예제 #1
        public async Task <IHttpActionResult> GetUsuarios(ServidorFiltroModel filtro)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            string where = "";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filtro.Nome))
                where += " AND A.DSUsuario like '%" + Util.TratarString(filtro.Nome) + "%'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filtro.Matricula))
                where += " AND B.Matricula like '" + Util.TratarString(filtro.Matricula) + "'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filtro.IdSetor))
                where += " AND B.IDSetor = " + Util.TratarString(filtro.IdSetor);
            sb.AppendLine("SELECT DISTINCT B.IDVinculoUsuario Codigo, A.DSUsuario, isNull(B.Matricula, '') Matricula, B.IDRegimeHora");
            sb.AppendLine("FROM TBUsuario A");
            sb.AppendLine("JOIN TBVinculoUsuario B ON (A.IDUsuario = B.IDUsuario)");
            //sb.AppendLine("LEFT JOIN TbRegimeHorario_Vinculo C ON (C.IDVinculoUsuario = B.IDVinculoUsuario AND C.Situacao = 1)");
            sb.AppendLine("WHERE B.IDEmpresa = " + filtro.usu.IdEmpresa);
            List <object> list = new List <object>();
            SqlDataReader dr   = Util.getDataReader(sb.ToString());

            while (dr.Read())
                    Codigo       = dr["Codigo"].ToString(),
                    Nome         = dr["DSUsuario"].ToString(),
                    Matricula    = dr["Matricula"].ToString(),
                    IdRegimeHora = dr["IDRegimeHora"].ToString(),
예제 #2
        public async Task <IHttpActionResult> GetEscalasUsuarios(ServidorFiltroModel filtro)
            int RowInicial = (((filtro.NumeroPagina) * 50) - 50);
            int RowFinal   = (((filtro.NumeroPagina) * 50));

            string where = "", where2 = "";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filtro.Nome))
                where  += " AND U.DSUsuario like '%" + Util.TratarString(filtro.Nome) + "%'";
                where2 += " AND U.DSUsuario like '%" + Util.TratarString(filtro.Nome) + "%'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filtro.Matricula))
                where  += " AND VU.Matricula like '" + Util.TratarString(filtro.Matricula) + "'";
                where2 += " AND VU.Matricula like '" + Util.TratarString(filtro.Matricula) + "'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filtro.IdSetor))
                where  += " AND VU.IDSetor = " + Util.TratarString(filtro.IdSetor);
                where2 += " AND VU.IDSetor = " + Util.TratarString(filtro.IdSetor);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filtro.Mes))
                where += " AND isNull(datepart(MM, RE.DataEscala)," + Util.TratarString(filtro.Mes) + ") = " + Util.TratarString(filtro.Mes);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filtro.IdTipoRegime))
                where  += " AND VU.IDRegimeHora = " + Util.TratarString(filtro.IdTipoRegime);
                where2 += " AND VU.IDRegimeHora = " + Util.TratarString(filtro.IdTipoRegime);

            string idRegime = "", idUsuario = "";
            bool   loopRegime = true;
            List <RegimesEscalaModal> list = new List <RegimesEscalaModal>();
            StringBuilder             sb   = new StringBuilder();

            sb.AppendLine("SELECT datepart(DAY, RE.DataEscala) DiaMes, RE.IdEscala, RE.DataEscala, CONVERT(VARCHAR(12),RE.DataHoraEntrada,103) DataEntrada, CONVERT(VARCHAR(5),CONVERT(TIME(4),RE.DataHoraEntrada)) HoraEntrada, ");
            sb.AppendLine("CONVERT(VARCHAR(12),RE.DataHorasSaida,103) DataSaida, CONVERT(VARCHAR(5),CONVERT(TIME(4),RE.DataHorasSaida)) HoraSaida, VU.IdVinculoUsuario IdUsuario, VU.IDVinculoUsuario IdVinculoRegime,R.IDRegimeHora,R.DSRegimeHora Regime,");
            sb.AppendLine("INTO #TEMP");
            sb.AppendLine("FROM dbo.TBVinculoUsuario VU");
            sb.AppendLine("JOIN dbo.TBRegimeHora R ON (R.IDRegimeHora = VU.IDRegimeHora)");
            sb.AppendLine("JOIN dbo.TBUsuario U ON (U.IdUsuario = VU.IdUsuario)");
            sb.AppendLine("LEFT JOIN TbRegimeHorario_Escala RE ON(VU.IDVinculoUsuario = RE.IdVinculoUsuario)");
            sb.AppendLine("WHERE VU.IDStatus = 1 AND VU.IdEmpresa = " + filtro.usu.IdEmpresa);

