public static void GetPrimaryContactAddressStep( ICustevent custevent, out System.String result)
            // TODO: Complete business rule implementation
            using (ISession session = new SessionScopeWrapper())
                string sql = "select top 1 a.address1  from sysdba.opportunity_contact oc left join c on oc.contactid=c.contactid left join sysdba.address a on a.entityid=c.contactid where oc.isprimary='T' and a.isprimary='T' and opportunityid='"+custevent.Id.ToString()+"'";
                string add1 = session.CreateSQLQuery(sql).UniqueResult<string>();

                sql = "select top 1 a.address2  from sysdba.opportunity_contact oc left join c on oc.contactid=c.contactid left join sysdba.address a on a.entityid=c.contactid where oc.isprimary='T' and a.isprimary='T' and opportunityid='"+custevent.Id.ToString()+"'";
                string add2 = session.CreateSQLQuery(sql).UniqueResult<string>();

                sql = "select top 1  from sysdba.opportunity_contact oc left join c on oc.contactid=c.contactid left join sysdba.address a on a.entityid=c.contactid where oc.isprimary='T' and a.isprimary='T' and opportunityid='"+custevent.Id.ToString()+"'";
                string city = session.CreateSQLQuery(sql).UniqueResult<string>();

                sql = "select top 1 a.state  from sysdba.opportunity_contact oc left join c on oc.contactid=c.contactid left join sysdba.address a on a.entityid=c.contactid where oc.isprimary='T' and a.isprimary='T' and opportunityid='"+custevent.Id.ToString()+"'";
                string state = session.CreateSQLQuery(sql).UniqueResult<string>();

                sql = "select top 1 a.postalcode  from sysdba.opportunity_contact oc left join c on oc.contactid=c.contactid left join sysdba.address a on a.entityid=c.contactid where oc.isprimary='T' and a.isprimary='T' and opportunityid='"+custevent.Id.ToString()+"'";
                string pcode = session.CreateSQLQuery(sql).UniqueResult<string>();

                sql = "select top 1  from sysdba.opportunity_contact oc left join c on oc.contactid=c.contactid left join sysdba.address a on a.entityid=c.contactid where oc.isprimary='T' and a.isprimary='T' and opportunityid='"+custevent.Id.ToString()+"'";
                string country = session.CreateSQLQuery(sql).UniqueResult<string>();

                string fswon = string.Concat(add1," ",add2," ",city,", ",state," ",pcode," ",country);
        private void RolloverOpportunities(IUser user)
            // Get Current Date
            DateTime today = DateTime.Now.Date;

            // Get Fiscal Year Settings
            int      period              = Platform.GetQAndFPeriod();
            DateTime firstDayofPeriod    = (DateTime)Platform.FirstDayofPeriod(DateTime.Now);
            DateTime beginPreviousPeriod = (DateTime)Platform.FirstDayofPeriod(today.AddMonths(-1 * period)).Value.Date;
            DateTime endPreviousPeriod   = Date.EndOfDay((DateTime)Platform.LastDayofPeriod(beginPreviousPeriod));

            using (var session = new SessionScopeWrapper(true))
                Phase = String.Format(Resources.Job_OpportunityRollover_Phase_ProcessingOpportunities, user.UserInfo.NameLF);
                // Get the Opportunities that need to be rolled over from the previous period
                IList <IOpportunity> opportunities = session.QueryOver <IOpportunity>()
                                                     .Where(x => x.AccountManager == user && x.Status == "Open" && x.AddToForecast == true && x.EstimatedClose >= beginPreviousPeriod && x.EstimatedClose <= endPreviousPeriod)
                                                     .List <IOpportunity>();
                foreach (IOpportunity opportunity in opportunities)
                    opportunity.EstimatedClose = firstDayofPeriod;
예제 #3
 public static AuthenticationData RetrieveAuthenticationData(String providerName)
     using (var sess = new SessionScopeWrapper())
         var prov = sess.CreateQuery("from OAuthProvider where ProviderName=?")
                    .SetString(0, providerName)
                    .List <IOAuthProvider>().FirstOrDefault();
         if (prov == null)
             throw new Exception(String.Format("Unable to locate {0} provider in the configured OAuth providers", providerName));
         var userToken = sess.CreateQuery("from UserOAuthToken where OAuthProvider.Id=? and User.Id=?")
                         .SetString(0, prov.Id.ToString())
                         .SetString(1, ApplicationContext.Current.Services.Get <IUserService>().UserId)
                         .List <IUserOAuthToken>()
         if (userToken == null || userToken.AccessToken == null)
             throw new Exception(String.Format("Unable to locate authorization token for current user under {0} provider", providerName));
         if (userToken.ExpirationDate != null && userToken.ExpirationDate < DateTime.Now)
             // TODO: refresh, if possible??  (Not applicable to either Twitter or Linked in, though)
             throw new Exception(String.Format("Authentication token for {0} provider has expired", providerName));
         return(new AuthenticationData
             ConsumerKey = prov.ClientId,
             ConsumerSecret = prov.Secret,
             Token = userToken.AccessToken,
             TokenSecret = userToken.AccessTokenSecret,
             RefreshToken = userToken.RefreshToken
        protected override void OnExecute()
            Phase = Resources.Job_Phase_Detail_Initializing;

            // Set progress bar to 0
            Progress = 0;
            int count = 0;

            // Retrieve all Users in the Role defined for Quota & Forecast Users
            using (var session = new SessionScopeWrapper(true))
                Phase = Resources.Job_OpportunityRollover_Phase_Retrieving_Users;
                IRole role = session.QueryOver <IRole>()
                             .Where(x => x.RoleName == Resources.Job_OpportunityRollover_RoleName)
                             .SingleOrDefault <IRole>();

                foreach (IUserRole userRole in role.Users)
                    Progress = (100M * ++count / role.Users.Count);
                    if (Interrupted)
            Progress    = 100;
            Phase       = Resources.Job_Phase_Detail_Completed;
            PhaseDetail = String.Format(Resources.Job_OpportunityRollover_Results, count);
예제 #5
        protected override void OnExecute()
            Progress = 0;
            using (var session = new SessionScopeWrapper())
                Phase = "Gathering up Items to deliver";
                IList <IDeliveryItem> deliveryItems = session.QueryOver <IDeliveryItem>()
                                                      .Where(di => di.Status == DeliveryItemStatuses.ToBeProcessed)
                                                      .List <IDeliveryItem>();

                if (deliveryItems != null)
                    decimal counter = 0;
                    Phase = "Delivering Items";
                    foreach (IDeliveryItem di in deliveryItems)
                        Progress = 100M * ++counter / deliveryItems.Count;
                        if (Interrupted)
            Progress = 100;
            Phase    = Resources.Job_Phase_Detail_Completed;
    // событие OnFormBound используется для регистрации клиентского сценария на странице
    protected override void OnFormBound()
        // проверка выполнения каких либо действий на странице
        if (!IsCurrentTabVisible)


