public void CallServiceReturningSession2TimesFor2Channels_sessionAreDifferentForDifferentChannels() { var address = @"net.pipe://" + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name; var serv = new SessionService(); var host = new ServiceHost(serv, new Uri(address)); var b = new NetNamedPipeBinding(); host.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(ISessionService), b, address); var f1 = new ChannelFactory<ISessionService>(b); var f2 = new ChannelFactory<ISessionService>(b); var client1 = f1.CreateChannel(new EndpointAddress(address)); var client2 = f2.CreateChannel(new EndpointAddress(address)); host.Open(); var session11 = client1.Call(); var session21 = client2.Call(); var session22 = client2.Call(); var session12 = client1.Call(); f1.Dispose(); f2.Dispose(); host.Dispose(); Assert.AreEqual(session11, session12); Assert.AreEqual(session21, session22); Assert.AreNotEqual(session11, session21); }
/// <summary> /// Create all your controls here for rendering. /// Try to avoid using the RenderWebPart() method. /// </summary> protected override void CreateChildControls() { if (!_error) { try { base.CreateChildControls(); // Get the session token ISessionService sessionService = new SessionService(Utilities.ApiProvider); Domain.Session session = sessionService.GetToken("/"); string buttonUri = session.ReturnURL; // Create the container control HtmlGenericControl containerControl = new HtmlGenericControl("div"); this.Controls.Add(containerControl); // Create the button control HtmlGenericControl buttonControl = new HtmlGenericControl("input"); buttonControl.Attributes["type"] = "button"; buttonControl.Attributes["onclick"] = "javascript:location.href='" + buttonUri + "';"; buttonControl.Attributes["value"] = (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_buttonValue) ? _buttonValue.Replace("\"", """) : "Launch"); containerControl.Controls.Add(buttonControl); } catch (Exception ex) { HandleException(ex); } } }
public EsendexSmsFacade(string account, string username, string password) { var sessionService = new SessionService(); Guid sessionId = sessionService.GetSessionID(username, password); _messageDispatcherService = new MessageDispatcherService(account, sessionId); }
/// <summary> /// Create all your controls here for rendering. /// Try to avoid using the RenderWebPart() method. /// </summary> protected override void CreateChildControls() { if (!_error) { try { base.CreateChildControls(); // Parse any given 23_return_url path NameValueCollection query = Page.Request.QueryString; var returnUrl = "/"; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(query.Get("23_return_url"))) { returnUrl = query.Get("23_return_url"); } // Get the session token ISessionService sessionService = new SessionService(Utilities.ApiProvider); Domain.Session session = sessionService.GetToken(returnUrl, null, null); string iframeUri = session.ReturnURL; // Build the width and height string width = (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Width.ToString()) ? "100%" : Width.ToString()); string height = (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Height.ToString()) ? "100%" : Height.ToString()); // Create the container control HtmlGenericControl ContainerControl = new HtmlGenericControl("div"); ContainerControl.Attributes["width"] = width; ContainerControl.Attributes["height"] = height; this.Controls.Add(ContainerControl); // Create the inline frame control HtmlGenericControl InlineFrameControl = new HtmlGenericControl("iframe"); InlineFrameControl.Attributes["width"] = width; InlineFrameControl.Attributes["height"] = height; InlineFrameControl.Attributes["src"] = iframeUri; InlineFrameControl.Attributes["style"] = _inlineStyle; InlineFrameControl.Attributes["frameborder"] = "0"; ContainerControl.Controls.Add(InlineFrameControl); } catch (Exception ex) { HandleException(ex); } } }
public ActionResult <ScriptSession> Get() { return(Execute(() => { ScriptSession pythonSession = SessionService.CreateSession(); ExpireSessionTimer sessionTimer = new ExpireSessionTimer(pythonSession, SettingsProvider.SessionLifetime); Sessions.Add(pythonSession.Id, sessionTimer); sessionTimer.Start(); Log.Information($"Request new session DONE. Created session with ID '{pythonSession.Id}' and expire date '{pythonSession.ExpireDate.ToLongTimeString()}'"); return Ok(pythonSession); })); }
