public static void registerUser() { RegistrationController registration = new RegistrationController(); bool isValid = false; User user = new User(); Console.Write("Input login:"******"Login '" + login + "' is already exist"); Console.Write("Input login:"******"Input login:"******"Input gender:"); string ss = Console.ReadLine(); Sex sex = (Sex)Enum.Parse(typeof(Sex), ss.ToString().ToUpper()); Console.Write("Input email:"); String email = Console.ReadLine(); while (!registration.isValidEmail(email) && registration.isAlreadyExistEmail(email)) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Invalid e-mail or already exist!"); Console.WriteLine("Input login:"******"Input gender:" + sex.ToString().ToLower()); Console.Write("Input email:"); email = Console.ReadLine(); } Console.Write("Password:"******"Invalid password!"); Console.WriteLine("Input login:"******"Input gender:" + sex.ToString().ToLower()); Console.WriteLine("Input email:" + email); Console.Write("Password:"); password = hideCharacter(); Console.WriteLine(); } user.login = login; = sex; user.password = password; = email; user.registrationTime = DateTime.Now; registration.registerUser(user); }
private void buttonGender_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { creatureSex = Utils.nextSex(creatureSex); buttonSex.Text = Utils.sexSymbol(creatureSex); checkBoxSex.Checked = true; tt.SetToolTip(buttonSex, "Sex: " + creatureSex.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// First name in the dative case /// </summary> private static string FirstNameInDative(string original, Sex sex) { const char markerOfCompoundName = '-'; original = original.Trim(); // compound names are divided into an array and a recursive call converts each word separately if (original.Contains(markerOfCompoundName.ToString())) { var parts = original.Split(markerOfCompoundName); var resultCompound = string.Empty; for (var i = 0; i < parts.Length; i++) { resultCompound += FirstNameInDative(parts[i], sex); if (i != parts.Length - 1) { resultCompound += markerOfCompoundName; } } return(resultCompound); } switch (sex) { case Sex.Male: if (IsWordEndOn(original, "й")) { return(ReplaceEnd(original, "ю")); } else if (IsWordEndOn(original, "ел")) { return(ReplaceEnd(original, "лу")); } else if (IsWordEndOn(original, "ь")) { return(ReplaceEnd(original, "ю")); } else if (IsWordEndOn(original, "я")) { return(ReplaceEnd(original, "е")); } else { return(ReplaceEnd(original, "у", 0)); } case Sex.Female: if (IsWordEndOn(original, "ь")) { return(ReplaceEnd(original, "и")); } else { return(ReplaceEnd(original, "е")); } default: throw new ApplicationException(sex.ToString()); } }
public void Write(Lib.XmlExporter xml, Data.IInvoice pool, OrderSection section) { xml.Writer.WriteStartElement("PERS"); xml.WriteIfValid("ID_PAC", ID); xml.WriteIfValid("FAM", Family); xml.WriteIfValid("IM", Name); xml.WriteIfValid("OT", Patronymic); xml.Writer.WriteElementString("W", Sex.ToString()); xml.Writer.WriteElementString("DR", BirthDate.AsXml()); WritePersonIdentityError(xml); if (section == OrderSection.D3) { xml.WriteIfValid("TEL", Phone); } if (Representative != null) { Representative.Write(xml, pool); } // FOMS //xml.WriteIfValid("MR", Address); xml.WriteIfValid("MR", BirthPlace); xml.WriteIfValid("DOCTYPE", DocumentType); #if FOMS xml.WriteIfValid("SOC", SocialPosition); #endif xml.WriteIfValid("DOCSER", DocumentSerial); xml.WriteIfValid("DOCNUM", DocumentNumber); #if FOMS if (DocumentDate.HasValue) { xml.Writer.WriteElementString("DOCDATE", DocumentDate.Value.AsXml()); } xml.WriteIfValid("DOCORG", DocumentOrganization); #endif xml.WriteIfValid("SNILS", Snils); #if FOMS xml.Writer.WriteElementString("OKATOG", ResidenceOkato); #else xml.WriteIfValid("OKATOG", ResidenceOkato); #endif xml.WriteIfValid("OKATOP", PresenceOkato); #if FOMS xml.WriteIfValid("KT", SocialFavour); #endif xml.WriteIfValid("COMENTP", Comment); xml.Writer.WriteEndElement(); }
