private void init(string fileName, ShaderVersions shaderVersion, ShaderFloatingPointQuality vsQuality, ShaderFloatingPointQuality psQuality, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback) { try { video = Parent.FindParentOrSelfWithException <Video>(); program = new ShaderProgram("/Application/" + fileName.Replace(".rs", ".cgx")); variables = new List <ShaderVariable>(); resources = new List <ShaderResource>(); } catch (Exception e) { FailedToLoad = true; Loader.AddLoadableException(e); Dispose(); if (loadedCallback != null) { loadedCallback(this, false); } return; } Loaded = true; if (loadedCallback != null) { loadedCallback(this, true); } }
public Shader(DisposableI parent, string fileName, ShaderVersions shaderVersion, ShaderFloatingPointQuality vsQuality, ShaderFloatingPointQuality psQuality, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback) : base(parent) { #if SILVERLIGHT new StreamLoader(Streams.StripFileExt(fileName) + ".mrs", delegate(object sender, bool succeeded) { if (succeeded) { init(fileName, ((StreamLoader)sender).LoadedStream, shaderVersion, loadedCallback); } else { FailedToLoad = true; Dispose(); if (loadedCallback != null) { loadedCallback(this, false); } } }); #else init(fileName, null, shaderVersion, loadedCallback); #endif }
public Shader(IDisposableResource parent, string filename, ShaderVersions shaderVersion, ShaderFloatingPointQuality vsQuality, ShaderFloatingPointQuality psQuality, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback) : base(parent) { #if WINRT || WP8 Loader.AddLoadable(this); filename = Streams.StripFileExt(filename) + ".mrs"; #endif new StreamLoader(filename, delegate(object sender, bool succeeded) { if (succeeded) { init(filename, ((StreamLoader)sender).LoadedStream, shaderVersion, vsQuality, psQuality, loadedCallback); } else { FailedToLoad = true; Dispose(); if (loadedCallback != null) { loadedCallback(this, false); } } }); }
private void init(string filename, Stream stream, ShaderVersions shaderVersion, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback) { try { video = Parent.FindParentOrSelfWithException <Video>(); var code = getShaders(stream); vertex = new VertexShader(this, code[0], (shaderVersion == ShaderVersions.Max) ? video.Caps.MaxVertexShaderVersion : shaderVersion); pixel = new PixelShader(this, code[1], (shaderVersion == ShaderVersions.Max) ? video.Caps.MaxPixelShaderVersion : shaderVersion); variables = new List <ShaderVariable>(); resources = new List <ShaderResource>(); } catch (Exception e) { FailedToLoad = true; Loader.AddLoadableException(e); Dispose(); if (loadedCallback != null) { loadedCallback(this, false); } return; } Loaded = true; if (loadedCallback != null) { loadedCallback(this, true); } }
private void init(string filename, Stream stream, ShaderVersions shaderVersion, ShaderFloatingPointQuality vsQuality, ShaderFloatingPointQuality psQuality, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback) #endif { try { video = Parent.FindParentOrSelfWithException<Video>(); #if WIN32 shaderVersion = (shaderVersion == ShaderVersions.Max) ? video.Cap.MaxShaderVersion : shaderVersion; var code = getShaders(stream); vertex = new VertexShader(this, code[0], shaderVersion); pixel = new PixelShader(this, code[1], shaderVersion); #else await getReflections(filename); var code = getShaders(stream); vertex = new VertexShader(this, code[0]); pixel = new PixelShader(this, code[1]); #endif variables = new List<ShaderVariable>(); resources = new List<ShaderResource>(); } catch (Exception e) { FailedToLoad = true; Loader.AddLoadableException(e); Dispose(); if (loadedCallback != null) loadedCallback(this, false); return; } Loaded = true; if (loadedCallback != null) loadedCallback(this, true); }
public static IShader New(VideoTypes videoType, IDisposableResource parent, string filename, ShaderVersions shaderVersion, ShaderFloatingPointQuality vsQuality, ShaderFloatingPointQuality psQuality, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback) { IShader api = null; #if WIN32 if (videoType == VideoTypes.D3D9) api = new D3D9.Shader(parent, filename, shaderVersion, vsQuality, psQuality, loadedCallback); #endif #if WIN32 || WINRT || WP8 if (videoType == VideoTypes.D3D11) api = new D3D11.Shader(parent, filename, shaderVersion, vsQuality, psQuality, loadedCallback); #endif #if WIN32 || OSX || LINUX || iOS || ANDROID || NaCl if (videoType == VideoTypes.OpenGL) api = new OpenGL.Shader(parent, filename, shaderVersion, vsQuality, psQuality, loadedCallback); #endif #if XNA if (videoType == VideoTypes.XNA) api = new XNA.Shader(parent, filename, shaderVersion, vsQuality, psQuality, loadedCallback); #endif #if VITA if (videoType == VideoTypes.Vita) api = new Vita.Shader(parent, filename, shaderVersion, vsQuality, psQuality, loadedCallback); #endif if (api == null) Debug.ThrowError("ShaderAPI", "Unsuported InputType: " + videoType); return api; }
