예제 #1
 public SettlementBuilder2(HeightFunction heightFunc, SettlementShell shell) : base(shell.ChunkPosition, new Vec2i(1, 1) * shell.Type.GetSize(), heightFunc, shell.ChunkBases)
     Shell = shell;
     Debug.Log(shell + "," + shell.LocationData);
     GenerationRandom = new GenerationRandom(0);
     TileSize         = shell.Type.GetSize() * World.ChunkSize;
     Middle           = new Vec2i(TileSize / 2, TileSize / 2);
     //Tiles = new Tile[TileSize, TileSize];
     //SettlementObjects = new WorldObjectData[TileSize, TileSize];
     Buildings = new List <Building>();
     //PathNodes = new List<Vec2i>();
     BuildingPlots  = new List <Recti>();
     SettlementType = shell.Type;
예제 #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Generates all roads in the game
    /// We do this by first starting at each kingdom capital, and iterativly searching
    /// near grid points to find near by settlements and tactical locations.
    /// We then build roads to these locations,
    /// </summary>
    public void GenerateRoads()
        Dictionary <int, Shell> kingdomCapitals = new Dictionary <int, Shell>();

        //iterate each shell to find all kingdoms
        foreach (Shell s in SetAndTactShells)
            Kingdom king = s.GetKingdom();
            if (s is SettlementShell && (s as SettlementShell).Type == SettlementType.CAPITAL)
                //Capitals are added to SetAndTacShells first, so should all be at start
                kingdomCapitals.Add(king.KingdomID, s);

        //Iterate each set of capitals and ensure there is a road conenction
        foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Shell> kvp1 in kingdomCapitals)
            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Shell> kvp2 in kingdomCapitals)
                if (kvp1.Key == kvp2.Key)
                BuildRoad(kvp1.Value.GridPoint, kvp2.Value.GridPoint);

        foreach (Shell s in SetAndTactShells)
            int king = s.KingdomID;
            if (s is SettlementShell)
                SettlementShell ss = s as SettlementShell;
                if (ss.Type == SettlementType.CAPITAL)
                BuildRoad(ss.GridPoint, kingdomCapitals[king].GridPoint);
            else if (s is TacticalLocationShell)
                TacticalLocationShell tls = s as TacticalLocationShell;
                BuildRoad(tls.GridPoint, kingdomCapitals[king].GridPoint);
예제 #3
    public SettlementEconomy(SettlementShell shell, EconomyData data)
        shell.Economy        = this;
        Inventory            = data.Inventory;
        UsePerTick           = data.UsePerTick;
        RawProductionPerTick = data.RawProductionPerTick;
        ProductionAbility    = data.ProductionAbility;
        DesiredItemStock     = data.DesiredItemStock;
        EconomicProduction   = data.EconomicProduction;

        RequiredImports = new Dictionary <EconomicItem, int>();
        // DesiredImports = new Dictionary<EconomicItem, int>();
        Surplus            = new Dictionary <EconomicItem, int>();
        SurlusByExportType = new Dictionary <EconomicItemType, Dictionary <EconomicItem, int> >();
        SurplusByTypeCount = new Dictionary <EconomicItemType, int>();

        CurrentActiveGroups = new List <EntityGroup>();
예제 #4
    /// <summary>
    /// Finds the type of resources near the supplied settlement, and then generates an economy based
    /// onthis
    /// </summary>
    private void CalculateSettlementEconomy(SettlementShell shell)
        int size = shell.Type == SettlementType.CAPITAL ? 16 : shell.Type == SettlementType.CITY ? 14 : shell.Type == SettlementType.TOWN ? 10 : 8;

        //The total amount of resources within the settlement bounds
        Dictionary <ChunkResource, float> settlementResources = new Dictionary <ChunkResource, float>();

        Vec2i baseChunk = shell.ChunkPosition;