public async Task <ResultReturn <IEnumerable <DTO_SessionMessage> > > GetMessages( [FromServices] MessageService message, [FromServices] SessionService session, [FromQuery] long sessionId, [FromQuery] long lastMessageId = -1) { if (!await session.IsUserExistsInSession(sessionId, CurrentUserId)) { return(new FailResultReturn <IEnumerable <DTO_SessionMessage> >("无效sessionId")); } var lst = await message.GetSessionMessage(sessionId, lastMessageId); return(new SuccessResultReturn <IEnumerable <DTO_SessionMessage> >(lst.Reverse())); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { litPortalName.Text = "PIXCILE"; Slogon.Text = "QR APP"; AuthenticationModel oAuthenticationModel = SessionService.GetCurrentUser(); if (oAuthenticationModel != null) { if (oAuthenticationModel.Authenticated) { } } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Recipient(CertificateRecipientViewModel vm) { var certData = await GetCertificateData(vm.Id); if (ModelState.IsValid && vm.RecipientHasChanged(certData)) { // when recipient has been changed the complete journey is required SessionService.SetRedirectToCheck(false); } return(await SaveViewModel(vm, returnToIfModelNotValid : "~/Views/Certificate/Recipient.cshtml", nextAction : RedirectToAction("ConfirmAddress", "CertificateAddress"), action : CertificateActions.Address)); }
private void SetDishes() { dishes = SessionService.GetJson <List <Dish> >(HttpContext.Session, SessionKeys.DishesKey); if (dishes == null) { dishes = new List <Dish>() { new Dish { Id = 1, Name = "Chrupiące Skrzydełka", Price = 19.95M, Amount = 0 }, new Dish { Id = 2, Name = "Tatar z polędwicy Wołowej", Price = 31.95M, Amount = 0 }, new Dish { Id = 3, Name = "Panierowane kalmary", Price = 29.95M, Amount = 0 }, new Dish { Id = 4, Name = "Chrupiące krewetki", Price = 29.95M, Amount = 0 }, new Dish { Id = 5, Name = "Carpaccio z polędwicy wołowej", Price = 30.95M, Amount = 0 }, new Dish { Id = 6, Name = "Burger Italian", Price = 35.95M, Amount = 0 }, new Dish { Id = 7, Name = "Burger Classic", Price = 29.95M, Amount = 0 }, new Dish { Id = 8, Name = "Burger California", Price = 34.95M, Amount = 0 }, new Dish { Id = 9, Name = "Perła 500ml", Price = 9.95M, Amount = 0 }, new Dish { Id = 10, Name = "Zwierzyniec 500ml", Price = 10.95M, Amount = 0 }, new Dish { Id = 11, Name = "Perła Export 500ml", Price = 11.95M, Amount = 0 }, new Dish { Id = 12, Name = "Łomża Miodowa 500ml", Price = 10.95M, Amount = 0 } }; SessionService.SetJson(HttpContext.Session, SessionKeys.DishesKey, dishes); } dishes = dishes.OrderBy(x => x.Name).ToList(); }
public static void setObjectPolicy(DataTable attributes) { SessionService sessService = SessionService.getService(getConnection()); ObjectPropertyPolicy policy = new ObjectPropertyPolicy(); List <String> bomAttributes1 = new List <String> { }; List <String> revAttributes1 = new List <string> { }; int bomAttributeIndex = 0; int revAttributeIndex = 0; foreach (DataRow attribute in attributes.Rows) { if (attribute["ATYPE"].ToString().Equals("BOMLINE")) { String bomAttribute = attribute["ATTRI"].ToString(); bomAttributes1.Add(bomAttribute); bomAttributeIndex++; } else { String revAttribute = attribute["ATTRI"].ToString(); revAttributes1.Add(revAttribute); revAttributeIndex++; } } String[] bomAttributes = new String[bomAttributeIndex]; String[] revAttributes = new String[revAttributeIndex]; for (int ai = 0; ai < bomAttributeIndex; ai++) { bomAttributes[ai] = bomAttributes1[ai].ToString(); } for (int ai = 0; ai < revAttributeIndex; ai++) { revAttributes[ai] = revAttributes1[ai].ToString(); } policy.AddType(new PolicyType("BOMLine", bomAttributes)); policy.AddType(new PolicyType("ModelObject", new string[] { "item_id", "object_type", "object_name", "object_properties" })); policy.AddType(new PolicyType("Item", new string[] { "object_type", "object_name", "bom_view_tags", "revision_list", "item_revision", "vmt9_design_type_cmp", "VMT9_Shn_Tool_RH_Qtys" })); policy.AddType(new PolicyType("ItemRevision", revAttributes)); policy.AddType(new PolicyType("", new string[] { "" }, new string[] { PolicyProperty.WITH_PROPERTIES })); sessService.SetObjectPropertyPolicy(policy); }
