public ShiftCenter GetShiftCenterForArea(int id)
            if (id == 0)

            ShiftCenter poliClinic = null;

            switch (_workContext.LoginAs)
            case Shared.Enums.LoginAs.ADMIN:
                poliClinic = GetShiftCenterById(id);

            case Shared.Enums.LoginAs.HOSPITALMANAGER:
                poliClinic = _shiftCenterRepository.Table.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id && !x.IsIndependent && !x.Clinic.IsIndependent && x.Clinic.HospitalId == _workContext.WorkingArea.Id);

            case Shared.Enums.LoginAs.CLINICMANAGER:
                poliClinic = _shiftCenterRepository.Table.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id && !(bool)x.IsIndependent && x.ClinicId == _workContext.WorkingArea.Id);

            case Shared.Enums.LoginAs.POLYCLINICMANAGER:
            case Shared.Enums.LoginAs.BEAUTYCENTERMANAGER:
                poliClinic = GetShiftCenterById(_workContext.WorkingArea.Id);

        public virtual void DeleteShiftCenter(ShiftCenter poliClinic)
            if (poliClinic == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("poliClinic");

        public void InsertShiftCenter(ShiftCenter poliClinic)
            if (poliClinic == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("poliClinic");

예제 #4
        public async Task <IActionResult> RegisterCenters(RegisterPoliClinicViewModel model)
                if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                    _logger.LogError($"######## - Captcha Response: {model.GoogleReCaptchaResponse}");

                    throw new AwroNoreException("Incomming data is not valid");

                // Prevent XSS Attacks
                model.FirstName = Sanitizer.GetSafeHtmlFragment(model.FirstName);

                model.SecondName = Sanitizer.GetSafeHtmlFragment(model.SecondName);

                model.ThirdName = Sanitizer.GetSafeHtmlFragment(model.ThirdName);

                model.Description = Sanitizer.GetSafeHtmlFragment(model.Description);

                model.Email = Sanitizer.GetSafeHtmlFragment(model.Email);

                model.PoliClinicAddress = Sanitizer.GetSafeHtmlFragment(model.PoliClinicAddress);

                model.PoliClinicName = Sanitizer.GetSafeHtmlFragment(model.PoliClinicName);

                model.Mobile = Sanitizer.GetSafeHtmlFragment(model.Mobile);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.FirstName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.SecondName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.ThirdName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Description) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Email) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.PoliClinicAddress) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.PoliClinicName))
                    throw new AwroNoreException("Model data is not valid");

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Mobile))
                    throw new AwroNoreException("Mobile is not valid");

                if (model.Mobile.Length > 10)
                    model.Mobile = model.Mobile.Substring(model.Mobile.Length - 10);
                else if (model.Mobile.Length < 10)
                    model.Mobile = model.Mobile.PadLeft(10, '0');
                    _logger.LogError($"######## - Mobile smaller than 10 ({model.Mobile})");

                var isMobileValid = long.TryParse(model.Mobile, out long mobileNumber);

                if (!isMobileValid)
                    throw new AwroNoreException("Mobile is not valid");

                var existPerson = await _dbContext.Persons.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Mobile == model.Mobile);

                var phones = new List <ShiftCenterPhoneModel>
                    new ShiftCenterPhoneModel
                        PhoneNumber = model.Mobile

                var strategy = _dbContext.Database.CreateExecutionStrategy();
                await strategy.ExecuteAsync(async() =>
                    using (var transaction = _dbContext.Database.BeginTransaction())
                        var center = new ShiftCenter
                            Type                     = model.CenterType,
                            Name                     = model.PoliClinicName,
                            Name_Ku                  = model.PoliClinicName,
                            Name_Ar                  = model.PoliClinicName,
                            Description              = model.Description,
                            Description_Ku           = model.Description,
                            Description_Ar           = model.Description,
                            CityId                   = model.CityId,
                            Address                  = model.PoliClinicAddress,
                            Address_Ku               = model.PoliClinicAddress,
                            Address_Ar               = model.PoliClinicAddress,
                            IsIndependent            = true,
                            ClinicId                 = null,
                            BookingRestrictionHours  = 0,
                            CreatedAt                = DateTime.Now,
                            PhoneNumbers             = phones,
                            IsApproved               = false,
                            IsDeleted                = false,
                            ActiveDaysAhead          = 30,
                            AutomaticScheduleEnabled = false,
                            FinalBookMessage         = "",
                            FinalBookMessage_Ar      = "",
                            FinalBookMessage_Ku      = "",
                            FinalBookSMSMessage      = "",
                            FinalBookSMSMessage_Ar   = "",
                            FinalBookSMSMessage_Ku   = "",
                            Notification             = "",
                            Notification_Ar          = "",
                            Notification_Ku          = "",
                            PrescriptionPath         = "",
                            Location                 = new NetTopologySuite.Geometries.Point(0.0, 0.0)
                                SRID = 4326 // Set the SRID (spatial reference system id) to 4326, which is the spatial reference system used by Google maps (WGS84)