        //var newcontact = Sage.Platform.EntityFactory.GetById<IContact>("C6UJ9A000CW6");
        //btnAdd.OnClientClick = string.Format("Sage.Utility.loadDetailsDialog({{ entityType: 'Sage.Entity.Interfaces.IAssociation, Sage.Entity.Interfaces', entityId: '{0}', smartPart: 'FbAddEditAccountAssociation',dialogParameters: {{ Key:'EntityType', Value:'{2}' }}, dialogTitle: '{1}', isCentered: true, dialogHeight: 260, dialogWidth: 800 }});return false;", id, (string)(CurrentEntity.GetType().Name == "Account" ? GetLocalResourceObject("FbAddEditAccountAssociation.Header") : GetLocalResourceObject("FbAddEditContactAssociation.Header")), CurrentEntity.GetType().Name);

        using (var session = new SessionScopeWrapper())     // новая сессия
            // определение и настройка источника данных для объектов на странице ascs
            grdFbAccountMyProduct.DataSource =
                .SetString("accountId", Convert.ToString(CurrentEntity.Id))
                .ListAs(new { Id = default(string), AMOUNT = default(decimal), PRODUCTNAME = default(string), INTERESTRATE = default(decimal), });
            // привязка данных к источнику данных
예제 #7
 public static AuthenticationData RetrieveAuthenticationData(String providerName)
     using (var sess = new SessionScopeWrapper())
         var prov = sess.CreateQuery("from OAuthProvider where ProviderName=?")
             .SetString(0, providerName)
         if (prov == null)
             throw new Exception(String.Format("Unable to locate {0} provider in the configured OAuth providers", providerName));
         var userToken = sess.CreateQuery("from UserOAuthToken where OAuthProvider.Id=? and User.Id=?")
             .SetString(0, prov.Id.ToString())
             .SetString(1, ApplicationContext.Current.Services.Get<IUserService>().UserId)
         if (userToken == null || userToken.AccessToken == null)
             throw new Exception(String.Format("Unable to locate authorization token for current user under {0} provider", providerName));
         if (userToken.ExpirationDate != null && userToken.ExpirationDate < DateTime.Now)
             // TODO: refresh, if possible??  (Not applicable to either Twitter or Linked in, though)
             throw new Exception(String.Format("Authentication token for {0} provider has expired", providerName));
         return new AuthenticationData
             ConsumerKey = prov.ClientId,
             ConsumerSecret = prov.Secret,
             Token = userToken.AccessToken,
             TokenSecret = userToken.AccessTokenSecret,
             RefreshToken = userToken.RefreshToken
        protected override void OnExecute()
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(BulletinName))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Resources.Job_BulletinName_NotSpecified);

            using (var session = new SessionScopeWrapper())
                IBulletin bulletin = session.QueryOver <IBulletin>()
                                     .Where(x => x.BulletinName == BulletinName)
                                     .SingleOrDefault <IBulletin>();

                if (bulletin == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(Resources.Job_BulletinName_NotFound);

                switch (bulletin.BulletinName)
                case "Weekly Forecast Summary":
        private void MoveContactData(SessionScopeWrapper session, string source, string target)
            var cmd = session.Connection.CreateCommand();

                if (cmd.Connection.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
                ExecuteCmd(cmd, string.Format("UPDATE ACTIVITY SET CONTACTID = '{0}' WHERE CONTACTID = '{1}'", target, source));
                ExecuteCmd(cmd, string.Format("UPDATE HISTORY SET CONTACTID = '{0}' WHERE CONTACTID = '{1}'", target, source));
                ExecuteCmd(cmd, string.Format("UPDATE ATTACHMENT SET CONTACTID = '{0}' WHERE CONTACTID = '{1}'", target, source));

