예제 #1
        public async Task DisplayingAsync(ShapeDisplayContext context)
            // TODO: replace with configurable UI
            var debugMode = false;

            // The shape has cache settings and no content yet
            if (context.ShapeMetadata.IsCached && context.ChildContent == null)
                var cacheContext = context.ShapeMetadata.Cache();
                _openScopes[cacheContext.CacheId] = cacheContext;

                var cachedContent = await _dynamicCacheService.GetCachedValueAsync(cacheContext);

                if (cachedContent != null)
                    // The contents of this shape was found in the cache.
                    // Add the cacheContext to _cached so that we don't try to cache the content again in the DisplayedAsync method.
                    _cached[cacheContext.CacheId] = cacheContext;
                    context.ChildContent          = new HtmlString(cachedContent);
                else if (debugMode)
예제 #2
        public Task DisplayingAsync(ShapeDisplayContext context)
            var timing = StackExchange.Profiling.MiniProfiler.Current.Step($"Shape: {context.ShapeMetadata.Type}");

            _timings.Add(context, timing);
예제 #3
        public async Task DisplayedAsync(ShapeDisplayContext context)
            var cacheContext = context.ShapeMetadata.Cache();

            // If the shape is not configured to be cached, continue as usual
            if (cacheContext == null)
                if (context.ChildContent == null)
                    context.ChildContent = HtmlString.Empty;


            // If we have got this far, then this shape is configured to be cached.
            // We need to determine whether or not the ChildContent of this shape was retrieved from the cache by the DisplayingAsync method above, as opposed to generated by the View Engine.
            // ChildContent will be generated by the View Engine if it was not available in the cache when we rendered the shape.
            // In this instance, we need insert the ChildContent into the cache so that subsequent attempt to render this shape can take advantage of the cached content.

            // If the ChildContent was retrieved form the cache, then the Cache Context will be present in the _cached collection (see the DisplayingAsync method in this class).
            // So, if the cache context is not present in the _cached collection, we need to insert the ChildContent value into the cache:
            if (!_cached.ContainsKey(cacheContext.CacheId) && context.ChildContent != null)
                // The content is pre-encoded in the cache so we don't have to do it every time it's rendered
                using (var sw = new StringWriter())
                    context.ChildContent.WriteTo(sw, HtmlEncoder.Default);
                    await _dynamicCacheService.SetCachedValueAsync(cacheContext, sw.ToString());
예제 #4
        private async Task BuildViewModelAsync(ShapeDisplayContext shapeDisplayContext)
            var model = shapeDisplayContext.Shape as LiquidPartViewModel;
            var liquidTemplateManager = shapeDisplayContext.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <ILiquidTemplateManager>();

            model.Html = await liquidTemplateManager.RenderAsync(model.LiquidPart.Liquid, _htmlEncoder, shapeDisplayContext.DisplayContext.Value,
                                                                 scope => scope.SetValue("ContentItem", model.ContentItem));
예제 #5
        private async Task BuildViewModelAsync(ShapeDisplayContext shapeDisplayContext)
            var model = shapeDisplayContext.Shape as FacebookPluginPartViewModel;
            var liquidTemplateManager = shapeDisplayContext.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <ILiquidTemplateManager>();

            model.Html = await liquidTemplateManager.RenderStringAsync(model.FacebookPluginPart.Liquid, _htmlEncoder, shapeDisplayContext.DisplayContext.Value,
                                                                       new Dictionary <string, FluidValue>() { ["ContentItem"] = new ObjectValue(model.ContentItem) });
예제 #6
        public void Displayed(ShapeDisplayContext context)
            // TODO: Configure duration of sliding expiration

            var cacheContext = context.ShapeMetadata.Cache();

            // If the shape is not cached, evaluate the ESIs
            if (cacheContext == null)
                string content;
                using (var sw = new StringWriter())
                    context.ChildContent.WriteTo(sw, HtmlEncoder.Default);
                    content = sw.ToString();

                ProcessESIs(ref content, GetDistributedCache);
                context.ChildContent = new HtmlString(content);
            else if (!_cached.Contains(cacheContext) && context.ChildContent != null)
                var    cacheEntries = GetCacheEntries(cacheContext).ToList();
                string cacheKey     = GetCacheKey(cacheContext.CacheId, cacheEntries);

                using (var sw = new StringWriter())
                    context.ChildContent.WriteTo(sw, HtmlEncoder.Default);
                    var content = sw.ToString();