public ActionResult CreateCheckoutSession() { try { // Get Product from Stripe e.g. "Funding Apple FCU Account" var product = _stripeProvider?.GetProduct().Result; // Get Price from Stripe e.g. "Funding Apple FCU Account Price" var price = _stripeProvider?.GetPrice().Result; var options = new SessionCreateOptions { PaymentMethodTypes = new List <string> { "card", }, LineItems = new List <SessionLineItemOptions> { new SessionLineItemOptions { PriceData = new SessionLineItemPriceDataOptions { UnitAmount = price?.UnitAmount, Currency = price?.Currency, ProductData = new SessionLineItemPriceDataProductDataOptions { Name = product?.Name, Images = product?.Images }, }, Quantity = 1, }, }, Mode = "payment", SuccessUrl = "", CancelUrl = "", }; var sessionService = new SessionService(_client); var session = sessionService?.Create(options); Console.WriteLine($"Checkout Session with ID {session?.Id} Completed"); return(Json(new { id = session?.Id })); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); throw; } }
public void OnGet() { this.ShoppingCart = GetShoppingCart(); this.CartItems = GetCartItems(this.ShoppingCart); this.TotalCost = GetTotalCost(this.ShoppingCart); if (CartItems.Count <= 0) { this.Empty = true; } List <SessionLineItemOptions> convertedOptions = new List <SessionLineItemOptions>(); foreach (CartItem item in CartItems) { convertedOptions.Add(ConvertProductToStripe(item)); } var options = new SessionCreateOptions { BillingAddressCollection = "required", PaymentMethodTypes = new List <string> { "card", }, ShippingAddressCollection = new SessionShippingAddressCollectionOptions { AllowedCountries = new List <string> { "US", "CA", "JP", "KR", "CN", }, }, LineItems = convertedOptions, Mode = "payment", SuccessUrl = "", CancelUrl = "", Customer = null, CustomerEmail = null, }; var service = new SessionService(); Session session = service.Create(options); this.Session = session; }
public ActionResult Login(FormCollection PC) { // Set your secret key. Remember to switch to your live secret key in production! // See your keys here: StripeConfiguration.ApiKey = "XXX"; var options = new SessionCreateOptions { Customer = "cus_HkS69UeMf55BrW", ReturnUrl = "https://localhost:44305/Home/Index", }; var service = new SessionService(); Session test = service.Create(options); var config = new AmazonDynamoDBConfig { RegionEndpoint = RegionEndpoint.APSoutheast1 }; //var credentials = new BasicAWSCredentials(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"), Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY")); var credentials = new BasicAWSCredentials("XXX", "XXX"); AmazonDynamoDBClient _dynamoDbClient = new AmazonDynamoDBClient(credentials, config); Table table = Table.LoadTable(_dynamoDbClient, "Users"); var book = new Document(); book["User_ID"] = test.Id; book["customer_ID"] = test.Customer; book["object_id"] = test.Id; book["object_type"] = test.Object; book["return_url"] = test.ReturnUrl; table.PutItem(book); //var options1 = new WebhookEndpointCreateOptions //{ // Url = "", // EnabledEvents = new List<string> //{ // "charge.failed", // "charge.succeeded", //}, //}; //var service1 = new WebhookEndpointService(); //service1.Create(options1); //service1.Get("we_1GxplED1GhlR3Zf7y0VwRON8"); return(Redirect(test.Url)); }//
public string GetDetailGrid(int pageTemplateId, string refKeyValue) { PageTemplate pageTemplate = SessionService.PageTemplate(pageTemplateId); if (pageTemplate.RefKey2 == 0) { return(""); } GridFilters gridFilters = new GridFilters { Logic = "and", Filters = new List <GridFilter> { new GridFilter { Field = pageTemplate.RefKey2Name, Operator = "eq", Value = refKeyValue } } }; PageTemplate pageTemplate2 = SessionService.PageTemplate(pageTemplate.PageTemplateId2); List <GridSort> gridSorts = new List <GridSort>(); //xxx fix //if (pageTemplate2.SortColumns.Length > 2) //{ // var sortColumns = pageTemplate2.SortColumns; // if (sortColumns.Contains(",")) // { // var items = sortColumns.Split(new char[',']); // foreach (var item in items) // { // var columnId = item.Replace(" ", "").Replace("ASC", "").Replace("DESC", ""); // var columnName = SessionService.ColumnName(Convert.ToInt32(columnId)); // GridSort gridSort = new GridSort { Field = columnName, Dir = (item.Contains("ASC")) ? "ASC" : "DESC" }; // gridSorts.Add(gridSort); // } // } else // { // var columnId = sortColumns.Replace(" ", "").Replace("ASC", "").Replace("DESC", ""); // var columnName = SessionService.ColumnName(Convert.ToInt32(columnId)); // GridSort gridSort = new GridSort { Field = columnName, Dir = (sortColumns.Contains("ASC")) ? "ASC" : "DESC" }; // gridSorts.Add(gridSort); // } //} var json = PageService.GetServerSideRecords(0, 500000, 0, 0, gridSorts, gridFilters, pageTemplate.PageTemplateId2); return(json); }
