예제 #1
        public async Task GetObject_SharedMemoryObject_VerifyMatches(string content)
            using (SharedMemoryManager manager = new SharedMemoryManager(_loggerFactory, _mapAccessor))
                // Put content into shared memory
                SharedMemoryMetadata metadata = await manager.PutObjectAsync(content);

                // Get object from shared memory
                object readObject = await manager.GetObjectAsync(metadata.MemoryMapName, 0, content.Length, typeof(SharedMemoryObject));

                SharedMemoryObject readContent       = readObject as SharedMemoryObject;
                Stream             readContentStream = readContent.Content;

                Assert.Equal(metadata.MemoryMapName, readContent.MemoryMapName);
                Assert.Equal(metadata.Count, readContent.Count);

                using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(readContentStream))
                    string readContentString = await reader.ReadToEndAsync();

                    // Verify read content matches the content that was written
                    Assert.Equal(content, readContentString);
예제 #2
        public void AddSharedMemoryMapsForInvocation_VerifySuccess()
            // Prepare two invocation IDs and shared memory map names corresponding to each
            string        invocationId1 = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            string        invocationId2 = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            List <string> mapNames1     = new List <string>
            List <string> mapNames2 = new List <string>

            using (SharedMemoryManager manager = new SharedMemoryManager(_loggerFactory, _mapAccessor))
                // Create mappings of invocation ID with shared memory map names
                mapNames1.ForEach(mapName => manager.AddSharedMemoryMapForInvocation(invocationId1, mapName));
                mapNames2.ForEach(mapName => manager.AddSharedMemoryMapForInvocation(invocationId2, mapName));

                // Verify the mappings
                Assert.True(manager.InvocationSharedMemoryMaps.TryGetValue(invocationId1, out HashSet <string> invocationMapNames1));
                Assert.True(manager.InvocationSharedMemoryMaps.TryGetValue(invocationId2, out HashSet <string> invocationMapNames2));
                Assert.Equal(mapNames1, invocationMapNames1);
                Assert.Equal(mapNames2, invocationMapNames2);
예제 #3
        public async Task Dispose_VerifyAllSharedMemoryResourcesFreed()
            // Prepare content
            string invocationId1 = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            string invocationId2 = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            string content       = "foobar";

            SharedMemoryManager manager = new SharedMemoryManager(_loggerFactory, _mapAccessor);

            // Put content into shared memory and add mapping to invocations
            SharedMemoryMetadata metadata1 = await manager.PutObjectAsync(content);

            string mapName1 = metadata1.MemoryMapName;

            manager.AddSharedMemoryMapForInvocation(invocationId1, mapName1);
            SharedMemoryMetadata metadata2 = await manager.PutObjectAsync(content);

            string mapName2 = metadata2.MemoryMapName;

            manager.AddSharedMemoryMapForInvocation(invocationId2, mapName2);

            // Open the shared memory map; should open
            Assert.True(_mapAccessor.TryOpen(mapName1, out MemoryMappedFile mmf1));
            Assert.True(_mapAccessor.TryOpen(mapName1, out MemoryMappedFile mmf2));

            // Dispose the shared memory manager; all shared memory maps it was tracking should be freed

            // Open the shared memory map; should not open
            Assert.False(_mapAccessor.TryOpen(mapName1, out _));
            Assert.False(_mapAccessor.TryOpen(mapName1, out _));
예제 #4
        public async Task FreeSharedMemoryMapsForInvocation_VerifySuccess()
            // Prepare content
            string invocationId1 = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            string invocationId2 = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            string content       = "foobar";

            using (SharedMemoryManager manager = new SharedMemoryManager(_loggerFactory, _mapAccessor))
                // Put content into shared memory and add mapping to invocations
                SharedMemoryMetadata metadata1 = await manager.PutObjectAsync(content);

                string mapName1 = metadata1.MemoryMapName;
                manager.AddSharedMemoryMapForInvocation(invocationId1, mapName1);
                SharedMemoryMetadata metadata2 = await manager.PutObjectAsync(content);

                string mapName2 = metadata2.MemoryMapName;
                manager.AddSharedMemoryMapForInvocation(invocationId2, mapName2);

                // Free the shared memory maps for invocation1 and try top open it after freeing; should not open
                Assert.False(_mapAccessor.TryOpen(mapName1, out _));