                if (cbDelete.Checked)
                    ExecuteCmd(cmd, string.Format("DELETE FROM CONTACT WHERE CONTACTID = '{0}'", source));
            catch (Exception error)
예제 #10
 public static void OnAfterUpdateStep(IAddress address)
     using (var session = new SessionScopeWrapper(false))
         //обновить контакты
         CommonProcedures.UpdateAccountContacts(address.EntityId, session);
 public static void ReloadSalesOrderStep(IAddEditSalesOrder form, EventArgs args)
     using (NHibernate.ISession session = new SessionScopeWrapper(false))
         // forces NHibernate to reload the object
 public static void GetFirstServiceWonStep(ICustfinancial custfinancial, out System.DateTime result)
     // TODO: Complete business rule implementation
     using (ISession session = new SessionScopeWrapper()) {
         string sql = "select min(actualclose) from opportunity_product where opportunityid='" + custfinancial.Id.ToString() + "'";
         DateTime fswon = session.CreateSQLQuery(sql).UniqueResult<DateTime>();
         result = fswon;
 public static void GetMemberPhoneStep( IMeetingTeam meetingteam, out System.String result)
     // TODO: Complete business rule implementation
     using (ISession session = new SessionScopeWrapper())
         string sql = "select phone from userinfo where userid='"+ meetingteam.UserID.ToString()+"'";
 public static void GetActualOrderRevStep( IOrderSummaryDetail ordersummarydetail, out System.Decimal result)
     // TODO: Complete business rule implementation
     using (ISession session = new SessionScopeWrapper()) {
         string sql = "select revenue from order_summary_detail where ordertype='Actual' and order_summary_detailid='" + ordersummarydetail.Id.ToString() + "'";
         decimal fswon = session.CreateSQLQuery(sql).UniqueResult<decimal>();
         result = fswon;
 public static void GetTotalAnticRepBudgetStep( ICustfinancial custfinancial, out System.Decimal result)
     // TODO: Complete business rule implementation
     using (ISession session = new SessionScopeWrapper()) {
         string sql = "select sum(revenue) from order_summary_detail where ordertype='Anticipated' and opportunityid='" + custfinancial.Id.ToString() + "'";
         decimal fswon = session.CreateSQLQuery(sql).UniqueResult<decimal>();
         result = fswon;
 public static void GetBusDevRepStep( ICustfinancial custfinancial, out System.String result)
     // TODO: Complete business rule implementation
     using (ISession session = new SessionScopeWrapper()){
     string sql = "select username from userinfo where userid=(select meetingmanager from accountconferon where accountid='"+custfinancial.Accountid+"')";
     string fswon = session.CreateSQLQuery(sql).UniqueResult<string>();
 public static void GetWonServiceRevStep(ICustfinancial custfinancial, out System.Decimal result)
     // TODO: Complete business rule implementation
     using (ISession session = new SessionScopeWrapper()) {
         string sql = "select sum(extendedprice) from opportunity_product where status='Execution' and opportunityid='" + custfinancial.Id.ToString() + "'";
         decimal fswon = session.CreateSQLQuery(sql).UniqueResult<decimal>();
         result = fswon;
 public static void GetProductName( IOrderSummaryDetail ordersummarydetail, out System.String result)
     using (ISession session = new SessionScopeWrapper())
         string sql = "select description from product where productid='"+ordersummarydetail.Productid.ToString()+"'";
         string prodname = session.CreateSQLQuery(sql).UniqueResult<string>();
예제 #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempt to extract properties from the lookup metadata.
        /// The result of this operation is cached.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lookupName"></param>
        /// <param name="entityTypeName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static LookupPropertyCollection GetLookupProperties(String lookupName, String entityTypeName)
            LookupPropertyCollection result = null;

            if (HttpContext.Current != null &&
                ((result = HttpContext.Current.Cache["LookupProperties$" + entityTypeName + "$" + lookupName] as LookupPropertyCollection) != null))
            result = new LookupPropertyCollection();

            using (var sess = new SessionScopeWrapper())
                Type entityType = Type.GetType(entityTypeName);
                if (entityType == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Unable to locate type " + entityTypeName);
                if (entityType.IsInterface)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Must use the concrete class as EntityTypeName (e.g., Sage.SalesLogix.Entities.Contact)");
                String entityName = ((SessionFactoryImpl)sess.SessionFactory).TryGetGuessEntityName(entityType);
                if (entityName == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Unable to locate persister for entity type " + entityType.FullName);
                AbstractEntityPersister persister = (AbstractEntityPersister)((SessionFactoryImpl)sess.SessionFactory).GetEntityPersister(entityName);
                foreach (LookupLayoutField lookupField in GetLookupFields(sess, persister.TableName, lookupName))
                    String[] tableField = lookupField.Path.Split(new char[] { ':' });
                    if (persister == null || persister.TableName != tableField[0])
                        throw new ArgumentException("Invalid lookup data - table name does not match persister table (" + persister.TableName + " vs " + tableField[0] + ") - check EntityName setting");
                    String propName = DecomposePath((SessionFactoryImpl)sess.SessionFactory, persister, tableField[1], lookupField.Format);
                    if (propName != null)
                        result.Add(new LookupProperty(propName, lookupField.Caption));
                        // TODO: we should set the property format here
            if (LOG.IsDebugEnabled)
                foreach (LookupProperty prop in result)
                    LOG.Debug("Using property '" + prop.PropertyName + "' with header '" + prop.PropertyHeader + "'");
            if (HttpContext.Current != null)
                HttpContext.Current.Cache["LookupProperties$" + entityTypeName + "$" + lookupName] = result;
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the opp contact.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="opportunityContactId">The opportunity contact id.</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private static IOpportunityContact GetOppContact(string opportunityContactId)
        IOpportunityContact oppcon = null;

        using (ISession session = new SessionScopeWrapper())
            oppcon = EntityFactory.GetById <IOpportunityContact>(opportunityContactId);
예제 #21
 /// <summary>
 /// True if specified user is in specified team (or department).
 /// Note that this will return true whether the user is a direct member of the team,
 /// or manager of someone who is.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="userId"></param>
 /// <param name="teamName"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static bool IsUserInTeam(String userId, String teamName)
     using (var sess = new SessionScopeWrapper())
         return 0 < sess.CreateQuery("select count(*) from OwnerRights sr where sr.User.Id=? and sr.Owner.OwnerDescription=?")
             .SetString(0, userId)
             .SetString(1, teamName)
 public IEnumerable<IRecord> Read()
     using (var sess = new SessionScopeWrapper())
         var qry = sess.CreateQuery(_query);
         IList lst = qry.List();
         foreach (object o in lst)
             yield return new HqlRecordWrapper(o);
예제 #23
 public void TestFormatUserName()
     String entityName = "Sage.SalesLogix.Entities.Contact";
     using (var sess = new SessionScopeWrapper())
         SessionFactoryImpl sf = (SessionFactoryImpl)sess.SessionFactory;
         AbstractEntityPersister persister = (AbstractEntityPersister)(sf.GetEntityPersister(entityName));
         Assert.AreEqual("AccountManager.UserInfo.UserName", SimpleLookup.DecomposePath(sf, persister, "ACCOUNTMANAGERID", "6"));
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the user.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="userId">The user id.</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private static IUser GetUser(string userId)
        IUser user = null;

        using (ISession session = new SessionScopeWrapper())
            user = EntityFactory.GetById <IUser>(userId);
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the contact.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="contactId">The contact id.</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private static IContact GetContact(string contactId)
        IContact contact = null;

