예제 #1
    public void OnButtonClick()

        Hashtable content = new Hashtable();
        Debug.Log("imagePath = " +imagePath);
        if (System.IO.File.Exists(imagePath))
            content["image"] = imagePath;
        content["content"] = "我正在玩城市跑酷游戏,非常好玩,一起来玩吧!";
        content["title"] = "城市跑酷";
        content["url"] = "http://weibo.com/u/5338688253/home?wvr=5";
        content["type"] = Convert.ToString((int)ContentType.News);
        content["siteUrl"] = "http://weibo.com/u/5338688253/home?wvr=5";
        content["site"] = "";


        ShareResultEvent evt = new ShareResultEvent(ShareResultHandler);
        ShareSDK.showShareMenu(content, 100, 100, MenuArrowDirection.Up, evt);

예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// OGUI share to the specified platform.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="platform">Platform.</param>
        /// <param name="content">Content.</param>
        /// <param name="resultHandler">Result handler.</param>
        public void onekeyShare(int platform, Hashtable content, ShareResultEvent resultHandler)
            shareHandler = resultHandler;
            String json = MiniJSON.jsonEncode(content);

            ssdk.CallStatic("onekeyShare", platform, json);
예제 #3
 public static void Share(PlatformType platform, string title, string text, string image, ContentType type, ShareResultEvent evt)
     Hashtable hashtable = new Hashtable();
     hashtable["title"] = ((platform != PlatformType.WeChatTimeline) ? title : text);
     hashtable["content"] = ((type != ContentType.News) ? (text + ShareSDK.ShareConfig.url) : text);
     hashtable["image"] = ((type != ContentType.Image) ? ((type != ContentType.News) ? string.Empty : ShareSDK.IconPath) : image);
     hashtable["url"] = ((type != ContentType.News) ? string.Empty : ShareSDK.ShareConfig.url);
     hashtable["type"] = Convert.ToString((int)type);
     ShareUtils.shareContent(platform, hashtable, evt);
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Shares the content.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name='type'>
        /// Type.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='content'>
        /// Content.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='resultHandler'>
        /// Callback.
        /// </param>
        public static void shareContent(PlatformType type, Hashtable content, ShareResultEvent resultHandler)
            _shareResultEvent = resultHandler;

            string contentStr = null;

            if (content != null)
                contentStr = MiniJSON.jsonEncode(content);

            __iosShareSDKShare((int)type, contentStr, _callbackObjectName);
예제 #5
    void OnGUI()
        GUI.skin = demoSkin;

        float scale = 1.0f;

        if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer)
            scale = Screen.width / 320;

        float btnWidth  = 200 * scale;
        float btnHeight = 45 * scale;
        float btnTop    = 10 * scale;

        GUI.skin.button.fontSize = Convert.ToInt32(16 * scale);

        btnTop += btnHeight + 10 * scale;

        btnTop += btnHeight + 10 * scale;
        if (quanju.share == 0)
            Hashtable content = new Hashtable();
            content["content"] = "We are playing LOR,a mobilegame for android,Fighting with me!";
            content["image"]   = Application.persistentDataPath + "/Screenshot.png";
            //		string path = "file://"+Application.dataPath+"/Plugins/"+"IOS/dreamp.png";
            //		content["image"] = path;
            content["title"]       = "Form LOR mobilephone";
            content["description"] = "test description";
            content["url"]         = "http://xbwcc.com.cn";
            content["type"]        = Convert.ToString((int)ContentType.News);
            content["siteUrl"]     = "http://xbwcc.com.cn";
            content["site"]        = "ShareSDK";
            content["musicUrl"]    = "http://mp3.mwap8.com/destdir/Music/2009/20090601/ZuiXuanMinZuFeng20090601119.mp3";
            //开启,调用客户端授权 (only in android)
            content["disableSSOWhenAuthorize"] = false;
            content["shareTheme"] = "classic";//ShareTheme has only two value which are skyblue and classic