                // Shared memory maps for invocation2 should still be available to open
                Assert.True(_mapAccessor.TryOpen(mapName2, out MemoryMappedFile mmf));
        public async Task ToObject_CollectionBytes_VerifyFailure(bool isFunctionDataCacheEnabled)
            ILogger <RpcSharedMemory> logger = NullLogger <RpcSharedMemory> .Instance;
            string invocationId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            long   contentSize  = 16 * 1024; // 16KB, enough to try out the functionality we need to test

            using (SharedMemoryManager manager = new SharedMemoryManager(_loggerFactory, _mapAccessor))
                // Create a SharedMemoryMap
                string          mapName         = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                SharedMemoryMap sharedMemoryMap = CreateSharedMemoryMap(mapName, contentSize);

                // Wite content into it
                byte[] content      = TestUtils.GetRandomBytesInArray((int)contentSize);
                long   bytesWritten = await sharedMemoryMap.PutBytesAsync(content);

                Assert.Equal(contentSize, bytesWritten);

                // Create a RpcSharedMemory object pointing to the shared memory region we created earlier
                // Although the type is not correct, instead of Bytes it is CollectionBytes (unsupported)
                RpcSharedMemory rpcSharedMemory = new RpcSharedMemory
                    Name   = mapName,
                    Count  = contentSize,
                    Offset = 0,
                    Type   = RpcDataType.CollectionBytes

                // Try to convert the object but this should fail since the type we are requested is unsupported
                await Assert.ThrowsAsync <InvalidDataException>(async() => await rpcSharedMemory.ToObjectAsync(logger, invocationId, manager, isFunctionDataCacheEnabled));

                // Dispose off the created resources
        public async Task PutObject_NoActiveReferences_ForceOneEviction_VerifyCorrectEviction()
            int    contentSize  = 2 * 1024 * 1024; // 2MB
            int    cacheSize    = 6 * 1024 * 1024; // 6MB
            string cacheSizeVal = cacheSize.ToString();

            IEnvironment environment = new TestEnvironment();

            environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(FunctionDataCacheConstants.FunctionDataCacheMaximumSizeBytesSettingName, cacheSizeVal);
            environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(FunctionDataCacheConstants.FunctionDataCacheEnabledSettingName, "1");

            using (ISharedMemoryManager manager = new SharedMemoryManager(_loggerFactory, _mapAccessor))
                using (FunctionDataCache cache = new FunctionDataCache(manager, _loggerFactory, environment))
                    // Prepare content
                    byte[] content = TestUtils.GetRandomBytesInArray(contentSize);

                    // Put into shared memory as three distinct objects
                    SharedMemoryMetadata metadata1 = await manager.PutObjectAsync(content);

                    SharedMemoryMetadata metadata2 = await manager.PutObjectAsync(content);

                    SharedMemoryMetadata metadata3 = await manager.PutObjectAsync(content);

                    // Put the three objects into the cache
                    FunctionDataCacheKey key1 = new FunctionDataCacheKey("foo1", "bar1");
                    FunctionDataCacheKey key2 = new FunctionDataCacheKey("foo2", "bar2");
                    FunctionDataCacheKey key3 = new FunctionDataCacheKey("foo3", "bar3");
                    Assert.True(cache.TryPut(key1, metadata1, isIncrementActiveReference: false, isDeleteOnFailure: false));
                    Assert.True(cache.TryPut(key2, metadata2, isIncrementActiveReference: false, isDeleteOnFailure: false));
                    Assert.True(cache.TryPut(key3, metadata3, isIncrementActiveReference: false, isDeleteOnFailure: false));

                    // Verify that the cache is full
                    Assert.Equal(0, cache.RemainingCapacityBytes);

                    // At this point, the cache is full.
                    // We will create another object and try to insert it.
                    // This should be inserted (as another object will be evicted to make room for this).
                    SharedMemoryMetadata metadata4 = await manager.PutObjectAsync(content);

                    FunctionDataCacheKey key4 = new FunctionDataCacheKey("foo4", "bar4");
                    Assert.True(cache.TryPut(key4, metadata4, isIncrementActiveReference: false, isDeleteOnFailure: false));

                    // The first object should be evicted (least recently used) by now
                    Assert.False(cache.TryGet(key1, isIncrementActiveReference: false, out var _));

                    // Try to open the shared memory map of the first object and ensure it is removed and cannot be opened
                    Assert.False(_mapAccessor.TryOpen(metadata1.MemoryMapName, out var _));