                        await _dbContext.ShiftCenters.AddAsync(center);

                        await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

                        var person = existPerson;

                        if (person == null)
                            person = new Person
                                Mobile          = model.Mobile,
                                MobileConfirmed = false,
                                FirstName       = model.FirstName,
                                FirstName_Ku    = model.FirstName,
                                FirstName_Ar    = model.FirstName,
                                SecondName      = model.SecondName,
                                SecondName_Ku   = model.SecondName,
                                SecondName_Ar   = model.SecondName,
                                ThirdName       = model.ThirdName,
                                ThirdName_Ku    = model.ThirdName,
                                ThirdName_Ar    = model.ThirdName,
                                UniqueId        = await _personService.GenerateUniqueIdAsync(),
                                Avatar          = null,
                                Age             = 0,
                                Gender          = model.Gender,
                                BloodType       = Core.Enums.BloodType.Unknown,
                                IsApproved      = false,
                                IsEmployee      = false,
                                IsDeleted       = false,
                                Birthdate       = DateTime.Now,
                                Address         = "",
                                CreatedAt       = DateTime.Now,
                                CreationPlaceId = null,
                                CreatorRole     = Shared.Enums.LoginAs.UNKNOWN,
                                Email           = model.Email,
                                Description     = "",
                                Weight          = 0,
                                Height          = 0,
                                ZipCode         = "",
                                IdNumber        = "",
                                Language        = null,
                                MarriageStatus  = null

                            await _dbContext.Persons.AddAsync(person);

                            await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

                        var centerPerson = new ShiftCenterPersons
                            IsManager     = true,
                            PersonId      = person.Id,
                            ShiftCenterId = center.Id,
                            CreatedAt     = DateTime.Now

                        await _dbContext.ShiftCenterPersons.AddAsync(centerPerson);

                        await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();


                    // Send notification for agents here
                    var agents = _settings?.Value?.AwroNoreSettings?.RequestAppointmentAgents;
                    if (agents != null && agents.Any())
                        foreach (var agent in agents)
                            var agentPerson = await _dbContext.Persons.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Mobile == agent);

                            if (agentPerson != null)
                                var title   = "Registration Request";
                                var message = "New Registration Request Created";
                                foreach (var item in agentPerson.FcmInstanceIds)
                                    await _notificationService.SendFcmToSingleDeviceAsync(item.InstanceId, title, message);
                    // IGNORED

                _logger.LogInformation("####### Registered Successfully");

            catch (Exception e)
                _logger.LogError($"######## {e.Message}");

                if (e is AwroNoreException)
                    throw e;

                throw new AwroNoreException("Unknown error occured in server");
예제 #5
        public async Task <IActionResult> GetZipFile([FromBody] RegisterDownloadAppModel inputModel)
            HttpContext.Response.ContentType = ContentType;

            byte[] resultFileBytes = null;

            // Center & Person Data
            #region Validations
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(inputModel.Mobile))
                throw new Exception("Mobile is not valid");

            if (inputModel.Mobile.Length > 10)
                inputModel.Mobile = inputModel.Mobile.Substring(inputModel.Mobile.Length - 10);
            else if (inputModel.Mobile.Length < 10)
                inputModel.Mobile = inputModel.Mobile.PadLeft(10, '0');

            var isMobileValid = long.TryParse(inputModel.Mobile, out long mobileNumber);

            if (!isMobileValid)
                throw new AwroNoreException("Mobile is not valid");

            var existPerson = await _dbContext.Persons.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Mobile == inputModel.Mobile);

            var existCenter = await _dbContext.ShiftCenters.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Type == inputModel.CenterType && x.Name == inputModel.PoliClinicName && x.Name_Ku == inputModel.PoliClinicName && x.Name_Ar == inputModel.PoliClinicName && x.CityId == inputModel.CityId);