                    _cache[cacheKey] = content;
                    var contexts = String.Join(ContextSeparator.ToString(), cacheContext.Contexts.ToArray());
                    context.ChildContent = new HtmlString($"[[cache id='{cacheContext.CacheId}' contexts='{contexts}']]");

                    var bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(content);

                    // Default duration is sliding expiration (permanent as long as it's used)
                    DistributedCacheEntryOptions options = new DistributedCacheEntryOptions
                        SlidingExpiration = new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0)

                    // If a custom duration is specified, replace the default options
                    if (cacheContext.Duration.HasValue)
                        options = new DistributedCacheEntryOptions
                            AbsoluteExpirationRelativeToNow = cacheContext.Duration

                    _dynamicCache.SetAsync(cacheKey, bytes, options).Wait();
                    _tagCache.Tag(cacheKey, cacheContext.Tags.ToArray());
예제 #7
        private static async Task BuildViewModelAsync(ShapeDisplayContext shapeDisplayContext)
            var model = shapeDisplayContext.Shape as WorkDocumentPartViewModel;
            var liquidTemplateManager = shapeDisplayContext.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <ILiquidTemplateManager>();

            model.Html = await liquidTemplateManager.RenderAsync(model.Body,
                                                                 scope => scope.SetValue("ContentItem", model.ContentItem));
예제 #8
        public Task DisplayingFinalizedAsync(ShapeDisplayContext context)
            if (_timings.TryGetValue(context, out IDisposable timing))

예제 #9
        public Task DisplayingFinalizedAsync(ShapeDisplayContext context)
            var cacheContext = context.ShapeMetadata.Cache();

            if (cacheContext != null && _openScopes.ContainsKey(cacheContext.CacheId))

예제 #10
        private async Task <Type> GetComponentTypeAsync(IShape shape)
            var shapeTable    = _shapeTableManager.GetShapeTable();
            var shapeMetadata = shape.Metadata;

            var displayContext = new ShapeDisplayContext
                Shape           = shape,
                ServiceProvider = _serviceProvider

            if (shapeTable.Descriptors.TryGetValue(shapeMetadata.Type, out var shapeDescriptor))
                await shapeDescriptor.DisplayingAsync.InvokeAsync(
                    (action, displayContext) => action(displayContext),

            // Invoking ShapeMetadata displaying events.
            shapeMetadata.Displaying.Invoke(action => action(displayContext), _logger);

            var shapeTypes = shapeMetadata.Alternates.Reverse().Concat(new[] { shape.Metadata.Type }).ToList();

            var query =
                from shapeType in shapeTypes
                from b in shapeTable.ShapeBindings
                where b.ShapeType == shapeType
                select b;

            var binding = query.FirstOrDefault();

            if (binding == null)
                throw new Exception($"No component binding found for shape {shape.Metadata.Type}.");

            if (shapeDescriptor != null)
                await shapeDescriptor.DisplayedAsync.InvokeAsync(
                    (action, displayContext) => action(displayContext),

            // Invoking ShapeMetadata displayed events.
            shapeMetadata.Displayed.Invoke((action, displayContext) => action(displayContext), displayContext, _logger);

예제 #11
        private async Task BuildViewModelAsync(ShapeDisplayContext shapeDisplayContext)
            var model = shapeDisplayContext.Shape as LiquidPartViewModel;
            var liquidTemplateManager = shapeDisplayContext.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <ILiquidTemplateManager>();
            var liquidPart            = model.LiquidPart;

            var templateContext = new TemplateContext();

            templateContext.SetValue("ContentItem", liquidPart.ContentItem);
            templateContext.MemberAccessStrategy.Register <LiquidPartViewModel>();
            await templateContext.ContextualizeAsync(shapeDisplayContext.DisplayContext);

            model.Html = await liquidTemplateManager.RenderAsync(liquidPart.Liquid, _htmlEncoder, templateContext);
예제 #12
        private static async Task BuildViewModelAsync(ShapeDisplayContext shapeDisplayContext)
            var model = shapeDisplayContext.Shape as FacebookPluginPartViewModel;
            var liquidTemplateManager = shapeDisplayContext.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <ILiquidTemplateManager>();
            var part = model.FacebookPluginPart;

            var templateContext = new TemplateContext();

            templateContext.SetValue("ContentItem", part.ContentItem);
            templateContext.MemberAccessStrategy.Register <FacebookPluginPartViewModel>();
            await templateContext.ContextualizeAsync(shapeDisplayContext.DisplayContext);

