public void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { SheepAINoHerd shep = other.GetComponent <SheepAINoHerd>(); if (shep != null) { if (!neighbors.Contains(other.gameObject)) { neighbors.Add(other.gameObject); if (state != State.FLEE && Random.Range(0f, 100f) <= 15 * neighbors.Count) { state = State.FLOCK; //Wander -> Flock } } } if (other.tag == "Scary") { if (!scaryThings.Contains(other.gameObject)) { scared = true; state = State.FLEE; cohesionWeight = 2f * originalCohesion; seperationVariance = 0.8f * originalSeperation; speed *= 2f; if (speed > 2f * originalSpeed * barkBoostStrength) { speed = 2f * originalSpeed * barkBoostStrength; } scaryThings.Add(other.gameObject); } } }
public void OnTriggerExit(Collider other) { SheepAINoHerd shep = other.GetComponent <SheepAINoHerd>(); if (shep != null) { if (neighbors.Contains(other.gameObject)) { neighbors.Remove(other.gameObject); if (state != State.FLEE && Random.Range(0f, 100f) >= 20 * neighbors.Count) { state = State.WANDER; //Flock -> Wander nextGrazeTime = Time.time + grazeBase + Random.Range(-grazeVariance, grazeVariance); } } } if (other.tag == "Scary") { if (scaryThings.Contains(other.gameObject)) { scaryThings.Remove(other.gameObject); } if (scaryThings.Count <= 0) { scared = false; fleeEndTime = Time.time + fleeBase + Random.Range(-fleeVariance, fleeVariance); } } }
public void OnTriggerExit(Collider other) { SheepAINoHerd ai = other.GetComponent <SheepAINoHerd>(); if (ai != null) { if (sheep.Contains(other.gameObject)) { sheep.Remove(other.gameObject); } } }
//Switch to a flock controller unit for better performance at a loss of agency? public Vector3 ComputeAlignment() { Vector3 dir =; int count = 0; foreach (GameObject shep in neighbors) { if (CanSee(shep)) { if (shep != null) { SheepAINoHerd ai = shep.GetComponent <SheepAINoHerd>(); dir += ai.GetVelocity(); count++; } } } dir = dir / neighbors.Count; dir.y = 0f; //Debug.Log(name + ": A ("+count+") : " + dir); return(dir); }