        using (ISession session = new SessionScopeWrapper())
            contact = EntityFactory.GetById <IContact>(contactId);
예제 #26
 public void TestFormatOwner()
     String entityName = "Sage.SalesLogix.Entities.Contact";
     using (var sess = new SessionScopeWrapper())
         SessionFactoryImpl sf = (SessionFactoryImpl)sess.SessionFactory;
         AbstractEntityPersister persister = (AbstractEntityPersister)(sf.GetEntityPersister(entityName));
         Assert.AreEqual("Owner.OwnerDescription", SimpleLookup.DecomposePath(sf, persister, "SECCODEID", "8"));
 public static void GetServiceNameStep( ISalesOrderItem salesorderitem, out System.String result)
     // TODO: Complete business rule implementation
     using (ISession session = new SessionScopeWrapper())
         string sql = "select description from product where productid='"+salesorderitem.Product.Id+"'";
         string prodname = session.CreateSQLQuery(sql).UniqueResult<string>();
 public static void GetPrimaryContactPhoneStep2( ICustevent custevent, out System.String result)
     // TODO: Complete business rule implementation
     using (ISession session = new SessionScopeWrapper())
         string sql = "select top 1 c.workphone from sysdba.opportunity_contact oc left join c on oc.contactid=c.contactid where oc.isprimary='T' and opportunityid='"+custevent.Id.ToString()+"'";
         string fswon = session.CreateSQLQuery(sql).UniqueResult<string>();
        public IList<OrmKeyColumn> LoadKeyColumns(string tableName)
            Guard.ArgumentNotNullOrEmptyString(tableName, "tableName");

            using (ISession session = new SessionScopeWrapper())
                return session.CreateCriteria(typeof (OrmKeyColumn))
                    .Add(Expression.Eq("TableName", tableName))
예제 #30
 public static void OnAfterDelete(IAccNewsletter accnewsletter)
     using (var session = new SessionScopeWrapper())
         // обновить контакты
         if (accnewsletter.AccContactInfo != null)
             CommonProcedures.UpdateAccountContacts(accnewsletter.AccContactInfo.AccountId, session);
예제 #31
    protected void cmdOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // if there is no target account selected, return and notify user
            if (lueTargetAccount.LookupResultValue == null)
                lblTargetAccountErr.Visible = true;

            // check to make sure the contact is not being copied to same account
            if (Contact.Account.Equals(lueTargetAccount.LookupResultValue))
                lblTargetAccountErr.Visible = true;
            // get the source account
            var theAcct = (IAccount)lueTargetAccount.LookupResultValue;

            // create a dictionary fo key value pairs for all the selected copy options
            var options = new Dictionary <string, bool>
                { "AssociateWithSource", chkAssociateWithSource.Checked },
                { "UseTargetAddressPhn", chkUseTargetAddressPhn.Checked },
                { "CopyNotes", chkCopyNotes.Checked },
                { "CopyActivities", chkCopyActivities.Checked },
                { "CopyHistory", chkCopyHistory.Checked }
            // session wrapper to pass in
            ISession session = new SessionScopeWrapper();

            // call the CopyToNewContact method
            var copiedContact = Contact.CopyNewContact(theAcct, options, session);

            if (copiedContact.Id != null)
                Response.Redirect(string.Format("Contact.aspx?entityId={0}", (copiedContact.Id)), false);
        catch (Exception ex)
            string sSlxErrorId = null;
            var    sMsg        = ErrorHelper.GetClientErrorHtmlMessage(ex, ref sSlxErrorId);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sSlxErrorId))
                log.Error(ErrorHelper.AppendSlxErrorId("The call to SmartParts_Contact_CopyNewContact.cmdOK_Click failed", sSlxErrorId),
            DialogService.ShowHtmlMessage(sMsg, ErrorHelper.IsDevelopmentContext() ? 600 : -1,
                                          ErrorHelper.IsDevelopmentContext() ? 800 : -1);
        DialogService.CloseEventHappened(sender, e);
예제 #32
 /// <summary>
 /// True if specified user is in specified team (or department).
 /// Note that this will return true whether the user is a direct member of the team,
 /// or manager of someone who is.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="userId"></param>
 /// <param name="teamName"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static bool IsUserInTeam(String userId, String teamName)
     using (var sess = new SessionScopeWrapper())
         return(0 < sess.CreateQuery("select count(*) from OwnerRights sr where sr.User.Id=? and sr.Owner.OwnerDescription=?")
                .SetString(0, userId)
                .SetString(1, teamName)
                .UniqueResult <long>());
예제 #33
        public void TestFormatUserName()
            String entityName = "Sage.SalesLogix.Entities.Contact";

            using (var sess = new SessionScopeWrapper())
                SessionFactoryImpl      sf        = (SessionFactoryImpl)sess.SessionFactory;
                AbstractEntityPersister persister = (AbstractEntityPersister)(sf.GetEntityPersister(entityName));
                Assert.AreEqual("AccountManager.UserInfo.UserName", SimpleLookup.DecomposePath(sf, persister, "ACCOUNTMANAGERID", "6"));
예제 #34
        public void TestFormatOwner()
            String entityName = "Sage.SalesLogix.Entities.Contact";

            using (var sess = new SessionScopeWrapper())
                SessionFactoryImpl      sf        = (SessionFactoryImpl)sess.SessionFactory;
                AbstractEntityPersister persister = (AbstractEntityPersister)(sf.GetEntityPersister(entityName));
                Assert.AreEqual("Owner.OwnerDescription", SimpleLookup.DecomposePath(sf, persister, "SECCODEID", "8"));
예제 #35
        protected override void OnExecute()
            IList <INotificationEvent> notificationEvents = null;

            // Get the list of Notification Events to process
            using (var session = new SessionScopeWrapper())
                notificationEvents = session.QueryOver <INotificationEvent>()
                                     .Where(x => x.NextTimeToCheck <= DateTime.Now && x.Enabled == true)
                                     .List <INotificationEvent>();

            if (notificationEvents != null)
                foreach (INotificationEvent ne in notificationEvents)
                    string   query   = ParseQueryForLiterals(ne);
                    DateTime now     = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    bool     bResult = false;

                    // Execute the query
                    using (var session = new SessionScopeWrapper())
                        Type entityType = typeof(Sage.SalesLogix.Entities.Account).Assembly.GetType(String.Format("Sage.SalesLogix.Entities.{0}", ne.EntityName));

                        IList <dynamic> payload = session.CreateQuery(query).List <dynamic>();