public void GeneratePDF() { Object lockObject; lock (LockingIds) { if (!LockingIds.TryGetValue(ID, out lockObject)) { lockObject = ""; LockingIds[ID] = lockObject; } } try { lock (lockObject) { string pdfPath = PDFPath; if (File.Exists(pdfPath)) { return; } DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(Path.GetDirectoryName(pdfPath)); if (!di.Exists) { di.Create(); } using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(pdfPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None)) { Document document = new Document(); try { PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, fs); document.Open(); document.Add(new Paragraph(string.Format("ID : {0}", ID))); document.Add(new Paragraph(string.Format("Name : {0}", Name))); document.Add(new Paragraph(string.Format("Age : {0} years", Age))); document.Add(new Paragraph(string.Format("Sex : {0}", Sex.ToString()))); document.Add(new Paragraph(string.Format("Height : {0} cms", Height))); document.Add(new Paragraph(string.Format("Weight: {0} kgs", Weight))); document.Add(new Paragraph(string.Format("Nationality : {0}", Nationality))); } finally { document.Close(); } } } } finally { lock (LockingIds) { LockingIds.Remove(ID);//Todo : must only be deleted by last caller, else the locking algorithm will break. } } }
public void Write(XmlExporter xml, Data.IInvoice pool) { xml.WriteIfValid("FAM_P", Family); xml.WriteIfValid("IM_P", Name); xml.WriteIfValid("OT_P", Patronymic); xml.Writer.WriteElementString("W_P", Sex.ToString()); xml.Writer.WriteElementString("DR_P", BirthDate.AsXml()); WritePersonIdentityError(xml); }
public override int GetHashCode() { string[] KeyFields = new string[] { Name ?? "null", StartYear.ToString(), EndYear ?? "null", Sex.ToString() }; return(KeyFields.GetHashCode()); }
public Employee(string employeeId, string employeeName, int age, DateTime entryDate, Sex sex, Department department, int salary, IEnumerable <string> hobby) { this.EmployeeId = employeeId; this.EmployeeName = employeeName; this.Age = age; this.EntryDate = entryDate; this.Sex = sex.ToString(); this.Department = department.ToString(); this.Salary = salary; this.Hobby = hobby; }
public BoundryHelper(Sex sex) { // 取得欄位 var field = typeof(Sex).GetField(sex.ToString()); // 取得該欄位指定屬性 var attribute = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(field, typeof(SexBoundaryAttribute)); Min = ((SexBoundaryAttribute)attribute).Min; Max = ((SexBoundaryAttribute)attribute).Max; }
/// <summary> /// Возвращает пол сотрудника на русском языке /// </summary> /// <param name="sex">Перечисление пола сотрудника</param> /// <returns></returns> public static string GetSexResource(Sex sex) { var type = sex.GetType(); var memberInfo = type.GetMember(sex.ToString()); //Проверяем существует ли такой элемент в перечислении if (memberInfo == null || memberInfo.Length <= 0) { return(sex.ToString()); } var attributes = memberInfo[0].GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DescriptionAttribute), false); //Проверяем существует ли атрибут описания if (attributes == null || attributes.Length <= 0) { return(sex.ToString()); } return(((DescriptionAttribute)attributes[0]).Description); }
public virtual Dictionary <string, string> ToRow() { var user = new Dictionary <string, string>(); user.Add("Id", Id.ToString()); user.Add("First name", FirstName); user.Add("Last name", LastName); user.Add("Email", Email); user.Add("Sex", Sex.ToString()); user.Add("Date of birth", DateOfBirth.ToShortDateString()); return(user); }
public void Show() { Console.WriteLine($@" Name - {Name} Surname - {Surname} Age - {Age} Category - {Category.ToString()} City - {City.ToString()} Sex - {Sex.ToString()} Education - {Education.ToString()} Experience - {Experience.ToString()} Minimum Salary - {MinSalarey} Phone Number - {pNumber}"); }
