId = "1", Allocated = true, EmployeeId = "xyz"
            ILocationService locationService = Substitute.For <ILocationService>();

            locationService.GetByName("Contoso").Returns(new Library.Models.Location {
                id = "1", Name = "Contoso"

            IGraphServiceClient graphClient = Substitute.For <IGraphServiceClient>();

            graphClient.Users[Arg.Any <string>()].Request().GetAsync().Returns(new User {
                GivenName = "a", Surname = "b"

            ShiftsController controller = this.GetController(shiftRepository: shiftRepository, locationService: locationService, graphClient: graphClient);
            ShiftViewModel   viewModel  = new ShiftViewModel {
                LocationName = "Contoso", Start = now, End = now.AddHours(9), WorkType = "Till"

            // Act
            await controller.ViewShift(viewModel);

            // Assert
#pragma warning disable CS4014 // Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method continues before the call is completed
                "SELECT * FROM c WHERE c.LocationId = @locationId AND c.StartDateTime = @start AND c.EndDateTime = @end AND c.WorkType = @workType",
                Arg.Any <Dictionary <string, object> >(),
                Arg.Any <string>());
#pragma warning restore CS4014 // Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method continues before the call is completed
예제 #17
        public async Task Book_EmployeeOnShift_ViewDataError()
            // Arrange
            IStringLocalizer <ShiftsController> stringLocalizer = Substitute.For <IStringLocalizer <ShiftsController> >();

            stringLocalizer.GetString("MultipleBookError").Returns(new LocalizedString("MultipleBookError", "You are already booked to work on this day."));

            IRepository <Library.Models.Shift> shiftRepository = Substitute.For <IRepository <Library.Models.Shift> >();
            DateTime now = DateTime.Now;

            shiftRepository.Get(Arg.Any <string>(), Arg.Any <IDictionary <string, object> >(), Arg.Any <string>()).Returns(new[]
                new Library.Models.Shift {
                    StartDateTime = now, LocationId = "1", Allocated = true, EmployeeId = "abc"
                new Library.Models.Shift {
                    StartDateTime = now.Add(new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0)), LocationId = "1", Allocated = true, EmployeeId = "xyz"
            ILocationService locationService = Substitute.For <ILocationService>();

            locationService.Get().Returns(new[] { new Library.Models.Location {
                                                      id = "1", Name = "Contoso"
                                                  }, new Library.Models.Location {
                                                      id = "2", Name = "Fabrikam"
                                                  } });

            ShiftsController controller = this.GetController(shiftRepository: shiftRepository, locationService: locationService, stringLocalizer: stringLocalizer);

            controller.HttpContext.User = new ClaimsPrincipal(new ClaimsIdentity(new[] { new Claim("", "123") }));
            ShiftViewModel viewModel = new ShiftViewModel {
                LocationName = "Contoso", Start = now, End = now.AddHours(9), WorkType = "Till"

            // Act
            IActionResult result = await controller.Book(viewModel);

            // Assert
            ViewResult viewResult = Assert.IsType <ViewResult>(result);

            Assert.Equal(stringLocalizer["MultipleBookError"], viewResult.ViewData["ValidationError"]);
예제 #18
        public async Task ViewShifts_NoShifts_ViewDataWarning()
            // Arrange
            IStringLocalizer <ShiftsController> stringLocalizer = Substitute.For <IStringLocalizer <ShiftsController> >();

            stringLocalizer.GetString("NoShifts").Returns(new LocalizedString("NoShifts", "You have no shifts booked."));
            ShiftsController controller = this.GetController(stringLocalizer: stringLocalizer);

            controller.ControllerContext             = new ControllerContext();
            controller.ControllerContext.HttpContext = new DefaultHttpContext();
            controller.HttpContext.User = new ClaimsPrincipal(new ClaimsIdentity(new[] { new Claim("", "123") }));

            // Act
            IActionResult result = await controller.ViewShifts();

            // Assert
            ViewResult viewResult = Assert.IsType <ViewResult>(result);

            Assert.Equal(stringLocalizer["NoShifts"], viewResult.ViewData["NoShifts"]);
예제 #19
        public async Task ViewShifts_Shifts_AfterOrEqualToNow()
            // Arrange
            IRepository <Library.Models.Shift> shiftRepository = Substitute.For <IRepository <Library.Models.Shift> >();
            ShiftsController controller = this.GetController(shiftRepository: shiftRepository);

            controller.ControllerContext             = new ControllerContext();
            controller.ControllerContext.HttpContext = new DefaultHttpContext();
            controller.HttpContext.User = new ClaimsPrincipal(new ClaimsIdentity(new[] { new Claim("", "123") }));

            // Act
            await controller.ViewShifts();

            // Assert
#pragma warning disable CS4014 // Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method continues before the call is completed
                "SELECT * FROM c WHERE c.EmployeeId = @employeeId AND c.StartDateTime >= @start",
                Arg.Is <Dictionary <string, object> >(x => x.ContainsKey("@employeeId") && x.ContainsKey("@start")));
#pragma warning restore CS4014 // Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method continues before the call is completed
예제 #20
        public async Task ViewShift_EmployeesOnShift_EmployeesInViewData()
            // Arrange
            IRepository <Library.Models.Shift> shiftRepository = Substitute.For <IRepository <Library.Models.Shift> >();
            DateTime now = DateTime.Now;

            shiftRepository.Get(Arg.Any <string>(), Arg.Any <IDictionary <string, object> >(), Arg.Any <string>()).Returns(new[]
                new Library.Models.Shift {
                    StartDateTime = now, LocationId = "1", Allocated = true, EmployeeId = "abc"
                new Library.Models.Shift {
                    StartDateTime = now.Add(new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0)), LocationId = "1", Allocated = true, EmployeeId = "xyz"
            ILocationService locationService = Substitute.For <ILocationService>();

            locationService.GetByName("Contoso").Returns(new Library.Models.Location {
                id = "1", Name = "Contoso"