                        if (payload.Count > 0)
                            if (ne.Digest == true)
                                bResult = ProcessDigestEvent(ne, payload);
                                bResult = ProcessSingleEvent(ne, payload);
                            // Noting to process, but move the next time to check anyway.
                            bResult = true;
                    if (bResult)
                        // Update Notification Event
                        ne.LastChecked     = now;
                        ne.NextTimeToCheck = GetNextTimeToCheck(ne, now);
예제 #36
    private IPickListView GetPickListView()
        IPickListView plv = BindingSource.Current as IPickListView;

        using (ISession session = new SessionScopeWrapper(true))
            return(session.QueryOver <IPickListView>()
                   .Where(x => x.Id == plv.Id)
예제 #37
        public IEnumerable<IRecord> Read(WorkItem workItem)
            String query = String.Format("from {0} where {1}", _entity, workItem.EvaluateLiterals(_where, this));

            using (var sess = new SessionScopeWrapper())
                var qry = sess.CreateQuery(query);
                IList lst = qry.List();
                foreach (object o in lst)
                    yield return new EntityRecordWrapper(o);
        private void WeeklyForecastSummary(IBulletin bulletin)
            DateTime        today = DateTime.UtcNow;
            ForecastSummary fs    = new ForecastSummary();

            Progress = 0;
            decimal counter = 0;

            using (var session = new SessionScopeWrapper())
                IList <IForecast> forecasts = session.QueryOver <IForecast>()
                                              .Where(x => today >= x.BeginDate && today <= x.EndDate && x.Active == true)
                                              .List <IForecast>();

                foreach (IForecast f in forecasts)
                    ForecastInfo fi = new ForecastInfo();
                    fi.ForecastName = f.Description;
                    fi.AssignedTo   = f.AssignedTo.UserInfo.NameLF;
                    fi.Amount       = Convert.ToDecimal(f.Amount);
                    fi.Pipeline     = (decimal)f.PeriodPipelineAmt("Avg");
                    fi.ClosedWon    = (decimal)f.PeriodClosedWonAmt();
                    fi.Quota        = GetQuotaAmtforUser(f.AssignedTo, today);

                    Progress = (100M * ++counter / forecasts.Count) / 2;

            counter = 0;
            if (fs.forecasts.Count > 0)
                string msgBody = BuildMessageBody(fs);
                string subject = "Weekly Forecast Summary";

                IDeliveryItem di = Sage.Platform.EntityFactory.Create <IDeliveryItem>();
                di.Body           = msgBody;
                di.Subject        = subject;
                di.DeliverySystem = bulletin.DeliverySystem;
                di.Status         = "To Be Processed";

                foreach (IBulletinSubscriber subscriber in bulletin.Subscribers)
                    IDeliveryItemTarget target = EntityFactory.Create <IDeliveryItemTarget>();
                    target.DeliveryItem = di;
                    target.Address      = subscriber.Subscriber.UserInfo.Email;
                    target.Type         = "TO";
                    Progress = 50M + (50M * ++counter / bulletin.Subscribers.Count);
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the opp contact count.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="opportunityId">The opportunity id.</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private static int GetOppContactCount(string opportunityId)
        int          count = 0;
        IOpportunity opp;

        using (ISession session = new SessionScopeWrapper())
            opp   = EntityFactory.GetById <IOpportunity>(opportunityId);
            count = opp.Contacts.Count;
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the opp account manager.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="opportunityId">The opportunity id.</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private static IUser GetOppAccountManager(string opportunityId)
        IUser        user = null;
        IOpportunity opp  = null;

        using (ISession session = new SessionScopeWrapper())
            opp  = EntityFactory.GetById <IOpportunity>(opportunityId);
            user = opp.AccountManager;
 public static void ValidateCommissionStep(IOpportunity opportunity, out Boolean result)
     // TODO: Complete business rule implementation
     result = false;
     using (ISession session = new SessionScopeWrapper()) {
         string strSQL = "select count(*) from salesorder where salescommission>0 and salescommission2>0 and accountid='"+opportunity.Account.Id.ToString()+"' and opportunityid='"+opportunity.Id.ToString()+"'";
         int salesorder = session.CreateSQLQuery(strSQL).UniqueResult<int>();
         if (salesorder > 0) {
             result = true;
예제 #42
 public void TestDecomposePath()
     String entityName = "Sage.SalesLogix.Entities.Contact";
     using (var sess = new SessionScopeWrapper())
         SessionFactoryImpl sf = (SessionFactoryImpl)sess.SessionFactory;
         AbstractEntityPersister persister = (AbstractEntityPersister)(sf.GetEntityPersister(entityName));
         Assert.AreEqual("LastName", SimpleLookup.DecomposePath(sf, persister, "LASTNAME", "0"));
         Assert.AreEqual("Address.PostalCode", SimpleLookup.DecomposePath(sf, persister, "ADDRESSID=ADDRESSID.ADDRESS!POSTALCODE", "0"));
         Assert.AreEqual("AccountManager.UserInfo.UserName", SimpleLookup.DecomposePath(sf, persister, "ACCOUNTMANAGERID>USERID.USERINFO!USERNAME", "0"));
예제 #43
        public void TestDecomposePath()
            String entityName = "Sage.SalesLogix.Entities.Contact";

            using (var sess = new SessionScopeWrapper())
                SessionFactoryImpl      sf        = (SessionFactoryImpl)sess.SessionFactory;
                AbstractEntityPersister persister = (AbstractEntityPersister)(sf.GetEntityPersister(entityName));
                Assert.AreEqual("LastName", SimpleLookup.DecomposePath(sf, persister, "LASTNAME", "0"));
                Assert.AreEqual("Address.PostalCode", SimpleLookup.DecomposePath(sf, persister, "ADDRESSID=ADDRESSID.ADDRESS!POSTALCODE", "0"));
                Assert.AreEqual("AccountManager.UserInfo.UserName", SimpleLookup.DecomposePath(sf, persister, "ACCOUNTMANAGERID>USERID.USERINFO!USERNAME", "0"));
        public static void ValidateSalesOrderStep( IOpportunityProduct opportunityproduct, out Boolean result)
            // TODO: Complete business rule implementation
            result = false;