public static void Init(DisposableI parent, string contentPath, string tag, ShaderVersions shaderVersion, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback) { Shader = ShaderAPI.New(parent, contentPath + tag + "", shaderVersion, delegate(object sender, bool succeeded) { if (succeeded) { init((ShaderI)sender, loadedCallback); } else { FailedToLoad = true; if (loadedCallback != null) loadedCallback(null, false); } }); }
public ShaderModel(IDisposableResource parent, string code, ShaderVersions shaderVersion, ShaderTypes shaderType) : base(parent) { try { var video = parent.FindParentOrSelfWithException <Video>(); string shaderLvl = ""; switch (shaderVersion) { case ShaderVersions.HLSL_2_0: shaderLvl = "_2_0"; break; case ShaderVersions.HLSL_2_a: shaderLvl = "_2_a"; break; case ShaderVersions.HLSL_3_0: shaderLvl = "_3_0"; break; default: Debug.ThrowError("ShaderModel", "Unsuported ShaderVersion: " + shaderVersion); break; } string shaderVersionType = shaderType.ToString().ToLower() + shaderLvl; com = new ShaderModelCom(); var codePtr = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(code); var shaderVersionTypePtr = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(shaderVersionType); string errorText; var error = com.Init(, codePtr, code.Length, shaderVersionTypePtr, out errorText); if (codePtr != IntPtr.Zero) { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(codePtr); } if (shaderVersionTypePtr != IntPtr.Zero) { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(shaderVersionTypePtr); } switch (error) { case ShaderModelErrors.Compile: Debug.ThrowError("ShaderModel", string.Format("Failed to compile {0} shader: Errors: {1}", shaderType == ShaderTypes.VS ? "vs" : "ps", errorText)); break; } } catch (Exception e) { Dispose(); throw e; } }
public static void Init(DisposableI parent, string contentPath, string tag, ShaderVersions shaderVersion, ShaderFloatingPointQuality vsQuality, ShaderFloatingPointQuality psQuality, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback) { Shader = ShaderAPI.New(parent, contentPath + tag + "", shaderVersion, vsQuality, psQuality, delegate(object sender, bool succeeded) { if (succeeded) { init((ShaderI)sender, loadedCallback); } else { FailedToLoad = true; if (loadedCallback != null) { loadedCallback(null, false); } } }); }
public static void Init(DisposableI parent, string contentPath, string tag, ShaderVersions shaderVersion, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback) { Shader = ShaderAPI.New(parent, contentPath + tag + "", shaderVersion, delegate(object sender, bool succeeded) { if (succeeded) { init((ShaderI)sender, loadedCallback); } else { FailedToLoad = true; if (loadedCallback != null) { loadedCallback(null, false); } } }); }
private void init(Stream stream, ShaderVersions shaderVersion, ShaderFloatingPointQuality vsQuality, ShaderFloatingPointQuality psQuality, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback) { try { video = Parent.FindParentOrSelfWithException <Video>(); shaderVersion = (shaderVersion == ShaderVersions.Max) ? : shaderVersion; var code = getShaders(stream); vertex = new VertexShader(this, code[0], shaderVersion, vsQuality); pixel = new PixelShader(this, code[1], shaderVersion, psQuality); program = GL.CreateProgram(); if (program == 0) { Debug.ThrowError("Shader", "Failed to create shader program"); } GL.AttachShader(program, vertex.Shader); GL.AttachShader(program, pixel.Shader); GL.LinkProgram(program); variables = new List <ShaderVariable>(); resources = new List <ShaderResource>(); Video.checkForError(); } catch (Exception e) { FailedToLoad = true; Loader.AddLoadableException(e); Dispose(); if (loadedCallback != null) { loadedCallback(this, false); } return; } Loaded = true; if (loadedCallback != null) { loadedCallback(this, true); } }
