private void CopyAddress_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { IDataObject iData = Clipboard.GetDataObject(); if (iData.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.Text)) { List <string> urls = new List <string>(); URL_Split((string)iData.GetData(DataFormats.Text), ref urls); int count = 0; foreach (string url in urls) { if (controller.AddServerBySSURL(url)) { ++count; } } if (count > 0) { ShowConfigForm(true); } } } catch { } }
//************************************************************************************************ // // //************************************************************************************************* private void AutoConfig_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Run(async() => { var proxySockets = await new AutoNetProxy().GetProxiesByArukasCloud(); controller.ClearServer(); controller.AddServerBySSURL(proxySockets); ShowMessage("已经更新了代理"); }); }
private void CopyAddress_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { IDataObject iData = Clipboard.GetDataObject(); if (iData.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.Text)) { string[] urls = ((string)iData.GetData(DataFormats.Text)).Split(new string[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (string url in urls) { controller.AddServerBySSURL(url); } ShowConfigForm(); } }
private void ScanQRCodeItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var result = Utils.ScanQRCodeFromScreen(); if (result != null) { if (result.ToLowerInvariant().StartsWith("http://") || result.ToLowerInvariant().StartsWith("https://")) { _urlToOpen = result; openURLFromQRCode(); } else if (controller.AddServerBySSURL(result)) { ShowConfigForm(); } else { MessageBox.Show(I18N.GetString("Invalid QR Code content: {0}", result)); } return; } else { MessageBox.Show(I18N.GetString("No QRCode found. Try to zoom in or move it to the center of the screen.")); } }
public static void CopyAddress_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ShadowsocksController controller = new ShadowsocksController(); Console.WriteLine("Import server!"); try { IDataObject iData = Clipboard.GetDataObject(); if (iData.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.Text)) { Console.WriteLine((string)iData.GetData(DataFormats.Text)); List <string> urls = new List <string>(); Utils.URL_Split((string)iData.GetData(DataFormats.Text), ref urls); int count = 0; Console.WriteLine(urls[0]); foreach (string url in urls) { if (controller.AddServerBySSURL(url)) { ++count; } } if (count > 0) { Console.WriteLine("Import " + count.ToString() + " servers!"); } } } catch { } }
private void ScanQRCodeItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { foreach (Screen screen in Screen.AllScreens) { using (Bitmap fullImage = new Bitmap(screen.Bounds.Width, screen.Bounds.Height)) { using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(fullImage)) { g.CopyFromScreen(screen.Bounds.X, screen.Bounds.Y, 0, 0, fullImage.Size, CopyPixelOperation.SourceCopy); } int maxTry = 10; for (int i = 0; i < maxTry; i++) { int marginLeft = (int)((double)fullImage.Width * i / 2.5 / maxTry); int marginTop = (int)((double)fullImage.Height * i / 2.5 / maxTry); Rectangle cropRect = new Rectangle(marginLeft, marginTop, fullImage.Width - marginLeft * 2, fullImage.Height - marginTop * 2); Bitmap target = new Bitmap(screen.Bounds.Width, screen.Bounds.Height); double imageScale = (double)screen.Bounds.Width / (double)cropRect.Width; using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(target)) { g.DrawImage(fullImage, new Rectangle(0, 0, target.Width, target.Height), cropRect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); } var source = new BitmapLuminanceSource(target); var bitmap = new BinaryBitmap(new HybridBinarizer(source)); QRCodeReader reader = new QRCodeReader(); var result = reader.decode(bitmap); if (result != null) { var success = controller.AddServerBySSURL(result.Text); QRCodeSplashForm splash = new QRCodeSplashForm(); if (success) { splash.FormClosed += splash_FormClosed; } else if (result.Text.StartsWith("http://") || result.Text.StartsWith("https://")) { _urlToOpen = result.Text; splash.FormClosed += openURLFromQRCode; } else { MessageBox.Show(I18N.GetString("Failed to decode QRCode")); return; } double minX = Int32.MaxValue, minY = Int32.MaxValue, maxX = 0, maxY = 0; foreach (ResultPoint point in result.ResultPoints) { minX = Math.Min(minX, point.X); minY = Math.Min(minY, point.Y); maxX = Math.Max(maxX, point.X); maxY = Math.Max(maxY, point.Y); } minX /= imageScale; minY /= imageScale; maxX /= imageScale; maxY /= imageScale; // make it 20% larger double margin = (maxX - minX) * 0.20f; minX += -margin + marginLeft; maxX += margin + marginLeft; minY += -margin + marginTop; maxY += margin + marginTop; splash.Location = new Point(screen.Bounds.X, screen.Bounds.Y); // we need a panel because a window has a minimal size // TODO: test on high DPI splash.TargetRect = new Rectangle((int)minX + screen.Bounds.X, (int)minY + screen.Bounds.Y, (int)maxX - (int)minX, (int)maxY - (int)minY); splash.Size = new Size(fullImage.Width, fullImage.Height); splash.Show(); return; } } } } MessageBox.Show(I18N.GetString("No QRCode found. Try to zoom in or move it to the center of the screen.")); }
void updateFreeNodeChecker_NewFreeNodeFound(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(updateFreeNodeChecker.FreeNodeResult)) { List <string> urls = new List <string>(); updateFreeNodeChecker.FreeNodeResult.TrimEnd('\r', '\n', ' '); Configuration config = controller.GetCurrentConfiguration(); Server selected_server = null; if (config.index >= 0 && config.index < config.configs.Count) { selected_server = config.configs[config.index]; } try { updateFreeNodeChecker.FreeNodeResult = Util.Base64.DecodeBase64(updateFreeNodeChecker.FreeNodeResult); } catch { } int max_node_num = 0; Match match_maxnum = Regex.Match(updateFreeNodeChecker.FreeNodeResult, "^MAX=([0-9]+)"); if (match_maxnum.Success) { try { max_node_num = Convert.ToInt32(match_maxnum.Groups[1].Value, 10); } catch { } } URL_Split(updateFreeNodeChecker.FreeNodeResult, ref urls); int count = 0; for (int i = urls.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (!urls[i].StartsWith("ss")) { urls.RemoveAt(i); } } if (urls.Count > 0) { if (max_node_num <= 0 || max_node_num >= urls.Count) { urls.Reverse(); } else { Random r = new Random(); Util.Utils.Shuffle(urls, r); urls.RemoveRange(max_node_num, urls.Count - max_node_num); } foreach (string url in urls) { try // try get group name { Server server = new Server(url, null); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty( { config.nodeFeedGroup =; break; } } catch { } } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(config.nodeFeedGroup)) { config.nodeFeedGroup = config.nodeFeedURL; } for (int i = config.configs.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (config.configs[i].id == && config.nodeFeedGroup == { bool match = false; for (int j = 0; j < urls.Count; ++j) { try // try get group name { Server server = new Server(urls[j], null); { if (selected_server.isMatchServer(server)) { match = true; urls.RemoveAt(j); break; } } } catch { } } if (match) { config.configs.RemoveAt(i); config.configs.Add(selected_server); } else { urls.RemoveAt(0); } } if (config.configs[i].id != && config.configs[i].group == config.nodeFeedGroup) { config.configs.RemoveAt(i); } } controller.SaveServersConfig(config); foreach (string url in urls) { if (controller.AddServerBySSURL(url, config.nodeFeedGroup, true)) { ++count; } } config = controller.GetCurrentConfiguration(); if (selected_server != null) { bool match = false; for (int i = config.configs.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (config.configs[i].id == { config.index = i; match = true; break; } else if (config.configs[i].group == { if (config.configs[i].isMatchServer(selected_server)) { config.index = i; match = true; break; } } } if (!match) { config.index = config.configs.Count - 1; } } else { config.index = config.configs.Count - 1; } controller.SaveServersConfig(config); if (count > 0) { ShowBalloonTip(I18N.GetString("Success"), I18N.GetString("Update subscribe SSR node success"), ToolTipIcon.Info, 10000); return; } } } ShowBalloonTip(I18N.GetString("Error"), I18N.GetString("Update subscribe SSR node failure"), ToolTipIcon.Info, 10000); }