/// <summary> /// Middle name in the dative case /// </summary> private static string MiddleNameInDative(string original, Sex sex) { original = original.Trim(); switch (sex) { case Sex.Male: return(ReplaceEnd(original, "у", 0)); case Sex.Female: return(ReplaceEnd(original, "е")); default: throw new ApplicationException(sex.ToString()); } }
public void hienthi() { listView4.Items.Clear(); DataTable dtb = DNV.Load_NV(); i = 0; foreach (DataRow row in dtb.Rows) { if (row[2].ToString() == "1") { Sex = "Nam"; } else if (row[2].ToString() == "2") { Sex = "Nữ"; } else { Sex = "Khác"; } if (row[6].ToString() == "1") { PhongBan = "Quản lý"; } else if (row[6].ToString() == "2") { PhongBan = "Kỹ Thuật"; } else { PhongBan = "Kế Toán"; } var date = DateTime.Parse(row[3].ToString()); listView4.Items.Add((i + 1).ToString()); listView4.Items[i].SubItems.Add(row[0].ToString()); listView4.Items[i].SubItems.Add(row[1].ToString()); listView4.Items[i].SubItems.Add(Sex.ToString()); listView4.Items[i].SubItems.Add(date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")); listView4.Items[i].SubItems.Add(row[4].ToString()); listView4.Items[i].SubItems.Add(row[5].ToString()); listView4.Items[i].SubItems.Add(PhongBan.ToString()); listView4.Items[i].SubItems.Add(row[7].ToString()); i++; } }
public static void Demo7() { Sex sex = Sex.Female; // 将一个字符串转换成枚举 Sexs sex1 = (Sexs)Enum.Parse(typeof(Sexs), "男"); Console.WriteLine(sex1); Console.ReadKey(); // 枚举转字符串 string sex2 = sex.ToString(); Console.WriteLine(sex2); Console.ReadKey(); }
public JSONWrappers.SubjectInfo ToJSON() { JSONWrappers.SubjectInfo jsonInfo = new JSONWrappers.SubjectInfo { FirstName = FirstName, LastName = LastName, Patronymic = Patronymic, Address = Address, Job = Job, Diseases = Diseases, Phone = Phone, Sex = Sex.ToString("G"), BirthDate = BirthDate.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy") }; return(jsonInfo); }
public override bool IsContains(string text) { text = text.ToUpper(); if (SubordinateTeachers.ToString().Contains(text) || TextbooksPublished.ToString().Contains(text) || AmountOfGrantsReceived.ToString().Contains(text) || Name.ToUpper().Contains(text) || Age.ToString().Contains(text) || Sex.ToString().Contains(text)) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public override bool IsContains(string text) { text = text.ToUpper(); if (WorkExperience.ToString().Contains(text) || ScientificPapersCount.ToString().Contains(text) || EducatesStudents.ToString().Contains(text) || Name.ToUpper().Contains(text) || Age.ToString().Contains(text) || Sex.ToString().Contains(text)) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public override bool IsContains(string text) { text = text.ToUpper(); if (AverageRating.ToString().Contains(text) || CourseNumber.ToString().Contains(text) || Commerce.ToString().Contains(text) || Name.ToUpper().Contains(text) || Age.ToString().Contains(text) || Sex.ToString().Contains(text)) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
private void FilterPossibleNameListsBySex(IEnumerable <string> nameFiles, Sex sex) { _firstNames = new List <string>(); _lastNames = new List <string>(); foreach (var nameFile in nameFiles) { if (nameFile.Contains(sex.ToString().ToLower())) { _firstNames.AddRange(_nameFiles[nameFile].text.Split("\r\n"[0]).ToList()); } if (nameFile.Contains("last")) { _lastNames.AddRange(_nameFiles[nameFile].text.Split("\r\n"[0]).ToList()); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Sex sex1 = Sex.Man; Sex sex2 = Sex.WoMan; //获取枚举的value Console.WriteLine((int)sex1); //0 Console.WriteLine((int)sex2); //1 //获取枚举的name (下面三种方式都可以) Console.WriteLine(sex1.ToString()); //Man Console.WriteLine(Enum.GetName(typeof(Sex), sex1)); //Man Console.WriteLine(Enum.GetName(sex2.GetType(), sex2)); //WoMan //枚举中一般使用Description特性值用于页面显 Console.WriteLine(sex1.GetDescription()); Console.ReadLine(); }
