private void Init() { MapBindTrace.Source.TraceInformation("Trace started"); // Check files ShapeFileHelper.CheckFiles(_shapeFile); // REVERSE SqlServerHelper.REVERSE_GEOMETRIES = null; // construct Sql table name _tableName = SqlServerModel.CleanSQLName(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(_shapeFile)); // Init reader using (ShapefileDataReader reader = new ShapefileDataReader(_shapeFile, GeometryFactory.Default)) { // Get Shape info _bounds = reader.ShapeHeader.Bounds; _shapeType = reader.ShapeHeader.ShapeType; _recordCount = reader.RecordCount; _fields = new Dictionary <string, Type>(); foreach (var field in reader.DbaseHeader.Fields) { _fields.Add(field.Name, field.Type); } _idField = SqlServerModel.GenerateUniqueColName("ID", ShapeFileHelper.TranslateDbfTypesToSql(reader.DbaseHeader.Fields), _tableName); _geomField = SqlServerModel.GenerateUniqueColName("geom", ShapeFileHelper.TranslateDbfTypesToSql(reader.DbaseHeader.Fields), _tableName); } }
/// <summary> /// Reads a stream and converts the shapefile record to an equilivent geometry object. /// </summary> /// <param name="file">The stream to read.</param> /// <param name="totalRecordLength">Total length of the record we are about to read</param> /// <param name="factory">The geometry factory to use when making the object.</param> /// <returns>The Geometry object that represents the shape file record.</returns> public override IGeometry Read(BigEndianBinaryReader file, int totalRecordLength, IGeometryFactory factory) { int totalRead = 0; ShapeGeometryType type = (ShapeGeometryType)ReadInt32(file, totalRecordLength, ref totalRead); //type = (ShapeGeometryType) EnumUtility.Parse(typeof (ShapeGeometryType), shapeTypeNum.ToString()); if (type == ShapeGeometryType.NullShape) return factory.CreatePoint((Coordinate)null); if (type != ShapeType) throw new ShapefileException(string.Format("Encountered a '{0}' instead of a '{1}'", type, ShapeType)); CoordinateBuffer buffer = new CoordinateBuffer(1, NoDataBorderValue, true); IPrecisionModel precisionModel = factory.PrecisionModel; double x = precisionModel.MakePrecise(ReadDouble(file, totalRecordLength, ref totalRead)); double y = precisionModel.MakePrecise(ReadDouble(file, totalRecordLength, ref totalRead)); double? z = null, m = null; // Trond Benum: Let's read optional Z and M values if (HasZValue() && totalRead < totalRecordLength) z = ReadDouble(file, totalRecordLength, ref totalRead); if ((HasMValue() || HasZValue()) && (totalRead < totalRecordLength)) m = ReadDouble(file, totalRecordLength, ref totalRead); buffer.AddCoordinate(x, y, z, m); return factory.CreatePoint(buffer.ToSequence(factory.CoordinateSequenceFactory)); }
/// <summary> /// Function to determine whether or not the shape type might supply an z-ordinate value /// </summary> /// <param name="shapeType">The shape type</param> /// <returns><value>true</value> if <paramref name="shapeType"/> is one of /// <list type="Bullet"> /// <item><see cref="ShapeGeometryType.PointZM"/></item> /// <item><see cref="ShapeGeometryType.MultiPointZM"/></item> /// <item><see cref="ShapeGeometryType.LineStringZM"/></item> /// <item><see cref="ShapeGeometryType.PolygonZM"/></item> /// </list> /// </returns> private static bool HasZValue(ShapeGeometryType shapeType) { return(shapeType == ShapeGeometryType.PointZM || shapeType == ShapeGeometryType.MultiPointZM || shapeType == ShapeGeometryType.LineStringZM || shapeType == ShapeGeometryType.PolygonZM); }
private static Ordinates GetOrdinatesFromShapeGeometryType(ShapeGeometryType sgt) { switch (sgt) { case ShapeGeometryType.Point: case ShapeGeometryType.MultiPoint: case ShapeGeometryType.LineString: case ShapeGeometryType.Polygon: return(Ordinates.XY); case ShapeGeometryType.PointZ: case ShapeGeometryType.MultiPointZ: case ShapeGeometryType.LineStringZ: case ShapeGeometryType.PolygonZ: return(Ordinates.XYZ); case ShapeGeometryType.PointM: case ShapeGeometryType.MultiPointM: case ShapeGeometryType.LineStringM: case ShapeGeometryType.PolygonM: return(Ordinates.XYM); case ShapeGeometryType.PointZM: case ShapeGeometryType.MultiPointZM: case ShapeGeometryType.LineStringZM: case ShapeGeometryType.PolygonZM: return(Ordinates.XYZM); case ShapeGeometryType.MultiPatch: throw new NotSupportedException("FeatureType " + sgt + " not supported."); default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("FeatureType " + sgt + " not recognized by the system"); } }
