예제 #1
        //private Preview GetPreviewFromIndex(int index)
        //{// uses panel/button list to  get the settings for this line
        //	return (Preview)m_Previews[index * 2].Tag;

        private void PreviewPanel_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
            Panel     panel  = (Panel)sender;
            Preview   info   = (Preview)(sender as Control).Tag;
            NetCanvas canvas = new NetCanvas(e.Graphics);
            //using (var back = canvas.CreateFill(
            var style = m_Config.ButtonStyle[(int)(info.Style + 2)];

            Shape.DrawResources resources = new Shape.DrawResources(1, 255, 255, false, false, canvas, StaticView.InvalidationBuffer.Base, 1);
            style.PrepareResources(info.State, resources);
            RectangleF rct = new RectangleF(1, 1, panel.Width - 2, panel.Height - 2);

            style.Draw(canvas, resources, rct, info.State);
            using (Brush br = new SolidBrush(style.TextColour[(int)info.State]))
                e.Graphics.DrawString(Strings.Item("SAW_Settings_StyleSample"), panel.Font, br, rct, GUIUtilities.StringFormatCentreCentre);
예제 #2
        protected void DrawInternalBackground(PaintEventArgs e, bool actionStyle)
            // should be called as the first statement in OnPaint, or any overridden version of it
            ButtonShape.States state = ButtonShape.States.Normal;
            if (this.DesignMode && GUIUtilities.SystemDPI <= 1)
                GUIUtilities.SystemDPI         = 96;
                GUIUtilities.SystemDPIRelative = 1;                 // NetCanvas requires these, but they are usually set during frmMenu_Load
            using (Shape.DrawResources resources = new Shape.DrawResources(1, 255, 255, false, false, new NetCanvas(e.Graphics), StaticView.InvalidationBuffer.Base, 1))
                if (!Enabled)
                    state = ButtonShape.States.Disabled;
                else if (m_SelectionDisplayFraction == 255 && m_Applicable && Enabled)
                    state = ButtonShape.States.Selected;
                else if (m_Hover || Focused)
                    state = ButtonShape.States.Highlight;
                else if (m_NoUser)
                    resources.FillAlpha = 90;                     // Need to fade quite a lot, because it is only the background which fades.  Even 100 wasnt visible
                    resources.EdgeAlpha = 90;
                ButtonStyle style;
                if (this.DesignMode)
                    style = ButtonStyle.UserDefaultSelectionInstance;
                    style = Config.UserUser.ButtonStyle[actionStyle ? 0 : 1];
                style.PrepareResources(state, resources);
                RectangleF border     = new RectangleF(0, 0, Width, Height);
                var        styleState = state == ButtonShape.States.Disabled ? ButtonShape.States.Normal : state;          // The index for the actual style object used (there isn't one for disabled)
                // For the default backgrounds (only) it is also necessary to scale the graphics to work in (approximately) mm
                if (style.ImageType == ButtonStyle.ImageTypes.None)
                    float scale = e.Graphics.DpiX / Geometry.INCH;
                    border.Width  = (border.Width - 1) / scale;                    // -1 because the graphics need the rectangle to be within the bounds for DrawRectangle
                    border.Height = (border.Height - 1) / scale;
                    // The standard border draws exactly ALONG the rectangle; we need to draw inside!
                    border.Inflate(-style.LineStyle[(int)styleState].Width / 2 - 1, -style.LineStyle[(int)styleState].Width / 2 - 1);
                    e.Graphics.ScaleTransform(scale, scale);
                using (NetCanvas canvas = new NetCanvas(e.Graphics))
                    style.Draw(canvas, resources, border, state);
                    if (m_SelectionDisplayFraction > 0 && m_SelectionDisplayFraction < 255 && m_Applicable && Enabled)
                        // fading in the selection colour
                        resources.FillAlpha = m_SelectionDisplayFraction;
                        resources.EdgeAlpha = m_SelectionDisplayFraction;
                        style.Draw(canvas, resources, border, ButtonShape.States.Selected);
