예제 #1
        protected override Rectangle CalculateBoundingRectangle(bool tight)
            if (tight)
                CalcShapeRectangles(out smallRectBuffer, out largeRectBuffer);
                largeRectBuffer.Offset(X, Y);
                smallRectBuffer.Offset(X, Y);

                float angle = Geometry.TenthsOfDegreeToDegrees(Angle);
                Point tl    = Geometry.RotatePoint(X, Y, angle, largeRectBuffer.Left, largeRectBuffer.Top);
                Point tr    = Geometry.RotatePoint(X, Y, angle, largeRectBuffer.Right, largeRectBuffer.Top);
                Point bl1   = Geometry.RotatePoint(X, Y, angle, largeRectBuffer.Left, largeRectBuffer.Bottom);
                Point br1   = Geometry.RotatePoint(X, Y, angle, largeRectBuffer.Right, largeRectBuffer.Bottom);
                Point bl2   = Geometry.RotatePoint(X, Y, angle, smallRectBuffer.Left, smallRectBuffer.Bottom);
                Point br2   = Geometry.RotatePoint(X, Y, angle, smallRectBuffer.Right, smallRectBuffer.Bottom);

                Rectangle result = Rectangle.Empty;
                Geometry.CalcBoundingRectangle(tl, tr, bl1, br1, out result);
                result = Geometry.UniteWithRectangle(bl2, result);
                result = Geometry.UniteWithRectangle(br2, result);

                ShapeUtils.InflateBoundingRectangle(ref result, LineStyle);
예제 #2
        protected override Rectangle CalculateBoundingRectangle(bool tight)
            if (tight)
                CalcRingBounds(out upperRingBounds, out lowerRingBounds);
                float angle      = Geometry.TenthsOfDegreeToDegrees(Angle);
                float ringRadius = upperRingBounds.Width / 2f;

                PointF upperCenter = PointF.Empty;
                upperCenter.X = X + (upperRingBounds.Left + upperRingBounds.Width / 2f);
                upperCenter.Y = Y + (upperRingBounds.Top + upperRingBounds.Height / 2f);
                PointF lowerCenter = PointF.Empty;
                lowerCenter.X = X + (lowerRingBounds.Left + lowerRingBounds.Width / 2f);
                lowerCenter.Y = Y + (lowerRingBounds.Top + lowerRingBounds.Height / 2f);

                upperCenter = Geometry.RotatePoint(X, Y, angle, upperCenter);
                lowerCenter = Geometry.RotatePoint(X, Y, angle, lowerCenter);

                Rectangle result = Rectangle.Empty;
                result.X      = (int)Math.Round(Math.Min(upperCenter.X - ringRadius, lowerCenter.X - ringRadius));
                result.Y      = (int)Math.Round(Math.Min(upperCenter.Y - ringRadius, lowerCenter.Y - ringRadius));
                result.Width  = (int)Math.Round(Math.Max(upperCenter.X + ringRadius, lowerCenter.X + ringRadius)) - result.X;
                result.Height = (int)Math.Round(Math.Max(upperCenter.Y + ringRadius, lowerCenter.Y + ringRadius)) - result.Y;

                result = Geometry.UniteWithRectangle(Geometry.RotatePoint(X, Y, angle, X, Y - (Height / 2)), result);
                result = Geometry.UniteWithRectangle(Geometry.RotatePoint(X, Y, angle, X, Y - (Height / 2) + Height), result);