            IGraphServiceClient graphClient = Substitute.For <IGraphServiceClient>();

            graphClient.Users[Arg.Any <string>()].Request().GetAsync().Returns(new User {
                GivenName = "a", Surname = "b"

            ShiftsController controller = this.GetController(shiftRepository: shiftRepository, locationService: locationService, graphClient: graphClient);
            ShiftViewModel   viewModel  = new ShiftViewModel {
                LocationName = "Contoso", Start = now, End = now.AddHours(9), WorkType = "Till"

            // Act
            IActionResult result = await controller.ViewShift(viewModel);

            // Assert
            ViewResult    viewResult = Assert.IsType <ViewResult>(result);
            List <string> employees  = Assert.IsType <List <string> >(viewResult.ViewData["Employees"]);

            Assert.Equal(2, employees.Count());
예제 #21
        public async Task Search_SearchViewModel_LocationsServiceHitOnce()
            // Arrange
            ILocationService locationService = Substitute.For <ILocationService>();
            ShiftsController controller      = this.GetController(locationService: locationService);

            controller.HttpContext.User = new ClaimsPrincipal(new ClaimsIdentity(new[] { new Claim("extension_zaprole", "org_a_manager") }));
            SearchShiftViewModel viewModel = new SearchShiftViewModel {
                Locations = new List <string> {
                }, Start = DateTime.Now

            // Act
            await controller.Index(viewModel);

            // Assert
#pragma warning disable CS4014 // Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method continues before the call is completed
#pragma warning restore CS4014 // Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method continues before the call is completed
예제 #22
        public async Task CancelShift_Shift_UpdateOnRepoHit()
            // Arrange
            DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
            IRepository <Library.Models.Shift> shiftRepository = Substitute.For <IRepository <Library.Models.Shift> >();

            shiftRepository.Get(Arg.Any <string>(), Arg.Any <IDictionary <string, object> >(), Arg.Any <string>()).Returns(new[]
                new Library.Models.Shift {
                    StartDateTime = now, LocationId = "1", Allocated = true, EmployeeId = "abc"
                new Library.Models.Shift {
                    StartDateTime = now.Add(new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0)), LocationId = "1", Allocated = true, EmployeeId = "xyz"

            ILocationService locationService = Substitute.For <ILocationService>();

            locationService.GetByName("Contoso").Returns(new Library.Models.Location {
                id = "1", Name = "Contoso"

            ShiftsController controller = this.GetController(shiftRepository: shiftRepository, locationService: locationService);

            controller.ControllerContext             = new ControllerContext();
            controller.ControllerContext.HttpContext = new DefaultHttpContext();
            controller.HttpContext.User = new ClaimsPrincipal(new ClaimsIdentity(new[] { new Claim("", "123") }));
            ShiftViewModel viewModel = new ShiftViewModel {
                LocationName = "Contoso", Start = now, End = now.AddHours(9), WorkType = "Till"

            // Act
            IActionResult result = await controller.CancelShift(viewModel);

            // Assert
#pragma warning disable CS4014 // Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method continues before the call is completed
            shiftRepository.Received(1).Update(Arg.Is <Library.Models.Shift>(x => x.EmployeeId == null && x.Allocated == false));
#pragma warning restore CS4014 // Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method continues before the call is completed
예제 #23
        private ShiftsController GetController(
            IRepository <Library.Models.Shift> shiftRepository = null,
            ILocationService locationService = null,
            IGraphServiceClient graphClient  = null,
            IStringLocalizer <ShiftsController> stringLocalizer = null,
            IConfiguration configuration      = null,
            IMapService mapService            = null,
            ILogger <ShiftsController> logger = null)
            shiftRepository = shiftRepository ?? Substitute.For <IRepository <Library.Models.Shift> >();
            locationService = locationService ?? Substitute.For <ILocationService>();
            graphClient     = graphClient ?? Substitute.For <IGraphServiceClient>();
            stringLocalizer = stringLocalizer ?? Substitute.For <IStringLocalizer <ShiftsController> >();
            configuration   = configuration ?? Substitute.For <IConfiguration>();
            mapService      = mapService ?? Substitute.For <IMapService>();
            logger          = logger ?? Substitute.For <ILogger <ShiftsController> >();

            var controller = new ShiftsController(shiftRepository, locationService, graphClient, stringLocalizer, configuration, mapService, logger);

            controller.ControllerContext             = new ControllerContext();
            controller.ControllerContext.HttpContext = new DefaultHttpContext();
예제 #24
        public async Task Upload_NoParams_FileUploadViewModel()
            // Arrange
            ILocationService locationService = Substitute.For <ILocationService>();

            locationService.Get().Returns(new[] { new Library.Models.Location {
                                                      id = "1", Name = "Contoso"
                                                  }, new Library.Models.Location {
                                                      id = "2", Name = "Fabrikam"
                                                  } });

            ShiftsController controller = this.GetController(locationService: locationService);

            // Act
            IActionResult result = await controller.Upload();

            // Assert
            ViewResult          viewResult = Assert.IsType <ViewResult>(result);
            FileUploadViewModel viewModel  = Assert.IsType <FileUploadViewModel>(viewResult.Model);

            Assert.Contains <string>("Contoso", viewModel.LocationNames.Select(x => x.Text));
            Assert.Contains <string>("Fabrikam", viewModel.LocationNames.Select(x => x.Text));