            var phones = new List <ShiftCenterPhoneModel>
                new ShiftCenterPhoneModel
                    PhoneNumber = inputModel.Mobile

            var strategy = _dbContext.Database.CreateExecutionStrategy();
            await strategy.ExecuteAsync(async() =>
                using (var transaction = _dbContext.Database.BeginTransaction())
                    // DB operations
                    // TODO: Add db operations here (Create person & Center)
                    #region ShiftCenter
                    var center = existCenter;
                    if (center == null)
                        center = new ShiftCenter
                            Type                     = inputModel.CenterType,
                            Name                     = inputModel.PoliClinicName,
                            Name_Ku                  = inputModel.PoliClinicName,
                            Name_Ar                  = inputModel.PoliClinicName,
                            Description              = inputModel.Description,
                            Description_Ku           = inputModel.Description,
                            Description_Ar           = inputModel.Description,
                            CityId                   = inputModel.CityId,
                            Address                  = inputModel.PoliClinicAddress,
                            Address_Ku               = inputModel.PoliClinicAddress,
                            Address_Ar               = inputModel.PoliClinicAddress,
                            IsIndependent            = true,
                            ClinicId                 = null,
                            BookingRestrictionHours  = 0,
                            CreatedAt                = DateTime.Now,
                            PhoneNumbers             = phones,
                            IsApproved               = false,
                            IsDeleted                = false,
                            ActiveDaysAhead          = 30,
                            AutomaticScheduleEnabled = false,
                            FinalBookMessage         = "",
                            FinalBookMessage_Ar      = "",
                            FinalBookMessage_Ku      = "",
                            FinalBookSMSMessage      = "",
                            FinalBookSMSMessage_Ar   = "",
                            FinalBookSMSMessage_Ku   = "",
                            Notification             = "Offline",
                            Notification_Ar          = "",
                            Notification_Ku          = "",
                            PrescriptionPath         = "",
                            Location                 = new NetTopologySuite.Geometries.Point(0.0, 0.0)
                                SRID = 4326 // Set the SRID (spatial reference system id) to 4326, which is the spatial reference system used by Google maps (WGS84)

                        await _dbContext.ShiftCenters.AddAsync(center);

                        await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

                    var person = existPerson;
                    if (person == null)
                        person = new Person
                            Mobile          = inputModel.Mobile,
                            MobileConfirmed = false,
                            FirstName       = inputModel.FirstName,
                            FirstName_Ku    = inputModel.FirstName,
                            FirstName_Ar    = inputModel.FirstName,
                            SecondName      = inputModel.SecondName,
                            SecondName_Ku   = inputModel.SecondName,
                            SecondName_Ar   = inputModel.SecondName,
                            ThirdName       = inputModel.ThirdName,
                            ThirdName_Ku    = inputModel.ThirdName,
                            ThirdName_Ar    = inputModel.ThirdName,
                            UniqueId        = await _personService.GenerateUniqueIdAsync(),
                            Avatar          = null,
                            Age             = 0,
                            Gender          = inputModel.Gender,
                            BloodType       = Core.Enums.BloodType.Unknown,
                            IsApproved      = true,
                            IsEmployee      = true,
                            IsDeleted       = false,
                            Birthdate       = DateTime.Now,
                            Address         = "",
                            CreatedAt       = DateTime.Now,
                            CreationPlaceId = null,
                            CreatorRole     = Shared.Enums.LoginAs.UNKNOWN,
                            Email           = inputModel.Email,
                            Description     = "",
                            Weight          = 0,
                            Height          = 0,
                            ZipCode         = "",
                            IdNumber        = "",
                            Language        = null,
                            MarriageStatus  = null

                        await _dbContext.Persons.AddAsync(person);

                        await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

                    #region ShiftCenter Person
                    var centerPerson = await _dbContext.ShiftCenterPersons.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.PersonId == person.Id && x.ShiftCenterId == center.Id);
                    if (centerPerson == null)
                        centerPerson = new ShiftCenterPersons
                            IsManager     = true,
                            PersonId      = person.Id,
                            ShiftCenterId = center.Id,
                            CreatedAt     = DateTime.Now

                        await _dbContext.ShiftCenterPersons.AddAsync(centerPerson);