        //We iterate every chunk within this settlement
        for (int x = 0; x < size; x++)
            for (int z = 0; z < size; z++)
                ChunkBase2 cb = GameGen.TerGen.ChunkBases[baseChunk.x + x, baseChunk.z + z];
                //We iterate each possible resource the chunk could have,
                foreach (ChunkResource cr in MiscUtils.GetValues <ChunkResource>())
                    //We find the amount of this resource in the chunk, and add this to the settlement total
                    float am = cb.GetResourceAmount(cr);
                    if (!settlementResources.ContainsKey(cr))
                        settlementResources.Add(cr, 0);

                    settlementResources[cr] += am;

        //We now know the raw resources in the area,
        if (shell.Type == SettlementType.VILLAGE)
            GenerateVillageEconomy(settlementResources, shell);
        else if (shell.Type == SettlementType.TOWN)
            GenerateTownEconomy(settlementResources, shell);
            GenerateTownEconomy(settlementResources, shell);
예제 #5
    /// <summary>
    /// We decide the placement
    /// </summary>
    public void GenerateAllSettlementShells()
        //Datastructure ordering the KingdomTotalSettlements by relative kingdom
        Dictionary <int, KingdomTotalSettlements> KTS = new Dictionary <int, KingdomTotalSettlements>();

        foreach (Kingdom k in GameGen.KingdomGen.Kingdoms)
            //Calculate the maximum number of settlements each kingdom should have
            KTS.Add(k.KingdomID, CalculateSettlementCount(k));

        SetAndTactShells = new List <Shell>();

        //Add settlement shells for kingdom capitals
        foreach (Kingdom king in GameGen.KingdomGen.Kingdoms)
            GridPoint       gp  = GameGen.GridPlacement.GetNearestPoint(king.CapitalChunk);
            SettlementShell cap = new SettlementShell(gp, king.KingdomID, SettlementType.CAPITAL);
            gp.Shell = cap;

        //Create weighted random list for possible settlement placements

        //Decide the placement of all settlements
        Dictionary <int, Dictionary <SettlementType, List <SettlementShell> > > setPlace = DecideSettlementPlacements(KTS);

        foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Dictionary <SettlementType, List <SettlementShell> > > kingdomSets in setPlace)
            foreach (KeyValuePair <SettlementType, List <SettlementShell> > setTypes in kingdomSets.Value)
                foreach (SettlementShell ss in setTypes.Value)
예제 #6
    private Settlement GenerateSettlement(SettlementShell ss)
        SettlementBuilder2 builder = new SettlementBuilder2(GameGen.TerGen.GetWorldHeightAt, ss);
        GenerationRandom   genRan  = new GenerationRandom(GameGen.Seed + ss.ChunkPosition.GetHashCode());


        List <ChunkData> data = builder.ToChunkData();

        lock (ChunkLock)
            foreach (ChunkData cd in data)
                PreGeneratedChunks.Add(cd.Position, cd);

        Settlement set = new Settlement(ss.GetKingdom(), "test set", builder);

예제 #7
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        Player = TestMain.CreatePlayer(new Vector3(0, 0, 0));

        Kingdom king = new Kingdom("kingdom", new Vec2i(0, 0));


        SettlementShell shell = new SettlementShell(new GridPoint(new Vec2i(0, 0), new Vec2i(0, 0)), 0, SettlementType.CAPITAL);

        bool[] entraceDir = new bool[8];
        entraceDir[0] = true;
        entraceDir[3] = true;
        // entraceDir[4] = true;
        // entraceDir[6] = true;
        SettlementGenerator2.LocationData ld = new SettlementGenerator2.LocationData()
            OnRiver = false, OnBorder = false, OnLake = false, EntranceDirections = entraceDir

        int size = shell.Type.GetSize();

        ChunkBase2[,] bases = new ChunkBase2[size, size];
        for (int x = 0; x < size; x++)
            for (int z = 0; z < size; z++)
                bases[x, z] = new ChunkBase2(new Vec2i(x, z), WorldHeightChunk(x, z), ChunkBiome.grassland);
                if (z == 8)
                    bases[x, z].SetChunkFeature(new ChunkRiverNode(new Vec2i(x, z)));
        List <BuildingPlan> reqBuild = new List <BuildingPlan>()
            Building.VEGFARM, Building.WHEATFARM, Building.VEGFARM, Building.WHEATFARM

        shell.RequiredBuildings = reqBuild;
        SettlementBuilder2 setB = new SettlementBuilder2(WorldHeight, shell);

        setB.Generate(new GenerationRandom(0));

        foreach (Building b in setB.Buildings)
            if (b.BuildingSubworld != null)