/// <summary> /// Returns the appropriate class to convert a shaperecord to an OGIS geometry given the type of shape. /// </summary> /// <param name="type">The shapefile type.</param> /// <returns>An instance of the appropriate handler to convert the shape record to a Geometry object.</returns> public static ShapeHandler GetShapeHandler(ShapeGeometryType type) { switch (type) { case ShapeGeometryType.Point: case ShapeGeometryType.PointM: case ShapeGeometryType.PointZ: case ShapeGeometryType.PointZM: return new PointHandler(); case ShapeGeometryType.Polygon: case ShapeGeometryType.PolygonM: case ShapeGeometryType.PolygonZ: case ShapeGeometryType.PolygonZM: return new PolygonHandler(); case ShapeGeometryType.LineString: case ShapeGeometryType.LineStringM: case ShapeGeometryType.LineStringZ: case ShapeGeometryType.LineStringZM: return new MultiLineHandler(); case ShapeGeometryType.MultiPoint: case ShapeGeometryType.MultiPointM: case ShapeGeometryType.MultiPointZ: case ShapeGeometryType.MultiPointZM: return new MultiPointHandler(); default: return null; } }
private static Ordinates GetOrdinatesFromShapeGeometryType(ShapeGeometryType sgt) { switch (sgt) { case ShapeGeometryType.Point: case ShapeGeometryType.MultiPoint: case ShapeGeometryType.LineString: case ShapeGeometryType.Polygon: return Ordinates.XY; case ShapeGeometryType.PointZ: case ShapeGeometryType.MultiPointZ: case ShapeGeometryType.LineStringZ: case ShapeGeometryType.PolygonZ: return Ordinates.XYZ; case ShapeGeometryType.PointM: case ShapeGeometryType.MultiPointM: case ShapeGeometryType.LineStringM: case ShapeGeometryType.PolygonM: return Ordinates.XYM; case ShapeGeometryType.PointZM: case ShapeGeometryType.MultiPointZM: case ShapeGeometryType.LineStringZM: case ShapeGeometryType.PolygonZM: return Ordinates.XYZM; case ShapeGeometryType.MultiPatch: throw new NotSupportedException("FeatureType " + sgt + " not supported."); default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("FeatureType " + sgt + " not recognized by the system"); } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="shapeType"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool IsPolygon(ShapeGeometryType shapeType) { return(shapeType == ShapeGeometryType.Polygon || //shapeType == ShapeGeometryType.PolygonZ || shapeType == ShapeGeometryType.PolygonM || shapeType == ShapeGeometryType.PolygonZM); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="shapeType"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool IsMultiPoint(ShapeGeometryType shapeType) { return(shapeType == ShapeGeometryType.MultiPoint || //shapeType == ShapeGeometryType.MultiPointZ || shapeType == ShapeGeometryType.MultiPointM || shapeType == ShapeGeometryType.MultiPointZM); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="shapeType"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool IsLineString(ShapeGeometryType shapeType) { return(shapeType == ShapeGeometryType.LineString || //shapeType == ShapeGeometryType.LineStringZ || shapeType == ShapeGeometryType.LineStringM || shapeType == ShapeGeometryType.LineStringZM); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the ShapefileHeader class with values read in from the stream. /// </summary> /// <remarks>Reads the header information from the stream.</remarks> /// <param name="shpBinaryReader">BigEndianBinaryReader stream to the shapefile.