                    // The last three objects (the first two added before eviction and the one resulting in eviction) should be present
                    Assert.True(cache.TryGet(key2, isIncrementActiveReference: false, out var _));
                    Assert.True(cache.TryGet(key3, isIncrementActiveReference: false, out var _));
                    Assert.True(cache.TryGet(key4, isIncrementActiveReference: false, out var _));

                    // Verify that the cache is full
                    Assert.Equal(0, cache.RemainingCapacityBytes);
예제 #7
        public void FreeNonExistentSharedMemoryMap_VerifyFailure()
            string mapName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            using (SharedMemoryManager manager = new SharedMemoryManager(_loggerFactory, _mapAccessor))
예제 #8
        public void FreeNonExistentInvocationIdSharedMemoryMaps_VerifySuccess()
            string invocationId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            using (SharedMemoryManager manager = new SharedMemoryManager(_loggerFactory, _mapAccessor))
        public async Task PutThreeObjects_GetOne_NoActiveReferences_VerifyEvictionOrder()
            int contentSize = 2 * 1024 * 1024; // 2MB

            using (ISharedMemoryManager manager = new SharedMemoryManager(_loggerFactory, _mapAccessor))
                using (FunctionDataCache cache = new FunctionDataCache(manager, _loggerFactory, _testEnvironment))
                    // Prepare content
                    byte[] content = TestUtils.GetRandomBytesInArray(contentSize);

                    // Put into shared memory as three distinct objects
                    List <SharedMemoryMetadata> metadatas = new List <SharedMemoryMetadata>()
                        await manager.PutObjectAsync(content),
                        await manager.PutObjectAsync(content),
                        await manager.PutObjectAsync(content),

                    // Put the three objects into the cache
                    List <FunctionDataCacheKey> keys = new List <FunctionDataCacheKey>()
                        new FunctionDataCacheKey("foo_1", "bar_1"),
                        new FunctionDataCacheKey("foo_2", "bar_2"),
                        new FunctionDataCacheKey("foo_3", "bar_3"),
                    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                        Assert.True(cache.TryPut(keys[i], metadatas[i], isIncrementActiveReference: false, isDeleteOnFailure: false));

                    // Access the middle object so that now it is the most recently used
                    Assert.True(cache.TryGet(keys[1], isIncrementActiveReference: false, out var _));

                    // The order of objects in LRU should be 1->3->2.
                    // Since 2 is the most recently used, it is at the end of the list.

                    // Evict an object and check that the right object was evicted (1)
                    Assert.False(cache.TryGet(keys[0], isIncrementActiveReference: false, out var _));
                    // Check if the other objects are still present;
                    // We cannot check using TryGet as that will impact the LRU ordering
                    Assert.Contains(keys[1], cache.LRUList);
                    Assert.Contains(keys[2], cache.LRUList);

                    // Evict an object and check that the right object was evicted (3)
                    Assert.False(cache.TryGet(keys[2], isIncrementActiveReference: false, out var _));
                    // Check if the other object are still present;
                    // We cannot check using TryGet as that will impact the LRU ordering
                    Assert.Contains(keys[1], cache.LRUList);

                    // Evict an object and check that the right object was evicted (2)
예제 #10
        public void CreateTwoNewSharedMemoryMapsWithSameName_VerifyFailure(long contentSize)
            string mapName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            using (SharedMemoryManager manager = new SharedMemoryManager(_loggerFactory, _mapAccessor))
                Assert.NotNull(manager.Create(mapName, contentSize));
                Assert.Null(manager.Create(mapName, contentSize));
예제 #11
        public async Task PutObject_EmptyByteArray_VerifyFailure()
            using (SharedMemoryManager manager = new SharedMemoryManager(_loggerFactory, _mapAccessor))
                // Put into shared memory
                SharedMemoryMetadata metadata = await manager.PutObjectAsync(new byte[0]);

                // Verify expected results
예제 #12
        public async Task GetObject_EmptyContent_SharedMemoryObject_VerifyException()
            using (SharedMemoryManager manager = new SharedMemoryManager(_loggerFactory, _mapAccessor))
                using (Stream content = new MemoryStream())
                    // Put content into shared memory
                    SharedMemoryMetadata metadata = await manager.PutObjectAsync(content);