public void Conditions_IsMet_NamedCharacterSexCondition(Sex sex) { var storyWithForestGuardian = new Story(); var forestGuardian = new Character { Sex = sex }; storyWithForestGuardian.Characters.Add(forestGuardian); const string tag = "forestguardian"; storyWithForestGuardian.NamedCharacters.Add(tag, forestGuardian); string forestGuardianSexCondition = $"character:{tag}:{sex.ToString().ToLower()}"; bool storyHasForestGuardianWithMatchingSex = Condition.IsMet(storyWithForestGuardian, forestGuardianSexCondition); Assert.IsTrue(storyHasForestGuardianWithMatchingSex); }
protected void txt_IDCode_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { DateTime BirthDay; int Sex; TextBox txt_birthday = UC_DetailView1.FindControl("PM_Promotor_Birthday") != null ? (TextBox)UC_DetailView1.FindControl("PM_Promotor_Birthday") : null; DropDownList ddl_sex = UC_DetailView1.FindControl("PM_Promotor_Sex") != null ? (DropDownList)UC_DetailView1.FindControl("PM_Promotor_Sex") : null; if (Tools.DoVerifyIDCode(((TextBox)sender).Text, out BirthDay, out Sex) && ((TextBox)sender).Text.Trim().Length == 18) { if (txt_birthday != null) { txt_birthday.Text = BirthDay.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } if (ddl_sex != null) { ddl_sex.SelectedValue = Sex.ToString(); } if (DateTime.Now < BirthDay.AddYears(16) || DateTime.Now > BirthDay.AddYears(50)) { int year = DateTime.Now.Year - BirthDay.Year; if (BirthDay.AddYears(year) > DateTime.Now) { year++; } MessageBox.Show(this, "对不起,该导购年龄不符合规则(16~49岁),该人员年龄:" + year); return; } } else { MessageBox.Show(this, "身份证号码错误!"); ((TextBox)sender).Text = ""; if (txt_birthday != null) { txt_birthday.Text = ""; } if (ddl_sex != null) { ddl_sex.SelectedValue = "0"; } return; } }
public Record GetRecord() { if (!GuiTools.HasBlankControls(this, typeof(TextBox))) { var r = new Record { _firstname = FirstName, _lastname = LastName, _sex = Sex.ToString(), _age = new Age(BirthDate).Years }; return(r); } else { MessageBox.Show(@"Please fill the necessary informations.Thanks"); } return(null); }
public override void DoTest() { //获取枚举字符串 Sex time = Sex.Man; #region 枚举转化 string strA = "Man"; Sex myEnum = (Sex)Enum.Parse(typeof(Sex), strA); //字符串转换为枚举 int i = Convert.ToInt32(Sex.Man); //获取枚举的值 Sex sex = (Sex)i; //整数转换为枚举值 #endregion Console.WriteLine(time.ToString());//输出:Man Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); //Enum.Parse()方法。 Sex time2 = (Sex)Enum.Parse(typeof(Sex), "Man", true); Console.WriteLine((int)time2);//输出:1 Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); #region 得到枚举的某一值对应的名称 //两种方法都能实现,但是当其值越界(不是枚举所列出的值),就有一定的区别了。大家可以根据自己的需求不同,选择合适的方法。 Console.WriteLine(((Sex)1).ToString()); //输出:Man,如果越界返回原值 Console.WriteLine(Enum.GetName(typeof(Sex), 1)); //输出:Man,如果越界返回空字符串 #endregion Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); //枚举所有的名称 foreach (string temp in Enum.GetNames(typeof(Sex))) { Console.WriteLine(temp.ToString()); //Man Women Seek } //得到枚举的所有的值 foreach (var item in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Sex))) { Console.WriteLine(item.ToString()); //Man Women Seek } Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); //Sex.Man. Console.ReadKey(); }
/// <summary> /// Erstellt eine <see cref="string"/>-Repräsentation des <see cref="Gender"/>-Objekts. /// (Nur zum Debugging.) /// </summary> /// <returns>Eine <see cref="string"/>-Repräsentation des <see cref="Gender"/>-Objekts.</returns> public override string ToString() { string s = ""; if (Sex.HasValue) { s += Sex.ToString(); } if (GenderIdentity != null) { if (s.Length != 0) { s += "; "; } s += GenderIdentity; } return(s); }