            ShareResultEvent evt = new ShareResultEvent(ShareResultHandler);
            ShareSDK.showShareMenu(null, content, 100, 100, MenuArrowDirection.Any, evt);
            quanju.share = 1;
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the share menu.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name='types'>
        /// Types.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='content'>
        /// Content.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='x'>
        /// X.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='y'>
        /// Y.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='direction'>
        /// Direction.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='callback'>
        /// Callback.
        /// </param>
        public static void showShareMenu(PlatformType[] types, Hashtable content, int x, int y, MenuArrowDirection direction, ShareResultEvent resultHandler)
            _shareResultEvent = resultHandler;

            string platTypesStr = null;

            if (types != null)
                List <int> platTypesArr = new List <int>();
                foreach (PlatformType type in types)
                platTypesStr = MiniJSON.jsonEncode(platTypesArr.ToArray());

            __iosShareSDKShowShareMenu(platTypesStr, MiniJSON.jsonEncode(content), x, y, (int)direction, _callbackObjectName);
예제 #7
파일: ShareButton.cs 프로젝트: AhrenLi/2048
    void OnClick(dfControl control, dfMouseEventArgs args)
        Hashtable content = new Hashtable();
        content["content"] = "我正在玩2048,非常好玩,我的最高得分为:"+PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("highScore",0)+ ", 下载地址为:https://github.com/AhrenLi/2048";
        string imageName = Time.time +".jpg";
        content["image"] = Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + imageName; ;
        content["title"] = "豪华版2048";
        content["description"] = "我正在玩2048,非常好玩,我的最高得分为:" + PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("highScore", 0) + ", 下载地址为:https://github.com/AhrenLi/2048";
        content["url"] = "http://sharesdk.cn";
        content["type"] = Convert.ToString((int)ContentType.News);
        content["siteUrl"] = "http://sharesdk.cn";
        content["site"] = "ShareSDK";
        content["musicUrl"] = "http://mp3.mwap8.com/destdir/Music/2009/20090601/ZuiXuanMinZuFeng20090601119.mp3";

        ShareResultEvent evt = new ShareResultEvent(ShareResultHandler);
        ShareSDK.showShareMenu(null, content, 100, 100, MenuArrowDirection.Up, evt);
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// share content to multiple platform
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name='types'>
        /// Types.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='content'>
        /// Content.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='resultHandler'>
        /// Callback.
        /// </param>
        public static void oneKeyShareContent(PlatformType[] types, Hashtable content, ShareResultEvent resultHandler)
            _shareResultEvent = resultHandler;

            string platTypesStr = null;

            if (types != null)
                List <int> platTypesArr = new List <int>();
                foreach (PlatformType type in types)
                platTypesStr = MiniJSON.jsonEncode(platTypesArr.ToArray());

            __iosShareSDKOneKeyShare(platTypesStr, MiniJSON.jsonEncode(content), _callbackObjectName);
예제 #9
    public void ShareToPlatform(PlatformType platform)
        Hashtable content = new Hashtable();
            content["content"] = "<莉莉灰姑娘3D-梦幻公主换装> 让小朋友们爱不释手的全新3D公主换装游戏";
            content["title"] = "《莉莉灰姑娘3D》";
            content["description"] = "<莉莉灰姑娘3D-梦幻公主换装> 让小朋友们爱不释手的全新3D公主换装游戏";
            content["content"] = "<Lily Cinderella 3D- Dreamy Princess Dressing> delicate&dreamy pictures, warm colors are kids’ favorite";
            content["title"] = "Lily Cinderella 3D- Dreamy Princess Dressing";
            content["description"] = "<Lily Cinderella 3D- Dreamy Princess Dressing> delicate&dreamy pictures, warm colors are kids’ favorite";
        content["image"] = "https://is2-ssl.mzstatic.com/image/thumb/Purple5/v4/8b/fb/4a/8bfb4a26-f996-b455-dc79-2b6035b7fd88/pr_source.jpg/1024x1024ss-80.png";
        content["url"] = "http://zyg-share.zhuoyouapp.com/share?id=987077808";
        content["type"] = Convert.ToString((int)ContentType.News);
        content["siteUrl"] = "http://zyg-share.zhuoyouapp.com/share?id=987077808";
        content["site"] = "ShareSDK";
        //		content["musicUrl"] = "http://mp3.mwap8.com/destdir/Music/2009/20090601/ZuiXuanMinZuFeng20090601119.mp3";