                    // Get object from shared memory
                    await Assert.ThrowsAnyAsync <Exception>(() => manager.GetObjectAsync(metadata.MemoryMapName, 0, (int)content.Length, typeof(SharedMemoryObject)));
        public void ToggleDisabled_VerifyIsEnabled(string envVal)
            IEnvironment testEnvironment = new TestEnvironment();

            testEnvironment.SetEnvironmentVariable(FunctionDataCacheConstants.FunctionDataCacheEnabledSettingName, envVal);

            using (ISharedMemoryManager manager = new SharedMemoryManager(_loggerFactory, _mapAccessor))
                using (FunctionDataCache cache = new FunctionDataCache(manager, _loggerFactory, testEnvironment))
        public void SetValidCacheSizeInEnvironment_VerifyMaximumCapacityBytes(long cacheSize)
            IEnvironment testEnvironment = new TestEnvironment();

            testEnvironment.SetEnvironmentVariable(FunctionDataCacheConstants.FunctionDataCacheEnabledSettingName, "1");

            testEnvironment.SetEnvironmentVariable(FunctionDataCacheConstants.FunctionDataCacheMaximumSizeBytesSettingName, $"{cacheSize}");

            using (ISharedMemoryManager manager = new SharedMemoryManager(_loggerFactory, _mapAccessor))
                using (FunctionDataCache cache = new FunctionDataCache(manager, _loggerFactory, testEnvironment))
                    Assert.Equal(cacheSize, cache.RemainingCapacityBytes);
예제 #15
        public async Task PutObject_String_VerifySuccess(string content)
            using (SharedMemoryManager manager = new SharedMemoryManager(_loggerFactory, _mapAccessor))
                // Put into shared memory
                SharedMemoryMetadata metadata = await manager.PutObjectAsync(content);

                // Verify expected results
                Assert.True(Guid.TryParse(metadata.MemoryMapName, out _));
                Assert.Equal(content.Length, metadata.Count);
예제 #16
        public void TestSupportedObjects()
            // 5MB byte[]
            object objectA = TestUtils.GetRandomBytesInArray(5 * 1024 * 1024);

            // string containing 5 * 1024 * 1024 chars (total size = 5 * 1024 * 1024 * sizeof(char))
            object objectB = new StringBuilder().Append('a', 5 * 1024 * 1024).ToString();

            using (SharedMemoryManager manager = new SharedMemoryManager(_loggerFactory, _mapAccessor))
예제 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Init XRef info.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="projectPath">Project path(is not project var file)</param>
        /// <returns>Warning message string. Not used now.</returns>
        public string InitXRef(string projectPath)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(projectPath))
            // remove ending path seperated char if has
            projectPath = projectPath.TrimEnd(new char[] { '\\' });

            BlockListMgr     = new BlockListManager(projectPath);
            IOAddressMgr     = new IOAddressManager(projectPath);
            SharedMemoryMgr  = new SharedMemoryManager(projectPath);
            CompoundBlockMgr = new CompoundBlockManager(projectPath);            //KHo 20111226
            BuildListMgr     = new BuildListManager(projectPath);

            XRefListPath = Path.Combine(projectPath, "xref.data");
            XShmListPath = Path.Combine(projectPath, "xshm.data");

            // if upgrade from xref.data to xref.data + xshm.data, we keep new files'
            // time is same as old xref.data's.
            bool keepTime = false; DateTime dtLastWriteTime = DateTime.Now;

            if (File.Exists(XRefListPath) && !File.Exists(XShmListPath))
                dtLastWriteTime = File.GetLastWriteTime(XRefListPath);
                keepTime        = true;

            // load xref & xshm list info
            string msg = "";

            LoadXRefList(ref msg);

            // auto-save file if current is dirty
            if (this.XRefDirty)

                // keep two files' time if needed
                if (keepTime)
                    File.SetLastWriteTime(XRefListPath, dtLastWriteTime);
                    File.SetLastWriteTime(XShmListPath, dtLastWriteTime);

        public async Task ToObject_Bytes_FunctionDataCacheEnabled_VerifySuccess()
            ILogger <RpcSharedMemory> logger = NullLogger <RpcSharedMemory> .Instance;
            string invocationId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            long   contentSize  = 16 * 1024; // 16KB, enough to try out the functionality we need to test

            using (SharedMemoryManager manager = new SharedMemoryManager(_loggerFactory, _mapAccessor))
                // Create a SharedMemoryMap
                string          mapName         = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                SharedMemoryMap sharedMemoryMap = CreateSharedMemoryMap(mapName, contentSize);