            using (ISession session = new SessionScopeWrapper()) {
                string strSQL = "select count(*) from salesorderdetail where productid ='"+opportunityproduct.Product.Id.ToString()+"' and salesorderid in  (select salesorderid from salesorder where Actual = 'F' and Opportunityid='"+opportunityproduct.Opportunity.Id.ToString()+"')";
                int salesorder = session.CreateSQLQuery(strSQL).UniqueResult<int>();
                if (salesorder > 0) {
                    result = true;
 public static void GetInitialSalesRepStep( IOpportunity opportunity, out System.String result)
     // TODO: Complete business rule implementation
     string fswon = string.Empty;
             using (ISession session = new SessionScopeWrapper())
                     string sql = "select username from userinfo where userid='"+opportunity.Account.AccountConferon.InitialSalesRep.ToString()+"'";
                     fswon = session.CreateSQLQuery(sql).UniqueResult<string>();
    private IPickListView GetPickListView()
        IPickListView plv = this.BindingSource.Current as IPickListView;

        using (ISession session = new SessionScopeWrapper(true))
            IQuery query = session.CreateQuery("select p1 from PickListView p1 where p1.Id = :PickListId");
            .SetAnsiString("PickListId", plv.Id.ToString())
            return(query.UniqueResult <IPickListView>());
예제 #47
 public static void OnAfterInsertStep(IAccNewsletter accnewsletter)
     using (var session = new SessionScopeWrapper())
         // обновить контакты
         if (accnewsletter.AccContactInfo != null)
             CommonProcedures.UpdateAccountContacts(accnewsletter.AccContactInfo.AccountId, session);
예제 #48
    /// <summary>
    /// Handles the SelectedIndexChanged event of the cboQualifications control.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
    /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
    protected void cboQualifications_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        ListItem item = cboQualifications.SelectedItem;

        if (item != null)
            using (NHibernate.ISession session = new SessionScopeWrapper())
                ILead lead = GetCurrentLead();
                if (lead != null)
                    IQualificationCategory currentCategory = lead.QualificationCategory;
                    if (currentCategory != null)
                        IList <IQualification> qualifications = GetQualifications(currentCategory);
                        if (qualifications != null)
                            IList <ILeadQualification> lead_qualifications = GetLeadQualifications(currentCategory, qualifications, lead);
                            if (lead_qualifications != null)
                                if (lead_qualifications.Count > 0)
                                    string confirmation = htxtConfirmation.Value;
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(confirmation))
                                        const string cFalse = "false";
                                        if (confirmation.ToLower() == cFalse)
                                            cboQualifications.SelectedValue = currentCategory.Id.ToString();
                                    foreach (ILeadQualification lead_qual in lead_qualifications)
                    IQualificationCategory category = EntityFactory.GetById <IQualificationCategory>(item.Value);
                    if (category != null)
                        lead.QualificationCategory = category;
예제 #49
    private IList <IPickListItemView> GetItems(IPickListView pickList)
        using (ISession session = new SessionScopeWrapper(true))
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_sortExpression))
                _sortExpression = "OrderSeq";

            var query = session.QueryOver <IPickListItemView>()
                        .Where(x => x.UserId == "ADMIN" && x.PickListId == (string)pickList.Id);
            query.UnderlyingCriteria.AddOrder(new Order(_sortExpression, _sortDirection));
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the opp contacts.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="opportunityId">The opportunity id.</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private static IList <IContact> GetOppContacts(string opportunityId)
        List <IContact> contacts = new List <IContact>();
        IOpportunity    opp      = null;

        using (ISession session = new SessionScopeWrapper())
            opp = EntityFactory.GetById <IOpportunity>(opportunityId);

            foreach (IOpportunityContact oppCon in opp.Contacts)
    public string GetPeriodIdForCurrentDate()
        var periodId    = string.Empty;
        var currentdate = DateTime.UtcNow.Date;

        using (ISession session = new SessionScopeWrapper())
            var presentDatePeriod = session
                                    .Query <IPeriod>().ToList().Find(x => x.EffectiveFrom.Value.Date <= currentdate && x.ExpiresAfter.Value.Date >= currentdate);
            if (presentDatePeriod != null)
                periodId = presentDatePeriod.Id.ToString();
        public static void GetInitialSalesRepStep( ICustfinancial custfinancial, out System.String result)
            string fswon = string.Empty;
             	using (ISession session = new SessionScopeWrapper())

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(custfinancial.Account.AccountConferon.InitialSalesRep.ToString()) || custfinancial.Account.AccountConferon.InitialSalesRep.ToString()!=null)
                        string sql = "select username from userinfo where userid='"+custfinancial.Account.AccountConferon.InitialSalesRep.ToString()+"'";
                        fswon = session.CreateSQLQuery(sql).UniqueResult<string>();
 private IList <IPickListItemView> GetItems(IPickListView pickList)
     using (ISession session = new SessionScopeWrapper(true))
         if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_sortExpression))
             _sortExpression = "OrderSeq";
         var query = session.QueryOver <IPickListItemView>()
                     .Where(x => x.UserId == "ADMIN" && x.PickListId == (string)pickList.Id);
         if (!cboViewedLanguage.SelectedValue.Equals(AllItems))
             query.WhereRestrictionOn(x => x.LanguageCode).IsInsensitiveLike(cboViewedLanguage.Text);
         query.UnderlyingCriteria.AddOrder(new Order(_sortExpression, _sortDirection));
 public static void GetSalesOrdReceiptsStep( ISalesOrder salesorder, out System.Decimal result)
     // TODO: Complete business rule implementation
     using (ISession session = new SessionScopeWrapper()) {
         decimal fswon=0;
         if (salesorder!=null){
                     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(salesorder.Id.ToString())){
                             string sql = "select sum(amount) from receipts where salesorderid= (select top 1 salesorderid from salesorder where actual = 'T' and anticipatedid='" + salesorder.Id.ToString() + "')";
                             fswon = session.CreateSQLQuery(sql).UniqueResult<decimal>();
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fswon.ToString())){
         result = fswon;
         } else {
         result = 0;
 public static void GetCSAnticNoStep( ISalesOrder salesorder, out System.String result)
         using (ISession session = new SessionScopeWrapper()){
             string fswon = string.Empty;
                 if (salesorder!=null){
                     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(salesorder.Id.ToString())){
                         string sql = "select documentid from salesorder where actual = 'F' and salesorderid='"+salesorder.Id.ToString()+"'";
                         fswon = session.CreateSQLQuery(sql).UniqueResult<string>();
                 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fswon)){
     } catch(Exception){ result="-";}
 public static void GetSalesOrdActRevStep(ISalesOrder salesorder, out System.Double result)
     // TODO: Complete business rule implementation
     using (ISession session = new SessionScopeWrapper()) {
         double fswon=0;
         if (salesorder!=null){
                     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(salesorder.Id.ToString())){
                         string sql = "select top 1 ordertotal from salesorder where Actual='T' and anticipatedid='" + salesorder.Id.ToString() + "'";
                         fswon = session.CreateSQLQuery(sql).UniqueResult<double>();
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fswon.ToString())){
         result = fswon;
         } else {
         result = 0;
     catch(Exception) { result=0;}
예제 #57
 /// <summary>
 /// Handles the Click event of the GetPasswordHint control.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
 /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
 protected void GetPasswordHint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(slxLogin.UserName))
         HintText.Text = GetLocalResourceObject("PasswordHintUserNameRequired").ToString();
         IList<IContact> contacts = null;
         using (ISession session = new SessionScopeWrapper())
             contacts = session.CreateQuery("from Contact c where c.WebUserName = :value")
                .SetAnsiString("value", slxLogin.UserName)
         if ((contacts != null) && (contacts.Count > 0))
             HintText.Text = (contacts[0].WebPasswordHint);
     HintTextDiv.Style.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.Display, "inline");
        public static void GetSalesOrdAnticDateStep( ISalesOrder salesorder, out System.DateTime result)
            // TODO: Complete business rule implementation]
            using (ISession session = new SessionScopeWrapper()) {
                DateTime fswon = System.DateTime.MinValue;
                if (salesorder!=null){
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(salesorder.Id.ToString())){
                                string sql = "select orderdate from salesorder where actual = 'F' and salesorderid='" + salesorder.Id.ToString() + "'";
                                fswon = session.CreateSQLQuery(sql).UniqueResult<DateTime>();

