예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the specified so.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="so">The so.</param>
        /// <returns>T.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"></exception>
        public T Save <T>(T so) where T : sObject
            SaveResult[] saveResults;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(so.Id))
                saveResults = _binding.create(new sObject[] { so });
                saveResults = _binding.update(new sObject[] { so });

            if (saveResults.Any(sr => !sr.success))
                var errorString = string.Join("", saveResults.Where(sr => !sr.success)
                                                  (sr, i) => $"\r\n\tError {i}:\r\n\t\t" + string.Join("\r\n\t\t", sr.errors.Select(e => e.message))));

                throw new Exception($"Salesforce save failed with following errors: {errorString}");

            so.Id = saveResults[0].id;
예제 #2
        public void CreateSalesForceQualifiedAmbassador(Ambassador__c QualifiedAmbassador)
            SforceService SfdcBinding = SalesForceSession();

                //Campaign compaign = new Campaign();
                //sfdcLead.c = compaign;

                SaveResult[] saveResults = SfdcBinding.create(new sObject[] { QualifiedAmbassador });
                if (saveResults[0].success)
                    string Id = "";
                    Id = saveResults[0].id;
                    string result = "";
                    result = saveResults[0].errors[0].message;
            catch (Exception)
예제 #3
        public void CreateSalesForceLead(Lead lead)
            SforceService SfdcBinding = SalesForceSession();
            Lead          sfdcLead    = new Lead();

            sfdcLead = lead;
                //Campaign compaign = new Campaign();
                //sfdcLead.c = compaign;

                SaveResult[] saveResults = SfdcBinding.create(new sObject[] { sfdcLead });
                if (saveResults[0].success)
                    string Id = "";
                    Id = saveResults[0].id;
                    string result = "";
                    result = saveResults[0].errors[0].message;
            catch (Exception)
예제 #4
        public void upLoad()
            ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = true;                       //Enables prolonged use
            ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol  = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12; //Sets needed security level

            var    list = new List <string>();                                  //List to hold case numbers that have been used
            string user = "";                                                   //Test salesforce user
            string pass = "";                                                   //Test salesforce pass

            binding         = new SforceService();                              //Initializs binding object
            binding.Timeout = 60000;                                            //Sets maximum time per binding
            WebReference.LoginResult lr;                                        //lr is my login result
            lr = binding.login(user, pass);                                     //Used lr to create credentials
            string authEndPoint = binding.Url;                                  //Not sure what this does honestly

            binding.Url = lr.serverUrl;                                         //Sets binding to correct server
            binding.SessionHeaderValue           = new SessionHeader();         //Header needed for API format
            binding.SessionHeaderValue.sessionId = lr.sessionId;                //Gives binder the session id

                Case          c     = new Case();
                Case[]        cases = new Case[1];
                CaseComment   com   = new CaseComment();
                CaseComment[] coms  = new CaseComment[1];

                //c.AccountId = "GBS Non Case Events";
                //c.Subject = "API Test";
                //c.Type = "MAC - Non-Billable";
                //c.Case_Product_Category__c = "Project";
                //c.Product_Subcategory__c = "Training";
                //c.Priority = "SLA - 5 - Client Request/Client Created Issue";
                //c.Origin = "Phone";
                //c.Reason = "Test Description";
                //c.Status = "Case Opened";
                //c.OwnerId = "Firaus Odeh";
                //c.ContactId = "";
                //c.Description = "Test";
                //c.IsEscalated = false;
                //c.SuppliedName = "Test Case";
                //c.SuppliedEmail = "";
                //c.SuppliedPhone = "";
                //c.SuppliedCompany = "";
                //SaveResult[] results = binding.create(cases);
                //Debug.WriteLine("valid Data");
                c.Id = "5000g000026SPQ8AAO";
                string      query1 = "Insert into Case (Comments) Value ('Test') Where CaseNumber = '00311360'";
                QueryResult result = binding.query(query1);
                com.Id          = result.ToString();
                c.Subject       = "Test";
                com.CommentBody = "Test comment";
                c.Comments      = "test";
                coms[0]         = com;
                SaveResult[] check = binding.create(coms);
                Debug.WriteLine("Invalid data");
예제 #5
        public ActionResult Insert()
            Product2 insertProduct = new Product2();

            insertProduct.IsActive          = true;
            insertProduct.IsActiveSpecified = true;
            insertProduct.Name        = "Test Product";
            insertProduct.ProductCode = "Test";

            Response.Write("Name:" + insertProduct.Name);
            Response.Write("<br/>ProductCode:" + insertProduct.ProductCode);

            SaveResult[] createResults = sfdcBinding.create(new sObject[] { insertProduct });

            if (createResults[0].success)
                string id = createResults[0].id;
                Response.Write("<br/>ID:" + id);
                Response.Write("<br/>INSERT Product Successfully!!!");
                string result = createResults[0].errors[0].message;
                Response.Write("<br/>ERROR:" + result);
예제 #6
        public string InsertSObject(string sobjectName, sObject obj)
            sObject[] objArray    = new sObject[] { obj };
            var       saveResults = _binding.create(objArray);

            CheckSaveResults(saveResults, string.Format("Creation of {0}", sobjectName), true);

            if (saveResults.Length != 1)
                throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Expected one saveresult back for creation of {0} but got {1}",
                                                             sobjectName, saveResults.Length));

            var rowResult = saveResults[0];

        //Create a new record
        public static void connectWithTridionAndWriteDataInSF(List <SalesforceIntegrationWithSDLWeb8.DAL.Model.Lead> cmsLeadData)
            SforceService SfdcBinding        = null;
            LoginResult   CurrentLoginResult = null;

            SfdcBinding = new SforceService();
                CurrentLoginResult = SfdcBinding.login(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["uName"].ToString(), ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["pWD"].ToString());
                //Change the binding to the new endpoint
                SfdcBinding.Url = CurrentLoginResult.serverUrl;

                //Create a new session header object and set the session id to that returned by the login
                SfdcBinding.SessionHeaderValue           = new SessionHeader();
                SfdcBinding.SessionHeaderValue.sessionId = CurrentLoginResult.sessionId;
                com.salesforce.ap2.Lead sfLead = new com.salesforce.ap2.Lead();

