public static bool EvaluateSettlers(Players.Player p) { var update = false; if (p.IsConnected) { var colony = Colony.Get(p); var state = PlayerState.GetPlayerState(p); if (state.NextGenTime == 0) { state.NextGenTime = Time.SecondsSinceStartDouble + Random.Next(8, 16 - Pipliz.Math.RoundToInt(p.GetTempValues(true) .GetOrDefault(PandaResearch.GetResearchKey(PandaResearch.TimeBetween), 0f))) * TimeCycle .SecondsPerHour; } if (Time.SecondsSinceStartDouble > state.NextGenTime && colony.FollowerCount >= MAX_BUYABLE) { var chance = p.GetTempValues(true) .GetOrDefault(PandaResearch.GetResearchKey(PandaResearch.SettlerChance), 0f) + state.Difficulty.AdditionalChance; chance += SettlerEvaluation.SpawnChance(p, colony, state); var rand = Random.NextFloat(); if (chance > rand) { var addCount = Math.Floor(state.MaxPerSpawn * chance); // if we lost alot of colonists add extra to help build back up. if (colony.FollowerCount < state.HighestColonistCount) { var diff = state.HighestColonistCount - colony.FollowerCount; addCount += Math.Floor(diff * .25); } try { var skillChance = p.GetTempValues(true) .GetOrDefault(PandaResearch.GetResearchKey(PandaResearch.SkilledLaborer), 0f); var numbSkilled = 0; rand = Random.NextFloat(); try { if (skillChance > rand) { numbSkilled = state.Rand.Next(1, 2 + Pipliz.Math.RoundToInt(p.GetTempValues(true) .GetOrDefault(PandaResearch.GetResearchKey(PandaResearch.NumberSkilledLaborer), 0f))); } } catch (Exception ex) { PandaLogger.Log("NumberSkilledLaborer"); PandaLogger.LogError(ex); } if (addCount > 0) { if (addCount > 30) { addCount = 30; } var reason = string.Format(SettlerReasoning.GetSettleReason(), addCount); if (numbSkilled > 0) { if (numbSkilled == 1) { reason += string.Format(" {0} of them is skilled!", numbSkilled); } else { reason += string.Format(" {0} of them are skilled!", numbSkilled); } } PandaChat.Send(p, reason, ChatColor.magenta); var playerPos = new Vector3Int(p.Position); for (var i = 0; i < addCount; i++) { var newGuy = new NPCBase(NPCType.GetByKeyNameOrDefault("pipliz.laborer"), BannerTracker.GetClosest(p, playerPos).KeyLocation.Vector, colony); SettlerInventory.GetSettlerInventory(newGuy); newGuy.GetTempValues().Set(ISSETTLER, true); if (i <= numbSkilled) { var npcTemp = newGuy.GetTempValues(true); npcTemp.Set(GameLoader.ALL_SKILLS, state.Rand.Next(1, 10) * 0.002f); } update = true; ModLoader.TriggerCallbacks(ModLoader.EModCallbackType.OnNPCRecruited, newGuy); } } } catch (Exception ex) { PandaLogger.Log("SkilledLaborer"); PandaLogger.LogError(ex); } if (colony.FollowerCount > state.HighestColonistCount) { state.HighestColonistCount = colony.FollowerCount; } } state.NextGenTime = Time.SecondsSinceStartDouble + Random.Next(8, 16 - Pipliz.Math.RoundToInt(p.GetTempValues(true) .GetOrDefault(PandaResearch.GetResearchKey(PandaResearch.TimeBetween), 0f))) * TimeCycle .SecondsPerHour; colony.SendUpdate(); } } return(update); }
public static bool EvaluateSettlers(ColonyState state) { var update = false; if (state.ColonyRef.OwnerIsOnline()) { if (state.NextGenTime == 0) { state.NextGenTime = Time.SecondsSinceStartDouble + Random.Next(8, 16) * IN_GAME_HOUR_IN_SECONDS; } if (Time.SecondsSinceStartDouble > state.NextGenTime && state.ColonyRef.FollowerCount >= MAX_BUYABLE) { var chance = state.ColonyRef.TemporaryData.GetAsOrDefault(GameLoader.NAMESPACE + ".SettlerChance", 0f) + state.Difficulty.AdditionalChance; chance += SettlerEvaluation.SpawnChance(state); var rand = Random.NextFloat(); if (chance > rand) { var addCount = Math.Floor(state.MaxPerSpawn * chance); // if we lost alot of colonists add extra to help build back up. if (state.ColonyRef.FollowerCount < state.HighestColonistCount) { var diff = state.HighestColonistCount - state.ColonyRef.FollowerCount; addCount += Math.Floor(diff * .25); } try { var skillChance = state.ColonyRef.TemporaryData.GetAsOrDefault(GameLoader.NAMESPACE + ".SkilledLaborer", 0f); var numbSkilled = 0; rand = Random.NextFloat(); try { if (skillChance > rand) { numbSkilled = Pipliz.Random.Next(1, 2 + Pipliz.Math.RoundToInt(state.ColonyRef.TemporaryData.GetAsOrDefault(GameLoader.NAMESPACE + ".NumberSkilledLaborer", 0f))); } } catch (Exception ex) { PandaLogger.Log("NumberSkilledLaborer"); PandaLogger.LogError(ex); } if (addCount > 0) { if (addCount > 30) { addCount = 30; } if (!state.NotifySettlers) { AddNewSettlers(addCount, numbSkilled, state); } else { foreach (var p in state.ColonyRef.Owners) { if (p.IsConnected()) { NetworkMenu menu = new NetworkMenu(); menu.LocalStorage.SetAs("header", addCount + _localizationHelper.LocalizeOrDefault("NewSettlers", p)); menu.Width = 600; menu.Height = 300; menu.Items.Add(new ButtonCallback(GameLoader.NAMESPACE + ".NewSettlers.Accept." + addCount + "." + numbSkilled, new LabelData(_localizationHelper.GetLocalizationKey("Accept"),, UnityEngine.TextAnchor.MiddleCenter))); menu.Items.Add(new ButtonCallback(GameLoader.NAMESPACE + ".NewSettlers.Decline", new LabelData(_localizationHelper.GetLocalizationKey("Decline"),, UnityEngine.TextAnchor.MiddleCenter))); NetworkMenuManager.SendServerPopup(p, menu); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { PandaLogger.Log("SkilledLaborer"); PandaLogger.LogError(ex); } if (state.ColonyRef.FollowerCount > state.HighestColonistCount) { state.HighestColonistCount = state.ColonyRef.FollowerCount; } } state.NextGenTime = Time.SecondsSinceStartDouble + Random.Next(8, 16) * IN_GAME_HOUR_IN_SECONDS; state.ColonyRef.SendCommonData(); } } return(update); }
public static bool EvaluateSettlers(ColonyState state) { var update = false; if (state.ColonyRef.OwnerIsOnline()) { if (state.NextGenTime == 0) { state.NextGenTime = Time.SecondsSinceStartDouble + Random.Next(8, 16) * IN_GAME_HOUR_IN_SECONDS; } if (Time.SecondsSinceStartDouble > state.NextGenTime && state.ColonyRef.FollowerCount >= MAX_BUYABLE) { var chance = state.ColonyRef.TemporaryData.GetAsOrDefault(PandaResearch.GetResearchKey(PandaResearch.SettlerChance), 0f) + state.Difficulty.AdditionalChance; chance += SettlerEvaluation.SpawnChance(state); var rand = Random.NextFloat(); if (chance > rand) { var addCount = Math.Floor(state.MaxPerSpawn * chance); // if we lost alot of colonists add extra to help build back up. if (state.ColonyRef.FollowerCount < state.HighestColonistCount) { var diff = state.HighestColonistCount - state.ColonyRef.FollowerCount; addCount += Math.Floor(diff * .25); } try { var skillChance = state.ColonyRef.TemporaryData.GetAsOrDefault(PandaResearch.GetResearchKey(PandaResearch.SkilledLaborer), 0f); var numbSkilled = 0; rand = Random.NextFloat(); try { if (skillChance > rand) { numbSkilled = Pipliz.Random.Next(1, 2 + Pipliz.Math.RoundToInt(state.ColonyRef.TemporaryData.GetAsOrDefault(PandaResearch.GetResearchKey(PandaResearch.NumberSkilledLaborer), 0f))); } } catch (Exception ex) { PandaLogger.Log("NumberSkilledLaborer"); PandaLogger.LogError(ex); } if (addCount > 0) { if (addCount > 30) { addCount = 30; } var reason = string.Format(SettlerReasoning.GetSettleReason(), addCount); if (numbSkilled > 0) { if (numbSkilled == 1) { reason += string.Format(" {0} of them is skilled!", numbSkilled); } else { reason += string.Format(" {0} of them are skilled!", numbSkilled); } } PandaChat.Send(state.ColonyRef, reason, ChatColor.magenta); for (var i = 0; i < addCount; i++) { var newGuy = new NPCBase(state.ColonyRef, state.ColonyRef.GetRandomBanner().Position); NPCTracker.Add(newGuy); state.ColonyRef.RegisterNPC(newGuy); SettlerInventory.GetSettlerInventory(newGuy); newGuy.CustomData.SetAs(ISSETTLER, true); if (i <= numbSkilled) { newGuy.CustomData.SetAs(GameLoader.ALL_SKILLS, Random.Next(1, 10) * 0.002f); } update = true; ModLoader.TriggerCallbacks(ModLoader.EModCallbackType.OnNPCRecruited, newGuy); } } } catch (Exception ex) { PandaLogger.Log("SkilledLaborer"); PandaLogger.LogError(ex); } if (state.ColonyRef.FollowerCount > state.HighestColonistCount) { state.HighestColonistCount = state.ColonyRef.FollowerCount; } } state.NextGenTime = Time.SecondsSinceStartDouble + Random.Next(8, 16) * IN_GAME_HOUR_IN_SECONDS; state.ColonyRef.SendCommonData(); } } return(update); }