</param> public ShapefileHeader(BigEndianBinaryReader shpBinaryReader) { if (shpBinaryReader == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("shpBinaryReader"); _fileCode = shpBinaryReader.ReadInt32BE(); if (_fileCode != Shapefile.ShapefileId) throw new ShapefileException("The first four bytes of this file indicate this is not a shape file."); // skip 5 unsed bytes shpBinaryReader.ReadInt32BE(); shpBinaryReader.ReadInt32BE(); shpBinaryReader.ReadInt32BE(); shpBinaryReader.ReadInt32BE(); shpBinaryReader.ReadInt32BE(); _fileLength = shpBinaryReader.ReadInt32BE(); _version = shpBinaryReader.ReadInt32(); Debug.Assert(_version == 1000, "Shapefile version", String.Format("Expecting only one version (1000), but got {0}",_version)); int shapeType = shpBinaryReader.ReadInt32(); _shapeType = (ShapeGeometryType) Enum.Parse(typeof(ShapeGeometryType), shapeType.ToString()); //read in and store the bounding box double[] coords = new double[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) coords[i] = shpBinaryReader.ReadDouble(); _bounds = new Envelope(coords[0], coords[2], coords[1], coords[3]); // skip z and m bounding boxes. for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) shpBinaryReader.ReadDouble(); }
/// <summary> /// Returns the appropriate class to convert a shaperecord to an OGIS geometry given the type of shape. /// </summary> /// <param name="type">The shapefile type.</param> /// <returns>An instance of the appropriate handler to convert the shape record to a Geometry object.</returns> public static ShapeHandler GetShapeHandler(ShapeGeometryType type) { switch (type) { case ShapeGeometryType.Point: case ShapeGeometryType.PointM: case ShapeGeometryType.PointZM: return(new PointHandler(type)); case ShapeGeometryType.Polygon: case ShapeGeometryType.PolygonM: case ShapeGeometryType.PolygonZM: return(new PolygonHandler(type)); case ShapeGeometryType.LineString: case ShapeGeometryType.LineStringM: case ShapeGeometryType.LineStringZM: return(new MultiLineHandler(type)); case ShapeGeometryType.MultiPoint: case ShapeGeometryType.MultiPointM: case ShapeGeometryType.MultiPointZM: return(new MultiPointHandler(type)); case ShapeGeometryType.NullShape: return(new NullShapeHandler()); default: return(null); } }
// see: public void issue_111_polygonhandler_with_invalid_values() { IGeometryFactory factory = GeometryFactory.Default; Coordinate[] points = new Coordinate[5]; points[0] = new Coordinate(0, 0); points[1] = new Coordinate(1, 0); points[2] = new Coordinate(1, 1); points[3] = new Coordinate(0, 1); points[4] = new Coordinate(0, 0); IPolygon poly = factory.CreatePolygon(points); IMultiPolygon mpoly = factory.CreateMultiPolygon(new[] { poly }); IGeometry[] arr = new[] { mpoly, GeometryCollection.Empty }; IGeometryCollection geometries = factory.CreateGeometryCollection(arr); ShapeGeometryType shapeType = Shapefile.GetShapeType(geometries); Assert.AreEqual(ShapeGeometryType.PolygonZM, shapeType); string tempPath = Path.GetTempFileName(); ShapefileWriter sfw = new ShapefileWriter(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(tempPath), shapeType); Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => sfw.Write(geometries)); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="shapeType"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool HasZValue(ShapeGeometryType shapeType) { return(shapeType == ShapeGeometryType.PointZ || shapeType == ShapeGeometryType.PointZM || shapeType == ShapeGeometryType.LineStringZ || shapeType == ShapeGeometryType.LineStringZM || shapeType == ShapeGeometryType.PolygonZ || shapeType == ShapeGeometryType.PolygonZM); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="shapeType"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool HasZValue(ShapeGeometryType shapeType) { return shapeType == ShapeGeometryType.PointZ || shapeType == ShapeGeometryType.PointZM || shapeType == ShapeGeometryType.LineStringZ || shapeType == ShapeGeometryType.LineStringZM || shapeType == ShapeGeometryType.PolygonZ || shapeType == ShapeGeometryType.PolygonZM; }