public async Task <Session> CreateCheckoutSession(string customerId, string successUrl, string cancelUrl) { var options = new SessionCreateOptions { PaymentMethodTypes = new List <string> { "card", }, Mode = "setup", Customer = customerId, SuccessUrl = successUrl, CancelUrl = cancelUrl, }; var service = new SessionService(); return(await service.CreateAsync(options)); }
public async Task <StripeIdResponse> UpdateCustomerDescriptionAsync(string sessionId, string description) { var customerService = new CustomerService(); var sessionService = new SessionService(); var session = await sessionService.GetAsync(sessionId); var customer = await customerService.UpdateAsync(session.CustomerId, new CustomerUpdateOptions { Description = description }); return(new StripeIdResponse { Id = customer.Id }); }
public SalesController (ISaleService saleService, IProductService productService, ICountryService countryService, IPaymentMethodService paymentMethodService, ICartService cartService, IUserService userService, IMapper mapper, SessionService sessionService, PaymentIntentService paymentIntentService, RefundService refundService) { this.saleService = saleService; this.productService = productService; this.countryService = countryService; this.paymentMethodService = paymentMethodService; this.cartService = cartService; this.userService = userService; this.mapper = mapper; this.sessionService = sessionService; this.refundService = refundService; this.paymentIntentService = paymentIntentService; }
public static string GetPrimaryKey(int pageTemplateId, string tableName) { var pageTemplate = SessionService.PageTemplate(pageTemplateId); var dbEntity = SessionService.DbEntity(pageTemplate.DbEntityId); using (TargetEntities Db = new TargetEntities()) { Db.Database.Connection.ConnectionString = dbEntity.ConnectionString; var columnName = Db.Database.SqlQuery <string>("SELECT COLUMN_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE WHERE OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA + '.' + CONSTRAINT_NAME), 'IsPrimaryKey') = 1 AND TABLE_NAME = '" + tableName + "'").FirstOrDefault(); if (columnName != null) { return(columnName); } } return(""); }
async private void LoadUserInfo() { SharedPreferences prefs = Constants.GetSharedPreferences(Constants.PreferencesFileName); UserFirstName = prefs.GetString(Constants.UserFirstNameKey); UserLastName = prefs.GetString(Constants.UserLastNameKey); string image_url = prefs.GetString(Constants.UserImageUrlKey); CacheService cache = CacheService.Init(SessionService.GetCredentialFileName(), Constants.PreferencesFileName, Constants.LocalDbName); /*if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(image_url)) * { * var tuple = await cache.tryGetResource(image_url); * UserImage = tuple.Item1; * } */ }
public string DeletePageTemplate(int pageTemplateId) { try { using (SourceControlEntities Db = new SourceControlEntities()) { Db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("DELETE FROM Menu WHERE MenuPageTemplateId = " + pageTemplateId + ";DELETE FROM PageTemplate WHERE PageTemplateId = " + pageTemplateId + ";DELETE FROM ColumnDef WHERE PageTemplateId = " + pageTemplateId); } SessionService.ResetPageSession(pageTemplateId); return(""); } catch (Exception ex) { return("Unable to process DeletePageTemplate() - " + ex.Message); } }
protected bool TrySignIn() { PromptForCredentialsIfNotPresent(); Console.WriteLine("Signing in..."); bool signedIn = SessionService.SignIn(UserName, Password); if (!signedIn) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to sign in as {0}.", UserName); return(false); } Console.WriteLine("Signed in as {0}.", UserName); return(true); }
// GET: Wait public ActionResult FlightWait(int id) { SessionService sessionService = new SessionService(); if (!sessionService.ItemExists(SessionEnum.FlightSearch, id.ToString())) { // ah error has happend the session has gone // now we could be clever here and get the search back out of the database and restart it throw new Exception("Session Gone"); } var flightSearchResult = sessionService.GetItem<FlightSearchResult>(SessionEnum.FlightSearch, id.ToString()); // display anything we need on this please wait page return View(new FlightWaitViewModel { Id = id }); }
public ActionResult Edit(string add, string remove, int customerId) { FillLookups(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(add)) { SessionService.Get().CustomerViewModel.CurrentEditLocation = new CustomerLocationViewModel { CustomerId = customerId }; return(View(SessionService.Get().CustomerViewModel)); } return(View()); }