static void Main(string[] args) { int a = (int)Sex.女; Console.WriteLine("将枚举转换为整数:" + a); string b = Sex.女.ToString(); Console.WriteLine("将枚举转换为字符串:" + b); Sex c = (Sex)Enum.Parse(typeof(Sex), "女"); Console.WriteLine("将字符串转换为枚举:" + c.ToString()); Sex c1 = (Sex)Enum.Parse(typeof(Sex), "女"); Console.WriteLine("将字符串转换为枚举:" + (int)c1); Sex d = (Sex)1; Console.WriteLine("将整数转换为枚举:" + d.ToString()); string s = Enum.GetName(typeof(Sex), 1); Console.WriteLine("Enum.GetName方法:(参数 1)" + s); foreach (Sex sex in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Sex))) { Console.WriteLine("循环枚举value " + sex.ToString() + "=" + (int)sex); } foreach (var sex in Enum.GetNames(typeof(Sex))) { Console.WriteLine("循环枚举name " + sex); } var str = Enum.Format(typeof(Sex), 0, "d"); Console.WriteLine(str); str = Enum.GetUnderlyingType(typeof(Sex)).ToString(); Console.WriteLine(str); //判断 名称或者value 是否存在于枚举中 var isornot = Enum.IsDefined(typeof(Sex), "Green"); Console.WriteLine(isornot); var enm = Enum.Parse(typeof(Sex), "1"); Console.WriteLine(enm); var str1 = Enum.ToObject(typeof(Sex), 2); Console.WriteLine(str1); int intVa = (int)Sex.男; Console.WriteLine(intVa); var intVa2 = Sex.女.ToString("D"); Console.WriteLine(intVa2); Console.ReadKey(); }
// todo not used, remove? //private static Rectangle letterRect(Bitmap source, int hStart, int hEnd) //{ // int startWhite = -1, endWhite = -1; // for (int j = 0; j < source.Height; j++) // { // for (int i = hStart; i < hEnd; i++) // { // if (startWhite == -1 && source.GetPixel(i, j).R == 255) // { // startWhite = j; // } // if (endWhite == -1 && source.GetPixel(i, (source.Height - j) - 1).R == 255) // { // endWhite = (source.Height - j); // } // if (startWhite != -1 && endWhite != -1) // return new Rectangle(hStart, startWhite, hEnd - hStart, endWhite - startWhite); // } // } // return Rectangle.Empty; //} public double[] DoOcr(out string OCRText, out string dinoName, out string species, out string ownerName, out string tribeName, out Sex sex, string useImageFilePath = "", bool changeForegroundWindow = true) { string finishedText = ""; dinoName = ""; species = ""; ownerName = ""; tribeName = ""; sex = Sex.Unknown; double[] finalValues = new double[1] { 0 }; if (ocrConfig == null) { OCRText = "Error: no ocr configured"; return(finalValues); } Bitmap screenshotbmp; _ocrControl.debugPanel.Controls.Clear(); _ocrControl.ClearLists(); if (System.IO.File.Exists(useImageFilePath)) { screenshotbmp = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile(useImageFilePath); } else { // grab screenshot from ark screenshotbmp = Win32API.GetScreenshotOfProcess(screenCaptureApplicationName, waitBeforeScreenCapture, true); } if (screenshotbmp == null) { OCRText = "Error: no image for OCR. Is ARK running?"; return(finalValues); } if (!CheckResolutionSupportedByOcr(screenshotbmp)) { OCRText = "Error while calibrating: The game-resolution is not supported by the currently loaded OCR-configuration.\n" + $"The tested image has a resolution of {screenshotbmp.Width.ToString()} × {screenshotbmp.Height.ToString()} px,\n" + $"the resolution of the loaded ocr-config is {ocrConfig.resolutionWidth} × {ocrConfig.resolutionHeight} px.\n\n" + "Load a ocr-config file with the resolution of the game to make it work."; return(finalValues); } // TODO resize image according to resize-factor. used for large screenshots if (ocrConfig.resize != 1 && ocrConfig.resize > 0) { Bitmap resized = new Bitmap((int)(ocrConfig.resize * ocrConfig.resolutionWidth), (int)(ocrConfig.resize * ocrConfig.resolutionHeight)); using (var graphics = Graphics.FromImage(resized)) { graphics.CompositingMode = CompositingMode.SourceCopy; graphics.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighQuality; graphics.