        Settlement set = new Settlement(king, "set", setB);

        EntityGenerator eg = new EntityGenerator(null, EntityManager.Instance);

        SettlementWall = setB.GenerateWall();
        //wall = SettlementWall.WallPath.CalculateEvenlySpacedPoints(5, 1);

         * int seed = 0;
         * SettlementBuilder setB = new SettlementBuilder(WorldHeight, new SettlementBase(new Vec2i(9, 9), 8, SettlementType.CAPITAL));
         * setB.Generate(GameManager.RNG);
         * Kingdom k = new Kingdom("king", new Vec2i(9, 9));
         * Settlement set = new Settlement(k, "set", setB);
         * k.AddSettlement(set);
         * KingdomNPCGenerator npcGen = new KingdomNPCGenerator(null, k, EntityManager.Instance);
         * npcGen.GenerateSettlementNPC(set);

        List <ChunkData> chunks = setB.ToChunkData();

        Chunks = new ChunkData[20, 20];

        foreach (ChunkData cd in chunks)
            if (cd == null)

            Chunks[cd.X, cd.Z] = cd;

            EntityManager.Instance.LoadChunk(new Vec2i(cd.X, cd.Z));


예제 #8
    public void SetPoint(GridPoint p)
        bool isActive = false;

        this.p = p;
        Text   = GetComponentInChildren <Text>();

        if (p.Shell != null)
            Button   = GetComponent <Button>();
            isActive = true;
            ColorBlock b = Button.colors;
            Color      c = Color.black;
            if (p.Shell is SettlementShell)
                SettlementShell ss = p.Shell as SettlementShell;
                if (ss.Type == SettlementType.CAPITAL)
                    c         = Color.yellow;
                    Text.text = "CA";
                else if (ss.Type == SettlementType.CITY)
                    c         = Color.magenta;
                    Text.text = "CI";
                else if (ss.Type == SettlementType.TOWN)
                    c         = Color.blue;
                    Text.text = "TO";
                else if (ss.Type == SettlementType.VILLAGE)
                    c         = Color.green;
                    Text.text = "VI";
            else if (p.Shell is TacticalLocationShell)
                TacticalLocationShell ss = p.Shell as TacticalLocationShell;
                if (ss.Type == TacLocType.fort)
                    c         = Color.red;
                    Text.text = "FO";
                else if (ss.Type == TacLocType.tower)
                    c         = Color.cyan;
                    Text.text = "TO";
            else if (p.Shell is ChunkStructureShell)
                ChunkStructureShell css = p.Shell as ChunkStructureShell;
                if (css.Type == ChunkStructureType.banditCamp)
                    c         = Color.red;
                    Text.text = "BA";
                else if (css.Type == ChunkStructureType.vampireNest)
                    c         = new Color(0.5f, 0, 0.5f);
                    Text.text = "VA";
                else if (css.Type == ChunkStructureType.kithenaCatacomb)
                    c         = new Color(0, 0.5f, 0.5f);
                    Text.text = "KI";
                else if (css.Type == ChunkStructureType.ancientTemple)
                    c         = new Color(0, 0.5f, 0.5f);
                    Text.text = "AT";
                    c         = Color.red;
                    Text.text = "DA";

            b.normalColor = c;
            Button.colors = b;

예제 #9
    /// <summary>
    /// Calculates the economic item production per tick for this village based on the resources in the eclcosed chunks
    /// Adds building plans based on these production amounts
    /// Calculates the economic items used per tick
    /// Calculates the start inventory, and the desired amounts to keep in the inventory
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="settlementResources"></param>
    /// <param name="shell"></param>
    private void GenerateVillageEconomy(Dictionary <ChunkResource, float> settlementResources, SettlementShell shell)
        List <BuildingPlan> reqBuildings = new List <BuildingPlan>();