                // Wite content into it
                byte[] content      = TestUtils.GetRandomBytesInArray((int)contentSize);
                long   bytesWritten = await sharedMemoryMap.PutBytesAsync(content);

                Assert.Equal(contentSize, bytesWritten);

                // Create a RpcSharedMemory object pointing to the shared memory region we created earlier
                RpcSharedMemory rpcSharedMemory = new RpcSharedMemory
                    Name   = mapName,
                    Count  = contentSize,
                    Offset = 0,
                    Type   = RpcDataType.Bytes

                // Convert RpcSharedMemory object into byte[]
                object rpcObj = await rpcSharedMemory.ToObjectAsync(logger, invocationId, manager, isFunctionDataCacheEnabled : true);


                // Since the FunctionDataCache is enabled, the object should be a SharedMemoryObject
                Assert.IsType <SharedMemoryObject>(rpcObj);
                SharedMemoryObject sharedMemoryObject = rpcObj as SharedMemoryObject;

                // Verify that the read object is correct
                Assert.Equal(mapName, sharedMemoryObject.MemoryMapName);
                Assert.Equal(contentSize, sharedMemoryObject.Count);

                // Since the FunctionDataCache is enabled, ensure that the SharedMemoryManager is tracking the object that was read
                Assert.Equal(1, manager.AllocatedSharedMemoryMaps.Count);
                Assert.True(manager.AllocatedSharedMemoryMaps.TryGetValue(mapName, out _));

                // Dispose off the created resources
예제 #19
        public void TestUnsupportedObjects()
            // Objects that don't meet the minimum size requirements
            object objectA = new byte[5];
            object objectB = new string("abc");

            // Objects that don't meet the type requirements
            object objectC = new int[5 * 1024 * 1024];

            using (SharedMemoryManager manager = new SharedMemoryManager(_loggerFactory, _mapAccessor))
예제 #20
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var fixedmap = new FixedAddressTypesMap(0x0032e2000);

            fixedmap.GetOrAddType <SharedType>();

            using (var reciever = new SharedMemoryManager <SharedType>(typeof(SharedType).FullName, 1024))
                using (var sender = new SharedMemoryManager <string>(typeof(string).FullName, 1024))
                    var obj = reciever.ReceiveObject();
                    var str = string.Format("Recieved: {0}", obj);
예제 #21
        public async Task GetObject_String_VerifyMatches(string content)
            using (SharedMemoryManager manager = new SharedMemoryManager(_loggerFactory, _mapAccessor))
                // Put content into shared memory
                SharedMemoryMetadata metadata = await manager.PutObjectAsync(content);

                // Get object from shared memory
                object readObject = await manager.GetObjectAsync(metadata.MemoryMapName, 0, content.Length, typeof(string));

                string readContent = readObject as string;

                // Verify read content matches the content that was written
                Assert.Equal(content, readContent);
예제 #22
        public async Task GetObject_ByteArray_VerifyMatches(int contentSize)
            using (SharedMemoryManager manager = new SharedMemoryManager(_loggerFactory, _mapAccessor))
                // Prepare content and put into shared memory
                byte[] content = TestUtils.GetRandomBytesInArray(contentSize);
                SharedMemoryMetadata metadata = await manager.PutObjectAsync(content);

                // Get object from shared memory
                object readObject = await manager.GetObjectAsync(metadata.MemoryMapName, 0, contentSize, typeof(byte[]));

                byte[] readContent = readObject as byte[];

                // Verify read content matches the content that was written
                Assert.True(TestUtils.UnsafeCompare(content, readContent));
예제 #23
        public async Task PutObject_ByteArray_VerifySuccess(int contentSize)
            using (SharedMemoryManager manager = new SharedMemoryManager(_loggerFactory, _mapAccessor))
                // Prepare content
                byte[] content = TestUtils.GetRandomBytesInArray(contentSize);

                // Put into shared memory
                SharedMemoryMetadata metadata = await manager.PutObjectAsync(content);

                // Verify expected results
                Assert.True(Guid.TryParse(metadata.MemoryMapName, out _));
                Assert.Equal(contentSize, metadata.Count);
예제 #24
        public async Task FreeSharedMemoryMap_VerifySuccess()
            // Prepare content
            string content = "foobar";

            using (SharedMemoryManager manager = new SharedMemoryManager(_loggerFactory, _mapAccessor))
                // Put content into shared memory
                SharedMemoryMetadata metadata = await manager.PutObjectAsync(content);

                string mapName = metadata.MemoryMapName;