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic; graphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality; graphics.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality; using (var wrapMode = new ImageAttributes()) { wrapMode.SetWrapMode(WrapMode.TileFlipXY); graphics.DrawImage(screenshotbmp, new Rectangle(0, 0, 1920, 1080), 0, 0, screenshotbmp.Width, screenshotbmp.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, wrapMode); } screenshotbmp?.Dispose(); screenshotbmp = resized; } } if (enableOutput && _ocrControl != null) { _ocrControl.AddBitmapToDebug(screenshotbmp); _ocrControl.SetScreenshot(screenshotbmp); } finalValues = new double[ocrConfig.labelRectangles.Count]; finalValues[8] = -1; // set imprinting to -1 to mark it as unknown and to set a difference to a creature with 0% imprinting. if (changeForegroundWindow) { Win32API.SetForegroundWindow(Application.OpenForms[0].Handle); } bool wild = false; // todo: set to true and find out if the creature is wild in the first loop int stI = -1; for (int lbI = 0; lbI < ocrConfig.labelNames.Count; lbI++) { stI++; if (lbI == 8) { stI = 8; } string statName = ocrConfig.labelNames[stI]; Rectangle rec = ocrConfig.labelRectangles[lbI]; // wild creatures don't have the xp-bar, all stats are moved one row up if (wild && stI < 9) { rec.Offset(0, ocrConfig.labelRectangles[0].Top - ocrConfig.labelRectangles[1].Top); } Bitmap testbmp = SubImage(screenshotbmp, rec.X, rec.Y, rec.Width, rec.Height); //AddBitmapToDebug(testbmp); string statOCR = ""; if (statName == "NameSpecies") { statOCR = readImage(testbmp, true, false); } else if (statName == "Level") { statOCR = readImage(testbmp, true, true); } else if (statName == "Tribe" || statName == "Owner") { statOCR = readImage(testbmp, true, false); } else { statOCR = readImage(testbmp, true, true); // statvalues are only numbers } if (statOCR == "" && (statName == "Health" || statName == "Imprinting" || statName == "Tribe" || statName == "Owner")) { if (wild && statName == "Health") { stI--; wild = false; } continue; // these can be missing, it's fine } //_lastLetterPositions[statName] = new Point(rec.X + lastLetterPosition(removePixelsUnderThreshold(GetGreyScale(testbmp), whiteThreshold)), rec.Y); // TODO remove? finishedText += (finishedText.Length == 0 ? "" : "\r\n") + statName + ":\t" + statOCR; // parse the OCR String Regex r; r = new Regex(@"^[_\/\\]*(.*?)[_\/\\]*$"); // trim. often the background is misinterpreted as underscores or slash/backslash statOCR = r.Replace(statOCR, "$1"); if (statName == "NameSpecies") { r = new Regex(@".*?([♂♀])?[_.,-\/\\]*([^♂♀]+?)(?:[\(\[]([^\[\(\]\)]+)[\)\]]$|$)"); } else if (statName == "Owner" || statName == "Tribe") { r = new Regex(@"(.*)"); } else if (statName == "Level") { r = new Regex(@".*\D(\d+)"); } else { r = new Regex(@"(?:[\d.,%\/]*\/)?(\d+[\.,']?\d?)(%)?"); // only the second numbers is interesting after the current weight is not shown anymore //if (onlyNumbers) //r = new Regex(@"((\d*[\.,']?\d?\d?)\/)?(\d*[\.,']?\d?\d?)"); //else // r = new Regex(@"([a-zA-Z]*)[:;]((\d*[\.,']?\d?\d?)\/)?(\d*[\.,']?\d?\d?)"); } MatchCollection mc = r.Matches(statOCR); if (mc.Count == 0) { if (statName == "NameSpecies" || statName == "Owner" || statName == "Tribe") { continue; } //if (statName == "Torpor") //{ // // probably it's a wild creature // // todo //} //else //{ finishedText += "error reading stat " + statName; finalValues[stI] = 0; continue; //} } if (statName == "NameSpecies" || statName == "Owner" || statName == "Tribe") { if (statName == "NameSpecies" && mc[0].Groups.Count > 0) { if (mc[0].Groups[1].Value == "♀") { sex = Sex.Female; } else if (mc[0].Groups[1].Value == "♂") { sex = Sex.Male; } dinoName = mc[0].Groups[2].Value; species = mc[0].Groups[3].Value; if (species.Length == 0) { species = dinoName; } // remove non-letter chars r = new Regex("[^a-zA-Z]"); species = r.Replace(species, ""); // replace capital I with lower l (common misrecognition) r = new Regex("(?