        ShareResultEvent evt = new ShareResultEvent(ShareResultHandler);
        ShareSDK.shareContent (platform, content, evt);
예제 #10
 public static void shareContent(PlatformType type, Hashtable content, ShareResultEvent resultHandler)
     ShareSDK._shareResultEvent = resultHandler;
     string content2 = MiniJSON.jsonEncode(content);
     ShareSDK.__iosShareSDKShare((int)type, content2, ShareSDK._callbackObjectName);
예제 #11
	void OnGUI ()
		GUI.skin = demoSkin;
		float scale = 1.0f;
		if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer)
			scale = Screen.width / 320;
		float btnWidth = 200 * scale;
		float btnHeight = 45 * scale;
		float btnTop = 10 * scale;
		GUI.skin.button.fontSize = Convert.ToInt32(16 * scale);
		if (GUI.Button(new Rect((Screen.width - btnWidth) / 2, btnTop, btnWidth, btnHeight), "Authorize"))

			AuthResultEvent evt = new AuthResultEvent(AuthResultHandler);
			ShareSDK.authorize(PlatformType.SinaWeibo, evt);
		btnTop += btnHeight + 10 * scale;
		if (GUI.Button(new Rect((Screen.width - btnWidth) / 2, btnTop, btnWidth, btnHeight), "Get User Info"))
			GetUserInfoResultEvent evt = new GetUserInfoResultEvent(GetUserInfoResultHandler);
			ShareSDK.getUserInfo(PlatformType.SinaWeibo, evt);
		btnTop += btnHeight + 10 * scale;
		if (GUI.Button(new Rect((Screen.width - btnWidth) / 2, btnTop, btnWidth, btnHeight), "Show Share Menu"))
			Hashtable content = new Hashtable();
			content["content"] = "this is a test string.";
			content["image"] = "http://img.baidu.com/img/image/zhenrenmeinv0207.jpg";
//			string path = "file://"+Application.dataPath+"/Plugins/"+"IOS/dream.jpg";
//			content["image"] = path;
			content["title"] = "test title";
			content["description"] = "test description";
			content["url"] = "http://www.mob.com";
			content["type"] = Convert.ToString((int)ContentType.News);
			content["siteUrl"] = "http://www.mob.com";
			content["site"] = "ShareSDK";
			content["musicUrl"] = "http://mp3.mwap8.com/destdir/Music/2009/20090601/ZuiXuanMinZuFeng20090601119.mp3";
			//开启,调用客户端授权 (only in android)
			content["disableSSOWhenAuthorize"] = false;
			content["shareTheme"] = "classic";//ShareTheme has only two value which are skyblue and classic
			ShareResultEvent evt = new ShareResultEvent(ShareResultHandler);
			ShareSDK.showShareMenu (null, content, 100, 100, MenuArrowDirection.Up, evt);
		btnTop += btnHeight + 10 * scale;
		if (GUI.Button(new Rect((Screen.width - btnWidth) / 2, btnTop, btnWidth, btnHeight), "Show Share View"))
			Hashtable content = new Hashtable();
			content["content"] = "this is a test string.";
			content["image"] = "http://img.baidu.com/img/image/zhenrenmeinv0207.jpg";
			content["title"] = "test title";
			content["description"] = "test description";
			content["url"] = "http://www.mob.com";
			content["type"] = Convert.ToString((int)ContentType.News);
			content["siteUrl"] = "http://www.mob.com";
			content["site"] = "ShareSDK";
			content["musicUrl"] = "http://mp3.mwap8.com/destdir/Music/2009/20090601/ZuiXuanMinZuFeng20090601119.mp3";
			//关闭,调用客户端授权(only in android)
			content["disableSSOWhenAuthorize"] = true;
			content["shareTheme"] = "skyblue";//ShareTheme has only two value which are skyblue and classic

			ShareSDK.customSinaWeiboShareContent(content, "sina weibo test string", InheritedValue.VALUE, null);

