public override void OnMenuItemOpen() { // In current code, _attachDebuggerCommand won't be null // To be safe and in case the constructor/initiailzation code could be modified in the future. if (_attachDebuggerCommand != null) { _attachDebuggerCommand.CanExecuteCommand = Instance.IsWindowsInstance() && Instance.IsRunning() && !ShellUtils.IsBusy(); } base.OnMenuItemOpen(); }
private void OnBeforeQueryStatus(object sender, EventArgs e) { var menuCommand = sender as OleMenuCommand; if (menuCommand == null) { return; } var selectedProject = SolutionHelper.CurrentSolution.SelectedProject; if (selectedProject == null || !PublishDialogWindow.CanPublish(selectedProject)) { menuCommand.Visible = false; } else { menuCommand.Visible = true; menuCommand.Enabled = !ShellUtils.IsBusy(); } }
private void OnBeforeQueryStatus(object sender, EventArgs e) { var menuCommand = sender as OleMenuCommand; if (menuCommand == null) { return; } // Ensure that the menu entry is only available for ASP.NET Core projects. var selectedProject = SolutionHelper.CurrentSolution.SelectedProject; if (selectedProject == null || selectedProject.ProjectType != KnownProjectTypes.NetCoreWebApplication1_0) { menuCommand.Visible = false; } else { menuCommand.Visible = true; menuCommand.Enabled = !ShellUtils.IsBusy(); } }
private void OnBeforeQueryStatus(object sender, EventArgs e) { var menuCommand = sender as OleMenuCommand; if (menuCommand == null) { return; } menuCommand.Visible = true; var startupProject = SolutionHelper.CurrentSolution.StartupProject; if (startupProject == null) { menuCommand.Enabled = false; menuCommand.Text = Resources.PublishDialogGenericMenuHeader; } else { menuCommand.Enabled = PublishDialogWindow.CanPublish(startupProject) && !ShellUtils.IsBusy(); menuCommand.Text = String.Format(Resources.PublishDialogProjectMenuHeader, startupProject.Name); } }