        //A measure of how much of each resource is produced per tick
        Dictionary <EconomicItem, int> producePerTick = new Dictionary <EconomicItem, int>();

        //How much of each item is used per tick
        Dictionary <EconomicItem, int> usePerTick = new Dictionary <EconomicItem, int>();

        EconomicInventory economicInventory = new EconomicInventory();
        Dictionary <EconomicItem, int> DesiredInventoryAmounts = new Dictionary <EconomicItem, int>();

        //Villages only take raw production (of farms and wood)

        if (settlementResources.TryGetValue(ChunkResource.wheatFarm, out float v) && v > 1)
            foreach (EconomicItem it in ChunkResource.wheatFarm.GetEconomicItem())
                if (!producePerTick.ContainsKey(it))
                    producePerTick.Add(it, 0);
                producePerTick[it] += ((int)v * 10);
        if (settlementResources.TryGetValue(ChunkResource.vegetableFarm, out float v0) && v0 > 1)
            foreach (EconomicItem it in ChunkResource.vegetableFarm.GetEconomicItem())
                if (!producePerTick.ContainsKey(it))
                    producePerTick.Add(it, 0);
                producePerTick[it] += ((int)v * 10);
        if (settlementResources.TryGetValue(ChunkResource.silkFarm, out float v1) && v1 > 1)
            foreach (EconomicItem it in ChunkResource.silkFarm.GetEconomicItem())
                if (!producePerTick.ContainsKey(it))
                    producePerTick.Add(it, 0);
                producePerTick[it] += ((int)v1 * 4);
        if (settlementResources.TryGetValue(ChunkResource.cattleFarm, out float v2) && v2 > 1)
            foreach (EconomicItem it in ChunkResource.cattleFarm.GetEconomicItem())
                if (!producePerTick.ContainsKey(it))
                    producePerTick.Add(it, 0);
                producePerTick[it] += ((int)v2);
        if (settlementResources.TryGetValue(ChunkResource.sheepFarm, out float v3) && v3 > 1)
            foreach (EconomicItem it in ChunkResource.sheepFarm.GetEconomicItem())
                if (!producePerTick.ContainsKey(it))
                    producePerTick.Add(it, 0);
                producePerTick[it] += ((int)v3);
        if (settlementResources.TryGetValue(ChunkResource.wood, out float v4) && v4 > 1)
            foreach (EconomicItem it in ChunkResource.wood.GetEconomicItem())
                if (!producePerTick.ContainsKey(it))
                    producePerTick.Add(it, 0);
                producePerTick[it] += ((int)v4);
        if (settlementResources.TryGetValue(ChunkResource.ironOre, out float v5) && v5 > 1)
            foreach (EconomicItem it in ChunkResource.ironOre.GetEconomicItem())
                if (!producePerTick.ContainsKey(it))
                    producePerTick.Add(it, 0);
                producePerTick[it] += ((int)v5);
        if (settlementResources.TryGetValue(ChunkResource.silverOre, out float v6) && v6 > 1)
            foreach (EconomicItem it in ChunkResource.silverOre.GetEconomicItem())
                if (!producePerTick.ContainsKey(it))
                    producePerTick.Add(it, 0);
                producePerTick[it] += ((int)v6);
        if (settlementResources.TryGetValue(ChunkResource.goldOre, out float v7) && v7 > 1)
            foreach (EconomicItem it in ChunkResource.goldOre.GetEconomicItem())
                if (!producePerTick.ContainsKey(it))
                    producePerTick.Add(it, 0);
                producePerTick[it] += ((int)v7);
        usePerTick.Add(Economy.Bread, 5);
        usePerTick.Add(Economy.Vegetables, 5);
        usePerTick.Add(Economy.Clothes, 1);

        //Calculates the amount
        foreach (KeyValuePair <EconomicItem, int> kvp in usePerTick)
            DesiredInventoryAmounts.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value * Economy.KEEP_IN_INVENTORY_MULT);
            economicInventory.AddItem(kvp.Key, DesiredInventoryAmounts[kvp.Key]);
        shell.RequiredBuildings = reqBuildings;

