public void ValidateAccount(string accountNumber, string PIN)
            if (accountNumber.Length != 10)
                throw new ArgumentException("Length is not 10", "accountNumber");
            if (PIN.Length != 4)
                throw new ArgumentException("Length is not 4", "PIN");

            // create a Logon Message
            // 4 Bytes TXN in EBCDIC
            // 10 Bytes Account Number in EBCDIC
            // 4 Bytes PIN in EBCDIC
            string wholeMessageUnicode = "WB00" + accountNumber + PIN;

            // convert to EBCDIC
            byte[] ebcdicTXN = hostConverter.ConvertUnicodeToEbcdic(wholeMessageUnicode);

            // send the stuff off, throwing if on error
            SessionLU0Data data = new SessionLU0Data();

            data.Data = ebcdicTXN;

            // trace out the data to send
            TraceData(true, ebcdicTXN, 0);


            // now wait for the reply for 20 seconds
            SessionLU0Data receivedData = _session.Receive(20000, true);

            // trace out the received data
            TraceData(false, receivedData.Data, (int)receivedData.Indication);

            // translate back to Unicode
            string unicodeString = hostConverter.ConvertEbcdicToUnicode(receivedData.Data);

            // Format of returned message:
            // 1 Byte
            //      0 = Success
            //      1 = No Such Account
            //      2 = PIN Incorrect
            // 9 Bytes - SSN
            // 30 Bytes - Name
            switch (unicodeString[0])
            case '0':

            case '1':
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid Account Number", "accountNumber");

            case '2':
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid PIN", "pin");

                throw new Exception("Host returned - " + unicodeString[0]);

            if (unicodeString.Length != 40)
                throw new Exception("Data returned from Host - " + unicodeString + " is not 40 characters long");

            // all is well, keep hold of the data
            _accountNumber = accountNumber;
            _pin           = PIN;
            _ssn           = unicodeString.Substring(1, 9);
            _name          = unicodeString.Substring(10, 30);
        public string[] GetStatements(int startingStatementNumber, int numberToGet)
            if (_ssn.Length == 0)
                throw new Exception("You have not yet logged in");
            if (startingStatementNumber > 99)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("startingStatementNumber", "Can't get more than 100 statements");
            if (numberToGet > 9)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("numberToGet", "Can't get more than 9 statements at once");

            // create a GetAccounts
            // 4 Bytes TXN in EBCDIC
            // 9 Bytes SSN in EBCDIC
            // 17 Bytes (original values) Filled by return values from last call
            //      10 Bytes Account Number in EBCDIC (spaces)
            //       7 Bytes, Seq No in EBCDIC (all zeroes)
            // 1 Byte number of statements per call in EBCDIC
            if (startingStatementNumber == 0)
                _returnedStatementString = "          0000000";

            string wholeMessageUnicode = "WB05" + _ssn + _returnedStatementString + numberToGet.ToString();

            // convert to EBCDIC
            byte[] ebcdicTXN = hostConverter.ConvertUnicodeToEbcdic(wholeMessageUnicode);

            // send the stuff off, throwing if on error
            SessionLU0Data data = new SessionLU0Data();

            data.Data = ebcdicTXN;

            // trace out the data to send
            TraceData(true, ebcdicTXN, 0);


            // now wait for the reply for 20 seconds
            SessionLU0Data receivedData = _session.Receive(20000, true);

            // trace out the received data
            TraceData(false, receivedData.Data, (int)receivedData.Indication);

            // translate back to Unicode
            string unicodeString = hostConverter.ConvertEbcdicToUnicode(receivedData.Data);

            // Format of returned message:
            // 1 Byte
            //      0 = Success (including no more statements)
            //      1 = No Such Account
            //      6 = Error in count/number
            // 17 Bytes
            //      10 Bytes Account Number in EBCDIC
            //       7 Bytes, Seq No in EBCDIC
            // 1 Byte - Count of Statements, Max 9
            // 9 * 35 Bytes
            switch (unicodeString[0])
            case '0':

            case '1':
                throw new Exception("Invalid Account!");

            case '6':
                throw new Exception("Wrong Order or Incorrect Count");

                throw new Exception("Host returned - " + unicodeString[0]);

