예제 #1
        private static void OnSetToConstructionRequest(MySyncGrid sync, ref SetToConstructionRequestMsg msg, MyNetworkClient sender)
            var block = sync.Entity.GetCubeBlock(msg.BlockPosition);
            Debug.Assert(block != null, "Could not find block to set to construction site");
            if (block == null) return;


            MyEntity ownerEntity = null;
            if (!MyEntities.TryGetEntityById(msg.OwnerEntityId, out ownerEntity))
                Debug.Assert(false, "Set to construction site inventory owner entity was null");

            var owner = (ownerEntity as IMyInventoryOwner);
            Debug.Assert(owner != null, "Set to construction site inventory owner was not an inventory owner");

            var inventory = owner.GetInventory(msg.InventoryIndex);
            Debug.Assert(inventory != null, "Set to construction site inventory owner did not have the given inventory");

            block.IncreaseMountLevel(MyWelder.WELDER_AMOUNT_PER_SECOND * MyEngineConstants.UPDATE_STEP_SIZE_IN_SECONDS, msg.RequestingPlayer);
예제 #2
        public void RequestSetToConstruction(Vector3I blockPosition, MyInventory fromInventory)
            var msg = new SetToConstructionRequestMsg();
            msg.GridEntityId = Entity.EntityId;
            msg.BlockPosition = blockPosition;
            msg.InventoryIndex = fromInventory.InventoryIdx;
            msg.OwnerEntityId = fromInventory.Owner.EntityId;
            // CH: TODO: Allow bots to set to construction
            msg.RequestingPlayer = MySession.LocalPlayerId;

            Sync.Layer.SendMessageToServer(ref msg);