			ShareResultEvent evt = new ShareResultEvent(ShareResultHandler);
			ShareSDK.showShareView (PlatformType.Any, content, evt);
		btnTop += btnHeight + 10 * scale;
		if (GUI.Button(new Rect((Screen.width - btnWidth) / 2, btnTop, btnWidth, btnHeight), "Share Content"))
			Hashtable content = new Hashtable();
			content["content"] = "this is a test string.";
			content["image"] = "http://img.baidu.com/img/image/zhenrenmeinv0207.jpg";
			content["title"] = "test title";
			content["description"] = "test description";
			content["url"] = "http://www.mob.com";
			content["type"] = Convert.ToString((int)ContentType.News);
			content["siteUrl"] = "http://www.mob.com";
			content["site"] = "ShareSDK";
			content["musicUrl"] = "http://mp3.mwap8.com/destdir/Music/2009/20090601/ZuiXuanMinZuFeng20090601119.mp3";
			ShareResultEvent evt = new ShareResultEvent(ShareResultHandler);
			ShareSDK.shareContent (PlatformType.SinaWeibo, content, evt);

		btnTop += btnHeight + 10 * scale;
		if (GUI.Button(new Rect((Screen.width - btnWidth) / 2, btnTop, btnWidth, btnHeight), "Get Friends SinaWeibo "))
			GetFriendsResultEvent evt = new GetFriendsResultEvent(GetFriendsResultHandler);
			ShareSDK.getFriends (PlatformType.SinaWeibo, null, evt);

		btnTop += btnHeight + 10 * scale;
		if (GUI.Button(new Rect((Screen.width - btnWidth) / 2, btnTop, btnWidth, btnHeight), "Get Token SinaWeibo "))
			GetCredentialResultEvent evt = new GetCredentialResultEvent(GetTokenResultHandler);
			ShareSDK.getCredential (PlatformType.SinaWeibo, evt);

		btnTop += btnHeight + 10 * scale;
		if (GUI.Button (new Rect ((Screen.width - btnWidth) / 2, btnTop, btnWidth, btnHeight), "Check Client Is Installed")) 
			//(only in IOS)
			bool IsClientInstalledWechat = ShareSDK.isClientInstalled (PlatformType.WeChatSession);
			bool IsClientInstalledQQ = ShareSDK.isClientInstalled (PlatformType.QQ);
			if(IsClientInstalledWechat == true){
				print ("wechat IS installed !");
			}else if (IsClientInstalledWechat  == false){
				print ("wechat NOT installed !");
			if(IsClientInstalledQQ == true){
				print ("QQ IS installed !");
			}else if (IsClientInstalledQQ  == false){
				print ("QQ NOT installed !");

예제 #12
 public static void showShareMenu(PlatformType[] types, Hashtable content, int x, int y, MenuArrowDirection direction, ShareResultEvent resultHandler)
     if (Application.platform != RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer)
         if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android)
             AndroidUtils.getInstance().onekeyShare(content, resultHandler);
예제 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the share view.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name='type'>
        /// Type.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='content'>
        /// Content.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='callback'>
        /// Callback.
        /// </param>
        public static void showShareView(PlatformType type, Hashtable content, ShareResultEvent resultHandler)
            _shareResultEvent = resultHandler;

            __iosShareSDKShowShareView ((int)type, MiniJSON.jsonEncode(content), _callbackObjectName);
예제 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Shares the content.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name='type'>
        /// Type.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='content'>
        /// Content.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='resultHandler'>
        /// Callback.
        /// </param>
        public static void shareContent(PlatformType type, Hashtable content, ShareResultEvent resultHandler)
            _shareResultEvent = resultHandler;

            string contentStr = null;
            if (content != null)
                contentStr = MiniJSON.jsonEncode(content);

