void Start() { _text = GetComponent <Text>(); _tmpText = GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>(); if (_text == null && _tmpText == null) { Debug.LogError("Added a LocalizedText component to a gameobject with no ui text"); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_key)) { if (_text != null) { _key = _text.text; } else if (_tmpText != null) { _key = _tmpText.text; } } _service = SharedServices.GetService <ILocalizationService>(); if (_service == null) { _service = new LocalLocalizationService(); _service.Initialize(UpdateText); SharedServices.RegisterService <ILocalizationService>(_service); } _service.OnLocalizationChanged += UpdateText; }
public EventTracker() { if (System.IO.File.Exists(_path)) { string text = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(_path); try { JSONObject jsonfile = JSON.JSON.LoadString(text) as JSONObject; foreach (var kvp in jsonfile) { uint id = 0; if (uint.TryParse(kvp.Key, out id)) { _pending.Add(id, kvp.Value.AsObject()); if (id > _lastId) { _lastId = id; } } else { SharedServices.GetService <ICustomLogger>()?.LogError("Corrupted key in tracks file: {" + kvp.Key + ": " + kvp.Value); } } System.IO.File.WriteAllText(_path, "{}"); } catch (MalformedJSONException e) { SharedServices.GetService <ICustomLogger>()?.LogError("Error parsing saved tracks: " + e.Message); } } }
internal SFXPlayer(AudioClipsStorer clipsStorer) { var updater = SharedServices.GetService <IUpdateScheduler>(); if (updater == null) { updater = new UnityUpdateScheduler(); SharedServices.RegisterService(updater); } var dispatcher = SharedServices.GetService <EventDispatcher>(); if (dispatcher == null) { dispatcher = new EventDispatcher(); SharedServices.RegisterService(dispatcher); } updater.ScheduleUpdate(this); dispatcher.AddListener <SceneManagementService.SceneUnloadedEvent>(OnSceneUnloaded); _clipStorer = clipsStorer; for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { CreateHandler(); } }
/// <summary> /// This method gets the list of clients for the relevant listeners. /// </summary> protected override void StartInternal() { mResourceTracker = SharedServices.GetService <IResourceTracker>(); if (mResourceTracker == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("ResourceTracker cannot be retrieved."); } }
public void Dispose() { SharedServices.GetService <IUpdateScheduler>().UnscheduleUpdate(this); foreach (var handler in _handlers) { UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(handler.gameObject); } SharedServices.GetService <EventDispatcher>().RemoveListener <SceneManagementService.SceneUnloadedEvent>(OnSceneUnloaded); }
/// <summary> /// This method gets the list of clients for the relevant listeners. /// </summary> protected override void StartInternal() { //Get the resource tracker that will be used to reduce message in mResourceTracker = SharedServices.GetService <IResourceTracker>(); if (mResourceTracker == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("ResourceTracker cannot be retrieved."); } }
IEnumerator CrossFadeCoroutine(string fadeTo, float duration) { float halfDuraion = duration * 0.5f; SharedServices.GetService <CoroutineRunner>().StartCoroutine(this, FadeOutCoroutine(halfDuraion)); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(halfDuraion)); Play(fadeTo); SharedServices.GetService <CoroutineRunner>().StartCoroutine(this, FadeInCoroutine(halfDuraion)); }
public void Dispose() { if (_playingClip != null) { _source.Stop(); _playingClip.ReferencedClip.ReleaseAsset(); } SharedServices.GetService <CoroutineRunner>().StopAllCoroutines(this); UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(_source.gameObject); }
/// <summary> /// This method starts the service and retrieves the services required for connectivity. /// </summary> protected override void StartInternal() { var resourceTracker = SharedServices.GetService <IResourceTracker>(); if (resourceTracker != null && mResourceProfile != null) { mResourceConsumer = resourceTracker.RegisterConsumer("CacheV2" + mResourceProfile.Id, mResourceProfile); } base.StartInternal(); }