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fswon.ToString())){
                result = fswon;
                else {
            catch(Exception){ result=System.DateTime.MinValue;}
        public static void CreateSalesOrderStep( IOpportunityProduct opportunityproduct)
            // TODO: Complete business rule implementation
            ISession session = new SessionScopeWrapper();
            string strSQL = "select max(documentid)+1 from salesorder where len(documentid)>5";
            int docid = session.CreateSQLQuery(strSQL).UniqueResult<int>();

            Sage.Entity.Interfaces.ISalesOrder saleso  =Sage.Platform.EntityFactory.Create<Sage.Entity.Interfaces.ISalesOrder>();
            Sage.Entity.Interfaces.ISalesorderdetail sodetail = Sage.Platform.EntityFactory.Create<Sage.Entity.Interfaces.ISalesorderdetail>();
            try {

            saleso.Account = opportunityproduct.Opportunity.Account;
            saleso.Opportunity = opportunityproduct.Opportunity;

            if (opportunityproduct.ExtendedPrice!=null){
            saleso.OrderTotal = (double) opportunityproduct.ExtendedPrice;
            } else {
            saleso.OrderTotal = 0;

            if (opportunityproduct.ExtendedPrice!=null){
                saleso.Totalcommissionable = (double) opportunityproduct.ExtendedPrice;
            } else {
                saleso.Totalcommissionable = 0;
            saleso.OrderType = "Regular Order" ;
            saleso.DocumentId = docid.ToString();
            saleso.Status = "Open Order";

            saleso.UserId = opportunityproduct.Opportunity.AccountManager.Id.ToString();
            if (opportunityproduct.Opportunity.OpportunityCIUDF.Accountmanagerid2!=null){
            saleso.UserID2 = opportunityproduct.Opportunity.OpportunityCIUDF.Accountmanagerid2.ToString();
            saleso.Owner   = opportunityproduct.Opportunity.Owner;
            if (opportunityproduct.Product.Family.ToString().Trim()=="FAMCLI"){
                saleso.BillToName = opportunityproduct.Opportunity.Account.AccountName;
                saleso.Billtoaccount = opportunityproduct.Opportunity.Account.Id.ToString();
                strSQL = "select contactid from contact where accountid='"+opportunityproduct.Opportunity.Account.Id.ToString()+"' and isprimary='T'";
                saleso.Billtocontact = session.CreateSQLQuery(strSQL).UniqueResult<string>();
                throw new Sage.Platform.Application.ValidationException("Sales Order Information Incomplete. Please Check that this Opportunity have a Primary Contact Related.");


            try {

            sodetail.SalesOrder = saleso;
            sodetail.ProductId = opportunityproduct.Product.Id.ToString();

            if (opportunityproduct.OpportunityProductCI.Other_fees!=null || opportunityproduct.OpportunityProductCI.Other_fees>0)
                //sodetail.Num2 = (short)opportunityproduct.OpportunityProductCI.Num2;
                /*sodetail.Num3 = opportunityproduct.OpportunityProductCI.Num3;
                sodetail.Num4 = opportunityproduct.OpportunityProductCI.Num4;
                sodetail.Fees1 = opportunityproduct.OpportunityProductCI.Fees1;
                sodetail.Fees1Desc = opportunityproduct.OpportunityProductCI.Fees1Desc;
                sodetail.Fees2 = opportunityproduct.OpportunityProductCI.Fees2;
                sodetail.Fees2Desc = opportunityproduct.OpportunityProductCI.Fees2Desc;
                sodetail.Fees3 = opportunityproduct.OpportunityProductCI.Fees3;
                sodetail.Fees3Desc = opportunityproduct.OpportunityProductCI.Fees3Desc;
                sodetail.Fees4 = opportunityproduct.OpportunityProductCI.Fees4;
                sodetail.Fees4Desc = opportunityproduct.OpportunityProductCI.Fees4Desc;
                sodetail.Rate = opportunityproduct.OpportunityProductCI.Rate;
                sodetail.Rate2 = opportunityproduct.OpportunityProductCI.Rate2;
                sodetail.Rate3 = opportunityproduct.OpportunityProductCI.Rate3;
                sodetail.Rate4 = opportunityproduct.OpportunityProductCI.Rate4;	*/

