예제 #1
        // A modifier is an array of objects, each object being the original
        // property name (key) and an object containing replacement name (value)
        // along with any custom marshal naming to apply.
        // "modify": [
        //        { 
        //           "modelPropertyName": { 
        //               "emitPropertyName": "userVisibleName", 
        //               "locationName": "customRequestMarshalName",
        //               "emitFromMember": "subMember"
        //           } 
        //        }
        // ]
        private static void ParseModifiers(ShapeModifier shapeModifier, JsonData data)
            if (data == null)

            foreach (var modifier in data)
                var m = modifier as JsonData;
                var key = m.PropertyNames.First();
                shapeModifier.AddModifier(key, m[key]);
예제 #2
        // Injection modifier is an array of objects, each object being the
        // name of the member to add plus any needed shape/marshalling data.
        //   "inject": [ 
        //      { "propertyName": 
        //          { "type": "list",
        //             "member": { "shape": "String", "locationName": "item" }
        //          }
        //      }
        //  ]
        // Since we don't have access to the model at this point, we simply store
        // the json data for the shape type to be used and 'hydrate' it when needed
        // externally
        private static void ParseInjections(ShapeModifier shapeModifier, JsonData data)
            if (data == null)

            foreach (var injection in data)
                var i = injection as JsonData;

                var propertyName = i.PropertyNames.First();
                shapeModifier.AddInjection(propertyName, i[propertyName]);
예제 #3
        // Exclusion modifier is a simple array of property names.
        //  "exclude": [ "propName1", "propName2" ]
        private static void ParseExclusions(ShapeModifier shapeModifier, JsonData data)
            if (data == null)

            foreach (var exclusion in data)