                //string firstName = "Hem";
                //string lastName = "Kant";
                //string email = "*****@*****.**";
                //string company = "ABC Corp.";
                foreach (var item in cmsLeadData)
                    sfLead.FirstName = item.FName.Text;
                    sfLead.LastName  = item.LName.Text;
                    sfLead.Email     = item.EmaiID.Text;
                    sfLead.Company   = item.Company.Text;

                    SaveResult[] saveResults = SfdcBinding.create(new sObject[] { sfLead });

                    if (saveResults[0].success)
                        string Id = "";
                        Id = saveResults[0].id;
                        string result = "";
                        result = saveResults[0].errors[0].message;
            catch (System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException e)
                // This is likley to be caused by bad username or password
                SfdcBinding = null;
                throw (e);
            catch (Exception e)
                // This is something else, probably comminication
                SfdcBinding = null;
                throw (e);
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates Salesforce.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objectTypeName">Object type name.</param>
        /// <param name="values">Object values.</param>
        /// <returns>Operation result.</returns>
        public bool CreateObject(string objectTypeName, Dictionary <string, IConvertible> values)
            bool result = false;

            if (CheckConnected())
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(objectTypeName))
                    throw (new ArgumentNullException("objectTypeName"));
                if (values == null)
                    throw (new ArgumentNullException("values"));

                if (values.Count > 0)
                    if (!values.ContainsKey(ID_FIELD_NAME))
                        SaveResult[] saveResults = _binding.create
                            new sObject[] { Constructor.ConstructSObject(objectTypeName, values) }

                        result = ((saveResults.Length > 0) && (saveResults[0].success));
                        throw (new InvalidOperationException(Errors.ERR_ID_FIELD_IS_AUTOGENERATED));
                    throw (new InvalidOperationException(Errors.ERR_FIELDS_ARE_EMPTY));

예제 #9
        public void CreateLeadeTask(Task task)
            SforceService SfdcBinding = SalesForceSession();

            SaveResult[] results = null;
                results = SfdcBinding.create(new Task[] {
            catch (Exception ce)
예제 #10
        public void CreateLeadEvent(Common.SforceServices.Event evnt)
            SforceService SfdcBinding = SalesForceSession();

            SaveResult[] results = null;
                results = SfdcBinding.create(new Event[] {
            catch (Exception ce)
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int CreateEvent(SalesForceEvent eventsales)
            List <SalesForceEvent> listEvents = new List <SalesForceEvent>();

                Event salesevent = new Event();
                salesevent.Subject                = eventsales.Subject;
                salesevent.StartDateTime          = eventsales.StartDate;
                salesevent.EndDateTime            = eventsales.EndDate;
                salesevent.Location               = eventsales.Location;
                salesevent.Description            = eventsales.Description;
                salesevent.StartDateTimeSpecified = true;
                salesevent.EndDateTimeSpecified   = true;
                QueryResult queryResult = null;

                SaveResult[] results = SfdcBinding.create(new sObject[] { salesevent });

                //for (int i = 0; i < queryResult.size; i++)
                //    SalesForceEvent sfEvent = new SalesForceEvent();
                //    Event salesforceEvent = (Event)queryResult.records[i];
                //    sfEvent.Subject = salesforceEvent.Subject;
                //    sfEvent.StartDate = salesforceEvent.StartDateTime;
                //    sfEvent.EndDate = salesforceEvent.EndDateTime; ;
                //    sfEvent.Id = i;
                //    listEvents.Add(sfEvent);

            catch (Exception e)
                EventLog.WriteEntry("SalesForcceIntegration", e.Message,
예제 #12
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsConnected())
                _sforceRef.Url = _loginResult.serverUrl;
                // MessageBox.Show(_sforceRef.Url.ToString());
                _sforceRef.SessionHeaderValue           = new SessionHeader();
                _sforceRef.SessionHeaderValue.sessionId = _loginResult.sessionId;
                Lead l1 = new Lead();

                l1.LastName = textBox1.Text;
                l1.Company  = textBox2.Text;
                l1.Status   = textBox3.Text;

                SaveResult[] createResult = _sforceRef.create(new sObject[] { l1 });
                if (createResult[0].success)
                    MessageBox.Show("Lead Inserted Succesfully ");
예제 #13
        ///Create any sObject such as Opportunity, Account, CustomObject__c
        ///<param name="model">
        ///model.Type = "Account"
        ///model.Fields = new List(ElementField)(){ ElementField ={Key ="Name", Value = "My new Account Name"} etc.}
        public SaveResult[] CreateElement(CreateSObject model)
            if (model?.Fields == null)
                return(new SaveResult[]
                    new SaveResult()
                        success = false,
                        errors = new Error[]
                            new Error()
                                message = "UpdateSObject or UpdateSObject.Fields cannot be null"

            sObject     element = new sObject();
            XmlDocument doc     = new XmlDocument();

            XmlElement[] fields = new XmlElement[model.Fields.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < model.Fields.Count; ++i)
                fields[i]           = doc.CreateElement(model.Fields[i].Key);
                fields[i].InnerText = model.Fields[i].Value;

            element.type = model.Type;
            element.Any  = fields;

                   .create(new sObject[] { element }));
        protected override void Execute(CodeActivityContext context)
                System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;

                string userName;
                string password;
                userName = Username.Get(context);                              //username from context
                password = Password.Get(context) + SecurityToken.Get(context); //password+token from context

                SforceService SfdcBinding        = null;
                LoginResult   CurrentLoginResult = null;

                SfdcBinding = new SforceService();
                    CurrentLoginResult = SfdcBinding.login(userName, password);
                catch (System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException e)
                    // This is likley to be caused by bad username or password
                    SfdcBinding = null;
                    throw (e);
                catch (Exception e)
                    // This is something else, probably comminication
                    SfdcBinding = null;
                    throw (e);

                //Change the binding to the new endpoint
                SfdcBinding.Url = CurrentLoginResult.serverUrl;


                //Create a new session header object and set the session id to that returned by the login
                SfdcBinding.SessionHeaderValue           = new SessionHeader();
                SfdcBinding.SessionHeaderValue.sessionId = CurrentLoginResult.sessionId;