public async Task <ActionResult> OrderSuccess([FromQuery] string session_id, int bookingId) { var sessionService = new SessionService(); Session session = sessionService.Get(session_id); var customerService = new CustomerService(); Customer customer = customerService.Get(session.CustomerId); var bookingDetails = await unitOfWork.BookingRepo.Find(b => b.BookingId == bookingId); bookingDetails.Paid = 1; //paid done unitOfWork.BookingRepo.Update(bookingDetails); unitOfWork.Save(); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "MyBookings")); }
public bool RegisterPushToken(string sessionKey, string pushToken) { var dbContext = DbContextFactory.GetContext(); var sessionService = new SessionService(); var user = sessionService.GetUser(sessionKey); if (user == null) { return(false); } user.PushToken = pushToken; dbContext.SaveChanges(); return(true); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); MatchService matchService = new MatchService(); MessageDispatcher dispatcher = new MessageDispatcher(matchService); SessionRegistry sessionRegistry = new SessionRegistry(); SessionService sessionService = new SessionService(sessionRegistry, dispatcher); sessionService.Start(); Console.WriteLine("Server start."); autoEvent.WaitOne(); Console.WriteLine("Server exit."); }
private SuperadminPatientModel GetSuperadminPatient(User user) { var result = new SuperadminPatientModel { User = new UserViewModel(user), AverageScore = ReviewService.GetUserAverageScore(user) }; var sessions = SessionService.GetUserSessions(user).ToList(); result.TotalSessionsCount = sessions.Count; result.TotalRefunds = sessions.Where(x => x.Status == SessionStatus.Refund).ToList().Count; result.TotalPaid = sessions.Where(x => x.Status == SessionStatus.Success).Sum(x => x.Reward); return(result); }
public static void ExchangeCurrency(string personFirstName, string personLastName, DateTime birthDate, string passportSeries, string passportId, string currencyName, double amount, bool isSelling) { var person = GetCustomerBO.GetCustomerByPassportId(passportId); if (person == null) { person = new Abstract.model.Person { FirstName = personFirstName, LastName = personLastName, BirthDate = birthDate, PassportSeries = passportSeries, PassportId = passportId }; CreateCustomerBO.CreateCustomer(person); } var currency = GetCurrencyBO.GetCurrencyByName(currencyName); var outcomeAmount = currency.Purchase * amount; if (isSelling) { outcomeAmount = amount / currency.Sell; } if (!ValidateForDailyLimits(amount, currency)) { ModernDialog.ShowMessage("Person can't exchange more than 1000 units \nof currency per day.", "Warning", MessageBoxButton.OK); return; } var outReport = new Abstract.model.Report { UserId = SessionService.GetInstance().User.UserId, PersonId = person.PersonId, CurrencyId = currency.CurrencyId, IncomAmount = amount, OutcomeAmount = outcomeAmount, Date = DateTime.Now }; CreateReportBO.CreateReport(outReport); ModernDialog.ShowMessage("The operation completed successfully. \nYou need to issue " + outcomeAmount + " units of currency.", "Success!", MessageBoxButton.OK); }
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { base.OnLoad(e); string debug = Context.Request.QueryString["debug"]; if (WebPartManager.DisplayMode == WebPartManager.EditDisplayMode) { debug = "yes"; } IApiProvider apiProvider = Utilities.ApiProvider; _session = null; string return_url = Context.Request.QueryString["return_url"]; if (return_url == null) { return_url = "/"; debug = "yes"; // Do not instant redirect } if (apiProvider != null) { SPUser user = SPContext.Current.Web.CurrentUser; string email = null; string fullname = null; if (user != null) { email = _sendEmail ? user.Email : null; fullname = _sendFullName ? user.Name : null; } ISessionService sessionService = new SessionService(apiProvider); _session = sessionService.GetToken(return_url, email, fullname); } // Do not redirect if debug is set if (debug == null) { if (_session != null) { SPUtility.Redirect(_session.ReturnURL, SPRedirectFlags.Static, HttpContext.Current); } } }