protected override void StartInternal() { var resourceTracker = SharedServices.GetService <IResourceTracker>(); if (resourceTracker != null && mPolicy.ResourceProfile != null) { mPolicy.ResourceConsumer = resourceTracker.RegisterConsumer(EntityType, mPolicy.ResourceProfile); } base.StartInternal(); }
public SFXData GetClipByName(string clipName) { foreach (var clip in _clips) { if (string.Equals(clip.ClipName, clipName, System.StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { return(clip); } } SharedServices.GetService <ICustomLogger>()?.LogError("Trying to get a nonexistent audio clip: " + clipName); return(null); }
public void TrackPending() { var pending_copy = new Dictionary <uint, JSONObject>(_pending); _pending.Clear(); foreach (var obj in pending_copy.Values) { var id = ++_lastId; SharedServices.GetService <CommandQueue>().AddCommand(new TrackEventCommand(id, obj, OnTrackResponse)); _pending.Add(id, obj.Clone().AsObject()); } }
private async Task CallMeAsWell(Schedule schedule) { try { //throw new Exception("Don't care"); var serv = SharedServices.GetService <IRepositoryAsync <Guid, MondayMorningBlues> >(); var result = await serv.Read(new Guid("414f06b5-7c16-403a-acc5-40d2b18f08a1")); } catch (Exception ex) { //throw; } }
void OnClipLoaded(AudioClip clip) { if (clip == null) { SharedServices.GetService <ICustomLogger>()?.LogError("Cannot load audio clip: " + _playingClip.ClipName); return; } _source.clip = clip; _source.loop = _playingClip.Loop; _source.pitch = _playingClip.Pitch; _source.volume = _playingClip.Volume * _volume; _source.Play(); }
public void TrackEvent(string category, string userID, JSONObject data = null) { JSONObject toSend = new JSONObject(); toSend["user_id"] = userID; toSend["ts"] = TimeUtils.Timestamp; toSend["category"] = category; if (data != null) { toSend["data"] = data; } var id = ++_lastId; SharedServices.GetService <CommandQueue>().AddCommand(new TrackEventCommand(id, toSend, OnTrackResponse)); _pending.Add(id, toSend); }
static IEnumerator SendCoroutine(Petition petition, Action <Petition> onFinish) { NetworkError error = null; string response = string.Empty; int retries = 0; do { var uploader = new UploadHandlerRaw(petition.GetRawData()); uploader.contentType = "application/json"; var downloadHandler = new DownloadHandlerBuffer(); var request = new UnityWebRequest(petition.Url); request.method = petition.Method == Petition.SendMethod.Post ? UnityWebRequest.kHttpVerbPOST : UnityWebRequest.kHttpVerbGET; request.useHttpContinue = false; request.redirectLimit = 50; request.timeout = 60; if (petition.Method == Petition.SendMethod.Post) { request.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); } request.uploadHandler = uploader; request.downloadHandler = downloadHandler; yield return(request.SendWebRequest()); if (request.isNetworkError || request.isHttpError) { error = new NetworkError((int)request.responseCode, request.error); SharedServices.GetService <ICustomLogger>().LogError("Network error error: {" + error.Code + ": " + error.Message + "} for petition: " + petition.GetData()); } else { response = request.downloadHandler.text; error = null; } ++retries; }while(error != null && retries < petition.Retries); petition.SetResponse(response); petition.Error = error; onFinish?.Invoke(petition); }