            // get the returned string
            _returnedStatementString = unicodeString.Substring(1, 17);

            // get the count
            int numberOfStatements = int.Parse(unicodeString.Substring(18, 1));
            int expectedLength     = 19 + numberOfStatements * 34;

            if (unicodeString.Length != expectedLength)
                throw new Exception("Data returned from Host - " + unicodeString + " is not " + expectedLength.ToString() + " characters long");

            string[] results = new string[numberOfStatements];

            int offset = 19;

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfStatements; i++)
                results[i] = unicodeString.Substring(offset, 34);
                offset    += 34;

        public void RetrieveAccounts()
            if (_ssn.Length == 0)
                throw new Exception("You have not yet logged in");

            // if we already have the accounts
            if (_accountNumbers != null)

            // create a GetAccounts
            // 4 Bytes TXN in EBCDIC
            // 9 Bytes SSN in EBCDIC
            string wholeMessageUnicode = "WB02" + _ssn;

            // convert to EBCDIC
            byte[] ebcdicTXN = hostConverter.ConvertUnicodeToEbcdic(wholeMessageUnicode);

            // send the stuff off, throwing if on error
            SessionLU0Data data = new SessionLU0Data();

            data.Data = ebcdicTXN;

            // trace out the data to send
            TraceData(true, ebcdicTXN, 0);


            // now wait for the reply for 20 seconds
            SessionLU0Data receivedData = _session.Receive(20000, true);

            // trace out the received data
            TraceData(false, receivedData.Data, (int)receivedData.Indication);

            // translate back to Unicode
            string unicodeString = hostConverter.ConvertEbcdicToUnicode(receivedData.Data);

            // Format of returned message:
            // 1 Byte
            //      0 = Success
            //      3 = No Such SSN
            // 1 Byte - Count of Accounts, Max 9
            // 9 * (10 Bytes - Number, 10 Bytes - Name)
            switch (unicodeString[0])
            case '0':

            case '3':
                throw new Exception("Invalid SSN!");

                throw new Exception("Host returned - " + unicodeString[0]);

            // get the count
            int numberOfAccounts = int.Parse(unicodeString.Substring(1, 1));

            if (numberOfAccounts == 0)
                throw new Exception("Data returned from Host - " + unicodeString + " shows Count of Accounts = 0");

            int expectedLength = 2 + numberOfAccounts * (10 + 10);

            if (unicodeString.Length != expectedLength)
                throw new Exception("Data returned from Host - " + unicodeString + " is not " + expectedLength.ToString() + " characters long");

            _accountNumbers = new string[numberOfAccounts];
            _accountNames   = new string[numberOfAccounts];

            int offset       = 2;
            int accountIndex = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfAccounts; i++)
                // filter out the account corresponding to the account logged in
                if (unicodeString.Substring(offset, 10) != _accountNumber)
                    _accountNumbers[accountIndex] = unicodeString.Substring(offset, 10);
                    offset += 10;
                    _accountNames[accountIndex++] = unicodeString.Substring(offset, 10);
                    offset += 10;
                    offset += 20;
            if (numberOfAccounts != accountIndex)
                Array.Resize(ref _accountNumbers, accountIndex);
                Array.Resize(ref _accountNames, accountIndex);
        public decimal Transfer(int value, string accountNumber)
            if (_ssn.Length == 0)
                throw new Exception("You have not yet logged in");

            if (accountNumber.Length != 10)
                throw new ArgumentException("Length is not 10", "accountNumber");

            if (value < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value", "You can only transfer positive values");

            // no sense in moving stuff from / to the same account
            if (accountNumber == _accountNumber)
                throw new ArgumentException("Transfer not supported to/from the same account", "accountNumber");