private void init(string filename, Stream stream, ShaderVersions shaderVersion, ShaderFloatingPointQuality vsQuality, ShaderFloatingPointQuality psQuality, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback) #endif { try { video = Parent.FindParentOrSelfWithException <Video>(); #if WIN32 shaderVersion = (shaderVersion == ShaderVersions.Max) ? video.Cap.MaxShaderVersion : shaderVersion; var code = getShaders(stream); vertex = new VertexShader(this, code[0], shaderVersion); pixel = new PixelShader(this, code[1], shaderVersion); #else await getReflections(filename); var code = getShaders(stream); vertex = new VertexShader(this, code[0]); pixel = new PixelShader(this, code[1]); #endif variables = new List <ShaderVariable>(); resources = new List <ShaderResource>(); } catch (Exception e) { FailedToLoad = true; Loader.AddLoadableException(e); Dispose(); if (loadedCallback != null) { loadedCallback(this, false); } return; } Loaded = true; if (loadedCallback != null) { loadedCallback(this, true); } }
public Shader(IDisposableResource parent, string filename, ShaderVersions shaderVersion, ShaderFloatingPointQuality vsQuality, ShaderFloatingPointQuality psQuality, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback) : base(parent) { new StreamLoader(filename, delegate(object sender, bool succeeded) { if (succeeded) { init(filename, ((StreamLoader)sender).LoadedStream, shaderVersion, loadedCallback); } else { FailedToLoad = true; Dispose(); if (loadedCallback != null) { loadedCallback(this, false); } } }); }
public VertexShader(IDisposableResource parent, string code, ShaderVersions shaderVersion) : base(parent, code, shaderVersion, ShaderTypes.VS) { try { var video = parent.FindParentOrSelfWithException<Video>(); vertexShaderCom = new VertexShaderCom(); var error = vertexShaderCom.Init(, com); switch (error) { case VertexShaderErrors.VertexShader: Debug.ThrowError("VertexShader", "Failed to create vertex shader"); break; } } catch (Exception e) { Dispose(); throw e; } }
public VertexShader(IDisposableResource parent, string code, ShaderVersions shaderVersion) : base(parent, code, shaderVersion, ShaderTypes.VS) { try { var video = parent.FindParentOrSelfWithException <Video>(); vertexShaderCom = new VertexShaderCom(); var error = vertexShaderCom.Init(, com); switch (error) { case VertexShaderErrors.VertexShader: Debug.ThrowError("VertexShader", "Failed to create vertex shader"); break; } } catch (Exception e) { Dispose(); throw e; } }
public Shader(IDisposableResource parent, string filename, ShaderVersions shaderVersion, ShaderFloatingPointQuality vsQuality, ShaderFloatingPointQuality psQuality, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback) : base(parent) { #if WINRT || WP8 Loader.AddLoadable(this); filename = Streams.StripFileExt(filename) + ".mrs"; #endif new StreamLoader(filename, delegate(object sender, bool succeeded) { if (succeeded) { init(filename, ((StreamLoader)sender).LoadedStream, shaderVersion, vsQuality, psQuality, loadedCallback); } else { FailedToLoad = true; Dispose(); if (loadedCallback != null) loadedCallback(this, false); } }); }
public Shader(DisposableI parent, string fileName, ShaderVersions shaderVersion, ShaderFloatingPointQuality vsQuality, ShaderFloatingPointQuality psQuality, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback) : base(parent) { #if SILVERLIGHT new StreamLoader(Streams.StripFileExt(fileName) + ".mrs", delegate(object sender, bool succeeded) { if (succeeded) { init(fileName, ((StreamLoader)sender).LoadedStream, shaderVersion, loadedCallback); } else { FailedToLoad = true; Dispose(); if (loadedCallback != null) loadedCallback(this, false); } }); #else init(fileName, null, shaderVersion, loadedCallback); #endif }
private void init(string fileName, Stream stream, ShaderVersions shaderVersion, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback) { try { #if SILVERLIGHT video = Parent.FindParentOrSelfWithException <Video>(); getReflections(fileName); var code = getShaders(stream); vertex = new VertexShader(video.Device, code[0]); pixel = new PixelShader(video.Device, code[1]); #else effect = Parent.FindParentOrSelfWithException <RootDisposable>().Content.Load <Effect>(Streams.StripFileExt(fileName)); loadedFromContentManager = true; pass = effect.CurrentTechnique.Passes[0]; #endif variables = new List <ShaderVariable>(); resources = new List <ShaderResource>(); } catch (Exception e) { FailedToLoad = true; Loader.AddLoadableException(e); Dispose(); if (loadedCallback != null) { loadedCallback(this, false); } } Loaded = true; if (loadedCallback != null) { loadedCallback(this, true); } }