public ShapefileWriter(IGeometryFactory geometryFactory, IStreamProviderRegistry streamProviderRegistry, ShapeGeometryType geomType) : this(geometryFactory) { _shpStream = streamProviderRegistry[StreamTypes.Shape].OpenWrite(true); _shxStream = streamProviderRegistry[StreamTypes.Index].OpenWrite(true); _geometryType = geomType; _shpBinaryWriter = new BigEndianBinaryWriter(_shpStream); _shxBinaryWriter = new BigEndianBinaryWriter(_shxStream); WriteShpHeader(_shpBinaryWriter, 0, new Envelope(0, 0, 0, 0)); WriteShxHeader(_shxBinaryWriter, 0, new Envelope(0, 0, 0, 0)); _shapeHandler = Shapefile.GetShapeHandler(geomType); }
// see: public void issue_111_pointhandler_with_invalid_values() { IGeometryFactory factory = GeometryFactory.Default; IPoint p = factory.CreatePoint(new Coordinate(0, 0)); IGeometry[] arr = { p, GeometryCollection.Empty }; IGeometryCollection geometries = factory.CreateGeometryCollection(arr); ShapeGeometryType shapeType = Shapefile.GetShapeType(geometries); Assert.AreEqual(ShapeGeometryType.PointZM, shapeType); string tempPath = Path.GetTempFileName(); ShapefileWriter sfw = new ShapefileWriter(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(tempPath), shapeType); sfw.Write(geometries); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the ShapefileHeader class with values read in from the stream. /// </summary> /// <remarks>Reads the header information from the stream.</remarks> /// <param name="shpBinaryReader">BigEndianBinaryReader stream to the shapefile.</param> public ShapefileHeader(BigEndianBinaryReader shpBinaryReader) { if (shpBinaryReader == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("shpBinaryReader"); } _fileCode = shpBinaryReader.ReadInt32BE(); if (_fileCode != Shapefile.ShapefileId) { throw new ShapefileException("The first four bytes of this file indicate this is not a shape file."); } // skip 5 unsed bytes shpBinaryReader.ReadInt32BE(); shpBinaryReader.ReadInt32BE(); shpBinaryReader.ReadInt32BE(); shpBinaryReader.ReadInt32BE(); shpBinaryReader.ReadInt32BE(); _fileLength = shpBinaryReader.ReadInt32BE(); _version = shpBinaryReader.ReadInt32(); Debug.Assert(_version == 1000, "Shapefile version", String.Format("Expecting only one version (1000), but got {0}", _version)); int shapeType = shpBinaryReader.ReadInt32(); _shapeType = (ShapeGeometryType)EnumUtility.Parse(typeof(ShapeGeometryType), shapeType.ToString()); //read in and store the bounding box double[] coords = new double[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { coords[i] = shpBinaryReader.ReadDouble(); } _bounds = new Envelope(coords[0], coords[2], coords[1], coords[3]); // skip z and m bounding boxes. for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { shpBinaryReader.ReadDouble(); } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ShapefileEnumerator"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="shapefile"></param> public ShapefileEnumerator(ShapeMemoryStreamReader shapefile) { _parent = shapefile; // create a file stream for each enumerator that is given out. This allows the same file // to have one or more enumerator. If we used the parents stream - than only one IEnumerator // could be given out. //var stream = new FileStream(_parent._inputStream, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); _shpBinaryReader = new BigEndianBinaryReader(_parent._inputStream); // skip header - since parent has already read this. _shpBinaryReader.ReadBytes(100); ShapeGeometryType type = _parent._mainHeader.ShapeType; _handler = Shapefile.GetShapeHandler(type); if (_handler == null) { throw new NotSupportedException("Unsuported shape type:" + type); } }