public LoginController( IRepositoryBase <staff_view> users, IRepositoryBase <customer_view> customers, IRepositoryBase <ipmevent> ipmevents, IRepositoryBase <placeinmap> placesinmap, IRepositoryBase <coordinate> coordinates, IRepositoryBase <sitetype> sitetypes, IRepositoryBase <siterate> siterates, IRepositoryBase <styleurl> stylesurl, IRepositoryBase <rvsite_available_view> rvsites_available, IRepositoryBase <selecteditem> selecteditems, IRepositoryBase <reservationitem> reservationitems, IRepositoryBase <payment> payments, IRepositoryBase <person> persons, IRepositoryBase <paymentreservationitem> paymentsreservationitems, IRepositoryBase <session> sessions, IRepositoryBase <site_description_rate_view> sites_description_rate ) { this.users = users; this.customers = customers; this.ipmevents = ipmevents; this.payments = payments; this.persons = persons; this.paymentsreservationitems = paymentsreservationitems; this.placesinmap = placesinmap; this.coordinates = coordinates; this.sitetypes = sitetypes; this.siterates = siterates; this.stylesurl = stylesurl; this.selecteditems = selecteditems; this.reservationitems = reservationitems; this.rvsites_available = rvsites_available; this.sites_description_rate = sites_description_rate; this.sessions = sessions; sessionService = new SessionService( this.sessions, this.customers, this.users ); paymentService = new PaymentService( this.selecteditems, this.reservationitems, this.payments, this.paymentsreservationitems ); }//end Constructor
public ActionResult Products_Read([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request) { var customerProductItems = _customerProductDataRepository.GetByCustomer(SessionService.Get().CustomerViewModel.Id).Select(x => new CustomerProductItem() { Id = x.Product.Id, Name = x.Product.EnglishDescription, Upc = x.Product.Upc, Gtin = x.Gtin, PricePerPound = x.PricePerPound, ProductCode = x.ProductCode, BoxQuantity = x.BoxQuantity, PieceQuantity = x.PieceQuantity, ProductDescription = x.ProductDescription, IsSelected = true, BagSize = x.BagSizeEntity != null ? new CaseSize() { Name = x.BagSizeEntity.Name, Id = x.BagSizeEntity.Id } : null, BoxSize = x.BoxSizeEntity != null ? new CaseSize() { Name = x.BoxSizeEntity.Name, Id = x.BoxSizeEntity.Id } : null, }).ToList(); var productItems = _productRepository.GetAll().ToList().Where(i => customerProductItems.Any(x => x.Id != i.Id) && (i.CustomerTypeId == null || i.CustomerTypeId.Value == SessionService.Get().CustomerViewModel.CustomerType)).Select(x => new CustomerProductItem() { Id = x.Id, Name = x.EnglishDescription, Upc = x.Upc, Gtin = x.Gtin, PricePerPound = x.PricePerPound, ProductCode = x.Code, ProductDescription = x.EnglishDescription, IsSelected = false, BagSize = x.BagSizeEntity != null ? new CaseSize() { Name = x.BagSizeEntity.Name, Id = x.BagSizeEntity.Id } : null, BoxSize = x.BoxSizeEntity != null ? new CaseSize() { Name = x.BoxSizeEntity.Name, Id = x.BoxSizeEntity.Id } : null, }).ToList(); var allProductItems = customerProductItems.Concat(productItems).OrderByDescending(p => p.IsSelected).ThenBy(p => p.Name); return(Json(allProductItems.ToDataSourceResult(request))); }
public TransactionsViewModel(NavigationService navigationService, SessionService session) : base(session) { this.navigationService = navigationService; this.Categories = session.Categories; this.PaymentMethods = session.PaymentMethods; this.Transactions = session.Transactions; this.TransactionsView = new ListCollectionView(this.Transactions); this.TransactionsView.SortDescriptions.Add(new SortDescription("Date", ListSortDirection.Descending)); this.TransactionsView.Filter = ((transaction) => TransactionsView_Filter(transaction as Transaction)); this.FilterDates = new MyObservableCollection <CheckedListItem <DateTime> >(); this.FilterDates.CollectionChanged += this.FilterList_CollectionChanged; this.FilterDates.MemberChanged += this.FilterList_PropertyChanged; this.FilterItems = new MyObservableCollection <CheckedListItem <string> >(); this.FilterItems.CollectionChanged += this.FilterList_CollectionChanged; this.FilterItems.MemberChanged += this.FilterList_PropertyChanged; this.FilterPayees = new MyObservableCollection <CheckedListItem <string> >(); this.FilterPayees.CollectionChanged += this.FilterList_CollectionChanged; this.FilterPayees.MemberChanged += this.FilterList_PropertyChanged; this.FilterAmounts = new MyObservableCollection <CheckedListItem <decimal> >(); this.FilterAmounts.CollectionChanged += this.FilterList_CollectionChanged; this.FilterAmounts.MemberChanged += this.FilterList_PropertyChanged; this.FilterCategories = new MyObservableCollection <CheckedListItem <Category> >(); this.FilterCategories.CollectionChanged += this.FilterList_CollectionChanged; this.FilterCategories.MemberChanged += this.FilterList_PropertyChanged; this.FilterPaymentMethods = new MyObservableCollection <CheckedListItem <PaymentMethod> >(); this.FilterPaymentMethods.CollectionChanged += this.FilterList_CollectionChanged; this.FilterPaymentMethods.MemberChanged += this.FilterList_PropertyChanged; this.FilterComments = new MyObservableCollection <CheckedListItem <string> >(); this.FilterComments.CollectionChanged += this.FilterList_CollectionChanged; this.FilterComments.MemberChanged += this.FilterList_PropertyChanged; this.FilterView = new ListCollectionView(this.FilterDates); this.activeColumnName = "Date"; this.Transactions.CollectionChanged += this.Transactions_CollectionChanged; this.Transactions.MemberChanged += this.Transaction_PropertyChanged; //Set Commands this.AddTransactionCommand = new RelayCommand(() => this.AddTransaction()); this.DeleteTransactionCommand = new RelayCommand(() => this.DeleteTransaction()); this.DuplicateTransactionCommand = new RelayCommand(() => this.DuplicateTransaction()); this.UpdateFilterCommand = new RelayCommand(() => { this.TransactionsView.Refresh(); }); this.OpenFilterPopupCommand = new RelayCommand <string>((a) => this.OpenPopup(a)); this.SelectAllFiltersCommand = new RelayCommand(() => this.SelectFilters()); this.DeselectAllFiltersCommand = new RelayCommand(() => this.DeselectFilters()); }
public CurrentSessionViewModel( IViewModelNavigator navigator, SessionService sessionService, ImagePrinter printer, SettingsProvider settings ) { _navigator = navigator; _sessionService = sessionService; _printer = printer; AppSettingsDto appSettings = settings.GetAppSettings(); if (appSettings != null) { _printerName = appSettings.PrinterName; } }
public async Task GetAllAsyncWhenNoSessionsReturnsEmptyCollection() { // Arrange var mockUnitOfWork = GetDefaultUnitOfWorkRepositoryInstance(); var mockSessionRepository = GetDefaultSessionRepositoryInstance(); mockSessionRepository.Setup(r => r.ListAsync()).ReturnsAsync(new List <Session>()); var service = new SessionService(mockSessionRepository.Object, null, null, mockUnitOfWork.Object); // Act List <Session> result = (List <Session>) await service.ListAsync(); var sessionCount = result.Count; // Assert sessionCount.Should().Equals(0); }
public ActionResult FlightSearchStart(int id) { SessionService sessionService = new SessionService(); if (!sessionService.ItemExists(SessionEnum.FlightSearch, id.ToString())) { // ah error has happend the session has gone // now we could be clever here and get the search back out of the database and restart it throw new Exception("Session Gone"); } var flightSearchResult = sessionService.GetItem<FlightSearchResult>(SessionEnum.FlightSearch, id.ToString()); // lets do the search flightSearchResult = flightServiceClient.PerformSearch(flightSearchResult.FlightSearch, flightSearchResult.FlightSearchId); sessionService.SetItem(SessionEnum.FlightSearch, id.ToString(), flightSearchResult); return Json(new { success = flightSearchResult.Success, error = flightSearchResult.ErrorMessage }); }
public ActionResult Manage(string catalog, string handle = null) { string admin = SessionService.Get <string>("Admin"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(admin) && !"login".Equals(catalog, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { if (Request.AcceptTypes.Contains("application/json")) { return(Json(new { success = false, msg = "请先登录" })); } else { return(Redirect(Url.Content("~/Manage/Login"))); } } return(View("~/Views/Manage/" + catalog + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(handle) ? "" : ("/" + handle)) + ".cshtml")); }
// GET: Results public ActionResult FlightResults(int id) { SessionService sessionService = new SessionService(); if (!sessionService.ItemExists(SessionEnum.FlightSearch, id.ToString())) { // ah error has happend the session has gone // now we could be clever here and get the search back out of the database and restart it throw new Exception("Session Gone"); } var flightSearchResult = sessionService.GetItem<FlightSearchResult>(SessionEnum.FlightSearch, id.ToString()); return View(new FlightResultViewModel { Message = flightSearchResult.ErrorMessage }); }
public ActionResult ProcessFlightSearch(FlightSearch flightSearch) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { // for now we are going to pretend it is a package search // this call will prep the search FlightServiceClient flightServiceClient = new FlightServiceClient(); var flightSearchResult = flightServiceClient.StartSearch(flightSearch); // save this into session SessionService sessionService = new SessionService(); sessionService.SetItem(SessionEnum.FlightSearch, flightSearchResult.FlightSearchId.ToString(), flightSearchResult); // this will change depending on the search type return Redirect("search/package-flight-wait/?id=" + flightSearchResult.FlightSearchId); } else { return View("flightSearch"); } }