                ShapeUtils.InflateBoundingRectangle(ref result, LineStyle);
예제 #3
        /// <override></override>
        protected override Rectangle CalculateBoundingRectangle(bool tight)
            // tight and loose fitting bounding rectangles are equal
            if (Angle == 0 || Angle == 900 || Angle == 1800 || Angle == 2700)
                // Calculate tight fitting bounding rectangle
                Rectangle result = Geometry.InvalidRectangle;
                float     angleDeg = Geometry.TenthsOfDegreeToDegrees(Angle);
                int       x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3;
                int       left   = (int)Math.Round(X - (Width / 2f));
                int       top    = Y - (int)Math.Round(Height * CenterPosFactorY);
                int       right  = left + Width;
                int       bottom = top + Height;
                x1 = left; y1 = top;
                x2 = right; y2 = top;
                x3 = X; y3 = bottom;
                Geometry.RotatePoint(X, Y, angleDeg, ref x1, ref y1);
                Geometry.RotatePoint(X, Y, angleDeg, ref x2, ref y2);
                Geometry.RotatePoint(X, Y, angleDeg, ref x3, ref y3);

                result.X      = Math.Min(Math.Min(x1, x2), Math.Min(x1, x3));
                result.Y      = Math.Min(Math.Min(y1, y2), Math.Min(y1, y3));
                result.Width  = Math.Max(Math.Max(x1, x2), Math.Max(x1, x3)) - result.X;
                result.Height = Math.Max(Math.Max(y1, y2), Math.Max(y1, y3)) - result.Y;
                ShapeUtils.InflateBoundingRectangle(ref result, LineStyle);
예제 #4
 /// <override></override>
 protected override Rectangle CalculateBoundingRectangle(bool tight)
     if (tight)
         Rectangle result = Rectangle.Empty;
         result.X     = X - (int)Math.Round(Diameter / 2f);
         result.Y     = Y - (int)Math.Round(Diameter / 2f);
         result.Width = result.Height = Diameter;
         // Rotate top line
         if (Angle != 0)
             float angleDeg = Geometry.TenthsOfDegreeToDegrees(Angle);
             Point tl       = Point.Empty;
             tl.Offset(result.Left, result.Top);
             tl = Geometry.RotatePoint(X, Y, angleDeg, tl);
             Point tr = Point.Empty;
             tr.Offset(result.Right, result.Top);
             tr = Geometry.RotatePoint(X, Y, angleDeg, tr);
             Geometry.UniteRectangles(tl.X, tl.Y, tr.X, tr.Y, result);
             ShapeUtils.InflateBoundingRectangle(ref result, LineStyle);
예제 #5
		/// <override></override>
		protected override Rectangle CalculateBoundingRectangle(bool tight) {
			if (tight) {
				if (Angle % 900 == 0) return base.CalculateBoundingRectangle(tight);
				else {
					Rectangle result = Geometry.InvalidRectangle;
					// Calculate the minimum bounding box
					int cornerRadius = CalcCornerRadius();
					int w = (int)Math.Round(Width / 2f) - cornerRadius;
					int h = (int)Math.Round(Height / 2f) - cornerRadius;
					Rectangle rect = Rectangle.Empty;
					rect.Offset(X - w, Y - h);
					rect.Width = Width - cornerRadius - cornerRadius;
					rect.Height = Height - cornerRadius - cornerRadius;
					Point topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, bottomRight;
					Geometry.RotateRectangle(rect, Center, Geometry.TenthsOfDegreeToDegrees(Angle), out topLeft, out topRight, out bottomRight, out bottomLeft);

					result.X = Math.Min(Math.Min(topLeft.X, topRight.X), Math.Min(bottomLeft.X, bottomRight.X));
					result.Y = Math.Min(Math.Min(topLeft.Y, topRight.Y), Math.Min(bottomLeft.Y, bottomRight.Y));
					result.Width = Math.Max(Math.Max(topLeft.X, topRight.X), Math.Max(bottomLeft.X, bottomRight.X)) - result.X;
					result.Height = Math.Max(Math.Max(topLeft.Y, topRight.Y), Math.Max(bottomLeft.Y, bottomRight.Y)) - result.Y;
					result.Inflate(cornerRadius, cornerRadius);
					ShapeUtils.InflateBoundingRectangle(ref result, LineStyle);
					return result;
			} else return base.CalculateBoundingRectangle(tight);
예제 #6
        /// <override></override>
        protected override Rectangle CalculateBoundingRectangle(bool tight)
            Rectangle result;

