private void UpdateExplorerWindows() { if (_explorerWindows != null) return; var shellWindows = new ShellWindows(); _explorerWindows = shellWindows.Cast<InternetExplorer>().ToArray(); }
private void UpdateExplorerWindows() { if (_explorerWindows != null) { return; } var shellWindows = new ShellWindows(); _explorerWindows = shellWindows.Cast <InternetExplorer>().ToArray(); }
private void NavigateIEShell(string url, string title) { try { _logger.Trace("navigate the url. URL: " + url); var newBrowser = (SHDocVw.WebBrowser)(new SHDocVw.InternetExplorer()); Uri uri = new Uri(url); SHDocVw.ShellWindows shellWindows = new ShellWindows(); if (shellWindows != null && ieProcessID != 0 && shellWindows.Cast <SHDocVw.IWebBrowser2>().Any(x => x.HWND == ieProcessID)) { _logger.Trace("The exist window found to the machine"); var windows = shellWindows.Cast <SHDocVw.IWebBrowser2>().SingleOrDefault(x => x.HWND == ieProcessID); if (windows.Document != null) { _logger.Trace("Going to retrieve the document from the browser."); HTMLDocument htmlDoc = (HTMLDocument)windows.Document; _logger.Trace("The document has been retrieved from the browser window."); _logger.Trace("Going to inject the script to navigate the page."); //IHTMLElementCollection nodes = htmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("script"); //if (nodes != null && nodes.length > 0) //{ // _logger.Trace("The script tag found in the document."); // foreach (IHTMLScriptElement scriptElement in nodes) // { // scriptElement.text = scriptElement.text + "window.location='" + url + "';"; // _logger.Trace("Script injected successfully."); // break; // } //} //else //{ //_logger.Trace("The script tag not found in the document."); var scriptErrorSuppressed = (IHTMLScriptElement)htmlDoc.createElement("SCRIPT"); scriptErrorSuppressed.type = "text/javascript"; //scriptErrorSuppressed.text = "window.location='" + url + "';"; scriptErrorSuppressed.text = "'" + url + "', '_self','" + title + "');"; IHTMLElementCollection headElement = htmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("head"); foreach (IHTMLElement elem in headElement) { var head = (HTMLHeadElement)elem; head.appendChild((IHTMLDOMNode)scriptErrorSuppressed); _logger.Trace("Script injected successfully."); break; } //} } else { _logger.Warn("The document is null to the window"); } //_logger.Trace("Going to navigate the URL in the old window - " + windows.HWND); //windows.Navigate(url); //_logger.Trace("The URL navigated in the old window."); } else { _logger.Trace("The existing window is not found. So going to open new window."); var newBrowser = (SHDocVw.WebBrowser)(new SHDocVw.InternetExplorer()); //newBrowser.Name = "HimmsMainWindow"; _logger.Trace("Going to navigate the URL in the new window."); newBrowser.Navigate(url); var inptr = new IntPtr(newBrowser.HWND); ieProcessID = newBrowser.HWND; ShowWindow(inptr, 9); _logger.Trace("The URL navigated in the new window."); } } catch (Exception generalException) { _logger.Error("Error occurred as " + generalException.Message); _logger.Trace("Error Trace : " + generalException.StackTrace); } }
/// <summary> /// エクスプローラのウインドウをクリーンします。 /// </summary> /// <returns>クローズしたウインドウの名前リスト</returns> public void Clean() { var isUpdated = false; var cleanedInfos = new List <ExplorerCleanedInfo>(); var closedExplorerHandleList = _explorerDic.Keys.ToList(); _log.Debug("ShellWindows[{0}]", _shellWindows.Count); var userApps = IsShowApplication ? Process.GetProcesses() .Where(x => x.MainWindowHandle != IntPtr.Zero) .Select(x => new UserApplication(x)) .Where(x => !x.IsExplorer && !x.IsUnknown) : Enumerable.Empty <UserApplication>(); var ies = _shellWindows.Cast <InternetExplorer>().Concat(userApps); foreach (var ie in ies) { if (ie.FullName == null) { continue; } var handle = 0; try { handle = ie.HWND; } catch (COMException comex) { // IEのコンポーネントを使用しているアプリを拾った場合、COMExceptionが出る場合があるので出た場合はそのプロセスはスキップする。 _log.Debug(comex, "COM Error!! FullName:{0}", ie.FullName); } if (handle == 0) { continue; } if (!