        EconomyData data = new EconomyData();

        data.Inventory            = economicInventory;
        data.UsePerTick           = usePerTick;
        data.RawProductionPerTick = producePerTick;
        data.DesiredItemStock     = DesiredInventoryAmounts;
        data.EconomicProduction   = new Dictionary <EconomicProduction, int>();

        SettlementEconomy econ = new SettlementEconomy(shell, data);
예제 #10
    /// <summary>
    /// Decides the placement for all non capital settlements.
    /// <list type="bullet">
    ///     <item>
    ///         We choose a valid grid point by accessing <see cref="DesireWeightedGridpoints"/>,
    ///         and taking a weight random element from it.
    ///         </item>
    ///          <item>We then check which kingdom owns the territory of the point.</item>
    ///     <item>We check the number of capitals, towns, and villages allowed by the kingdom, based on <paramref name="kts"/></item>
    ///     <item>If they have not reached their maximum number of a settlement type, we place one here</item>
    ///     <item>We continuously do this until all settlements for all kingdoms are found,</item>
    /// </list>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="kts"></param>
    private Dictionary <int, Dictionary <SettlementType, List <SettlementShell> > > DecideSettlementPlacements(Dictionary <int, KingdomTotalSettlements> kts)
        //Key = kingdom ID
        //Value[0] = Dictionary ordered by settlement type, containing values representing the desired settlement placement
        Dictionary <int, Dictionary <SettlementType, List <SettlementShell> > > setPlace = new Dictionary <int, Dictionary <SettlementType, List <SettlementShell> > >();

        //We create a data structure to hold each settlement
        foreach (Kingdom k in GameGen.KingdomGen.Kingdoms)
            setPlace.Add(k.KingdomID, new Dictionary <SettlementType, List <SettlementShell> >());
            setPlace[k.KingdomID].Add(SettlementType.CITY, new List <SettlementShell>());
            setPlace[k.KingdomID].Add(SettlementType.TOWN, new List <SettlementShell>());
            setPlace[k.KingdomID].Add(SettlementType.VILLAGE, new List <SettlementShell>());
        bool shouldContinue = true;

        while (shouldContinue)
            //if no points remain, we break
            if (DesireWeightedGridpoints.Count == 0)
                shouldContinue = false;
            //We a random point
            GridPoint gp = DesireWeightedGridpoints.GetRandom(true);

            ChunkBase2 cb        = GameGen.TerGen.ChunkBases[gp.ChunkPos.x, gp.ChunkPos.z];
            int        kingdomID = cb.KingdomID;
            if (kingdomID == -1)

            //We have now got to a valid settlement point so we check what type of settlement we need;

            SettlementType setType = SettlementType.CITY;
            if (setPlace[kingdomID][SettlementType.CITY].Count < kts[kingdomID].CityCount)
                setType = SettlementType.CITY;
            else if (setPlace[kingdomID][SettlementType.TOWN].Count < kts[kingdomID].TownCount)
                setType = SettlementType.TOWN;
            else if (setPlace[kingdomID][SettlementType.VILLAGE].Count < kts[kingdomID].VillageCount)
                setType = SettlementType.VILLAGE;
                Debug.Log("Already completed set placement for " + kingdomID);

            //Find the shorest distance
            int distSqr = FindShortestSquareDistance(setPlace[kingdomID], gp);
            //the maximum distance
            int minDistSqr = GridPlacement.GridPointSize * GridPlacement.GridPointSize * 5;
            if (distSqr >= minDistSqr || distSqr < 0)
                gp.HasSet = true;
                gp.SETYPE = setType;
                SettlementShell sp = new SettlementShell(gp, kingdomID, setType);
                gp.Shell = sp;
예제 #11
    private void GenerateTownEconomy(Dictionary <ChunkResource, float> settlementResources, SettlementShell shell)
        List <BuildingPlan> reqBuildings = new List <BuildingPlan>();