            sb.AppendLine("SELECT *");
            sb.AppendLine("INTO #TEMP2");
            sb.AppendLine("SELECT * FROM #TEMP");
            sb.AppendLine("SELECT NULL DiaMes, NULL IdEscala, NULL DataEscala, NULL DataEntrada, NULL HoraEntrada, NULL DataSaida, NULL HoraSaida, ");
            sb.AppendLine("VU.IdVinculoUsuario IdUsuario, VU.IdVinculoUsuario IdVinculoRegime,R.IDRegimeHora,R.DSRegimeHora Regime,");
            sb.AppendLine("FROM dbo.TBVinculoUsuario VU WITH(NOLOCK)");
            sb.AppendLine("JOIN dbo.TBRegimeHora R  WITH(NOLOCK) ON (R.IDRegimeHora = VU.IDRegimeHora)");
            sb.AppendLine("JOIN dbo.TBUsuario U WITH(NOLOCK) ON (U.IdUsuario = VU.IdUsuario)");
            sb.AppendLine("WHERE VU.IDStatus = 1 AND VU.IdEmpresa = " + filtro.usu.IdEmpresa);
            sb.AppendLine("AND VU.IDVinculoUsuario NOT IN(SELECT IdVinculoRegime FROM #TEMP)");
            sb.AppendLine(") A");
            sb.AppendLine("DECLARE @CountRows int");
            sb.AppendLine("SET @CountRows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT IdVinculoRegime FROM #TEMP2) A)");
            sb.AppendLine("SELECT DiaMes, IdEscala, DataEscala, DataEntrada, HoraEntrada, DataSaida, HoraSaida, IdUsuario, IdVinculoRegime, IDRegimeHora, Regime, @CountRows NumeroLinhas,");
            sb.AppendLine("CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), DSUsuario) DSUsuario");
            sb.AppendLine("FROM #TEMP2");
            sb.AppendLine("WHERE IdVinculoRegime IN");
            sb.AppendLine("    SELECT DISTINCT IdVinculoRegime");
            sb.AppendLine("	FROM #TEMP2");
            sb.AppendLine("	ORDER BY IdVinculoRegime");
            sb.AppendLine("	OFFSET " + RowInicial + " ROWS FETCH NEXT " + RowFinal + " ROWS ONLY");
            sb.AppendLine("ORDER BY IDRegimeHora, DSUsuario,  IdUsuario, DiaMes");
            //sb.AppendLine("ORDER BY IDRegimeHora, DSUsuario, DiaMes");

            #region OLD
            //sb.AppendLine("SELECT datepart(DAY, RE.DataEscala) DiaMes, RE.IdEscala, RE.DataEscala, CONVERT(VARCHAR(12),RE.DataHoraEntrada,103) DataEntrada, CONVERT(VARCHAR(5),CONVERT(TIME(4),RE.DataHoraEntrada)) HoraEntrada, ");
            //sb.AppendLine("CONVERT(VARCHAR(12),RE.DataHorasSaida,103) DataSaida, CONVERT(VARCHAR(5),CONVERT(TIME(4),RE.DataHorasSaida)) HoraSaida, VU.IdVinculoUsuario IdUsuario, RV.IdVinculoRegime,R.IDRegimeHora,R.DSRegimeHora Regime,");
            //sb.AppendLine("CASE WHEN SUBSTRING(U.DSUsuario, 0, CHARINDEX(' ', U.DSUsuario, CHARINDEX(' ', U.DSUsuario, 0) + 1)) <> '' THEN SUBSTRING(U.DSUsuario, 0, CHARINDEX(' ', U.DSUsuario, CHARINDEX(' ', U.DSUsuario, 0) + 1)) ELSE U.DSUsuario END DSUsuario");
            //sb.AppendLine("INTO #TEMP");
            //sb.AppendLine("FROM dbo.TbRegimeHorario_Vinculo RV");
            //sb.AppendLine("JOIN dbo.TBRegimeHora R ON (R.IDRegimeHora = RV.IDRegimeHora)");
            //sb.AppendLine("JOIN dbo.TBVinculoUsuario VU ON (VU.IDVinculoUsuario = RV.IDVinculoUsuario)");
            //sb.AppendLine("JOIN dbo.TBUsuario U ON (U.IdUsuario = VU.IdUsuario)");
            //sb.AppendLine("LEFT JOIN TbRegimeHorario_Escala RE ON(RV.IdVinculoRegime = RE.IdVinculoRegime)");
            //sb.AppendLine("WHERE VU.IdEmpresa = " + filtro.usu.IdEmpresa);