                // Free the shared memory map and try top open it after freeing; should not open
                Assert.False(_mapAccessor.TryOpen(mapName, out _));
예제 #25
        public void AddDuplicateSharedMemoryMapsForInvocation_VerifyOnlyOneIsAdded()
            // Prepare invocation ID and shared memory map names
            string invocationId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            string mapName      = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            using (SharedMemoryManager manager = new SharedMemoryManager(_loggerFactory, _mapAccessor))
                // Create mapping of invocation ID with same shared memory map name, twice
                manager.AddSharedMemoryMapForInvocation(invocationId, mapName);
                manager.AddSharedMemoryMapForInvocation(invocationId, mapName);

                // Verify only one mapping exists
                Assert.True(manager.InvocationSharedMemoryMaps.TryGetValue(invocationId, out HashSet <string> mapNames));
        public async Task PutObject_ActiveReference_VerifyNotEvicted()
            int    contentSize  = 2 * 1024 * 1024; // 2MB
            int    cacheSize    = 3 * 1024 * 1024; // 3MB
            string cacheSizeVal = cacheSize.ToString();

            IEnvironment environment = new TestEnvironment();

            environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(FunctionDataCacheConstants.FunctionDataCacheMaximumSizeBytesSettingName, cacheSizeVal);
            environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(FunctionDataCacheConstants.FunctionDataCacheEnabledSettingName, "1");

            using (ISharedMemoryManager manager = new SharedMemoryManager(_loggerFactory, _mapAccessor))
                using (FunctionDataCache cache = new FunctionDataCache(manager, _loggerFactory, environment))
                    // Prepare content
                    byte[] content = TestUtils.GetRandomBytesInArray(contentSize);

                    // Put into shared memory as two objects
                    SharedMemoryMetadata metadata1 = await manager.PutObjectAsync(content);

                    SharedMemoryMetadata metadata2 = await manager.PutObjectAsync(content);

                    // Put one object into the cache and keep an active reference
                    FunctionDataCacheKey key1 = new FunctionDataCacheKey("foo1", "bar1");
                    Assert.True(cache.TryPut(key1, metadata1, isIncrementActiveReference: true, isDeleteOnFailure: false));

                    // The first object has used up the cache space.
                    // When trying to insert the second object into the cache, it should fail
                    // since the first has an active reference and cannot be evicted.
                    FunctionDataCacheKey key2 = new FunctionDataCacheKey("foo2", "bar2");
                    Assert.False(cache.TryPut(key2, metadata2, isIncrementActiveReference: false, isDeleteOnFailure: false));
                    // Ensure that the first object was not evicted
                    Assert.True(cache.TryGet(key1, isIncrementActiveReference: false, out var _));

                    // Drop the active reference on the first object

                    // Now, when trying to insert the second object into the cache, it should succeed
                    // since the first object can be evicted (since its active reference was dropped).
                    Assert.True(cache.TryPut(key2, metadata2, isIncrementActiveReference: false, isDeleteOnFailure: false));
                    // Ensure that the first object was evicted
                    Assert.False(cache.TryGet(key1, isIncrementActiveReference: false, out var _));
        public ScriptInvocationContextExtensionsTests()
            ILogger <MemoryMappedFileAccessor> logger = NullLogger <MemoryMappedFileAccessor> .Instance;

            _testEnvironment = new TestEnvironment();
            _testEnvironment.SetEnvironmentVariable(FunctionDataCacheConstants.FunctionDataCacheEnabledSettingName, "1");

            if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows))
                _mapAccessor = new MemoryMappedFileAccessorWindows(logger);
                _mapAccessor = new MemoryMappedFileAccessorUnix(logger, _testEnvironment);

            _sharedMemoryManager = new SharedMemoryManager(_loggerFactory, _mapAccessor);
            _functionDataCache   = new FunctionDataCache(_sharedMemoryManager, _loggerFactory, _testEnvironment);
        public async Task PutThreeObjects_VerifyLRUOrder()
            int contentSize = 2 * 1024 * 1024; // 2MB

            using (ISharedMemoryManager manager = new SharedMemoryManager(_loggerFactory, _mapAccessor))
                using (FunctionDataCache cache = new FunctionDataCache(manager, _loggerFactory, _testEnvironment))
                    // Prepare content
                    byte[] content = TestUtils.GetRandomBytesInArray(contentSize);