            // create a Transfer
            // 4 Bytes TXN in EBCDIC
            // 10 Bytes Account Number in EBCDIC
            // 9 Bytes SSN in EBCDIC
            // 3 Bytes value (020/040/060/080/100/150/200) in EBCDIC
            // 10 Bytes Destination Account Number in EBCDIC
            string valueString = value.ToString();

            if (valueString.Length == 2)
                valueString = "0" + valueString;

            string wholeMessageUnicode = "WB04" + _accountNumber + _ssn + valueString + accountNumber;

            // convert to EBCDIC
            byte[] ebcdicTXN = hostConverter.ConvertUnicodeToEbcdic(wholeMessageUnicode);

            // send the stuff off, throwing if on error
            SessionLU0Data data = new SessionLU0Data();

            data.Data = ebcdicTXN;

            // trace out the data to send
            TraceData(true, ebcdicTXN, 0);


            // now wait for the reply for 20 seconds
            SessionLU0Data receivedData = _session.Receive(20000, true);

            // trace out the received data
            TraceData(false, receivedData.Data, (int)receivedData.Indication);

            // translate back to Unicode
            string unicodeString = hostConverter.ConvertEbcdicToUnicode(receivedData.Data);

            // Format of returned message:
            // 1 Byte
            //      0 = Success
            //      1 = No Such Account (source)
            //      3 = No Such SSN
            //      4 = Would Overdraw
            //      5 = No Such Account (destination)
            // 10.2 (13) Bytes - Balance
            switch (unicodeString[0])
            case '0':

            case '1':
                throw new Exception("Invalid Account Number - Source!");

            case '3':
                throw new Exception("Invalid SSN!");

            case '4':
                throw new Exception("Would require an Overdraft!");

            case '5':
                throw new Exception("Invalid Account Number - Destination!");

                throw new Exception("Host returned - " + unicodeString[0]);

            if (unicodeString.Length != 14)
                throw new Exception("Data returned from Host - " + unicodeString + " is not 14 characters long");

        public decimal Withdraw(int value)
            if (_ssn.Length == 0)
                throw new Exception("You have not yet logged in");

            // create a Withdrawal
            // 4 Bytes TXN in EBCDIC
            // 10 Bytes Account Number in EBCDIC
            // 9 Bytes SSN in EBCDIC
            // 3 Bytes value (020/040/060/080/100/150/200) in EBCDIC
            string valueString = value.ToString();

            if (valueString.Length == 2)
                valueString = "0" + valueString;

            string wholeMessageUnicode = "WB03" + _accountNumber + _ssn + valueString;

            // convert to EBCDIC
            byte[] ebcdicTXN = hostConverter.ConvertUnicodeToEbcdic(wholeMessageUnicode);

            // send the stuff off, throwing if on error
            SessionLU0Data data = new SessionLU0Data();

            data.Data = ebcdicTXN;

            // trace out the data to send
            TraceData(true, ebcdicTXN, 0);


            // now wait for the reply for 20 seconds
            SessionLU0Data receivedData = _session.Receive(20000, true);

            // trace out the received data
            TraceData(false, receivedData.Data, (int)receivedData.Indication);

            // translate back to Unicode
            string unicodeString = hostConverter.ConvertEbcdicToUnicode(receivedData.Data);

            // Format of returned message:
            // 1 Byte
            //      0 = Success
            //      1 = No Such Account
            //      3 = No Such SSN
            //      4 = Would Overdraw
            // 10.2 (13) Bytes - Balance
            switch (unicodeString[0])
            case '0':

            case '1':
                throw new Exception("Invalid Account Number!");

            case '3':
                throw new Exception("Invalid SSN!");

            case '4':
                throw new Exception("Would require an Overdraft!");

                throw new Exception("Host returned - " + unicodeString[0]);

            if (unicodeString.Length != 14)
                throw new Exception("Data returned from Host - " + unicodeString + " is not 14 characters long");