                String[] fieldNames  = FieldNames.Get(context);
                String[] fieldValues = FieldValues.Get(context);

                sObject obj = new sObject();
                System.Xml.XmlElement[] objFields = new System.Xml.XmlElement[fieldNames.Length];

                System.Xml.XmlDocument doc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument();

                for (int i = 0; i < fieldNames.Length; i++)
                    objFields[i] = doc.CreateElement(fieldNames[i]);

                for (int j = 0; j < fieldValues.Length; j++)
                    objFields[j].InnerText = fieldValues[j];

                obj.type = ObjectName.Get(context);

                obj.Any = objFields;

                sObject[] objList = new sObject[1];
                objList[0] = obj;

                SaveResult[] results = SfdcBinding.create(objList);

                for (int j = 0; j < results.Length; j++)
                    if (results[j].success)
                        RecordID.Set(context, results[j].id);
                        // There were errors during the create call,
                        // go through the errors array and write
                        // them to the console
                        String error;
                        for (int i = 0; i < results[j].errors.Length; i++)
                            Error err = results[j].errors[i];
                            error = "Errors was found on item " + j.ToString() + Environment.NewLine
                                    + "Error code is: " + err.statusCode.ToString() + Environment.NewLine
                                    + "Error message: " + err.message;
                            RecordID.Set(context, error);
예제 #15
        public string createCTA(string name,
                                string comments,
                                CUser user, out ArrayList messages, out bool success)
            if (user.Company == null)
                throw new Exception("Can't create a CTA without a company and an Integration");
            if (user.Company.Intgr == null)
                throw new Exception("Can't create a CTA without a company and an Integration");
            if (user.Company.Intgr.GainsightCTAStatus == null)
                throw new Exception("Can't create a CTA without a Gainsight Info setup!");
            if (user == null || user.ExternalSystemId == null)
                throw new Exception("Can't create a CTA without a salesforce Account Id on the User record!");

            Integrations integrations = user.Company.Intgr;

            //set up returns
            success  = false;
            messages = new ArrayList();

            //the id to return
            string idcreated = "";

            //first login
            if (!login(out messages))
                success = false;

                //throw new Exception("Could not login to Salesforce");

                // Create a new sObject of type Contact
                // and fill out its fields.
                sObject CTA = new SFAccess.sObject();
                System.Xml.XmlElement[] CTAFields = new System.Xml.XmlElement[12];

                // Create the ticket's fields
                System.Xml.XmlDocument doc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument();
                CTAFields[0]            = doc.CreateElement("JBCXM__Account__c");
                CTAFields[0].InnerText  = user.ExternalSystemId;
                CTAFields[1]            = doc.CreateElement("JBCXM__Assignee__c");
                CTAFields[1].InnerText  = integrations.GainsightCTAUserId;// "00541000001LJxYAAW"; //------------------------------------me
                CTAFields[2]            = doc.CreateElement("JBCXM__DueDate__c");
                CTAFields[2].InnerText  = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                CTAFields[3]            = doc.CreateElement("JBCXM__Priority__c"); //Alert Severity
                CTAFields[3].InnerText  = integrations.GainsightCTAPriority;       // "a0D41000001qZtYEAU"; //-------------------------------------high priority
                CTAFields[4]            = doc.CreateElement("JBCXM__Stage__c");    //Alert STatus
                CTAFields[4].InnerText  = integrations.GainsightCTAStatus;         // "a0D41000001qZsCEAU";//---------------- stands for Open - this is like a status
                CTAFields[5]            = doc.CreateElement("JBCXM__Type__c");
                CTAFields[5].InnerText  = integrations.GainsightCTAType;           // "a1141000000cVEcAAM";//--------------------------------------what is type id ;
                CTAFields[7]            = doc.CreateElement("JBCXM__Reason__c");
                CTAFields[7].InnerText  = integrations.GainsightCTAReason;         // "a0D41000001qZsIEAU";
                CTAFields[8]            = doc.CreateElement("JBCXM__Comments__c");
                CTAFields[8].InnerText  = comments;                                //--------------------------------------
                CTAFields[9]            = doc.CreateElement("Name");
                CTAFields[9].InnerText  = name;
                CTAFields[10]           = doc.CreateElement("JBCXM__CreatedDate__c");
                CTAFields[10].InnerText = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                CTAFields[11]           = doc.CreateElement("JBCXM__Playbook__c");
                CTAFields[11].InnerText = integrations.GainsightCTAPlaybook;// "a0d41000000inGeAAI";

                //field to set          picklist Category      other
                //JBCXM__Priority__c    Alert Severity
                //JBCXM__Stage__c       Alert Status
                //JBCXM__Reason__c      Alert Reason
                //JBCXM__TypeName__c                           ? different object - type of CTA?  event or trial
                //JBCXM__Account__c                            from account object
                //JBCXM__Assignee__c                           this is from a user
                //JBCXM__DueDate__c                            user input
                //JBCXM__Comments__c                           user input

                CTA.type = "JBCXM__CTA__c";
                CTA.Any  = CTAFields;

                // Add this sObject to an array
                sObject[] CTAList = new sObject[1];
                CTAList[0] = CTA;

                // Make a create call and pass it the array of sObjects
                SaveResult[] results = binding.create(CTAList);
                // Iterate through the results list
                // and write the ID of the new sObject
                // or the errors if the object creation failed.
                // In this case, we only have one result
                // since we created one ticket.
                for (int j = 0; j < results.Length; j++)
                    if (results[j].success)
                        messages.Add("\nA CTA was created with an ID of: "
                                     + results[j].id);
                        idcreated = results[j].id;
                        // There were errors during the create call,
                        // go through the errors array and write
                        // them to the console
                        for (int i = 0; i < results[j].errors.Length; i++)
                            Error err = results[j].errors[i];
                            messages.Add("Errors were found on item " + j.ToString());
                            messages.Add("Error code is: " + err.statusCode.ToString());
                            messages.Add("Error message: " + err.message);
            catch (SoapException e)
                messages.Add("An unexpected error has occurred: " + e.Message +
                             " Stack trace: " + e.StackTrace);
            //now logout
		public void PreSend(List<DataForAPI> listToSend)
			//			CreateNewJob();
			//			AddBatchesToTheJob();

