/// <summary>
        /// Executes job tear down tasks.
        /// For the current job. once all autolinking taks are successfully done, we do the following:
        /// 1. Retrieve the deal by id
        /// 2. Update the deal stauts to : AutoLinkingComplete
        /// 3. Updat the deal
        /// 4. Schedule the job to which will tell Deal Server that deal is active
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="executionResult">
        /// The result of job startup tasks.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="jobResult">
        /// The result of job.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The result of the execution of the tear down tasks.
        /// </returns>
        public OrchestratedExecutionResult TearDown(OrchestratedExecutionResult executionResult)
            Log.Information("AutoLinking Job Complete for Deal :{0}", DealId);
            Log.Information("Job Result :{0}", executionResult);
            if (executionResult == OrchestratedExecutionResult.Success)
                CommerceContext context = new CommerceContext("Claim Discount For Existing Cards Job Context", CommerceWorkerConfig.Instance);

                // get the deal
                context[Key.GlobalDealId] = DealId;
                SharedDealLogic sharedDealLogic = new SharedDealLogic(context, CommerceOperationsFactory.DealOperations(context));
                Deal            deal            = sharedDealLogic.RetrieveDeal();

                //now upate deal status to mark autolinking complete
                context[Key.InitialDeal]          = new Deal(deal);
                context[Key.Deal]                 = deal;
                deal.DealStatusId                 = DealStatus.AutoLinkingComplete;
                context[Key.PreviouslyRegistered] = true;

//TODO:schedule the job to tell DS that deal should be activated, but now do it right here
                context[Key.GlobalDealId] = DealId;
                deal = sharedDealLogic.RetrieveDeal();
                context[Key.InitialDeal]          = new Deal(deal);
                context[Key.Deal]                 = deal;
                deal.DealStatusId                 = DealStatus.Activated;
                context[Key.PreviouslyRegistered] = true;
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the Claim Deal API invocation.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task Execute()
                SharedUserLogic sharedUserLogic = new SharedUserLogic(Context,
                SharedCardLogic sharedCardLogic = new SharedCardLogic(Context,
                SharedDealLogic sharedDealLogic = new SharedDealLogic(Context,
                ClaimDealConcluder claimDealConcluder = new ClaimDealConcluder(Context);

                ResultCode extractionResult = ExtractClaimDealPayload();
                if (extractionResult == ResultCode.Success)
                    Deal deal = sharedDealLogic.RetrieveDeal();
                    Context[Key.Deal] = deal;
                    if (deal != null)
                        Context[Key.DealDiscountSummary] = deal.DiscountSummary;
                        User user = sharedUserLogic.RetrieveUser();
                        Context[Key.User] = user;
                        if (user != null)
                            Card card = sharedCardLogic.RetrieveCard();
                            Context[Key.Card] = card;
                            if (card != null)
                                // If the deal and card have common ground, claim the deal for the card.
                                if (MustClaim(deal, card) == true)
                                    Context[Key.MerchantName] = deal.MerchantName;
                                    Context.Log.Verbose("Trying to claim the deal for the user with the appropriate partner.");
                                    ClaimDealInvoker claimDealInvoker = new ClaimDealInvoker(Context);
                                    await claimDealInvoker.Invoke();
                                    Context.Log.Verbose("It is not necessary to claim this deal for this card.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                RestResponder.BuildAsynchronousResponse(Context, ex);
        /// <summary>
        /// Process the response file
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// Async Task Wrapper
        /// </returns>
        public virtual async Task <bool> ProcessAsync()
            OfferRegistrationResponseFileParser parser       = new OfferRegistrationResponseFileParser(Context.Log);
            OfferRegistrationResponseFile       responseFile = parser.Parse(ResponseFileName, ResponseFileStream);
            bool submissionValid = true;

            if (responseFile != null)
                if (responseFile.Header.ResponseCode == "A")
                    foreach (OfferRegistrationResponseDetail record in responseFile.ResponseRecords)
                        Context[Key.PartnerDealId] = record.OfferId;
                        Context[Key.Partner]       = Partner.Amex;
                        IDealOperations dealOperations = CommerceOperationsFactory.DealOperations(Context);
                        Guid?           discountId     = dealOperations.RetrieveDiscountIdFromPartnerDealId();
                        Context[Key.GlobalDealId] = discountId.Value;
                        SharedDealLogic dealLogic = new SharedDealLogic(Context, CommerceOperationsFactory.DealOperations(Context));
                        Deal            deal      = dealLogic.RetrieveDeal();