public ShapefileWriter(IGeometryFactory geometryFactory, string filename, ShapeGeometryType geomType) : this(geometryFactory) { var folder = Path.GetDirectoryName(filename) ?? "."; var file = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(file)) throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Filename '{0}' is not valid", filename), "filename"); filename = Path.Combine(folder, file); _shpStream = new FileStream(filename + ".shp", FileMode.Create); _shxStream = new FileStream(filename + ".shx", FileMode.Create); _geometryType = geomType; _shpBinaryWriter = new BigEndianBinaryWriter(_shpStream); _shxBinaryWriter = new BigEndianBinaryWriter(_shxStream); WriteShpHeader(_shpBinaryWriter, 0, new Envelope(0, 0, 0, 0), geomType); WriteShxHeader(_shxBinaryWriter, 0, new Envelope(0, 0, 0, 0), geomType); _shapeHandler = Shapefile.GetShapeHandler(geomType); }
/// <summary> /// Reads the shapefile and returns a GeometryCollection representing all the records in the shapefile. /// </summary> /// <returns>GeometryCollection representing every record in the shapefile.</returns> public IGeometryCollection ReadAll() { var list = new List <IGeometry>(); ShapeGeometryType type = _mainHeader.ShapeType; ShapeHandler handler = Shapefile.GetShapeHandler(type); if (handler == null) { throw new NotSupportedException("Unsupported shape type:" + type); } int i = 0; foreach (IGeometry geometry in this) { list.Add(geometry); i++; } IGeometry[] geomArray = GeometryFactory.ToGeometryArray(list); return(_geometryFactory.CreateGeometryCollection(geomArray)); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="reader"></param> /// <returns></returns> public IGeometry Read(BinaryReader reader) { ShapeGeometryType shapeType = (ShapeGeometryType)reader.ReadInt32(); switch (shapeType) { case ShapeGeometryType.Point: case ShapeGeometryType.PointM: case ShapeGeometryType.PointZ: case ShapeGeometryType.PointZM: return(ReadPoint(reader)); case ShapeGeometryType.LineString: case ShapeGeometryType.LineStringM: case ShapeGeometryType.LineStringZ: case ShapeGeometryType.LineStringZM: return(ReadLineString(reader)); case ShapeGeometryType.Polygon: case ShapeGeometryType.PolygonM: case ShapeGeometryType.PolygonZ: case ShapeGeometryType.PolygonZM: return(ReadPolygon(reader)); case ShapeGeometryType.MultiPoint: case ShapeGeometryType.MultiPointM: case ShapeGeometryType.MultiPointZ: case ShapeGeometryType.MultiPointZM: return(ReadMultiPoint(reader)); case ShapeGeometryType.MultiPatch: throw new NotImplementedException("FeatureType " + shapeType + " not supported."); default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("FeatureType " + shapeType + " not recognized by the system"); } }
public ShapefileWriter(IGeometryFactory geometryFactory, string filename, ShapeGeometryType geomType) : this(geometryFactory) { var folder = Path.GetDirectoryName(filename) ?? "."; var file = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(file)) { throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Filename '{0}' is not valid", filename), "filename"); } filename = Path.Combine(folder, file); _shpStream = new FileStream(filename + ".shp", FileMode.Create); _shxStream = new FileStream(filename + ".shx", FileMode.Create); _geometryType = geomType; _shpBinaryWriter = new BigEndianBinaryWriter(_shpStream); _shxBinaryWriter = new BigEndianBinaryWriter(_shxStream); WriteShpHeader(_shpBinaryWriter, 0, new Envelope(0, 0, 0, 0), geomType); WriteShxHeader(_shxBinaryWriter, 0, new Envelope(0, 0, 0, 0), geomType); _shapeHandler = Shapefile.GetShapeHandler(geomType); }
// see: public void issue_111_multilinehandler_with_invalid_values() { IGeometryFactory factory = GeometryFactory.Default; Coordinate[] points = new Coordinate[3]; points[0] = new Coordinate(0, 0); points[1] = new Coordinate(1, 0); points[2] = new Coordinate(1, 1); ILineString ls = factory.CreateLineString(points); IMultiLineString mls = factory.CreateMultiLineString(new[] { ls }); IGeometry[] arr = new[] { mls, GeometryCollection.Empty }; IGeometryCollection geometries = factory.CreateGeometryCollection(arr); ShapeGeometryType shapeType = Shapefile.GetShapeType(geometries); Assert.AreEqual(ShapeGeometryType.LineStringZM, shapeType); string tempPath = Path.GetTempFileName(); ShapefileWriter sfw = new ShapefileWriter(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(tempPath), shapeType); sfw.Write(geometries); }