public static void Init(DisposableI parent, string contentPath, string tag, ShaderVersions shaderVersion, ShaderFloatingPointQuality vsQuality, ShaderFloatingPointQuality psQuality, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback) { Shader = ShaderAPI.New(parent, contentPath + tag + "", shaderVersion, vsQuality, psQuality, delegate(object sender, bool succeeded) { if (succeeded) { init((ShaderI)sender, loadedCallback); } else { FailedToLoad = true; if (loadedCallback != null) loadedCallback(null, false); } }); }
private void init(string fileName, Stream stream, ShaderVersions shaderVersion, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback) { try { #if SILVERLIGHT video = Parent.FindParentOrSelfWithException<Video>(); getReflections(fileName); var code = getShaders(stream); vertex = new VertexShader(video.Device, code[0]); pixel = new PixelShader(video.Device, code[1]); #else effect = Parent.FindParentOrSelfWithException<RootDisposable>().Content.Load<Effect>(Streams.StripFileExt(fileName)); loadedFromContentManager = true; pass = effect.CurrentTechnique.Passes[0]; #endif variables = new List<ShaderVariable>(); resources = new List<ShaderResource>(); } catch (Exception e) { FailedToLoad = true; Loader.AddLoadableException(e); Dispose(); if (loadedCallback != null) loadedCallback(this, false); } Loaded = true; if (loadedCallback != null) loadedCallback(this, true); }
public static Shader New(DisposableI parent, string fileName, ShaderVersions shaderVersion, ShaderFloatingPointQuality vsQuality, ShaderFloatingPointQuality psQuality, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback) { return new Shader(parent, fileName, shaderVersion, vsQuality, psQuality, loadedCallback); }
public static Shader New(DisposableI parent, string fileName, ShaderVersions shaderVersion, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback) { return new Shader(parent, fileName, shaderVersion, loadedCallback); }
public VertexShader(Shader shader, string code, ShaderVersions shaderVersion) : base(shader, code, ShaderTypes.VS, shaderVersion)
public VertexShader(IShader shader, string code, ShaderVersions shaderVersion) : base(shader, code, shaderVersion, ShaderTypes.VS, ShaderFloatingPointQuality.High) { }
public ShaderModel(Shader shader, string code, ShaderTypes shaderType, ShaderVersions shaderVersion)
public static Shader New(DisposableI parent, string fileName, ShaderVersions shaderVersion, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback) { return(new Shader(parent, fileName, shaderVersion, loadedCallback)); }
private void init(string fileName, ShaderVersions shaderVersion, ShaderFloatingPointQuality vsQuality, ShaderFloatingPointQuality psQuality, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback) { try { video = Parent.FindParentOrSelfWithException<Video>(); program = new ShaderProgram("/Application/" + fileName.Replace(".rs", ".cgx")); variables = new List<ShaderVariable>(); resources = new List<ShaderResource>(); } catch (Exception e) { FailedToLoad = true; Loader.AddLoadableException(e); Dispose(); if (loadedCallback != null) loadedCallback(this, false); return; } Loaded = true; if (loadedCallback != null) loadedCallback(this, true); }
public Shader(DisposableI parent, string fileName, ShaderVersions shaderVersion, ShaderFloatingPointQuality vsQuality, ShaderFloatingPointQuality psQuality, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback) : base(parent) { init(fileName, shaderVersion, vsQuality, psQuality, loadedCallback); }
public PixelShader(IShader shader, string code, ShaderVersions shaderVersion) : base(shader, code, shaderVersion, ShaderTypes.PS, ShaderFloatingPointQuality.Low) { }
public static Shader New(DisposableI parent, string fileName, ShaderVersions shaderVersion, ShaderFloatingPointQuality vsQuality, ShaderFloatingPointQuality psQuality, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback) { return(new Shader(parent, fileName, shaderVersion, vsQuality, psQuality, loadedCallback)); }
