예제 #1
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     myref          = gameObject.transform;
     shahidTargetWP = GetComponent <ShahidWPController>();
     Debug.Log("ShahidActivator:targetVehicle=" + targetVehicle.name);
예제 #2
    void ShahidSetup()
        float AlongPath = 0, PerpePath = 0;

        //Note that if we have 3 obstacles in the XML file, then only the last coordinates are relevant!!!
        foreach (var shahidXML in file.Descendants("obstacles_on_path").Descendants("obstacle_on_path"))
            AlongPath = float.Parse(shahidXML.Element("obstacle_on_path_i_location_along_the_path").Value);            //Percentage of the entire path length
            PerpePath = float.Parse(shahidXML.Element("obstacle_on_path_i_location_perpendicular_to_the_path").Value); //absolutely in meters

        Debug.Log("ShahidSetup:AlongPath:" + AlongPath.ToString() + ",PerpePath" + PerpePath.ToString());
        float   distFromStart = 0;
        Vector2 WPcurrent     = LeaderPose;
        Vector2 WPnext        = LeaderPose;

        float WPdist = 1, WPang = 0;
        int   WPid = 0;

        foreach (var wpXML in file.Descendants("Path").Descendants("WayPoint"))
            WPdist = float.Parse(wpXML.Element("wp_i_relative_distance").Value);
            WPang  = float.Parse(wpXML.Element("wp_i_relative_angle").Value);
            WPid   = int.Parse(wpXML.Attribute("ID").Value);

            Vector2 vecToNextWP = new Vector2(Mathf.Sin(WPang), Mathf.Cos(WPang)) * WPdist;
            WPnext         = WPcurrent + vecToNextWP;
            distFromStart += WPdist;
            if (distFromStart > pathLength * AlongPath)
                Debug.Log("ShahidSetup: WP ID=" + WPid.ToString() + " distFromStart=" + distFromStart.ToString() + " pathLength=" + pathLength.ToString() + " AlongPath=" + AlongPath.ToString());
                //The shahid should meet the oshkosh before this WP
                Debug.Log("ShahidSetup: ELSE WP ID=" + WPid.ToString() + " distFromStart=" + distFromStart.ToString() + " pathLength=" + pathLength.ToString() + " AlongPath=" + AlongPath.ToString());
            WPcurrent = WPnext;
        Debug.Log("ShahidSetup: WPcurrent=" + WPcurrent.ToString() + " WPnext=" + WPnext.ToString());
        float rem_alo = ((AlongPath - distFromStart / pathLength) * pathLength) / WPdist;
        Debug.Log("ShahidSetup: rem_alo=" + rem_alo.ToString());
        float   shahid_x   = WPcurrent.x + rem_alo * (WPnext.x - WPcurrent.x) - PerpePath * (WPnext.y - WPcurrent.y) / WPdist;
        float   shahid_y   = WPcurrent.y + rem_alo * (WPnext.y - WPcurrent.y) + PerpePath * (WPnext.x - WPcurrent.x) / WPdist;
        Vector2 ShahidPose = new Vector2(shahid_x, shahid_y);

        -       //Vector2 shahidPose = Vector2.Lerp(WPcurrent,WPnext,rem_alo);
        terrainAttachment  shahidPoseOnterrain = Shahid.GetComponent <terrainAttachment>();
        ShahidWPController shahidWpController  = Shahid.GetComponent <ShahidWPController>();

        shahidPoseOnterrain.moveTo(new Vector3(ShahidPose.x, ShahidPose.y, 0.0f));
        -shahidWpController.shahidTargetPoseAndVel = new Vector3(ShahidPose.x, ShahidPose.y, 0.0f);
        -Debug.Log("ShahidSetup: Shahid position:" + ShahidPose.x.ToString() + "," + ShahidPose.y.ToString());
        ShahidPosition = new Vector3(WPnext.x, WPnext.y, 0.0f);
        shahidPoseOnterrain.moveTo(new Vector3(WPnext.x, WPnext.y, 0.0f));
        shahidWpController.shahidTargetPoseAndVel = new Vector3(WPnext.x, WPnext.y, 0.0f);
        Debug.Log("ShahidSetup: Shahid position:" + WPnext.x.ToString() + "," + WPnext.y.ToString());