_explorerDic.Keys.Contains(handle)) { var explorer = new Explorer(ie); if (_appConfig.IsKeepPin) { explorer.PinLocationChanged += (sender, pinexp) => { // ピン留めでパスが変わったらピン留めのパスを開く(キープ) OpenExplorer(pinexp, true); // ピンキープのためにキーを保存 _pinedRestoreHashSet.Add(pinexp.LocationKey); }; // ピン復元 if (_pinedRestoreHashSet.Contains(explorer.LocationKey)) { explorer.IsPined = true; _pinedRestoreHashSet.Remove(explorer.LocationKey); } } RegistExplorer(explorer); } else { closedExplorerHandleList.Remove(handle); // よくわからないけどここでKeyNotFoundが出る場合があるのでTryGetする。 Explorer explorer; if (_explorerDic.TryGetValue(handle, out explorer)) { bool updated; if (_appConfig.IsKeepPin) { updated = explorer.UpdateWithKeepPin(ie); } else { updated = explorer.Update(ie); } if (updated) { isUpdated = true; } } } } // すでに終了されたものがあればディクショナリから削除 foreach (var closedHandle in closedExplorerHandleList) { Explorer explorer; if (_explorerDic.TryGetValue(closedHandle, out explorer)) { CloseExplorer(explorer, ExplorerCloseReason.Terminated); _explorerDic.Remove(closedHandle); } } var duplicateExplorers = _explorerDic.Where(x => x.Value.IsExplorer) .GroupBy(g => g.Value.LocationKey) .Select(g => new { Explorer = g, Count = g.Count() }) .Where(x => x.Count > 1).ToArray(); // Count > 1はいらないけど、旧バージョンからの互換のためにしばらく残す // 同じパスのがあれば一番新しいもの以外は終了させる foreach (var duplicateExplorer in duplicateExplorers) { var closeTargets = duplicateExplorer.Explorer .Where( x => x.Value.LastUpdateDateTime != duplicateExplorer.Explorer.Max(m => m.Value.LastUpdateDateTime)) .Select(x => x.Value) .ToArray(); foreach (var closeTarget in closeTargets) { var closeReason = ExplorerCloseReason.Duplication; if (CloseExplorer(closeTarget, closeReason)) { cleanedInfos.Add(new ExplorerCleanedInfo(closeTarget.LocationName, closeReason)); } } } // 期限切れのものがあれば閉じる if (_appConfig.IsAutoCloseUnused && _appConfig.ExpireInterval != TimeSpan.Zero) { _expireDateTime = DateTime.Now.Subtract(_appConfig.ExpireInterval); _log.Debug("Expire Datetime {0}", _expireDateTime); var explorers = _explorerDic.Values.Where(x => x.IsExplorer).ToArray(); foreach (var expireExplorer in explorers.Where(x => x.LastUpdateDateTime < _expireDateTime)) { _log.Debug("Expire Explorer {0}", expireExplorer); var closeReason = ExplorerCloseReason.Expiration; if (CloseExplorer(expireExplorer, closeReason)) { cleanedInfos.Add(new ExplorerCleanedInfo(expireExplorer.LocationName, closeReason)); } } } // 表示用データ更新 var updatedView = UpdateView(); if (updatedView) { isUpdated = true; } Save(); if (WindowCount > _maxWindowCount) { _maxWindowCount = WindowCount; } _totalCloseWindowCount += cleanedInfos.Count; OnCleaned(cleanedInfos, isUpdated); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { ShellWindows allBrowsers = new ShellWindows(); Console.WriteLine($"IE Processes: {allBrowsers.Count}"); var nternetExplorers = allBrowsers .Cast <InternetExplorer>() .ToArray(); var changingBrowsers = nternetExplorers .Select((ie, index) => { // return Task.Run(() => // { // ie.Navigate(""); // HTMLDocument ieDocument = ie.Document; // // var scriptTag = (IHTMLScriptElement)ieDocument.createElement("script"); // // scriptTag.type = "text/javascript"; // scriptTag.src = // @"function test(str){ alert('you clicked' + str);}"; // // var head = (IHTMLElement)((IHTMLElementCollection)ieDocument.all.tags("head")).item(null, 0); // // ((HTMLHeadElement) head).appendChild((IHTMLDOMNode) scriptTag); // // ieDocument.parentWindow.execScript("test('siema eniu');"); // }); return(StartSTATask(() => { ie.Navigate(""); HTMLDocument ieDocument = ie.Document; var scriptTag = (IHTMLScriptElement)ieDocument.createElement("script"); scriptTag.type = "text/javascript"; scriptTag.src = @"function test(str){ alert('you clicked' + str);}"; var head = (IHTMLElement)((IHTMLElementCollection)ieDocument.all.tags("head")).item(null, 0); ((HTMLHeadElement)head).appendChild((IHTMLDOMNode)scriptTag); ieDocument.parentWindow.execScript("test('siema eniu');"); })); }) .ToArray(); Task.WaitAll(changingBrowsers); foreach (var nternetExplorer in nternetExplorers) { nternetExplorer.Visible = true; } Console.WriteLine(); }