            __iosShareSDKShare ((int)type, contentStr, _callbackObjectName);
예제 #15
파일: ShareSDK.cs 프로젝트: xinwei2016/test
 /// <summary>
 /// Shares the content.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='type'>
 /// Type.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='content'>
 /// Content.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='resultHandler'>
 /// Callback.
 /// </param>
 public static void shareContent(PlatformType type, Hashtable content, ShareResultEvent resultHandler)
     if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer)
         ios.ShareSDK.shareContent (type, content, resultHandler);
     else if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android)
         AndroidUtils.getInstance().share((int) type, content, resultHandler);
예제 #16
 /// <summary>
 /// Share the content to the specified platform.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="platform">Platform.</param>
 /// <param name="content">Content.</param>
 /// <param name="resultHandler">Result handler.</param>
 public void share(int platform, Hashtable content, ShareResultEvent resultHandler)
     shareHandler = resultHandler;
     String json = MiniJSON.jsonEncode(content);
     ssdk.CallStatic("share", platform, json);
예제 #17
 /// <summary>
 /// GUI share.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="content">Content.</param>
 /// <param name="resultHandler">Result handler.</param>
 public void onekeyShare(Hashtable content, ShareResultEvent resultHandler)
     onekeyShare(0, content, resultHandler);
예제 #18
 private void OnShareBtnClick(GameObject go)
     if (GameUISharePopUp.isSharing)
     int num = Convert.ToInt32(go.name);
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.imagePath) && !File.Exists(this.imagePath))
     ContentType type = ContentType.Text;
     PlatformType platformType = (PlatformType)num;
     if (platformType != PlatformType.WeChatSession)
         if (platformType != PlatformType.WeChatTimeline)
             if (platformType == PlatformType.SinaWeibo)
                 type = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.imagePath) ? ContentType.Text : ContentType.Image);
                 goto IL_C2;
             if (platformType != PlatformType.YiXinTimeline)
                 goto IL_C2;
         type = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.imagePath) ? ContentType.News : ContentType.Image);
         type = ContentType.News;
     string @string = Singleton<StringManager>.Instance.GetString("shareTxt6", new object[]
     ShareResultEvent evt = new ShareResultEvent(this.ShareResultHandler);
     ShareSDK.Share((PlatformType)num, @string, this.contentTxt, this.imagePath, type, evt);
     GameUISharePopUp.isSharing = true;
     this.flagShare = true;
     this.flagShareInitTime = Time.time;
예제 #19
 public static void oneKeyShareContent(PlatformType[] types, Hashtable content, ShareResultEvent resultHandler)
     ShareSDK._shareResultEvent = resultHandler;
     List<PlatformType> json = new List<PlatformType>(types);
     string platTypes = MiniJSON.jsonEncode(json);
     string content2 = MiniJSON.jsonEncode(content);
     ShareSDK.__iosShareSDKOneKeyShare(platTypes, content2, ShareSDK._callbackObjectName);
예제 #20
 public static void showShareMenu(PlatformType[] types, Hashtable content, int x, int y, MenuArrowDirection direction, ShareResultEvent resultHandler)
     ShareSDK._shareResultEvent = resultHandler;
     List<PlatformType> json = new List<PlatformType>(types);
     string platTypes = MiniJSON.jsonEncode(json);
     string content2 = MiniJSON.jsonEncode(content);
     ShareSDK.__iosShareSDKShowShareMenu(platTypes, content2, x, y, (int)direction, ShareSDK._callbackObjectName);
예제 #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the share view.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name='type'>
        /// Type.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='content'>
        /// Content.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='callback'>
        /// Callback.
        /// </param>
        public static void showShareView(PlatformType type, Hashtable content, ShareResultEvent resultHandler)
            _shareResultEvent = resultHandler;

            __iosShareSDKShowShareView((int)type, MiniJSON.jsonEncode(content), _callbackObjectName);
예제 #22
        /// <summary>
        /// share content to multiple platform
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name='types'>
        /// Types.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='content'>
        /// Content.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='resultHandler'>
        /// Callback.
        /// </param>
        public static void oneKeyShareContent(PlatformType[] types, Hashtable content, ShareResultEvent resultHandler)
            _shareResultEvent = resultHandler;

            string platTypesStr = null;
            if (types != null)
                List<int> platTypesArr = new List<int>();
                foreach (PlatformType type in types)
                platTypesStr = MiniJSON.jsonEncode(platTypesArr.ToArray());