				var salesForceService = new SforceService();

				var userName = Config.Dictionaries.AppSettings.ServiceProviders.SalesForce.Login;
				var securityToken = Config.Dictionaries.AppSettings.ServiceProviders.SalesForce.SecurityToken;
				var password = Config.Dictionaries.AppSettings.ServiceProviders.SalesForce.Password + securityToken;

				var loginResult = salesForceService.login(userName, password);

				if (!loginResult.passwordExpired)
					salesForceService.Url = loginResult.serverUrl;
					salesForceService.SessionHeaderValue = new SessionHeader { sessionId = loginResult.sessionId };

					var sObjectArraysList = RegularizeList(listToSend);
					foreach (var sObjectArray in sObjectArraysList)
						var elqaMarketingActivityArray = CreateTransferObjectsArray(sObjectArray);
						var saveResults = salesForceService.create(elqaMarketingActivityArray);
						for (int i = 0; i < saveResults.Length; i++)
							if (saveResults[i].success)
								sObjectArray[i].DataBaseAccess.UpdateEntity(sObjectArray[i].SourceEntity, true, string.Empty);
								sObjectArray[i].DataBaseAccess.UpdateEntity(sObjectArray[i].SourceEntity, false, saveResults[i].errors[0].statusCode + " " + saveResults[i].errors[0].message);
							switch (sObjectArray[i].ProcessType)
								case Enums.ProcessType.JPMarginCall:
								case Enums.ProcessType.JPInactivityDeletion:
								case Enums.ProcessType.AUHKMarginUtilization:
					_logger.LogEvent(() => Config.AppEvents.GainWinServicesExactTarget.ExactTargetWarning, "Password Expired. Login: "******" Password: "******"SalesForceApi.PreSend " + e);
예제 #17
        public string createCTA(string Subject,
                                string Description,
                                CUser user)
            //to use in the CTA object for Gainsight

             * JBCXM__Assignee__c,
             * JBCXM__DueDate__c,
             * JBCXM__Priority__c,
             * JBCXM__Reason__c,
             * JBCXM__Stage__c,
             * JBCXM__Type__c,  = 'a3SG000000073q9MAA'
             * JBCXM__TypeName__c,
             * */

            //the id to return
            string idcreated = "";

            //first login
            if (!login())
                throw new Exception("Could not login to Salesforce");

                // Create a new sObject of type Contact
                // and fill out its fields.
                sObject CTA = new SFAccess.sObject();
                System.Xml.XmlElement[] CTAFields = new System.Xml.XmlElement[8];

                // Create the ticket's fields
                System.Xml.XmlDocument doc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument();
                CTAFields[0]           = doc.CreateElement("JBCXM__Account__c");
                CTAFields[0].InnerText = user.ExternalSystemId;
                CTAFields[1]           = doc.CreateElement("JBCXM__Assignee__c");
                CTAFields[1].InnerText = "pkumar"; //------------------------------------what is this one? id
                CTAFields[2]           = doc.CreateElement("JBCXM__DueDate__c");
                CTAFields[2].InnerText = DateTime.Now.ToString();
                CTAFields[3]           = doc.CreateElement("JBCXM__Priority__c"); //Alert Severity
                CTAFields[3].InnerText = "a3SG00000005SJQMA2";                    //-------------------------------------high priority
                CTAFields[4]           = doc.CreateElement("JBCXM__Stage__c");    //Alert STatus
                CTAFields[4].InnerText = "a3SG000000073q9MAA";                    //---------------- stands for Open - this is like a status
                // CTAFields[5] = doc.CreateElement("JBCXM__Type__c");
                //CTAFields[5].InnerText = "a5UG0000000GoSUMA0";//--------------------------------------what is type id ;
                CTAFields[6]           = doc.CreateElement("JBCXM__TypeName__c");
                CTAFields[6].InnerText = "Event"; //--------------------------------------Event
                                                  //field to set          picklist Category      other
                                                  //JBCXM__Priority__c    Alert Severity
                                                  //JBCXM__Stage__c       Alert Status
                                                  //JBCXM__Reason__c      Alert Reason
                                                  //JBCXM__TypeName__c                           ? different object - type of CTA?  event or trial
                                                  //JBCXM__Account__c                            from account object
                                                  //JBCXM__Assignee__c                           this is from a user
                                                  //JBCXM__DueDate__c                            user input
                                                  //JBCXM__Comments__c                           user input

                CTA.type = "JBCXM__CTA__c";
                CTA.Any  = CTAFields;

                // Add this sObject to an array
                sObject[] CTAList = new sObject[1];
                CTAList[0] = CTA;

                // Make a create call and pass it the array of sObjects
                SaveResult[] results = binding.create(CTAList);
                // Iterate through the results list
                // and write the ID of the new sObject
                // or the errors if the object creation failed.
                // In this case, we only have one result
                // since we created one ticket.
                for (int j = 0; j < results.Length; j++)
                    if (results[j].success)
                        Console.Write("\nA CTA was created with an ID of: "
                                      + results[j].id);
                        idcreated = results[j].id;
                        // There were errors during the create call,
                        // go through the errors array and write
                        // them to the console
                        for (int i = 0; i < results[j].errors.Length; i++)
                            Error err = results[j].errors[i];
                            Console.WriteLine("Errors were found on item " + j.ToString());
                            Console.WriteLine("Error code is: " + err.statusCode.ToString());
                            Console.WriteLine("Error message: " + err.message);
            catch (SoapException e)
                Console.WriteLine("An unexpected error has occurred: " + e.Message +
                                  " Stack trace: " + e.StackTrace);
            //now logout
        public string Register(SalesforceUpdateRequest model)
            //Prevent using TLS 1.0 which is outdated
            System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls;
            string        userName           = _configService.getConfigValusAsString("SalesforceUserName");
            string        password           = _configService.getConfigValusAsString("SalesforcePassword");
            SforceService SfdcBinding        = null;
            LoginResult   CurrentLoginResult = null;

