private void Start() { transform.localScale =; if (type == PromptType.Ingredient) { shelfControl = FindObjectOfType <ShelfControl>(); } }
public override void StartMinigame() { base.StartMinigame(); SCORE = 0; debugScoreText = FindObjectOfType <Text>(); FindObjectOfType <InputManager>().SetMultitouch(false); promptControl = FindObjectOfType <PromptControl>(); shelfControl = FindObjectOfType <ShelfControl>(); ingredients = new Dictionary <string, Sprite>(); currentIngredients = new Dictionary <string, int>(); manager = FindObjectOfType <MinigameManager>(); totalIngredientsAmount = 0; currentIngredientsAmount = 0; currentIngredient = 0; foreach (IngredientNeeded i in ingredientsNeeded) { totalIngredientsAmount += i.amount; currentIngredients[i.ingredient] = 0; } Ingredient[] ings = FindObjectsOfType <Ingredient>(); foreach (Ingredient i in ings) { if (!ingredients.ContainsKey(i.ingredientName)) { ingredients.Add(i.ingredientName, i.ingredientSprite); } i.Init(); } //shelfControl.PlaceIngredients(); if (debugScoreText != null) { debugScoreText.text = "SCORE: " + SCORE; } AskForIngredient(ingredientsNeeded[currentIngredient].ingredient, ingredientsNeeded[currentIngredient].amount); }
public AasxPluginResultBase ActivateAction(string action, params object[] args) { // for speed reasons, have the most often used at top! if (action == "call-check-visual-extension") { // arguments if (args.Length < 1) { return(null); } // looking only for Submodels var sm = args[0] as AdminShell.Submodel; if (sm == null) { return(null); } // check for a record in options, that matches Submodel var found = false; // ReSharper disable once UnusedVariable foreach (var rec in _options.LookupAllIndexKey <DocumentShelfOptionsRecord>( sm.semanticId?.GetAsExactlyOneKey())) { found = true; } if (!found) { return(null); } // success prepare record var cve = new AasxPluginResultVisualExtension("DOC", "Document Shelf"); // ok return(cve); } // rest follows if (action == "set-json-options" && args != null && args.Length >= 1 && args[0] is string) { var newOpt = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <DocumentShelfOptions>( (args[0] as string)); if (newOpt != null) { _options = newOpt; } } if (action == "get-json-options") { var json = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject( _options, Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented); return(new AasxPluginResultBaseObject("OK", json)); } if (action == "get-licenses") { var lic = new AasxPluginResultLicense(); lic.shortLicense = "The CountryFlag library (NuGet) is licensed under the MIT license (MIT)."; lic.isStandardLicense = true; lic.longLicense = AasxPluginHelper.LoadLicenseTxtFromAssemblyDir( "LICENSE.txt", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); return(lic); } if (action == "get-events" && _eventStack != null) { // try access return(_eventStack.PopEvent()); } if (action == "event-return" && args != null && args.Length >= 1 && args[0] is AasxPluginEventReturnBase && _shelfControl != null) { _shelfControl.HandleEventReturn(args[0] as AasxPluginEventReturnBase); } if (action == "get-check-visual-extension") { var cve = new AasxPluginResultBaseObject(); cve.strType = "True"; cve.obj = true; return(cve); } if (action == "fill-panel-visual-extension") { // arguments if (args == null || args.Length < 3) { return(null); } // call _shelfControl = ShelfControl.FillWithWpfControls( _log, args[0], args[1], _options, _eventStack, args[2]); // give object back var res = new AasxPluginResultBaseObject(); res.obj = _shelfControl; return(res); } if (action == "get-list-new-submodel") { // prepare list var list = new List <string>(); list.Add("Document (recommended version)"); list.Add("Document (development version V1.1)"); // make result var res = new AasxPluginResultBaseObject(); res.obj = list; return(res); } if (action == "generate-submodel" && args != null && args.Length >= 1 && args[0] is string) { // get arguments var smName = args[0] as string; if (smName == null) { return(null); } // generate (by hand) var sm = new AdminShell.Submodel(); if (smName.Contains("V1.1")) { sm.semanticId = new AdminShell.SemanticId( AasxPredefinedConcepts.VDI2770v11.Static.SM_ManufacturerDocumentation.GetSemanticKey()); sm.idShort = "ManufacturerDocumentation"; } else { sm.semanticId = new AdminShell.SemanticId(DocuShelfSemanticConfig.Singleton.SemIdDocumentation); sm.idShort = "Documentation"; } // make result var res = new AasxPluginResultBaseObject(); res.strType = "OK"; res.obj = sm; return(res); } // default return(null); }