public ActionResult ProcessSearchFormInput(SearchForm model) { // this method works out what the search type is. // from here we can then work out how we do the search. // for now we are going to pretend it is a package search // this call will prep the search FlightServiceClient flightServiceClient = new FlightServiceClient(); var flightSearchResult = flightServiceClient.StartSearch(new FlightSearch { IsPackage = true, SearchType = "Package" }); // save this into session SessionService sessionService = new SessionService(); sessionService.SetItem(SessionEnum.FlightSearch, flightSearchResult.FlightSearchId.ToString(), flightSearchResult); // this will change depending on the search type return Redirect("search/package-flight-wait/?id=" + flightSearchResult.FlightSearchId); }
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { base.OnLoad(e); string debug = Context.Request.QueryString["debug"]; if (WebPartManager.DisplayMode == WebPartManager.EditDisplayMode) debug = "yes"; IApiProvider apiProvider = Utilities.ApiProvider; _session = null; string return_url = Context.Request.QueryString["return_url"]; if (return_url == null) { return_url = "/"; debug = "yes"; // Do not instant redirect } if (apiProvider != null) { SPUser user = SPContext.Current.Web.CurrentUser; string email = null; string fullname = null; if (user != null) { email = _sendEmail ? user.Email : null; fullname = _sendFullName ? user.Name : null; } ISessionService sessionService = new SessionService(apiProvider); _session = sessionService.GetToken(return_url, email, fullname); } // Do not redirect if debug is set if (debug == null) { if (_session != null) { SPUtility.Redirect(_session.ReturnURL, SPRedirectFlags.Static, HttpContext.Current); } } }
void OnGUI() { if (Time.time % 2 < 1) { success = callBack.getResult(); } // For Setting Up ResponseBox. GUI.TextArea(new Rect(10,5,1300,175), success); //=======================================SESSION_SERVICE======================================= if (GUI.Button(new Rect(50, 200, 200, 30), "GetSession")) { sessionService = sp.BuildSessionService(); // Initializing Session Service. sessionService.GetSession(cons.userName,callBack); } //====================================SESSION_SERVICE========================================== if (GUI.Button(new Rect(260, 200, 200, 30), "GetSessionIsCreate")) { sessionService = sp.BuildSessionService(); // Initializing Session Service. sessionService.GetSession(cons.userName, cons.isCreate, callBack); } //====================================SESSION_SERVICE========================================= if (GUI.Button(new Rect(470, 200, 200, 30), "Invalidate")) { sessionService = sp.BuildSessionService(); // Initializing Session Service. sessionService.Invalidate(cons.sessionId, callBack); } //=====================================SESSION_SERVICE======================================== if (GUI.Button(new Rect(680, 200, 200, 30), "SetAttribute")) { sessionService = sp.BuildSessionService(); // Initializing Session Service. sessionService.SetAttribute(cons.sessionId,cons.attributeName, cons.attributeValue, callBack); } //======================================SESSION_SERVICE======================================= if (GUI.Button(new Rect(890, 200, 200, 30), "GetAttribute")) { sessionService = sp.BuildSessionService(); // Initializing Session Service. sessionService.GetAttribute(cons.sessionId,cons.attributeName, callBack); } //======================================SESSION_SERVICE======================================= if (GUI.Button(new Rect(50, 250, 200, 30), "GetAllAttributes")) { sessionService = sp.BuildSessionService(); // Initializing Session Service. sessionService.GetAllAttributes(cons.sessionId, callBack); } //=======================================SESSION_SERVICE====================================== if (GUI.Button(new Rect(260, 250, 200, 30), "RemoveAttribute")) { sessionService = sp.BuildSessionService(); // Initializing Session Service. sessionService.RemoveAttribute(cons.sessionId,cons.attributeName, callBack); } //========================================SESSION_SERVICE===================================== if (GUI.Button(new Rect(470, 250, 200, 30), "RemoveAllAttributes")) { sessionService = sp.BuildSessionService(); // Initializing Session Service. sessionService.RemoveAllAttributes(cons.sessionId, callBack); } }