                if (opportunityproduct.CalculatedPrice!=null){
                sodetail.Calcprice 		= (double)opportunityproduct.CalculatedPrice;
                if (opportunityproduct.ExtendedPrice!=null){
                    sodetail.Extendedprice 	= (double)opportunityproduct.ExtendedPrice;
                if (opportunityproduct.Price!=null){
                    sodetail.Price 			= (double)opportunityproduct.Price;
                if (opportunityproduct.OpportunityProductCI.Commission!=null){
                    sodetail.Commission 	= opportunityproduct.OpportunityProductCI.Commission;
                if (opportunityproduct.OpportunityProductCI.Discount!=null){
                    sodetail.Discount 		= opportunityproduct.OpportunityProductCI.Discount;
                if (opportunityproduct.OpportunityProductCI.Onsite_fees!=null){
                    sodetail.Onsite_fees 	= (decimal) opportunityproduct.OpportunityProductCI.Onsite_fees;
                    sodetail.Onsite_fees = 0;

                if (opportunityproduct.OpportunityProductCI.Other_fees!=null){
                    sodetail.Other_fees 	= (decimal) opportunityproduct.OpportunityProductCI.Other_fees;
                else {
                    sodetail.Other_fees = 0;
                if (opportunityproduct.OpportunityProductCI.Num!=null){
                sodetail.Num 			= opportunityproduct.OpportunityProductCI.Num;

            saleso.OrderDate = DateTime.Now;
            } //End Try
                throw new Sage.Platform.Application.ValidationException("Creation Process not completed. Please Check that this Opportunity have a Primary Contact Related.");

    private void ExportPickListData(IList<string> selections, string format)
        if (selections == null)
            using (ISession session = new SessionScopeWrapper())
                selections = session.QueryOver<PickList>()
                    .Where(x => x.PickListId == "PICKLISTLIST")
                    .OrderBy(x => x.Text).Asc
                    .Select(x => x.ItemId)

        DataTable dt = new DataTable("PickLists");
        DataColumn dc = dt.Columns.Add();
        dc.ColumnName = "PickListName";
        dc.DataType = typeof(string);
        dc.AllowDBNull = true;

        dc = dt.Columns.Add();
        dc.ColumnName = "Text";
        dc.DataType = typeof(string);
        dc.AllowDBNull = true;

        dc = dt.Columns.Add();
        dc.ColumnName = "Code";
        dc.DataType = typeof(string);
        dc.AllowDBNull = true;

        dc = dt.Columns.Add();
        dc.ColumnName = "Order";
        dc.DataType = typeof(int);
        dc.AllowDBNull = true;

        dc = dt.Columns.Add();
        dc.ColumnName = "IsDefault";
        dc.DataType = typeof(bool);
        dc.AllowDBNull = true;

        dc = dt.Columns.Add();
        dc.ColumnName = "PickListId";
        dc.DataType = typeof(string);
        dc.AllowDBNull = true;

        dc = dt.Columns.Add();
        dc.ColumnName = "ItemId";
        dc.DataType = typeof(string);
        dc.AllowDBNull = true;

        IDictionary<string, Layout> layout = new Dictionary<string, Layout>();

        Layout item = new Layout();
        item = new Layout();
        item.ColumnName = "PickListName";
        item.ColumnCaption = "PickListName";
        item.Visible = true;
        item.FormatType = string.Empty;
        item.FormatString = string.Empty;
        item.Width = 64;
        layout.Add(item.ColumnName, item);

        item = new Layout();
        item.ColumnName = "Text";
        item.ColumnCaption = "Text";
        item.Visible = true;
        item.FormatType = string.Empty;
        item.FormatString = string.Empty;
        item.Width = 64;
        layout.Add(item.ColumnName, item);

        item = new Layout();
        item.ColumnName = "Code";
        item.ColumnCaption = "Code";
        item.Visible = true;
        item.FormatType = string.Empty;
        item.FormatString = string.Empty;
        item.Width = 64;
        layout.Add(item.ColumnName, item);

        item = new Layout();
        item.ColumnName = "Order";
        item.ColumnCaption = "Order";
        item.Visible = true;
        item.FormatType = string.Empty;
        item.FormatString = string.Empty;
        item.Width = 64;
        layout.Add(item.ColumnName, item);

        item = new Layout();
        item.ColumnName = "IsDefault";
        item.ColumnCaption = "IsDefault";
        item.Visible = true;
        item.FormatType = string.Empty;
        item.FormatString = string.Empty;
        item.Width = 64;
        layout.Add(item.ColumnName, item);

        item = new Layout();
        item.ColumnName = "PickListId";
        item.ColumnCaption = "PickListId";
        item.Visible = true;
        item.FormatType = string.Empty;
        item.FormatString = string.Empty;
        item.Width = 64;
        layout.Add(item.ColumnName, item);

        item = new Layout();
        item.ColumnName = "ItemId";
        item.ColumnCaption = "ItemId";
        item.Visible = true;
        item.FormatType = string.Empty;
        item.FormatString = string.Empty;
        item.Width = 64;
        layout.Add(item.ColumnName, item);

        foreach (string pickListId in selections)
            PickList pl = PickList.GetPickListById(pickListId);
            if (pl != null)
                PickList defaultItem = PickList.GetDefaultItem(pickListId);
                IList<PickList> Items = PickList.GetPickListItems(pickListId, false);
                if ((items != null) || (Items.Count > 0))
                    foreach (PickList pitem in Items)
                        DataRow row = dt.NewRow();
                        row["PickListId"] = pickListId;
                        row["ItemId"] = pitem.ItemId;
                        row["PickListName"] = pl.Text;
                        row["Text"] = pitem.Text;
                        row["Code"] = pitem.Shorttext;
                        row["Order"] = pitem.Id;
                        if ((defaultItem != null) && (defaultItem.ItemId == pitem.ItemId))
                            row["IsDefault"] = true;
                            row["IsDefault"] = false;
                    DataRow row = dt.NewRow();
                    row["PickListId"] = pickListId;
                    row["ItemId"] = "NOITEMS";
                    row["PickListName"] = pl.Text;
                    row["Text"] = "";
                    row["Code"] = "";
                    row["Order"] = -1;
                    row["IsDefault"] = false;

        switch (format)
            case "csv":
                ToCSV(dt, layout);
            case "tab":
                ToTab(dt, layout);