            model.Html = await liquidTemplateManager.RenderAsync(part.Liquid, templateContext);

            model.Liquid             = part.Liquid;
            model.FacebookPluginPart = part;
            model.ContentItem        = part.ContentItem;
예제 #13
        public void Displaying(ShapeDisplayContext context)
            if (context.ShapeMetadata.IsCached && context.ChildContent == null)
                var    cacheContext = context.ShapeMetadata.Cache();
                var    cacheEntries = GetCacheEntries(cacheContext).ToList();
                string cacheKey     = GetCacheKey(cacheContext.CacheId, cacheEntries);

                var content = GetDistributedCache(cacheKey);
                if (content != null)
                    if (ProcessESIs(ref content, GetDistributedCache))
                        var contexts = String.Join(ContextSeparator.ToString(), cacheContext.Contexts.ToArray());
                        context.ChildContent = new HtmlString($"[[cache id='{cacheContext.CacheId}' contexts='{contexts}']]");
예제 #14
        private static async Task BuildViewModelAsync(ShapeDisplayContext shapeDisplayContext)
            var model = shapeDisplayContext.Shape as LiquidPartViewModel;
            var liquidTemplateManager = shapeDisplayContext.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <ILiquidTemplateManager>();
            var liquidPart            = model.LiquidPart;

            var templateContext = new TemplateContext();

            templateContext.SetValue("ContentItem", liquidPart.ContentItem);
            templateContext.MemberAccessStrategy.Register <LiquidPartViewModel>();
            await templateContext.ContextualizeAsync(shapeDisplayContext.DisplayContext);

            using (var writer = new StringWriter())
                await liquidTemplateManager.RenderAsync(liquidPart.Liquid, writer, HtmlEncoder.Default, templateContext);

                model.Html = writer.ToString();

            model.Liquid      = liquidPart.Liquid;
            model.LiquidPart  = liquidPart;
            model.ContentItem = liquidPart.ContentItem;
예제 #15
        private static async Task BuildViewModelAsync(ShapeDisplayContext shapeDisplayContext)
            var model = shapeDisplayContext.Shape as FreeFormLiquidProfileViewModel;
            var liquidTemplateManager = shapeDisplayContext.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <ILiquidTemplateManager>();
            //   var liquidPart = model.LiquidPart;

            //  var templateContext = new TemplateContext();
            // templateContext.SetValue("ContentItem", liquidPart.ContentItem);
            var templateContext = liquidTemplateManager.Context;

            templateContext.SetValue("Profile", model.FreeFormLiquidProfile);
            templateContext.SetValue("QueryResult", model.FreeFormLiquidProfile.QueryResult);
            templateContext.MemberAccessStrategy.Register <FreeFormLiquidProfileViewModel>();
            //await templateContext.ContextualizeAsync(shapeDisplayContext.DisplayContext);

            if (model != null)
                model.Html = await liquidTemplateManager.RenderAsync(model.FreeFormLiquidProfile.Liquid, HtmlEncoder.Default, templateContext);

//            model.Liquid = liquidPart.Liquid;
//            model.LiquidPart = liquidPart;
//            model.ContentItem = liquidPart.ContentItem;
예제 #16
 public virtual void Displayed(ShapeDisplayContext context)
 void IShapeDisplayEvents.Displayed(ShapeDisplayContext context)
 void IShapeDisplayEvents.Displaying(ShapeDisplayContext context)
 Task IShapeDisplayEvents.DisplayingAsync(ShapeDisplayContext context)
     Displaying(context); return(Task.CompletedTask);
 Task IShapeDisplayEvents.DisplayingFinalizedAsync(ShapeDisplayContext context)
     Finalized(context); return(Task.CompletedTask);
예제 #21
        private async Task PopulateListPartSearchOptions(ListPartViewModel model, ShapeDisplayContext context)
            //We populate the SelectLists
            model.ListPartOptions.ContentStatuses = new List <SelectListItem>()
                new SelectListItem()
                    Text = S["Latest"], Value = nameof(ContentsStatus.Latest)
                new SelectListItem()
                    Text = S["Owned by me"], Value = nameof(ContentsStatus.Owner)
                new SelectListItem()
                    Text = S["Published"], Value = nameof(ContentsStatus.Published)
                new SelectListItem()
                    Text = S["Unpublished"], Value = nameof(ContentsStatus.Draft)
                new SelectListItem()
                    Text = S["All versions"], Value = nameof(ContentsStatus.AllVersions)