            SfdcBinding = new SforceService();
                CurrentLoginResult = SfdcBinding.login(userName, password);
            catch (System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException e)
            {  // This is likley to be caused by bad username or password
                SfdcBinding = null;
                throw (e);
            catch (Exception e)
            {  // This is something else, probably comminication
                SfdcBinding = null;
                throw (e);
            //Change the binding to the new endpoint
            SfdcBinding.Url = CurrentLoginResult.serverUrl;
            //Create a new session header object and set the session id to that returned by the login
            SfdcBinding.SessionHeaderValue           = new SessionHeader();
            SfdcBinding.SessionHeaderValue.sessionId = CurrentLoginResult.sessionId;

            //UPDATE -- to (spunkydrewster002's) salesforce Leads
            QueryResult queryResult   = null;
            string      emailToUpdate = model.Email;
            String      SOQL          = "select Id from Lead where Email = '" + emailToUpdate + "'";

            queryResult = SfdcBinding.query(SOQL);

            //If email exists, update with first/last name
            if (queryResult.size > 0)
                //UPDATE -- to (spunkydrewster002's) salesforce Leads
                Lead   lead       = (Lead)queryResult.records[0];
                string Id         = lead.Id;
                Lead   updateLead = new Lead();
                updateLead.Id        = Id;
                updateLead.Email     = model.Email;
                updateLead.FirstName = model.FirstName;
                updateLead.LastName  = model.LastName;
                SaveResult[] saveResults = SfdcBinding.update(new sObject[] { updateLead });
                string       result      = "";
                if (saveResults[0].success)
                    result = "The update of Lead ID " + saveResults[0].id + " was succesful";
                    result = "There was an error updating the Lead. The error returned was " + saveResults[0].errors[0].message;
            //If email doesn't exist, insert email with first/last name
                //POST - to (spunkydrewster002's) salesforce Leads
                Lead sfdcLead = new Lead();
                sfdcLead.Email = model.Email;
                //Fields required for lead but wont be submitted on homepage, so placeholders are used.
                sfdcLead.FirstName = model.FirstName;
                sfdcLead.LastName  = model.LastName;
                string companyName = "Grader Registered User";
                sfdcLead.Company = companyName;
                SaveResult[] saveResults = SfdcBinding.create(new sObject[] { sfdcLead });
                if (saveResults[0].success)
                    string resultId = "";
                    resultId = saveResults[0].id;
                    string result = "";
                    result = saveResults[0].errors[0].message;
예제 #19
        internal List <Dictionary <UpsertKind, SaveResult> > UpsertItems(string objectName, DataTable items,
                                                                         bool hasEpmLiveId)
            var objectsToInsert = new List <sObject>();
            var objectsToUpdate = new List <sObject>();

            foreach (DataRow dataRow in items.Rows)
                var sObject = new sObject {
                    type = objectName

                object oId = dataRow["ID"];
                if (oId != null && oId != DBNull.Value)
                    sObject.Id = oId.ToString();

                var fieldsToNull = new List <string>();
                var xmlElements  = new List <XmlElement>();

                var xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();

                if (hasEpmLiveId)
                    XmlElement spIdElement = xmlDocument.CreateElement(_appNamespace + EXT_ID_FIELD);
                    spIdElement.InnerText = dataRow["SPID"].ToString();


                foreach (DataColumn dataColumn in items.Columns)
                    string columnName = dataColumn.ColumnName;

                    if (columnName.ToLower().Equals("id") ||
                        columnName.Equals("SPID") ||
                        columnName.Equals(_appNamespace + EXT_ID_FIELD))

                    object oValue = dataRow[dataColumn];
                    if (oValue == null || oValue == DBNull.Value)

                    string sValue = oValue.ToString();

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sValue))

                    XmlElement xmlElement = xmlDocument.CreateElement(columnName);
                    xmlElement.InnerText = sValue;


                sObject.Any          = xmlElements.ToArray();
                sObject.fieldsToNull = fieldsToNull.ToArray();

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sObject.Id))

            var upsertResults = new List <Dictionary <UpsertKind, SaveResult> >();

            if (objectsToInsert.Count > 0)
                    .Select(r => new Dictionary <UpsertKind, SaveResult> {
                    { UpsertKind.INSERT, r }

            if (objectsToUpdate.Count > 0)
                    .Select(r => new Dictionary <UpsertKind, SaveResult> {
                    { UpsertKind.UPDATE, r }

예제 #20
        public void Upload()
            LoginResult   lr      = sflogin.getLoginResult();
            SforceService binding = new SforceService();

            binding.SessionHeaderValue           = new SessionHeader();
            binding.SessionHeaderValue.sessionId = lr.sessionId;
            binding.Url = lr.serverUrl;
            bool errorFlag = false;

                DirectoryInfo dir   = new DirectoryInfo(this.targetPath);
                FileInfo[]    files = dir.GetFiles();

                foreach (FileInfo file in files)
                    if (form1.CheckState() == false)
                        if (Path.GetExtension(Path.GetFullPath(file.FullName)) == ".txt")
                        Attachment oppattach = new Attachment();
                        string     filename  = file.FullName;
                        byte[]     bytes     = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(filename);
                        oppattach.Body     = bytes;
                        oppattach.Name     = file.Name;
                        oppattach.ParentId = this.form1.getOppID();
                        sObject[] attachments = new Attachment[1];
                        attachments[0] = oppattach;
                        SaveResult[] result = binding.create(attachments);

                        for (int i = 0; i < attachments.Length; i++)
                            if (result[i].success)
                                form1.appendTextBox5("A Document was created");
                                form1.appendTextBox5("Item had an error updating");
                                errorFlag = true;
                if (!(errorFlag))
                    form1.updateTextBox1("Upload Successful. Files removed from " + this.targetPath);
            catch (SoapException e)
                form1.appendTextBox1("Upload failed");
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string userName      = "******";
            string password      = "******";
            string securityToken = "YOUR REGENERATED SECURITY TOKEN";

            SforceService sfdcBinding        = null;
            LoginResult   currentLoginResult = null;

            sfdcBinding = new SforceService();
                currentLoginResult = sfdcBinding.login(userName, password + securityToken);
            catch (System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException ex)
                // This is likley to be caused by bad username or password
                sfdcBinding = null;
                throw (ex);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // This is something else, probably comminication
                sfdcBinding = null;
                throw (ex);