public PixelShader(Shader shader, string code, ShaderVersions shaderVersion) : base(shader, code, ShaderTypes.PS, shaderVersion)
private async void init(string filename, Stream stream, ShaderVersions shaderVersion, ShaderFloatingPointQuality vsQuality, ShaderFloatingPointQuality psQuality, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback)
public static IShader New(IDisposableResource parent, string filename, ShaderVersions shaderVersion, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback) { return(New(VideoAPI.DefaultAPI, parent, filename, shaderVersion, ShaderFloatingPointQuality.High, ShaderFloatingPointQuality.Low, loadedCallback)); }
public unsafe ShaderModel(IShader shader, string code, ShaderVersions shaderVersion, ShaderTypes shaderType, ShaderFloatingPointQuality quality) : base(shader) { try { Shader = GL.CreateShader((shaderType == ShaderTypes.VS) ? GL.VERTEX_SHADER : GL.FRAGMENT_SHADER); if (Shader == 0) { Debug.ThrowError("ShaderModel", string.Format("Failed to create {0} shader", (shaderType == ShaderTypes.VS) ? "vs": "ps")); } #if iOS || ANDROID || NaCl code = getQualityText(quality) + Environment.NewLine + code; #endif string shaderLvl = ""; switch (shaderVersion) { #if iOS || ANDROID || NaCl || RPI case ShaderVersions.GLSL_1_00: shaderLvl = "100"; break; #else case ShaderVersions.GLSL_1_10: shaderLvl = "110"; break; case ShaderVersions.GLSL_1_20: shaderLvl = "120"; break; case ShaderVersions.GLSL_1_30: shaderLvl = "130"; break; case ShaderVersions.GLSL_1_40: shaderLvl = "140"; break; case ShaderVersions.GLSL_1_50: shaderLvl = "150"; break; case ShaderVersions.GLSL_3_30: shaderLvl = "330"; break; #endif default: Debug.ThrowError("ShaderModel", "Unsuported ShaderVersion: " + shaderVersion); break; } code = "#version " + shaderLvl + Environment.NewLine + code; int codeLength = code.Length; fixed(byte *codeData = code.CastToBytes()) { byte *codeData2 = codeData; GL.ShaderSource(Shader, 1, &codeData2, &codeLength); GL.CompileShader(Shader); } int result = 0; GL.GetShaderiv(Shader, GL.COMPILE_STATUS, &result); if (result == 0) { int logLength = 0; GL.GetShaderiv(Shader, GL.INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &logLength); byte *logPtr = stackalloc byte[logLength]; GL.GetShaderInfoLog(Shader, logLength, &result, logPtr); byte[] log = new byte[logLength]; System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(new IntPtr(logPtr), log, 0, logLength); Debug.ThrowError("ShaderModel", string.Format("{0} Shader compile error: {1}", shaderType, System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(log))); } Video.checkForError(); } catch (Exception e) { Dispose(); throw e; } }
public VertexShader(IShader shader, string code, ShaderVersions shaderVersion, ShaderFloatingPointQuality quality) : base(shader, code, shaderVersion, ShaderTypes.VS, quality) { }
public static IShader New(VideoTypes videoType, IDisposableResource parent, string filename, ShaderVersions shaderVersion, ShaderFloatingPointQuality vsQuality, ShaderFloatingPointQuality psQuality, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback) { IShader api = null; #if WIN32 if (videoType == VideoTypes.D3D9) { api = new D3D9.Shader(parent, filename, shaderVersion, vsQuality, psQuality, loadedCallback); } #endif #if WIN32 || WINRT || WP8 if (videoType == VideoTypes.D3D11) { api = new D3D11.Shader(parent, filename, shaderVersion, vsQuality, psQuality, loadedCallback); } #endif #if WIN32 || OSX || LINUX || iOS || ANDROID || NaCl if (videoType == VideoTypes.OpenGL) { api = new OpenGL.Shader(parent, filename, shaderVersion, vsQuality, psQuality, loadedCallback); } #endif #if XNA if (videoType == VideoTypes.XNA) { api = new XNA.Shader(parent, filename, shaderVersion, vsQuality, psQuality, loadedCallback); } #endif #if VITA if (videoType == VideoTypes.Vita) { api = new Vita.Shader(parent, filename, shaderVersion, vsQuality, psQuality, loadedCallback); } #endif if (api == null) { Debug.ThrowError("ShaderAPI", "Unsuported InputType: " + videoType); } return(api); }
public static IShader New(IDisposableResource parent, string filename, ShaderVersions shaderVersion, Loader.LoadedCallbackMethod loadedCallback) { return New(VideoAPI.DefaultAPI, parent, filename, shaderVersion, ShaderFloatingPointQuality.High, ShaderFloatingPointQuality.Low, loadedCallback); }