        //A measure of how much of each resource is produced per tick
        Dictionary <EconomicItem, int> rawProductionPerTick = new Dictionary <EconomicItem, int>();
        //A measure of how much can be produced by industry
        Dictionary <EconomicProduction, int> productionPerTick = new Dictionary <EconomicProduction, int>();
        //How much of each item is used per tick (excluding economy)
        Dictionary <EconomicItem, int> usePerTick = new Dictionary <EconomicItem, int>();

        EconomicInventory economicInventory         = new EconomicInventory();
        Dictionary <EconomicItem, int> desiredStock = new Dictionary <EconomicItem, int>();

        usePerTick.Add(Economy.Bread, 15);
        usePerTick.Add(Economy.Vegetables, 10);
        usePerTick.Add(Economy.Clothes, 3);
        //Use a small amount of weapons and armour per tick
        usePerTick.Add(Economy.LeatherArmour, 1);
        usePerTick.Add(Economy.IronWeapons, 1);
        SettlementProductionAbility productionAbility = new SettlementProductionAbility();

        //All towns will have a bakery, this will produce bread from wheat
        productionPerTick.Add(Economy.WheatToBread, 50);
        economicInventory.AddItem(Economy.Wheat, 500);
        productionAbility.HasButcher = true;
        productionPerTick.Add(Economy.CowToBeef, 5);
        productionPerTick.Add(Economy.SheepToMutton, 5);

        //If we are in a forrest, then the town till cut wood & make into planks
        if (settlementResources.TryGetValue(ChunkResource.wood, out float v) && v > 1)
            int rawProduce = (int)v * 2;
            rawProductionPerTick.Add(ChunkResource.wood.GetEconomicItem()[0], rawProduce);
            //Takes 1 log and make 3 planks
            //We set the production such that it wished to import as much wood as possible
            productionPerTick.Add(Economy.WoodLogToPlank, (int)(rawProduce * GenRan.Random(2, 4)));
            productionAbility.HasLumberMill = true;
        bool hasSmelt = false;

        if (settlementResources.TryGetValue(ChunkResource.ironOre, out float v1) && v1 > 1)
            hasSmelt = true;

            //We add some planks to start so we can produce weapons from start
            economicInventory.AddItem(Economy.WoodPlank, 5000);

            rawProductionPerTick.Add(Economy.IronOre, (int)v1);
            productionAbility.HasSmelter = true;

            productionPerTick.Add(Economy.Iron_OreToBar, (int)(v1 * GenRan.Random(2, 4)));
            productionPerTick.Add(Economy.IronToWeapon, 3);
            productionPerTick.Add(Economy.LeatherToArmour, 3);
        if (settlementResources.TryGetValue(ChunkResource.silverOre, out float v2) && v2 > 1)
            if (!hasSmelt)
            rawProductionPerTick.Add(Economy.SilverOre, (int)v2);
            productionAbility.HasSmelter = true;

            productionPerTick.Add(Economy.Silver_OreToBar, (int)(v2 * GenRan.Random(2, 4)));
        if (settlementResources.TryGetValue(ChunkResource.goldOre, out float v3) && v3 > 1)
            if (!hasSmelt)
            rawProductionPerTick.Add(Economy.GoldOre, (int)v3);
            productionAbility.HasSmelter = true;

            productionPerTick.Add(Economy.Gold_OreToBar, (int)(v3 * GenRan.Random(2, 4)));
        //Calculates the amount
        foreach (KeyValuePair <EconomicItem, int> kvp in usePerTick)
            int amount = kvp.Value * Economy.KEEP_IN_INVENTORY_MULT;
            desiredStock.Add(kvp.Key, amount);
            economicInventory.AddItem(kvp.Key, amount);

        EconomyData data = new EconomyData();

        data.Inventory            = economicInventory;
        data.UsePerTick           = usePerTick;
        data.RawProductionPerTick = rawProductionPerTick;
        data.DesiredItemStock     = desiredStock;
        data.EconomicProduction   = new Dictionary <EconomicProduction, int>();
        data.ProductionAbility    = productionAbility;

        SettlementEconomy econ = new SettlementEconomy(shell, data);

        shell.RequiredBuildings = reqBuildings;

        //Set the economy