            //Change the binding to the new endpoint
            sfdcBinding.Url = currentLoginResult.serverUrl;

            //Create a new session header object and set the session id to that returned by the login
            sfdcBinding.SessionHeaderValue           = new SessionHeader();
            sfdcBinding.SessionHeaderValue.sessionId = currentLoginResult.sessionId;

            //Create a case

            Case myNewCase = new Case();

            //The status of the case, such as “New,” “Closed,” or “Escalated.” This field directly controls the IsClosed flag. Each predefined Status value implies an IsClosed flag value. For more information, see CaseStatus.
            myNewCase.Status = "New";

            //The reason why the case was created, such as Instructions not clear, or User didn’t attend training.
            myNewCase.Reason = "TESTING CASE CREATION";

            //The subject of the case. Limit: 255 characters
            myNewCase.Subject = "TEST CASE";

            //The name that was entered when the case was created. This field can't be updated after the case has been created. Label is Name.
            myNewCase.SuppliedName = "TEST CASE";

            //High, Medium, or Low
            myNewCase.Priority = "High";

            SaveResult[] createResults = sfdcBinding.create(new sObject[] { myNewCase });

            if (createResults[0].success)
                string id = createResults[0].id;
                string result = createResults[0].errors[0].message;
        public string InsertFB(SalesforceAddRequest model)
            //Prevent using TLS 1.0 which is outdated
            System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls;
            string        userName           = _configService.getConfigValusAsString("SalesforceUserName");
            string        password           = _configService.getConfigValusAsString("SalesforcePassword");
            SforceService SfdcBinding        = null;
            LoginResult   CurrentLoginResult = null;

            SfdcBinding = new SforceService();
                CurrentLoginResult = SfdcBinding.login(userName, password);
            catch (System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException e)
                SfdcBinding = null;
                throw (e);
            catch (Exception e)
                SfdcBinding = null;
                throw (e);
            SfdcBinding.Url = CurrentLoginResult.serverUrl;
            SfdcBinding.SessionHeaderValue           = new SessionHeader();
            SfdcBinding.SessionHeaderValue.sessionId = CurrentLoginResult.sessionId;

            //Check if email already exists
            QueryResult queryResult = null;
            String      SOQL        = "select Id from Lead where Email = '" + model.Email + "'";

            queryResult = SfdcBinding.query(SOQL);
            //If email exists, update with facebook url
            if (queryResult.size > 0)
                //UPDATE -- to (spunkydrewster002's) salesforce Leads
                Lead   lead       = (Lead)queryResult.records[0];
                string Id         = lead.Id;
                Lead   updateLead = new Lead();
                updateLead.Id               = Id;
                updateLead.Email            = model.Email;
                updateLead.Facebook_Page__c = model.Website;
                SaveResult[] saveResults = SfdcBinding.update(new sObject[] { updateLead });
                string       result      = "";
                if (saveResults[0].success)
                    result = "The update of Lead ID " + saveResults[0].id + " was succesful";
                    result = "There was an error updating the Lead. The error returned was " + saveResults[0].errors[0].message;
            //If email doesn't exist, insert facebook url
                //POST - to (spunkydrewster002's) salesforce Leads
                Lead sfdcLead = new Lead();
                sfdcLead.Email               = model.Email;
                sfdcLead.Facebook_Page__c    = model.Website;
                sfdcLead.Campaign_Source__c  = model.AdSource;
                sfdcLead.Campaign_Medium__c  = model.AdMedium;
                sfdcLead.Campaign_Name__c    = model.AdName;
                sfdcLead.Campaign_Term__c    = model.AdTerm;
                sfdcLead.Campaign_Content__c = model.AdContent;
                sfdcLead.Campaign_ID__c      = model.AdId;

                //Fields required for lead but wont be submitted on homepage, so placeholders are used.
                string firstName   = "Social";
                string lastName    = "Media";
                string companyName = "Grader User";
                sfdcLead.FirstName = firstName;
                sfdcLead.LastName  = lastName;
                sfdcLead.Company   = companyName;
                SaveResult[] saveResults = SfdcBinding.create(new sObject[] { sfdcLead });
                if (saveResults[0].success)
                    string resultId = "";
                    resultId = saveResults[0].id;
                    string result = "";
                    result = saveResults[0].errors[0].message;
예제 #23
        public void SalesForceQualifiedAmbassadors()
            SforceService SfdcBinding = SalesForceSession();

            List <QualifiedAmbassadors> customers = new List <QualifiedAmbassadors>();

            using (var context = Exigo.Sql())
                string sqlQuery = string.Format(@"select * from dbo.AmbassadorsList order by customerid asc ");
                customers = context.Query <QualifiedAmbassadors>(sqlQuery).ToList();
            if (customers.Count() == 0)
            List <Ambassador__c> Ambassador = new List <Ambassador__c>();

            foreach (QualifiedAmbassadors Customer in customers)
                Ambassador__c node = new Ambassador__c();
                node.AmbassadorID__c = Customer.CustomerID.ToString();
                node.Name            = Customer.FirstName + " " + Customer.LastName;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Customer.JoinDate))
                        node.JoinDate__cSpecified = true;
                        node.JoinDate__c          = DateTime.Parse(Customer.JoinDate);
                    catch (Exception) { }
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Customer.LeaveDate))
                        node.LeaveDate__cSpecified = true;
                        node.LeaveDate__c          = DateTime.Parse(Customer.LeaveDate);
                    catch (Exception) { }
                node.webalias__c           = Customer.WebAlias;
                node.Q_Ambassador_Email__c = Customer.email;
                node.Zip_Code__c           = Customer.MainZip;
                node.Phone__c              = Customer.phone;
                node.Mobile_Phone__c       = Customer.MobilePhone;
                node.SponsorID__cSpecified = true;
                node.SponsorID__c          = double.Parse(Customer.EnrollerID.ToString());
                node.Available_To_Receive_Leads__cSpecified = true;
                node.Available_To_Receive_Leads__c          = true;
                node.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now;
                //   node.CreatedById = "00536000000zbwiAAA";
            if (Ambassador.Count > 0)
                    IEnumerable <List <Ambassador__c> > listambassadorlist = splitList(Ambassador.ToList());
                    foreach (List <Ambassador__c> list in listambassadorlist)
                        SaveResult[] saveResults = SfdcBinding.create(list.ToArray());
                        if (saveResults[0].success)
                            string Id = "";
                            Id = saveResults[0].id;
                            string result = "";
                            result = saveResults[0].errors[0].message;
                catch (Exception ex)
        /// <summary>
        /// Pass a populated Member in and it will update salesforce.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newMember"></param>
        /// <returns>SalesforceSaveResult with success/fail bool & message if there was an error</returns>
        public SalesforceActionResult    CreateWebsiteMemberAsContact(Member newMember, string newMemberEmail) //member needs to be updated to have an email field
            ////sf upserts have to happen in the proper order. upsert the member first
            //  each join / lookup value can be upsert after the member exists
            //  then we upsert child
            //  then we can upsert child lookup values