            //sb.AppendLine("SELECT * FROM #TEMP");
            //sb.AppendLine("SELECT NULL DiaMes, NULL IdEscala, NULL DataEscala, NULL DataEntrada, NULL HoraEntrada, NULL DataSaida, NULL HoraSaida, ");
            //sb.AppendLine("VU.IdVinculoUsuario IdUsuario, RV.IdVinculoRegime,R.IDRegimeHora,R.DSRegimeHora Regime,");
            //sb.AppendLine("CASE WHEN SUBSTRING(U.DSUsuario, 0, CHARINDEX(' ', U.DSUsuario, CHARINDEX(' ', U.DSUsuario, 0) + 1)) <> '' THEN SUBSTRING(U.DSUsuario, 0, CHARINDEX(' ', U.DSUsuario, CHARINDEX(' ', U.DSUsuario, 0) + 1)) ELSE U.DSUsuario END DSUsuario");
            //sb.AppendLine("FROM dbo.TbRegimeHorario_Vinculo RV");
            //sb.AppendLine("JOIN dbo.TBRegimeHora R ON (R.IDRegimeHora = RV.IDRegimeHora)");
            //sb.AppendLine("JOIN dbo.TBVinculoUsuario VU ON (VU.IDVinculoUsuario = RV.IDVinculoUsuario)");
            //sb.AppendLine("JOIN dbo.TBUsuario U ON (U.IdUsuario = VU.IdUsuario)");
            //sb.AppendLine("WHERE VU.IdEmpresa = " + filtro.usu.IdEmpresa);
            //sb.AppendLine("ORDER BY IDRegimeHora, DSUsuario, DiaMes");
            #endregion OLD

            SqlDataReader dr    = Util.getDataReader(sb.ToString());
            int           i     = 0;
            int           indUs = 0;
            while (dr.Read())
                if (idRegime != dr["IDRegimeHora"].ToString())
                    loopRegime = true;
                if (loopRegime)
                    list.Add(new RegimesEscalaModal()
                        IdRegime     = dr["IDRegimeHora"].ToString(),
                        Regime       = dr["Regime"].ToString(),
                        NumeroLinhas = dr["NumeroLinhas"].ToString(),
                        Usuarios     = new List <UsuariosEscalaModal>()
                    loopRegime = false;

                i = list.Count - 1;

                if ((idUsuario != dr["IdUsuario"].ToString()) || (idRegime != dr["IDRegimeHora"].ToString()))
                    list[i].Usuarios.Add(new UsuariosEscalaModal
                        IdUsuario       = dr["IdUsuario"].ToString(),
                        Nome            = dr["DSUsuario"].ToString(),
                        IdVinculoRegime = dr["IdVinculoRegime"].ToString(),
                        Datas           = new List <DataEscalaModal>()
                indUs = list[i].Usuarios.Count - 1;

                list[i].Usuarios[indUs].Datas.Add(new DataEscalaModal
                    IdEscala    = dr["IdEscala"].ToString(),
                    DataEscala  = dr["DataEscala"].ToString(),
                    DataEntrada = dr["DataEntrada"].ToString(),
                    HoraEntrada = dr["HoraEntrada"].ToString(),
                    DataSaida   = dr["DataSaida"].ToString(),
                    HoraSaida   = dr["HoraSaida"].ToString(),
                    DiaMes      = dr["DiaMes"].ToString(),

                idRegime  = dr["IDRegimeHora"].ToString();
                idUsuario = dr["IdUsuario"].ToString();