                    // Put into shared memory as three distinct objects
                    List <SharedMemoryMetadata> metadatas = new List <SharedMemoryMetadata>()
                        await manager.PutObjectAsync(content),
                        await manager.PutObjectAsync(content),
                        await manager.PutObjectAsync(content),

                    // Put the three objects into the cache
                    List <FunctionDataCacheKey> keys = new List <FunctionDataCacheKey>()
                        new FunctionDataCacheKey("foo_1", "bar_1"),
                        new FunctionDataCacheKey("foo_2", "bar_2"),
                        new FunctionDataCacheKey("foo_3", "bar_3"),
                    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                        Assert.True(cache.TryPut(keys[i], metadatas[i], isIncrementActiveReference: false, isDeleteOnFailure: false));

                    // The order of the LRU list should be the same as that in which objects were inserted above.
                    // i.e. the first element of the list should be the least recently used (oldest inserted).
                    int pos = 1;
                    foreach (FunctionDataCacheKey key in cache.LRUList)
                        string keyId = key.Id;
                        int    num   = int.Parse(keyId.Split("_")[1]);
                        Assert.Equal(pos, num);
        public async Task PutObject_NoEvictions_VerifyGet(int contentSize)
            using (ISharedMemoryManager manager = new SharedMemoryManager(_loggerFactory, _mapAccessor))
                using (FunctionDataCache cache = new FunctionDataCache(manager, _loggerFactory, _testEnvironment))
                    // Prepare content
                    byte[] content = TestUtils.GetRandomBytesInArray(contentSize);

                    // Put into shared memory
                    SharedMemoryMetadata metadata = await manager.PutObjectAsync(content);

                    // Put into cache
                    FunctionDataCacheKey key = new FunctionDataCacheKey("foo", "bar");
                    Assert.True(cache.TryPut(key, metadata, isIncrementActiveReference: false, isDeleteOnFailure: false));

                    // Get from cache
                    Assert.True(cache.TryGet(key, isIncrementActiveReference: false, out SharedMemoryMetadata getMetadata));

                    // Compare if the obtained values are equal
                    Assert.Equal(metadata, getMetadata);
        public async Task PutObject_FailToPut_DoNotDeleteOnFailure()
            int    contentSize  = 4 * 1024 * 1024; // 4MB
            int    cacheSize    = 3 * 1024 * 1024; // 3MB
            string cacheSizeVal = cacheSize.ToString();

            IEnvironment environment = new TestEnvironment();

            environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(FunctionDataCacheConstants.FunctionDataCacheMaximumSizeBytesSettingName, cacheSizeVal);
            environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(FunctionDataCacheConstants.FunctionDataCacheEnabledSettingName, "1");

            using (SharedMemoryManager manager = new SharedMemoryManager(_loggerFactory, _mapAccessor))
                using (FunctionDataCache cache = new FunctionDataCache(manager, _loggerFactory, environment))
                    // Prepare content
                    byte[] content = TestUtils.GetRandomBytesInArray(contentSize);

                    // Put into shared memory
                    SharedMemoryMetadata metadata = await manager.PutObjectAsync(content);

                    // Try to put the object into the cache; this will fail because the cache is smaller than the object size.
                    // Since isDeleteOnFailure is false, the object will not be deleted from shared memory.
                    FunctionDataCacheKey key = new FunctionDataCacheKey("foo", "bar");
                    Assert.False(cache.TryPut(key, metadata, isIncrementActiveReference: true, isDeleteOnFailure: false));

                    // Ensure that nothing was cached and no references are held
                    Assert.Equal(cacheSize, cache.RemainingCapacityBytes);

                    // Ensure that the SharedMemoryManager has the allocated memory map and it was not deleted
                    Assert.Equal(1, manager.AllocatedSharedMemoryMaps.Count);

                    // Try to open the shared memory map of the first object and ensure it exists and can be opened
                    Assert.True(_mapAccessor.TryOpen(metadata.MemoryMapName, out var _));
 private static void FindWindowForTest()
     sharedMemoryManager = new SharedMemoryManager(IoftpdMessagewindow);
     bool isWindowThere = sharedMemoryManager.IsWindowThere;
     Assert.IsTrue(isWindowThere, string.Format("'{0}' was not found!", IoftpdMessagewindow));