private static void WriteShpHeader(BigEndianBinaryWriter shpBinaryWriter, int shpLength, Envelope bounds, ShapeGeometryType shapeType) { var shpHeader = new ShapefileHeader { FileLength = shpLength, Bounds = bounds, ShapeType = shapeType }; // assumes Geometry type of the first item will the same for all other items // in the collection. shpHeader.Write(shpBinaryWriter); }
public ShapefileWriter(IGeometryFactory geometryFactory, string filename, ShapeGeometryType geomType) : this(geometryFactory, new ShapefileStreamProviderRegistry(filename, false, false, false), geomType) { }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a buffered writer where you can write shapes individually to the file. /// </summary> /// <param name="filename">The filename</param> /// <param name="geomType">The geometry type</param> public ShapefileWriter(string filename, ShapeGeometryType geomType) : this(GeometryFactory.Default, filename, geomType) { }
/// <summary> /// Write the enumeration of features to shapefile (shp, shx and dbf) /// </summary> /// <param name="filename">Filename to create</param> /// <param name="features">Enumeration of features to write, features will be enumerated once</param> /// <param name="fields">Fields that should be written, only those attributes specified here will be mapped from the feature attributetable while writing</param> /// <param name="shapeGeometryType">Type of geometries shapefile</param> /// <param name="dbfEncoding">Optional Encoding to be used when writing the DBF-file (default Windows-1252)</param> public static void WriteFeatures(string filename, IEnumerable <IFeature> features, DbaseFieldDescriptor[] fields, ShapeGeometryType shapeGeometryType, Encoding dbfEncoding = null) { // Set default encoding if not specified if (dbfEncoding == null) { dbfEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(1252); } // Open shapefile and dbase stream writers using (var shpWriter = new ShapefileWriter(Path.ChangeExtension(filename, ".shp"), shapeGeometryType)) { using (var dbfWriter = new DbaseFileWriter(Path.ChangeExtension(filename, ".dbf"), dbfEncoding)) { var dbfHeader = new DbaseFileHeader(dbfEncoding); foreach (var field in fields) { dbfHeader.AddColumn(field.Name, field.DbaseType, field.Length, field.DecimalCount); } dbfWriter.Write(dbfHeader); var numFeatures = 0; foreach (var feature in features) { shpWriter.Write(feature.Geometry); var values = new object[fields.Length]; for (var i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++) { values[i] = feature.Attributes[fields[i].Name]; } dbfWriter.Write(values); numFeatures++; } // set the number of records dbfHeader.NumRecords = numFeatures; // Update the header dbfWriter.Write(dbfHeader); // write the end of dbase file marker dbfWriter.WriteEndOfDbf(); // close the dbase stream dbfWriter.Close(); } } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="shapeType"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool IsLineString(ShapeGeometryType shapeType) { return shapeType == ShapeGeometryType.LineString || //shapeType == ShapeGeometryType.LineStringZ || shapeType == ShapeGeometryType.LineStringM || shapeType == ShapeGeometryType.LineStringZM; }
public MultiPointHandler(ShapeGeometryType type) : base(type) { }
/// <summary> /// Write the enumeration of features to shapefile (shp, shx and dbf) /// </summary> /// <param name="filename">Filename to create</param> /// <param name="features">Enumeration of features to write, features will be enumerated once</param> /// <param name="fields">Fields that should be written, only those attributes specified here will be mapped from the feature attributetable while writing</param> /// <param name="shapeGeometryType">Type of geometries shapefile</param> /// <param name="dbfEncoding">Optional Encoding to be used when writing the DBF-file (default Windows-1252)</param> public static void WriteFeatures(string