            SalesforceActionResult sfResult = new SalesforceActionResult();

            Contact newSalesforceContact = new Contact();

            //Created an account for Understood.org
            newSalesforceContact.AccountId = "001F0000014EhHtIAK"; //todo Move this and other similar values into a config

            //check required values
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newMember.FirstName))
                throw new Exception("First Name is required to save a new Contact Member to Service.");
                newSalesforceContact.FirstName           = newMember.FirstName;
                newSalesforceContact.member_FirstName__c = newMember.FirstName;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newMember.LastName))
                //last name will always be empty for now.
                //throw new Exception("Last Name is required to save a new Website Contact Member to Service.");
                newMember.LastName                      = "NotSpecified";
                newSalesforceContact.LastName           = newMember.LastName;
                newSalesforceContact.member_LastName__c = newMember.LastName;
                newSalesforceContact.LastName           = newMember.LastName;
                newSalesforceContact.member_LastName__c = newMember.LastName;

            newSalesforceContact.member_MemberId__c = newMember.MemberId.ToString(); //member_MemberId__c is our sfdc external uid on Contact
            newSalesforceContact.member_UserId__c   = newMember.UserId.ToString();

            if (newMember.ScreenName == "Screen Name")//more garbage coming through
                Random random       = new Random();
                int    randomNumber = random.Next(0, 30000);
                newMember.ScreenName = "ScreenName_" + randomNumber.ToString();
            newSalesforceContact.member_ScreenName__c = newMember.ScreenName;

            //Discovered that if you do not set both the field, and the specififed field, you don't update the checkbocx
            newSalesforceContact.member_allowConnections__c          = newMember.allowConnections;
            newSalesforceContact.member_allowConnections__cSpecified = newMember.allowConnections;

            newSalesforceContact.member_allowNewsletter__c          = newMember.allowNewsletter;
            newSalesforceContact.member_allowNewsletter__cSpecified = newMember.allowNewsletter;

            newSalesforceContact.member_emailSubscription__c          = newMember.emailSubscription;
            newSalesforceContact.member_emailSubscription__cSpecified = newMember.emailSubscription;

            newSalesforceContact.member_hasOtherChildren__c          = newMember.hasOtherChildren;
            newSalesforceContact.member_hasOtherChildren__cSpecified = newMember.hasOtherChildren;

            newSalesforceContact.member_isFacebookUser__c          = newMember.isFacebookUser;
            newSalesforceContact.member_isFacebookUser__cSpecified = newMember.isFacebookUser;

            newSalesforceContact.member_isPrivate__c          = newMember.isPrivate;
            newSalesforceContact.member_isPrivate__cSpecified = newMember.isPrivate;

            newSalesforceContact.member_ZipCode__c = newMember.ZipCode;
            newSalesforceContact.Email             = newMemberEmail;

            //garbage is getting in still.
            if (newMember.Role != new Guid("{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}"))
                newSalesforceContact.member_Role__c = Constants.SalesforceLookupDictionary[newMember.Role];

            //Journey may be null
            if (newMember.Journeys.Count >= 1)
                newSalesforceContact.Journey__c = Constants.SalesforceLookupDictionary[newMember.Journeys.First().Key];

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(newMember.PersonalityType.ToString()))
                //garbage is getting in. skip garbage.
                if (newMember.PersonalityType != new Guid("{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}"))
                    newSalesforceContact.member_Personality__c = Constants.SalesforceLookupDictionary[newMember.PersonalityType];//.ToString();
            //exernal id field name is not the value of the userid. its our guid for member. the name of the field/column in sfdc
            //sfdc needs to know the primary, unique key to look for when updating existing rows
            UpsertResult result = _sfs.upsert("member_MemberId__c",
                                              new sObject[] { newSalesforceContact })[0];
            string SalesforceNewContactId = string.Empty;

            if (result.success == false) //failed to create member. stop upserts. return.
                sfResult.Success = false;
                sfResult.Message = "An error occured during the upsert to Salesforce." +
                foreach (Error e in result.errors)
                    sfResult.Message += "* " + e.message + Environment.NewLine;
                SalesforceNewContactId = result.id; // lets see if this was smart enough to update our contact
            //create entrires for Interests
            foreach (Interest i in newMember.Interests)
                MemberToInterests__c sfdcMembertoInterest = new MemberToInterests__c();

                //i believe that I am going to need to get the ID of the user that was just created.
                // membertoInterest.MemberMaster__c = newMember.UserId.ToString();
                sfdcMembertoInterest.MemberMaster__c = SalesforceNewContactId;

                //lookup the Salesforce Id from the Sitecore Guid
                sfdcMembertoInterest.MemberInterest__c = Constants.SalesforceLookupDictionary[i.Key];
                sfdcMembertoInterest.Name = i.Value;

                //NEED to use an exernal id for any upserted rows....
                //i think for masterdetail records we want to just do an INSERT
                SaveResult interestSaveResult = _sfs.create(new sObject[] { sfdcMembertoInterest })[0];
                if (interestSaveResult.success == false)
                    sfResult.Success = false;
                    sfResult.Message = "An error occured during the upsert to Salesforce. Upserting Interest entries did not succeed." +
                                       Environment.NewLine + "Error Messages: " + Environment.NewLine;
                    foreach (Error e in interestSaveResult.errors)
                        sfResult.Message += "Status code: (" + e.statusCode + ") Message: " + e.message + Environment.NewLine;