            __iosShareSDKOneKeyShare (platTypesStr, MiniJSON.jsonEncode(content), _callbackObjectName);
예제 #23
파일: ShareSDK.cs 프로젝트: xinwei2016/test
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the share menu.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name='types'>
        /// Types.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='content'>
        /// Content.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='x'>
        /// X. only for iPad
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='y'>
        /// Y. only for iPad
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='direction'>
        /// Direction. only for iPad
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='callback'>
        /// Callback.
        /// </param>
        public static void showShareMenu(Hashtable content, int x, int y, MenuArrowDirection direction, ShareResultEvent resultHandler)
            Debug.Log("Application.platform = " + Application.platform);
            if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer)
            #if UNITY_IPHONE
                ios.ShareSDK.showShareMenu (types, content, x, y, direction, resultHandler);
            else if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android)
            #if UNITY_ANDROID
                // The android platform doesn't have this method, you can modify the PlatformGridView class of OnekeyShare in java layer to achieve this function
                Debug.Log("content = " + content);
                if (resultHandler == null)
                    Debug.Log("resultHandler = null");
                    Debug.Log("resultHandler != null");
                AndroidUtils.getInstance().onekeyShare(content, resultHandler);

예제 #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the share menu.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name='types'>
        /// Types.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='content'>
        /// Content.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='x'>
        /// X.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='y'>
        /// Y.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='direction'>
        /// Direction.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='callback'>
        /// Callback.
        /// </param>
        public static void showShareMenu(PlatformType[] types, Hashtable content, int x, int y, MenuArrowDirection direction, ShareResultEvent resultHandler)
            _shareResultEvent = resultHandler;

            string platTypesStr = null;
            if (types != null)
                List<int> platTypesArr = new List<int>();
                foreach (PlatformType type in types)
                platTypesStr = MiniJSON.jsonEncode(platTypesArr.ToArray());

            __iosShareSDKShowShareMenu (platTypesStr, MiniJSON.jsonEncode(content), x, y, (int)direction, _callbackObjectName);
예제 #25
 /// <summary>
 /// GUI share.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="content">Content.</param>
 /// <param name="resultHandler">Result handler.</param>
 public void onekeyShare(Hashtable content, ShareResultEvent resultHandler)
     onekeyShare(0, content, resultHandler);
예제 #26
 public static void oneKeyShareContent(PlatformType[] types, Hashtable content, ShareResultEvent resultHandler)
     if (Application.platform != RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer)
         if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android)
             for (int i = 0; i < types.Length; i++)
                 PlatformType platform = types[i];
                 AndroidUtils.getInstance().share((int)platform, content, resultHandler);
예제 #27
    void OnGUI()
        GUI.skin = demoSkin;

        float scale = 1.0f;

        if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer)
            scale = Screen.width / 320;

        float btnWidth  = 200 * scale;
        float btnHeight = 45 * scale;
        float btnTop    = 20 * scale;

        GUI.skin.button.fontSize = Convert.ToInt32(16 * scale);

        if (GUI.Button(new Rect((Screen.width - btnWidth) / 2, btnTop, btnWidth, btnHeight), "Authorize"))
            AuthResultEvent evt = new AuthResultEvent(AuthResultHandler);
            ShareSDK.authorize(PlatformType.SinaWeibo, evt);

        btnTop += btnHeight + 20 * scale;
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect((Screen.width - btnWidth) / 2, btnTop, btnWidth, btnHeight), "Get User Info"))
            GetUserInfoResultEvent evt = new GetUserInfoResultEvent(GetUserInfoResultHandler);
            ShareSDK.getUserInfo(PlatformType.SinaWeibo, evt);

        btnTop += btnHeight + 20 * scale;
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect((Screen.width - btnWidth) / 2, btnTop, btnWidth, btnHeight), "Show Share Menu"))
            Hashtable content = new Hashtable();
            content["content"]     = "this is a test string.";
            content["image"]       = "http://img.baidu.com/img/image/zhenrenmeinv0207.jpg";
            content["title"]       = "test title";
            content["description"] = "test description";
            content["url"]         = "http://sharesdk.cn";
            content["type"]        = Convert.ToString((int)ContentType.News);
            content["siteUrl"]     = "http://sharesdk.cn";
            content["site"]        = "ShareSDK";
            content["musicUrl"]    = "http://mp3.mwap8.com/destdir/Music/2009/20090601/ZuiXuanMinZuFeng20090601119.mp3";