filename, IEnumerable<IFeature> features, DbaseFieldDescriptor[] fields, ShapeGeometryType shapeGeometryType, Encoding dbfEncoding = null) { // Set default encoding if not specified if (dbfEncoding == null) dbfEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(1252); // Open shapefile and dbase stream writers using (var shpWriter = new ShapefileWriter(Path.ChangeExtension(filename, ".shp"), shapeGeometryType)) { using (var dbfWriter = new DbaseFileWriter(Path.ChangeExtension(filename, ".dbf"), dbfEncoding)) { var dbfHeader = new DbaseFileHeader(dbfEncoding); foreach (var field in fields) { dbfHeader.AddColumn(field.Name, field.DbaseType, field.Length, field.DecimalCount); } dbfWriter.Write(dbfHeader); var numFeatures = 0; foreach (var feature in features) { shpWriter.Write(feature.Geometry); var values = new object[fields.Length]; for (var i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++) { values[i] = feature.Attributes[fields[i].Name]; } dbfWriter.Write(values); numFeatures++; } // set the number of records dbfHeader.NumRecords = numFeatures; // Update the header dbfWriter.Write(dbfHeader); // write the end of dbase file marker dbfWriter.WriteEndOfDbf(); // close the dbase stream dbfWriter.Close(); } } }
public PolygonHandler(ShapeGeometryType type) : base(type) { }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="shapeType"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool IsPolygon(ShapeGeometryType shapeType) { return shapeType == ShapeGeometryType.Polygon || //shapeType == ShapeGeometryType.PolygonZ || shapeType == ShapeGeometryType.PolygonM || shapeType == ShapeGeometryType.PolygonZM; }
protected ShapeHandler(ShapeGeometryType type) { _type = type; }
public MultiLineHandler(ShapeGeometryType type) : base(type) { }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a buffered writer where you can write shapes individually to the file. /// </summary> /// <param name="filename">The filename</param> /// <param name="geomType">The geometry type</param> public ShapefileWriter(string filename, ShapeGeometryType geomType) : this(GeometryFactory.Default, filename, geomType) {}
private static void WriteShpHeader(BigEndianBinaryWriter shpBinaryWriter, int shpLength, Envelope bounds, ShapeGeometryType shapeType) { var shpHeader = new ShapefileHeader {FileLength = shpLength, Bounds = bounds, ShapeType = shapeType}; // assumes Geometry type of the first item will the same for all other items // in the collection. shpHeader.Write(shpBinaryWriter); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="shapeType"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool IsMultiPoint(ShapeGeometryType shapeType) { return shapeType == ShapeGeometryType.MultiPoint || //shapeType == ShapeGeometryType.MultiPointZ || shapeType == ShapeGeometryType.MultiPointM || shapeType == ShapeGeometryType.MultiPointZM; }
/// <summary> /// Function to determine whether or not the shape type might supply an m-ordinate value /// </summary> /// <param name="shapeType">The shape type</param> /// <returns><value>true</value> if <paramref name="shapeType"/> is one of /// <list type="Bullet"> /// <item><see cref="ShapeGeometryType.PointM"/>, <see cref="ShapeGeometryType.PointZM"/></item> /// <item><see cref="ShapeGeometryType.MultiPointM"/>,<see cref="ShapeGeometryType.MultiPointZM"/></item> /// <item><see cref="ShapeGeometryType.LineStringM"/>, <see cref="ShapeGeometryType.LineStringZM"/></item> /// <item><see cref="ShapeGeometryType.PolygonM"/>, <see cref="ShapeGeometryType.PolygonZM"/></item> /// </list> /// </returns> private static bool HasMValue(ShapeGeometryType shapeType) { return shapeType == ShapeGeometryType.PointM || shapeType == ShapeGeometryType.PointZM || shapeType == ShapeGeometryType.MultiPointM || shapeType == ShapeGeometryType.MultiPointZM || shapeType == ShapeGeometryType.LineStringM || shapeType == ShapeGeometryType.LineStringZM || shapeType == ShapeGeometryType.PolygonM || shapeType == ShapeGeometryType.PolygonZM; }