            //add children to salesforce
            foreach (Child c in newMember.Children)
                Children__c sfdcChild = new Children__c();
                sfdcChild.ContactChild__c = SalesforceNewContactId;
                sfdcChild.Grade__c        = Constants.SalesforceLookupDictionary[(c.Grades.First().Key)];

                //these are blowing up with garbage values getting through
                if (c.Section504Status != new Guid("{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}"))
                    sfdcChild.ChildTo504Status__c = Constants.SalesforceLookupDictionary[c.Section504Status];
                if (c.EvaluationStatus != new Guid("{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}"))
                    sfdcChild.ChildToEvaluationStatus__c = Constants.SalesforceLookupDictionary[c.EvaluationStatus];
                if (c.IEPStatus != new Guid("{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}"))
                    sfdcChild.ChildToIEPStatus__c = Constants.SalesforceLookupDictionary[c.IEPStatus];

                sfdcChild.Nickname__c = c.Nickname;
                sfdcChild.Name        = c.Nickname;

                //include a guid for the child's id
                sfdcChild.UnderstoodChildId__c = c.ChildId.ToString();
                SaveResult sfdcChildSaveResult = _sfs.create(new sObject[] { sfdcChild })[0];

                if (sfdcChildSaveResult.success == false)
                    sfResult.Success = false;
                    sfResult.Message = "An error occured during the upsert to Salesforce. Upserting the Members Children did not succeed." +
                                       Environment.NewLine + "Error Messages: " + Environment.NewLine;
                    foreach (Error e in sfdcChildSaveResult.errors)
                        sfResult.Message += "Status code: (" + e.statusCode + ") Message: " + e.message + Environment.NewLine;

                //with this child successfully created, we can now add rows to other objects that reference the child
                //get the new child's salesforce id and add in issues into the salesforce lookup object
                foreach (Issue childIssue in c.Issues)
                    ChildToIssues__c sfdcforceChildIssues = new ChildToIssues__c();
                    sfdcforceChildIssues.ChildMaster__c = sfdcChildSaveResult.id; //we get back the ID that salesforce made during create
                    sfdcforceChildIssues.ChildIssue__c  = Constants.SalesforceLookupDictionary[childIssue.Key];
                    sfdcforceChildIssues.Name           = childIssue.Value;
                    SaveResult sr = _sfs.create(new sObject[] { sfdcforceChildIssues })[0];
                    if (sr.success == false)
                        sfResult.Success = false;
                        sfResult.Message = "An error occured during the upsert to Salesforce. Creating the Issues of Children did not succeed." +
                                           Environment.NewLine + "Error Messages: " + Environment.NewLine;
                        foreach (Error e in sr.errors)
                            sfResult.Message += "Status code: (" + e.statusCode + ") Message: " + e.message + Environment.NewLine;
                    sfResult.Message = Environment.NewLine +
                                       "Save Result for Issue (Name:" + sfdcforceChildIssues.Name + Environment.NewLine +
                                       "|Issue:" + sfdcforceChildIssues.ChildIssue__c + Environment.NewLine +
                                       " |Success:" + sr.success.ToString();
                //save child diagnosis values
                foreach (Diagnosis childDiagnosis in c.Diagnoses)
                    ChildToDiagnosis__c salesforceChildDiagnosis = new ChildToDiagnosis__c();
                    salesforceChildDiagnosis.ChildMaster__c    = sfdcChildSaveResult.id;
                    salesforceChildDiagnosis.ChildDiagnosis__c = Constants.SalesforceLookupDictionary[childDiagnosis.Key];
                    salesforceChildDiagnosis.Name = childDiagnosis.Value;
                    SaveResult sr = _sfs.create(new sObject[] { salesforceChildDiagnosis })[0];
                    if (sr.success == false)
                        sfResult.Success = false;
                        sfResult.Message = "Error when saving child Diagnosis: " + sr.errors.First().message;
        public string InsertWidget(SalesforceAddRequest model)
            //Prevent using TLS 1.0 which is outdated
            System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls;
            string        userName           = _configService.getConfigValusAsString("SalesforceUsername");
            string        password           = _configService.getConfigValusAsString("SalesforcePassword");
            SforceService SfdcBinding        = null;
            LoginResult   CurrentLoginResult = null;

            SfdcBinding = new SforceService();
                CurrentLoginResult = SfdcBinding.login(userName, password);
            catch (System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException e)
                SfdcBinding = null;
                throw (e);
            catch (Exception e)
                SfdcBinding = null;
                throw (e);
            SfdcBinding.Url = CurrentLoginResult.serverUrl;
            SfdcBinding.SessionHeaderValue           = new SessionHeader();
            SfdcBinding.SessionHeaderValue.sessionId = CurrentLoginResult.sessionId;

            //POST - to (spunkydrewster002's) salesforce Leads
            Lead sfdcLead = new Lead();

            sfdcLead.Website             = model.Website;
            sfdcLead.Campaign_Source__c  = model.AdSource;
            sfdcLead.Campaign_Medium__c  = model.AdMedium;
            sfdcLead.Campaign_Name__c    = model.AdName;
            sfdcLead.Campaign_Term__c    = model.AdTerm;
            sfdcLead.Campaign_Content__c = model.AdContent;
            sfdcLead.Campaign_ID__c      = model.AdId;
            //Fields required for lead but wont be submitted on homepage, so placeholders are used.
            string firstName   = "Unknown";
            string lastName    = "User";
            string companyName = "WidgetUser";

            sfdcLead.FirstName = firstName;
            sfdcLead.LastName  = lastName;
            sfdcLead.Company   = companyName;
            SaveResult[] saveResults = SfdcBinding.create(new sObject[] { sfdcLead });
            if (saveResults[0].success)
                string resultId = "";
                resultId = saveResults[0].id;
                string result = "";
                result = saveResults[0].errors[0].message;