<=[a-z])I(?=[a-z])"); species = r.Replace(species, "l"); // readd spaces before capital letters r = new Regex("(?<=[a-z])(?=[A-Z])"); species = r.Replace(species, " "); finishedText += "\t→ " + sex.ToString() + ", " + species; } else if (statName == "Owner" && mc[0].Groups.Count > 0) { ownerName = mc[0].Groups[0].Value; finishedText += "\t→ " + ownerName; } else if (statName == "Tribe" && mc[0].Groups.Count > 0) { tribeName = mc[0].Groups[0].Value.Replace("Tobe", "Tribe").Replace("Tdbe", "Tribe").Replace("Tribeof", "Tribe of "); finishedText += "\t→ " + tribeName; } continue; } if (mc[0].Groups.Count > 2 && mc[0].Groups[2].Value == "%" && statName == "Weight") { // first stat with a '%' is damage, if oxygen is missing, shift all stats by one finalValues[4] = finalValues[3]; // shift food to weight finalValues[3] = finalValues[2]; // shift oxygen to food finalValues[2] = 0; // set oxygen (which wasn't there) to 0 stI++; } double.TryParse(mc[0].Groups[1].Value.Replace('\'', '.').Replace(',', '.').Replace('O', '0'), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Any, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US"), out double v); // common substitutions: comma and apostrophe to dot, finishedText += $"\t→ {v}"; // TODO: test here that the read stat name corresponds to the stat supposed to be read finalValues[stI] = v; } OCRText = finishedText; // TODO reorder stats to match 12-stats-order return(finalValues); /* * Bitmap grab = Win32Stuff.GetSreenshotOfProcess(screenCaptureApplicationName); * AddBitmapToDebug(grab); * * //grab.Save("E:\\Temp\\Calibration8.png", ImageFormat.Png); * if (changeForegroundWindow) * Win32Stuff.SetForegroundWindow(Application.OpenForms[0].Handle); */ }
public static void SetSex(Sex sex) { UserPreferences.SetString("sex", sex.ToString()); }
public void SetSex(Sex newSex) { Sex = newSex.ToString("G"); }
public async Task <IActionResult> GetClient(string du, Sex sex, [FromBody] MapOptions mapOptions) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest()); } var cuix = String.Empty; try { cuix = await _clientServices.GetCuix(du, sex.ToString()); _logger.LogInformation("Cuix OK."); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError(e.ToString()); return(StatusCode((int)System.Net.HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, "Error getting CUIX")); } try { var dataPadron = await _clientServices.GetClientAfip(cuix); _logger.LogInformation("Afip services OK."); if (dataPadron == null) { return(NotFound()); } await _clientServices.GetClientNV(dataPadron); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(dataPadron.HostId)) { var addressNV = await _clientServices.GetAddressNV(dataPadron.HostId); dataPadron.Addresses.Add(addressNV); } try { var normalizedAddresses = new List <Address>(); foreach (var item in dataPadron.Addresses) { mapOptions.Address = item; var result = await _clientServices.NormalizeAddress(mapOptions); if (result != null) { normalizedAddresses.Add(result); _logger.LogInformation("Normalize Address OK."); } else { _logger.LogInformation("Address not found."); } } if (normalizedAddresses.Count > 0) { dataPadron.Addresses = normalizedAddresses; } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError(e.ToString()); _logger.LogTrace("Error normalizing address."); } return(new ObjectResult(dataPadron)); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError(e.ToString()); return(StatusCode((int)System.Net.HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, "Error al consultar los datos padron.")); } }
protected Animal(string nameInput, byte ageInput, Sex inputSex) { name = nameInput; Age = ageInput; sex = inputSex.ToString(); }