                        // for each record - check the status and process accordingly
                        if (record.ResponseCode == "A")
                            if (record.ActionCode == OfferRegistrationActionCodeType.Add)
                                // Possible Race condition in this part of the code
                                // By time time we check whether all partners are registered, things could change in DB
                                // this is not a concern right now but we need to figure it out.
                                bool allOtherPartnersRegistered = true;
                                foreach (PartnerDealInfo partnerDealInfo in deal.PartnerDealInfoList)
                                    if (partnerDealInfo.PartnerId != Partner.Amex)
                                        if (partnerDealInfo.PartnerDealRegistrationStatusId !=
                                            allOtherPartnersRegistered = false;

                                // now update deal status
                                deal.DealStatusId = DealStatus.PendingAutoLinking;
                                foreach (PartnerDealInfo partnerDealInfo in deal.PartnerDealInfoList)
                                    if (partnerDealInfo.PartnerId == Partner.Amex)
                                        partnerDealInfo.PartnerDealRegistrationStatusId = PartnerDealRegistrationStatus.Complete;
                                Context[Key.Deal] = deal;

                                if (allOtherPartnersRegistered)
                                    // schedule autolinking
                                    ConcurrentDictionary <string, string> payload = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, string>();
                                    payload[Key.GlobalDealId.ToString()] = deal.GlobalId.ToString();
                                    ScheduledJobDetails scheduledJobDetails = new ScheduledJobDetails
                                        JobId        = Guid.NewGuid(),
                                        JobType      = ScheduledJobType.ClaimDiscountForExistingCards,
                                        Orchestrated = true,
                                        StartTime    = DateTime.UtcNow,
                                        Payload      = payload
                                    await Scheduler.ScheduleJobAsync(scheduledJobDetails).ConfigureAwait(false);
                            else if (record.ActionCode == OfferRegistrationActionCodeType.Update)
                                // previously registered, and update was successful.
                                foreach (PartnerDealInfo partnerDealInfo in deal.PartnerDealInfoList)
                                    if (partnerDealInfo.PartnerId == Partner.Amex)
                                        partnerDealInfo.PartnerDealRegistrationStatusId = PartnerDealRegistrationStatus.Complete;
                                Context[Key.Deal] = deal;
                                // TODO:Tell Deal Server we are done.
//                                ConcurrentDictionary<string, string> payload = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, string>();
//                                payload[Key.DealId.ToString()] = deal.Id.ToString();
//                                ScheduledJobDetails scheduledJobDetails = new ScheduledJobDetails
//                                {
//                                    JobId = Guid.NewGuid(),
//                                    JobType = ScheduledJobType.DiscountActivationJob,
//                                    Orchestrated = false,
//                                    StartTime = DateTime.UtcNow,
//                                    Payload = payload
//                                };
//                                await Scheduler.ScheduleJobAsync(scheduledJobDetails).ConfigureAwait(false);
                            Context.Log.Warning("Attempt to register a deal with Amex failed\r\nOffer Id {0}\r\n Reason {1}", (int)ResultCode.SubmissionRejected, record.OfferId, record.ResponseCodeMessage);
                            // update the deal to reflect error
                            foreach (PartnerDealInfo partnerDealInfo in deal.PartnerDealInfoList)
                                if (partnerDealInfo.PartnerId == Partner.Amex)
                                    partnerDealInfo.PartnerDealRegistrationStatusId = PartnerDealRegistrationStatus.Error;
                            Context[Key.Deal] = deal;
                    // file submission was rejected.
                    submissionValid = false;