            ShareResultEvent evt = new ShareResultEvent(ShareResultHandler);
            ShareSDK.showShareMenu(null, content, 100, 100, MenuArrowDirection.Up, evt);

        btnTop += btnHeight + 20 * scale;
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect((Screen.width - btnWidth) / 2, btnTop, btnWidth, btnHeight), "Show Share View"))
            Hashtable content = new Hashtable();
            content["content"]     = "this is a test string.";
            content["image"]       = "http://img.baidu.com/img/image/zhenrenmeinv0207.jpg";
            content["title"]       = "test title";
            content["description"] = "test description";
            content["url"]         = "http://sharesdk.cn";
            content["type"]        = Convert.ToString((int)ContentType.News);
            content["siteUrl"]     = "http://sharesdk.cn";
            content["site"]        = "ShareSDK";
            content["musicUrl"]    = "http://mp3.mwap8.com/destdir/Music/2009/20090601/ZuiXuanMinZuFeng20090601119.mp3";

            ShareSDK.customSinaWeiboShareContent(content, "sina weibo test string", InheritedValue.VALUE, null);

            ShareResultEvent evt = new ShareResultEvent(ShareResultHandler);
            ShareSDK.showShareView(PlatformType.Any, content, evt);

        btnTop += btnHeight + 20 * scale;
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect((Screen.width - btnWidth) / 2, btnTop, btnWidth, btnHeight), "Share Content"))
            Hashtable content = new Hashtable();
            content["content"]     = "this is a test string.";
            content["image"]       = "http://img.baidu.com/img/image/zhenrenmeinv0207.jpg";
            content["title"]       = "test title";
            content["description"] = "test description";
            content["url"]         = "http://sharesdk.cn";
            content["type"]        = Convert.ToString((int)ContentType.News);
            content["siteUrl"]     = "http://sharesdk.cn";
            content["site"]        = "ShareSDK";
            content["musicUrl"]    = "http://mp3.mwap8.com/destdir/Music/2009/20090601/ZuiXuanMinZuFeng20090601119.mp3";

            ShareResultEvent evt = new ShareResultEvent(ShareResultHandler);
            ShareSDK.shareContent(PlatformType.SinaWeibo, content, evt);

        btnTop += btnHeight + 20 * scale;
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect((Screen.width - btnWidth) / 2, btnTop, btnWidth, btnHeight), "Get Friends SinaWeibo "))
            GetFriendsResultEvent evt = new GetFriendsResultEvent(GetFriendsResultHandler);
            ShareSDK.getFriends(PlatformType.SinaWeibo, null, evt);

        btnTop += btnHeight + 20 * scale;
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect((Screen.width - btnWidth) / 2, btnTop, btnWidth, btnHeight), "Get Token SinaWeibo "))
            GetCredentialResultEvent evt = new GetCredentialResultEvent(GetTokenResultHandler);
            ShareSDK.getCredential(PlatformType.SinaWeibo, evt);
예제 #28
 public static void showShareView(PlatformType type, Hashtable content, ShareResultEvent resultHandler)
     if (Application.platform != RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer)
         if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android)
             AndroidUtils.getInstance().onekeyShare(content, resultHandler);
예제 #29
파일: Demo.cs 프로젝트: AhrenLi/2048
    void OnGUI()
        GUI.skin = demoSkin;

        float scale = 1.0f;

        if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer)
            scale = Screen.width / 320;

        float btnWidth = 200 * scale;
        float btnHeight = 45 * scale;
        float btnTop = 20 * scale;
        GUI.skin.button.fontSize = Convert.ToInt32(16 * scale);

        if (GUI.Button(new Rect((Screen.width - btnWidth) / 2, btnTop, btnWidth, btnHeight), "Authorize"))