                        await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

                    #region Service Supply
                    var serviceSupply = await _dbContext.ServiceSupplies.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.PersonId == person.Id && x.ShiftCenterId == center.Id);
                    if (serviceSupply == null)
                        serviceSupply = new ServiceSupply
                            Duration                            = 5,
                            ShiftCenterId                       = center.Id,
                            ReservationType                     = ReservationType.Selective,
                            PersonId                            = person.Id,
                            OnlineReservationPercent            = 100,
                            IsAvailable                         = false,
                            StartReservationDate                = DateTime.Now,
                            VisitPrice                          = 0,
                            PrePaymentPercent                   = 0,
                            PaymentType                         = PaymentType.Free,
                            ReservationRangeStartPoint          = 0,
                            ReservationRangeEndPointPosition    = Position.AFTER,
                            ReservationRangeEndPointDiffMinutes = 30,
                            RankScore                           = 0,
                            CreatedAt                           = DateTime.Now,
                            Notification                        = "",
                            Notification_Ar                     = "",
                            Notification_Ku                     = "",
                            PrescriptionPath                    = ""


                        await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

                        await _dbContext.ServiceSupplyInfo.AddAsync(new ServiceSupplyInfo
                            ServiceSupplyId      = serviceSupply.Id,
                            MedicalCouncilNumber = "",
                            AcceptionDate        = DateTime.Now,
                            Bio            = "",
                            Bio_Ar         = "",
                            Bio_Ku         = "",
                            Website        = "",
                            Description    = "#Requested",
                            Description_Ar = "#Requested",
                            Description_Ku = "#Requested",
                            Picture        = "",
                            IsDeleted      = false,
                            WorkExperience = 0,
                            CreatedAt      = DateTime.Now

                        await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

                    #region Prescription File
                    var destinationDirPath = $"wwwroot\\uploaded\\prescriptions\\shiftcenters\\{center.Id}\\{serviceSupply.Id}";

                    var fullDestinationDirPath = Path.Combine(_hostingEnvironment.ContentRootPath, destinationDirPath);

                    if (!Directory.Exists(fullDestinationDirPath))

                    _dbContext.Entry(serviceSupply).State = EntityState.Modified;

                    serviceSupply.PrescriptionPath = Path.Combine(destinationDirPath, $"prescript_{serviceSupply.Id}.mrt");

                    await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

                    var destinationPrescriptPath = Path.Combine(_hostingEnvironment.ContentRootPath, serviceSupply.PrescriptionPath);

                    if (!System.IO.File.Exists(destinationPrescriptPath))
                        // Remove all existing files
                            DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo("fullDestinationDirPath");

                            foreach (FileInfo file in di.GetFiles())
                            // Ignored
                            System.IO.File.Copy(BasePrescriptFullPath, destinationPrescriptPath, true);
                            throw new AwroNoreException("Can not copy prescription file. please try again");

                    // HTTP operations
                    #region Identity User
                    var userDTO = new UserDTO
                        UserName         = inputModel.Username,
                        Email            = inputModel.Email,
                        IsSystemUser     = false,
                        Mobile           = inputModel.Mobile,
                        Password         = inputModel.Password,
                        TwoFactorEnabled = false,
                        UserProfile      = new UserProfileDTO
                            CenterId         = center.Id,
                            PersonId         = person.Id,
                            ServiceSupplyIds = new List <int> {
                            LoginAs = SystemRoles.GetLoginAs(Role)
                        Roles = new List <string> {

                    var(_, isSucceeded, message, _, _) = await _identityService.PostCreateAsync("user", userDTO);

                    // if (!isSucceeded) throw new AwroNoreException(message);

                    // IO operations
                    #region Zip Archive Operations
                    using (FileStream zipToOpen = new FileStream(ZipFilePath, FileMode.Open))
                        using (ZipArchive archive = new ZipArchive(zipToOpen, ZipArchiveMode.Update))
                            // Delete old readme file
                            var item = archive.Entries.FirstOrDefault(x => x.FullName == ReadmeFileName);
                            if (item != null)

                            // Create new readme file
                            var readmeEntry = archive.CreateEntry(ReadmeFileName);

                            // Read new file and write data
                            using (Stream writer = readmeEntry.Open())
                                var xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(RegisterOfflineResult));

                                var resultModel = new RegisterOfflineResult
                                    Doctor = _mapper.Map <RegisterOfflineData>(inputModel)

                                xmlSerializer.Serialize(writer, resultModel);

                    resultFileBytes = await System.IO.File.ReadAllBytesAsync(ZipFilePath);


            // Create result file
            var result = new FileContentResult(resultFileBytes, ContentType)
                FileDownloadName = $"{Path.GetFileName(ZipFilePath)}"