            // model.ListPartOptions.ContentSorts = new List<SelectListItem>() {
            //     new SelectListItem() { Text = S["Recently created"], Value = nameof(ContentsOrder.Created) },
            //     new SelectListItem() { Text = S["Recently modified"], Value = nameof(ContentsOrder.Modified) },
            //     new SelectListItem() { Text = S["Recently published"], Value = nameof(ContentsOrder.Published) },
            //     new SelectListItem() { Text = S["Title"], Value = nameof(ContentsOrder.Title) }
            // };

            if (model.DataFillMode == DataFillMode.ContentTypes)
                model.ListPartOptions.ContentTypeOptions = new List <SelectListItem>();
                model.ListPartOptions.ContentTypeOptions.Add(new SelectListItem()
                    Text = S["All content types"], Value = ""
                if (model.ContainedContentTypeDefinitions != null)
                    foreach (var option in model.ContainedContentTypeDefinitions)
                        model.ListPartOptions.ContentTypeOptions.Add(new SelectListItem()
                            Text = option.DisplayName, Value = option.Name
            else if (model.DataFillMode == DataFillMode.WorkMaps)
                model.ListPartOptions.ContentTypeOptions = new List <SelectListItem>();
                model.ListPartOptions.ContentTypeOptions.Add(new SelectListItem()
                    Text = S["All content types"], Value = ""

                /*for classroom content types
                 *   1. get assigned workmaps (eg μαθηματικά γυμνασιου, επικοινωνίες)   ListPartViewModel.SelectedWorkMapContentItemIds
                 *   2. for each workmap get contained content types   WorkMapPart.WorkMapTerms.each get contenttype
                 *   2.1 if context type is shortcut get the content type assigned to shortcut content item instance
                 *   3. end result will be a list of content types
                 *   4. store this list at the content item (class room ) level to show as options in search picklist see PartyPartHandler to save at part level when saving the contentitem

                var contentManager = context.ServiceProvider.GetService <IContentManager>();
                var selectedworkMapContentItems = model.SelectedWorkMapContentItems;
                var containedContentTypes       = new List <string>();
                foreach (var selectedworkMapContentItem in selectedworkMapContentItems)
                    var workMapPart = selectedworkMapContentItem.Content.WorkMapPart; // .As<WorkMapPart>();
                    if (workMapPart != null)
                        var workMapTerms = workMapPart?.WorkMapTerms as JArray;
                        if (workMapTerms != null)
                            foreach (var workmapterm in workMapTerms)
                                await WalkTreeNode(workmapterm, containedContentTypes, contentManager);

                                /*var workMapTerm = (dynamic) workmapterm;
                                 * var termContentType = workMapTerm?.ContentType?.ToString();
                                 * if (termContentType == "ShortCut")
                                 * {
                                 *  //get shortcut contentitem ids and from there its content type and add to array
                                 *  //FindTerm(workmap.Content.WorkMapPart.WorkMapTerms as JArray, workmaptermContentItemId);
                                 *  string[] shortcutsContentItemIds = workMapTerm?.ShortCut?.ContentItem?.ContentItemIds?.ToObject<string[]>();
                                 *  var shortCutContentItems = (await contentManager.GetAsync(shortcutsContentItemIds))?.ToArray();
                                 *  if (shortCutContentItems != null)
                                 *  {
                                 *      if (shortCutContentItems.Any())
                                 *      {
                                 *          foreach (var contentItem in shortCutContentItems)
                                 *          {
                                 *              containedContentTypes.Add(contentItem.ContentType);
                                 *          }
                                 *      }
                                 *  }
                                 * }
                                 * else
                                 * {
                                 *  containedContentTypes.Add(termContentType);
                                 * }*/
                //get final contained types for workmaps
                var contentDefinitionManager = context.ServiceProvider.GetService <IContentDefinitionManager>();
                containedContentTypes.Add("Post");                                                                               //also add post by default
                var distinctContainedContentTypes = containedContentTypes.Except(new [] { "PlaceHolder" }).Distinct().ToArray(); //dont show the folder content type in picklist
                var workMapContentTypes           = GetContainedContentTypes(distinctContainedContentTypes, contentDefinitionManager);
                if (workMapContentTypes != null)
                    foreach (var option in workMapContentTypes)
                            new SelectListItem()
                            Text = option.DisplayName, Value = option.Name