            AuthResultEvent evt = new AuthResultEvent(AuthResultHandler);
            ShareSDK.authorize(PlatformType.SinaWeibo, evt);

        btnTop += btnHeight + 20 * scale;
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect((Screen.width - btnWidth) / 2, btnTop, btnWidth, btnHeight), "Get User Info"))
            GetUserInfoResultEvent evt = new GetUserInfoResultEvent(GetUserInfoResultHandler);
            ShareSDK.getUserInfo(PlatformType.SinaWeibo, evt);

        btnTop += btnHeight + 20 * scale;
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect((Screen.width - btnWidth) / 2, btnTop, btnWidth, btnHeight), "Show Share Menu"))
            Hashtable content = new Hashtable();
            content["content"] = "this is a test string.";
            content["image"] = "http://img.baidu.com/img/image/zhenrenmeinv0207.jpg";
            content["title"] = "test title";
            content["description"] = "test description";
            content["url"] = "http://sharesdk.cn";
            content["type"] = Convert.ToString((int)ContentType.News);
            content["siteUrl"] = "http://sharesdk.cn";
            content["site"] = "ShareSDK";
            content["musicUrl"] = "http://mp3.mwap8.com/destdir/Music/2009/20090601/ZuiXuanMinZuFeng20090601119.mp3";

            ShareResultEvent evt = new ShareResultEvent(ShareResultHandler);
            ShareSDK.showShareMenu (null, content, 100, 100, MenuArrowDirection.Up, evt);

        btnTop += btnHeight + 20 * scale;
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect((Screen.width - btnWidth) / 2, btnTop, btnWidth, btnHeight), "Show Share View"))
            Hashtable content = new Hashtable();
            content["content"] = "this is a test string.";
            content["image"] = "http://img.baidu.com/img/image/zhenrenmeinv0207.jpg";
            content["title"] = "test title";
            content["description"] = "test description";
            content["url"] = "http://sharesdk.cn";
            content["type"] = Convert.ToString((int)ContentType.News);
            content["siteUrl"] = "http://sharesdk.cn";
            content["site"] = "ShareSDK";
            content["musicUrl"] = "http://mp3.mwap8.com/destdir/Music/2009/20090601/ZuiXuanMinZuFeng20090601119.mp3";

            ShareResultEvent evt = new ShareResultEvent(ShareResultHandler);
            ShareSDK.showShareView (PlatformType.Any, content, evt);

        btnTop += btnHeight + 20 * scale;
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect((Screen.width - btnWidth) / 2, btnTop, btnWidth, btnHeight), "Show Content"))
            Hashtable content = new Hashtable();
            content["content"] = "this is a test string.";
            content["image"] = "http://img.baidu.com/img/image/zhenrenmeinv0207.jpg";
            content["title"] = "test title";
            content["description"] = "test description";
            content["url"] = "http://sharesdk.cn";
            content["type"] = Convert.ToString((int)ContentType.News);
            content["siteUrl"] = "http://sharesdk.cn";
            content["site"] = "ShareSDK";
            content["musicUrl"] = "http://mp3.mwap8.com/destdir/Music/2009/20090601/ZuiXuanMinZuFeng20090601119.mp3";

            ShareResultEvent evt = new ShareResultEvent(ShareResultHandler);
            ShareSDK.shareContent (PlatformType.SinaWeibo, content, evt);
예제 #30
파일: ShareSDK.cs 프로젝트: xinwei2016/test
 /// <summary>
 /// Shows the share view.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='type'>
 /// Type.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='content'>
 /// Content.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='callback'>
 /// Callback.
 /// </param>
 public static void showShareView(PlatformType type, Hashtable content, ShareResultEvent resultHandler)
     if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer)
         ios.ShareSDK.showShareView (type, content, resultHandler);
     else if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android)
         AndroidUtils.getInstance().onekeyShare(content, resultHandler);
         // if you want to skip the PlatformGridView, use the following line
         // AndroidUtils.getInstance().onekeyShare((int) type, content, resultHandler);
예제 #31
 public void share(int platform, Hashtable content, ShareResultEvent resultHandler)
     this.shareHandler = resultHandler;
     string text = MiniJSON.jsonEncode(content);
     this.ssdk.CallStatic("share", new object[]