private void ProcessInputFile() { try { if (_challengeConfiguration != null) { if (SharedServices.HasService(typeof(ChallengeInitializationService))) { _challenge = SharedServices.GetService <ChallengeInitializationService>().InitializeChallenge(_challengeConfiguration); OnReportMessageSet(this, new EventArgs.HandlerEventArgs(this, "Toy Robot Challenge initialized...", false)); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_inputCommandFilePath)) { List <string> stringCommands = null; if (SharedServices.HasService(typeof(CommandParsingService))) { stringCommands = SharedServices.GetService <CommandParsingService>().ParseCommandFile(_inputCommandFilePath); if (stringCommands != null && SharedServices.HasService(typeof(CommandConversionService))) { List <List <IRobotCommand> > robotCommands = SharedServices.GetService <CommandConversionService>().ConvertStringCommands(stringCommands); if (robotCommands != null && robotCommands.Count > 0 && SharedServices.HasService(typeof(CommandExecutionService))) { SharedServices.GetService <CommandExecutionService>().CommandExecuted += CommandExecutionService_CommandExecuted; foreach (List <IRobotCommand> commandlist in robotCommands) { SharedServices.GetService <CommandExecutionService>().ExecuteCommands(_challenge.ActiveRobot, commandlist); } } } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { _errMsg = String.Format("Unable to process the configuration due to an error. {0}", ex.Message); throw new Exception(_errMsg); } }
void OnLoaded(AudioClip clip) { if (clip == null) { SharedServices.GetService <ICustomLogger>()?.LogError("Cannot load audio clip: " + data.ClipName); return; } gameObject.SetActive(true); gameObject.name = data.ClipName; _source.volume = data.Volume * _volume; _source.pitch = data.Pitch; _source.clip = clip; _source.loop = data.Loop; _source.spatialBlend = 0f; _source.Play(); _toFollow = null; _looping = data.Loop; _duration = clip.length; }
private async Task CallMe(Schedule schedule) { try { var id = Guid.NewGuid(); //throw new Exception("Don't care"); var serv = SharedServices.GetService <IRepositoryAsync <Guid, MondayMorningBlues> >(); var result2 = await serv.Create(new MondayMorningBlues() { Id = id }); var result = await serv.Read(id); } catch (Exception ex) { //throw; } }
public void Initialize(System.Action onFinishedLoading = null) { Initialized = false; var language = _chosenLanguage; if (!LocalizationFiles.ContainsKey(language)) { language = _defaultLanguage; SharedServices.GetService <ICustomLogger>()?.LogError("Chosen language is not available in localization files"); } string fileName = "localization_" + LocalizationFiles[language]; TextAsset content = Resources.Load <TextAsset>(fileName); if (content == null) { SharedServices.GetService <ICustomLogger>()?.LogError("Can not load the localization file. Trying to load default localization file."); fileName = "localization_" + LocalizationFiles[_defaultLanguage]; content = Resources.Load <TextAsset>(fileName); if (content == null) { SharedServices.GetService <ICustomLogger>()?.LogError("Can not load the default localization file."); onFinishedLoading?.Invoke(); return; } } try { _currentLocalization.FromJSON(JSON.JSON.LoadString(content.text)); } catch (System.Exception) { SharedServices.GetService <ICustomLogger>()?.LogError("Error parsing localization file: " + fileName); } Initialized = true; OnLocalizationChanged(); onFinishedLoading?.Invoke(); }
/// <summary> /// This method configures the mapping. /// </summary> protected override void StartInternal() { var resourceTracker = SharedServices?.GetService <IResourceTracker>(); if (resourceTracker != null && mResourceProfile != null) { mResourceConsumer = resourceTracker.RegisterConsumer(GetType().Name, mResourceProfile); } mSupported = new Dictionary <DataCollectionSupport, Action <EventHolder> >(); SupportLoadDefault(); var support = mSupported.Select((k) => k.Key).Aggregate((a, b) => a | b); if (mSupportMapSubmitted.HasValue) { mSupportMapActual = support & mSupportMapSubmitted.Value; } else { mSupportMapActual = support; } }
public void Send(Petition petition, Action <Petition> onFinish = null) { SharedServices.GetService <CoroutineRunner>().StartCoroutine(this, SendCoroutine(petition, onFinish)); }
public void CrossFade(string name, float duration) { SharedServices.GetService <CoroutineRunner>().StopAllCoroutines(this); SharedServices.GetService <CoroutineRunner>().StartCoroutine(this, CrossFadeCoroutine(name, duration)); }