            Geometry.CalcBoundingRectangle(pointBuffer, out result);
            ShapeUtils.InflateBoundingRectangle(ref result, LineStyle);
예제 #7
        protected override Rectangle CalculateBoundingRectangle(bool tight)
            // Tight and loose bounding rectangles are equal
            Rectangle result = Geometry.InvalidRectangle;

            if (Width >= 0 && Height >= 0)
                int left   = (int)Math.Round(-Width / 2f);
                int top    = (int)Math.Round(-Height * CenterPosFactorY);
                int right  = left + Width;
                int bottom = (int)Math.Round(Height - (Height * CenterPosFactorY));

                if (Angle == 0 || Angle == 1800)
                    result.X      = X + left;
                    result.Y      = (Angle == 0) ? Y + top : Y - bottom;
                    result.Width  = right - left;
                    result.Height = bottom - top;
                else if (Angle == 900 || Angle == 2700)
                    result.X      = (Angle == 900) ? X - bottom : result.X = X + top;
                    result.Y      = Y + left;
                    result.Width  = bottom - top;
                    result.Height = right - left;
                    float angleDeg = Geometry.TenthsOfDegreeToDegrees(Angle);
                    int   x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4;

                    x1 = X + left; y1 = Y + top;
                    x2 = X + right; y2 = Y + top;
                    x3 = X + right; y3 = Y + bottom;
                    x4 = X + left; y4 = Y + bottom;
                    Geometry.RotatePoint(X, Y, angleDeg, ref x1, ref y1);
                    Geometry.RotatePoint(X, Y, angleDeg, ref x2, ref y2);
                    Geometry.RotatePoint(X, Y, angleDeg, ref x3, ref y3);
                    Geometry.RotatePoint(X, Y, angleDeg, ref x4, ref y4);

                    result.X      = Math.Min(Math.Min(x1, x2), Math.Min(x3, x4));
                    result.Y      = Math.Min(Math.Min(y1, y2), Math.Min(y3, y4));
                    result.Width  = Math.Max(Math.Max(x1, x2), Math.Max(x3, x4)) - result.X;
                    result.Height = Math.Max(Math.Max(y1, y2), Math.Max(y3, y4)) - result.Y;
                ShapeUtils.InflateBoundingRectangle(ref result, LineStyle);
예제 #8
 /// <override></override>
 protected override Rectangle CalculateBoundingRectangle(bool tight)
     if (tight)
         Rectangle result = base.CalculateBoundingRectangle(tight);
         Rectangle r      = Rectangle.Empty;
         r.Location = Point.Round(Geometry.RotatePoint(X, Y, Geometry.TenthsOfDegreeToDegrees(Angle), X + (DiameterInternal / 2f), Y + (DiameterInternal / 2f)));
         ShapeUtils.InflateBoundingRectangle(ref r, LineStyle);
         return(Geometry.UniteRectangles(r, result));
예제 #9
        /// <override></override>
        protected override Rectangle CalculateBoundingRectangle(bool tight)
            Rectangle result = Geometry.InvalidRectangle;

            if (Width >= 0 && Height >= 0)
                Geometry.CalcBoundingRectangle(shapePoints, 0, 0, Geometry.TenthsOfDegreeToDegrees(Angle), out result);
                if (Geometry.IsValid(result))
                    result.Offset(X, Y);
                    ShapeUtils.InflateBoundingRectangle(ref result, LineStyle);
예제 #10
        protected override Rectangle CalculateBoundingRectangle(bool tight)
            if (tight)
                CalcShapePoints(ref shapeBuffer);

                Matrix.Translate(X, Y);
                Matrix.RotateAt(Geometry.TenthsOfDegreeToDegrees(Angle), Center, System.Drawing.Drawing2D.MatrixOrder.Append);

                Rectangle result;
                Geometry.CalcBoundingRectangle(shapeBuffer, out result);
                ShapeUtils.InflateBoundingRectangle(ref result, LineStyle);