private static void DecorateSlideOne(PPT.Slide slide) { // Insert the graphic for the slide var pictureShape = PptShapeManager.AddPicture( slide, Environment.CurrentDirectory + ResourceFolder + Slide1Graphic, 100f, 220f, 200f, 200f); // Insert the graphic for the slide var pictureShape2 = PptShapeManager.AddPicture( slide, Environment.CurrentDirectory + ResourceFolder + Slide1Graphic, 100f, 420f, 75f, 75f); // Insert the textboxes var textShape1 = PptShapeManager.AddTextBoxToSlide( slide, MsoTextOrientation.msoTextOrientationHorizontal, 320f, 280f, 400f, 40f); var textShape2 = PptShapeManager.AddTextBoxToSlide( slide, MsoTextOrientation.msoTextOrientationHorizontal, 320f, 320f, 400f, 40f); // Set the text in the textboxes PptShapeManager.SetTextBoxText(textShape1, "CodeSharper PowerPoint Helper"); textShape1.TextEffect.FontBold = MsoTriState.msoTrue; textShape1.TextEffect.FontSize = 42f; PptShapeManager.SetTextBoxText(textShape2, "A Demonstration"); textShape2.TextEffect.FontBold = MsoTriState.msoTrue; textShape1.TextEffect.FontSize = 28f; // Configure a click event hyperlink for the pictureShape PptShapeManager.AddHyperLinkToWebsite(pictureShape, ""); // Configure a click event navigate backword for the textshape1 PptShapeManager.AddClickedActionToShape(pictureShape2, PPT.PpActionType.ppActionEndShow); SetSlideFooter(slide, 1); }